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VOLUME 41, 1951
* CHARLES DRECHSLER WiiiiaM EF. FosuHaG J. P. E. Morrison
J.C. Ewrrs J. I. Horrman
F. A. CHAce, JR. Miriam L. BomHArRD
R. K. Coox
Mount Royau & Guitrorp AVES.
BaurimoreE, Mob.
No. :
. 1-48, January 18, 1951
. 49-84, February 23, 1951
_ 85-116, April 3, 1951
. 117-148, April 25, 1951
. 149-180, May 24, 1951
. 181-212, June 22, 1951
. 213-244, July 31, 1951
. 245-276, August 27, 1951
9, pp.
. 10, pp. 809-340, October 24, 1951
277-308, September 24, 1951
11, pp. 341-372, November 14, 1951
. 12, pp. 373-404, December 26, 1951
» fi a
: i) \ +
oF t
Vo. 41 re ee od No. 1
J. P. E. Morrison JAMES 8. WILLIAMS
Expert L. Littie, Jr. Joun C. EWERsS
Mount Roya & GuILForD AVEs.
Bawtimore, MARYLAND
Entered as second class matter under the Act of August 24, 1912, at Baltimore, Md.
Acceptance fo mailing at a special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925
Authorized February 17, 1949
Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences
This JOURNAL, the official organ of the Washington Academy of Sciences, publishes:
(1) Short original papers, written or communicated by members of the Academy; (2)
proceedings and programs of meetings of the Academy and affiliated societies; (3)
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monthly, on the fifteenth of each month. Volumes correspond to calendar years.
Manuscripts may be sent to any member of the Board of Editors. It is urgently re-
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manuscripts to the usage found there as regards arrangement of title, subheads, syn-
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Manuscripts should be typewritten, double-spaced, on good paper. Footnotes should
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VoLuME 41 January 1951 No. 1
THE PAPERS appearing in this issue of the JouRNAL are written by friends and
colleagues of Austin Hobart Clark and form a slight token of their respective
authors’ regard for him and tor his work.* As may be seen from their contents, the
papers cover a wide range of material and interests. This is eminently as it should
be, for few biologists of our time have embraced within the extent of their knowledge
and the scope of their sympathies so many and such diverse portions of the fauna
and flora of the world. Although his main published works deal with the echino-
derms, and particularly with the crinoids, his bibliography includes many and
important contributions to our knowledge of birds, of butterflies, of Peripatus, of
flowering plants, and even of topics so difficult to classify and pigeonhole as ‘“‘general
natural history.’ He was for long a leading figure in the popularization of natural
history and a prolific contributor to its literature, as witnessed by his two little
volumes of Nature narratives. He was a pioneer in the now widespread use of current
scientific data and materials by the newspapers and was one of the first to sense the
application of the radio to the dissemination of scientific news and thoughts. For
many years he served as the press and publicity official for the American Association
for the Advancement of Science, and he did much to build up the techniques of
“science reporting” in this country.
To his colleagues he was, and is, a man to whom anyone could converse about his
own pet specialty or even tangential interest with the assurance not only that he
would be understood but also that it would elicit some stimulating and thought-
provoking comment from him. An unusually broad acquaintance with the forms of
living things and a remarkably retentive memory for the literature about them
have given Clark the background for such books as his Animals of land and sea and
Animals alive, while his lively curiosity about them conditioned his thinking as
expressed in his book on Zoogenesis.
When a man attains the age at which his colleagues think of expressing publicly
their esteem of him, it is often assumed that he is about to merge gracefully with
the ghosts of the forerunners of his particular science. I am confident that none of
his many friends have any such thought in mind. Those who know him best are
aware that his mind is far too active to assume a passive status and feel that were
he to become a ghost he would probably lose no time in organizing among his fellow
spirits a new society for the cultivation of scientific interests.
* See note on page 48.
san 24 108!
Born at Wellesley, Mass., December 17,
1880; prepared for college in the high school
and in Cutler’s School, Newton, Mass.;
entered Harvard in 1899, graduated with
A.B. degree in 1903.
Member of the Washington Academy of
Sciences since April 8, 1912; has been one of
its most indefatigable workers and staunch-
est supporters over the years; president in
1941 and before and since that time vice-
president representing two of the affliated
societies, Archeological in 1922, 1923 and
Entomological, 1936, 1939-1944; member of
the Board of Managers 1926-28, Committee
on Meetings 1920-21, 1938, 1939, Committee
on Membership 1934, 1938, Committee on
Awards for Scientific Achievement (first gen-
eral chairman) 1940, Subcommittee on
Awards in Biological Sciences 1940, 1943,
Committee on Policy and Planning 1941-51,
Committee on Encouragement of Science
Talent 1950-52.
Chief interest, animal life. This, he tells
us, began about at the age of 10. Already in
1898 he was abroad a year “getting ac-
quainted with European creatures,” and in
the following summer he learned to know
more of the American ones in the mountains
of Tennessee. Two years later, at the head
of a personally organized expedition, he was
investigating the flora and fauna of Marga-
rita Island, Venezuela; the published results
led to his election as a fellow of the Royal
(London) Geographic Society in 1904. Fol-
lowing graduation from college in 1903, after
a brief sojourn at the then newly established
Bermuda biological station, he spent two
years exploring the Lesser Antilles. There-
after, joining the U. 8. Bureau of Fisheries,
he served as naturalist on the 1906 cruise of
the Fisheries steamer Albatross to Japan.
Professional career: Collaborator (honor-
ary), United States National Museum 1908;
assistant curator, Division of Marine In-
vertebrates 1909-20; curator, Division of
Echinoderms 1920-50; retired December 31,
1950; in 1923 established a series of weekly
radio talks given in the name of the Smith-
sonian Institution.
Affiliations: American Association for the
Advancement of Science (news manager and
director press service, 1924-89 in charge
radio programs, centennial meeting, Wash-
ington, D. C., 1948); International Com-
mittee on Radio (Comité International de la
T.S.F.); American Geophysical Union
(chairman for Oceanographic Section); Ad-
visory Committee on Source Bed Studies of
the American Petroleum Institute and Amer-
ican Association of Petroleum Geologists;
American Association of Museums; Carnegie
Corporation and Rockefeller Foundation
Conference on Place of Science in Education;
Virginia Academy of Science; (2d honorary
member; committee on long-range planning
and science education) ; Executive Committee
of the Southern Association of Science and
Industry; Eighth American Scientific Con-
egress (press relations officer); National Parks
Association (trustee); Navy Oceanographic
Conference (1924); National Association of
Science Writers (first honorary member);
American Society of Naturalists; American
Ornithologists’ Union; Lepidopterists So-
ciety (vice-president); Biological Society of
Washington; Entomological Society; Cam-
bridge (Massachusetts) Entomological Club;
aide-de-camp to the Prince of Monaco during
the latter’s visit to this country in 1921. In
1927 His Majesty, the King of Denmark and
Iceland, conferred upon Austin Clark the
Cross of a Knight of the Order of Dannebrog.
Author of more than 650 papers, treatises,
and books, technical and popular, chiefly in
the field of zoology, marine biology, ocea-
nography, and natural history, ermoids, echi-
noderms, birds, and Lepidoptera.
Publications especially worthy of mention
are: A Monograph of the existing crinoids;
The new evolution—Zoogenesis; Nature nar-
ratives; Butterflies of the District of Columbia;
Animals of land and sea; Animals alive.
Married Mary Wendell Upham 1906, de-
ceased 932% children, two sons, three daugh-
ters; 6 grandchildren. Married, Leila Gay
Forbes, 1933.
W. LS.
OF SCIENCES vou. 41, No. 1
PALEONTOLOGY .—New brachiopods from the Lower Cambrian of Virginia.
G. ArTHUR Coorrr, U.S. National Museum.
The brachiopods described and _ figured
herein were collected by several geologists
during investigations of the geology about
Austinville, Va. The first lot of material
was collected by W. Horatio Brown, chief
geologist for the New Jersey Zine Co. at
the Bertha Mineral Co. in 1929. Later col-
lections were made by Charles Butts, E. O.
Ulrich, George W. and Anna J. Stose, and
Charles E. Resser. Most of the brachiopods
were too poorly preserved to be recovered
from the matrix in identifiable form, but
from the large quantity of material collected
it was possible to prepare a few first-rate
The chief obstacle to successful prepara-
tion of the specimens was tight cementation
to the limestone matrix enclosing them.
Several were destroyed in attempting to
split them out of the matrix, because the
pedicle valve posterior always failed to
crack away from the surrounding rock. The
same was true after the rock was roasted
and plunged in cold water. The anterior and
lateral parts of pedicle valves were released,
but perfect beaks were never obtained. The
reason for this difficulty proved to be a
large foramen near the apex through which
the filling of the inside was joined to the
matrix outside the shell. After this discovery
several specimens were cleaned that showed
the large apical foramen, which is of con-
siderable interest in brachiopod taxonomy.
These new genera occur in a reef lime-
stone in the Lower Cambrian (Shady) for-
mation with the brachiopods Kutorgina,
Nisusia, Swantonia, and Yorkia. Character-
istic Lower Cambrian trilobites occurring
in the same rock are: Kootenia, Rimouskia,
Bonnia, and Labradoria. These clearly fix
the age of the peculiar forms here discussed.
The two species herein described are
named in honor of Austin H. Clark in recog-
nition of his great contributions to taxonomy
and biology.
Eoconcha, n. gen.
Shell spiriferoid in appearance, strongly and
subequally biconvex, with a wide hinge that may
1 Received October 6, 1950.
or may not form the greatest shell width; brachial
valve sulcate; pedicle valve with a low median
fold; surface marked by strong direct and inter-
calated costae.
Palintrope of pedicle valve well developed,
generally apsacline; delthryium covered by a
convex pseudodeltidium; foramen moderately
large, located at or anterior to the apex as in
Nisusia. Teeth small, inconspicuous, forming by
their forward growth a marginal thickening along
lateral edges of delthryium; dental plates absent.
Brachial valve with flattened brachiophores
located under the notothyrial edge and without
supporting plates as in Nisusza. Seat of diductor
muscle attachment a small callosity located at
the apex of the notothryial cavity. Muscular
(adductor) scar elongate, located in front of no-
tothyrial callosity on each side of median line.
Genotype: Hoconcha austint, n. sp.
Discussion.—The internal characters of this
genus are essentially the same as those of Nisusia
with the exception that in the latter a trace of
dental plates has been detected (Cooper,” p. 213).
Thus the generic definition of this peculiar bra-
chiopod is based mainly on the external features.
Although the nature of the pseudodeltidium and
palintropes is like that of Niswsia the ornamen-
tation, profile and folding are different. The
ornamentation of Hoconcha consists of simple,
strong costae that extend from the beak to the
anterior margins or may be intercalated at the
front or middle of the shell. The characteristic
spines of the Nisusia exterior are not present in
this new genus.
The brachial valve is provided with a fairly
deep median sulcus while the pedicle valve has a
more or less well-defined fold. The presence of a
sulcus on the brachial valve is a feature common
to geologically early or immature brachiopods
particularly those of the Orthacea. The brachial
sulcus is here regarded as a primitive character.
The actual apical foramen in the specimen on
which this genus and species is based was not
seen except in one specimen. It is inferred in the
others from the fact that the beaks of all pedicle
valves are broken away. This is a common fea-
ture also of specimens of Nisusia similarly pre-
> Cooppr, G. A. New Cambrian brachiopods
from Alaska. Journ. Paleont. 10 (3): 210-214, pl.
26. 1936.
Eoconcha austini, n. sp.
Biconvex, wider than long, with the hinge
forming the widest part or narrower than the
midwidth; cardinal extremities acutely or ob-
tusely angular. Surface costate with 9-13 costae.
Pedicle valve moderately convex to subpyram-
idal in lateral profile, strongly and somewhat
narrowly rounded in anterior profile; median
fold originating posterior to the middle, not
greatly elevated above the surface of the valve
and composed of one to three costae. Lateral
slopes convex and moderately steep. Beak ob-
tuse; interarea moderately long, apsacline.
Brachial valve moderately convex in lateral
profile and more broadly convex than the pedicle
valve in anterior profile. Sulcus shallow, narrow,
extending from beak to anterior margin and us-
ually occupied by one costa which is depressed
below the two strong costae bounding the sulcus.
Flanks with moderately steep slopes to the car-
dinal extremities.
Measurements in mm.—Pedicle valve (U.S.N.
M. no. 111691-a), length 9.2, midwidth 12.0,
hinge-width 11.7; (111691-e) length 10.3, mid-
width 12.9, hinge-width 12.7, thickness about
5. Brachial valves (111691-i) length 9.8, mid-
width 15.4, hinge-width 13.9, thickness 3.9?;
(111691-k) length 9.4, midwidth 13.7, hinge-
width 15.4?, thickness 4.1?
Types—Holotype, U.S.N.M. no. 111691-a; fig-
ured paratypes, U.S.N.M. nos. 111691-d, f, g, h,
k, m; unfigured paratypes, U.S.N.M. nos. 111691-
ID) GG th tly Ie
Horizon and locality.—Shady formation, 1 mile
east of Austinville, Max Meadows quadrangle,
Discussion.—The strong costae of the exterior
distinguish this from any known species of
Nisusia. No other species of Hoconcha is now
Matutella, n. gen.
Shell fairly large, syntrophoid in profile and
outline; brachial valve strongly uniplicate, pedicle
valve deeply sulcate; hinge wide; ornamenta-
tion consisting of irregular intercalated and bi-
furcating costellae.
Pedicle umbo pierced by a large longitudinally
oval foramen; palintrope short, delthyrium mod-
erately wide, covered by a convex pseudodeltid-
ium. Dental plates absent. Diductor sears flabel-
Brachial valve with long flat palintrope with
exceptionally broad interarea; notothyrium wide,
other details of the interior uncertain.
Genotype: Matutella clark, n. sp.
Discussion.—This genus is quite unlike any
other known Paleozoic brachiopod in the extent
to which the foramen is developed. This wide
foramen existing with a delthyrium covered by
a convex pseudodeltidium suggests relationship
to the members of the Nisusiidae. Matutella
differs from Nisusia and FHoconcha in the ex-
ceptionally large foramen and the syntrophoid
shape and form of the valves. It differs further
from Hoconcha in having the high fold on the
brachial valve and the deep sulcus on the pedicle
This unusual brachiopod combines primitive
and advanced characters to form a paradoxical
genus. The external form is that of one of the later
brachiopods such as Syntrophina, Platystrophia,
or a narrow-hinged spiriferoid. Casual inspection
has led observers to regard specimens as of later
age than the Cambrian, so unusual is its form.
The strong convexity of both valves is an unusual
feature for an early brachiopod. Along with the
convexity, as an advanced character, is the deep
folding of both valves and the localization of the
foldtothe brachial valve. In contemporary Nisusia
the folding is not standardized as it is in Matutella,
the same species often showing a faint fold or
suleus on the pedicle or brachial valve. This
lack of stability in folding is a primitive character
whereas the strong localization of the fold to the
brachial valve is a feature that has become fixed
in most of the advanced members of the Pro-
Although the folding is that of an advanced
brachiopod the ornamentation of Matutella
is primitive in its lack of standardization and the
wavy character of the costellae.
The most unusual feature of the genus is the
large foramen that occupies nearly or all of the
stronely convex umbo. The beak is located at
the narrow end of the oval and is thickened and
strengthened at this point. The foramen varies
in size on four specimens from 8 by 2 mm to
5 by 84mm. So far as can be observed the shell
is not noticeably thickened around the margins
of the foramen except in the vicinity of the beak.
The interarea of the pedicle valve of Matutella
is like that of most brachiopods having this form
and convexity. It is short, curved generally
orthocline or anacline. The teeth are small and
located at the basal angles of the delthyrium as
usual in most brachiopods. The pseudodeltidium
is narrowly elevated and considerably thickened
from the inside and very effectively covers the
delthyrium. The latter obviously did not serve
as a pedicle opening in this genus. Much of the
shell of Matutella was so thin that mere traces of
the musculature occur on any of the specimens
where the valves have been exfoliated. Faint
markings that are possible flabellate diductors
occur on internal impressions on the antero-
lateral extremities on each side of the foramen.
The thin shell and poor preservation combine
to make preparation of internal characters of the
brachial valve almost impossible. The palintrope
of this valve is quite unusual in its length and
breadth. It is usually deeply striated parallel
to the hinge-line by interruptions in growth.
The notothyrium is wide but on its margins the
characteristic thickenings of brachiophores were
not seen on any of the specimens nor were any
well-defined sockets seen. One specimen indicates
the rudiments of a chilidium in an upward wave
of the palintrope at the beak. The musculature is
as indefinite as the rest of the structures of this
valve. Several exfoliated specimens show vague
markings suggesting the musculature of the bra-
chial valve of Nisusia.
Matutella clarki, n. sp.
Shell large for a Cambrian genus, wider than
long, with the hinge slightly less than the greatest
shell width, which is located a short distance
voL. 41, No. 1
anterior to the middle. Cardinal extremities ob-
tuse or nearly rectangular with small ears on
pedicle valve. Sides moderately convex; anterior
commissure strongly uniplicate. Surface marked
by narrowly rounded radiating but irregular
costellae which fade out on the cardinal extrem-
ities. Costellae increasing by bifurcation and in-
tercalation. Fine concentric growth lines over the
entire shell.
Pedicle valve moderately convex in lateral
profile but with the umbonal region truncated by
the foramen; anterior profile deeply suleate; sul-
cus originating slightly anterior to the foramen,
deepening and widening rapidly to equal about
half the width of the valve; sulcus extended to-
ward the brachial valve into a long and sharply
pointed tongue bent nearly at right angles to the
lateral commissure. Flanks bounding sulcus nar-
rowly rounded in anterior profile with steep
slopes to the cardinal extremities. Interarea short,
about orthocline in position. Beak small incurved;
foramen large and longitudinally elliptical.
Brachial valve gently convex im lateral pro-
file, most noticeably convex in the umbonal
region; anterior profile almost semicircular but
with flattened top; fold origmating less than one-
third the length from the beak, narrowly rounded
to subcarinate and most strongly elevated at
anterior. Flanks bounding fold gently rounded
and with steep slopes to the sides and cardinal
extremities. Interarea long, orthocline (?).
Measurements in mm.—Holotype, pedicle
valve, length 13.4, width at middle 17.6, hinge-
Fias. 1-38.—Nisusia borealis Cooper: 1, Apical view of young pedicle valve showing elevated pseudo-
deltidium and large foramen, X38, U.S.N.M. no. 91903-a; 2, 3, respectively posterior and apical views
of an incomplete adult pedicle valve, X4, showing elevated pseudodeltidium, hypotype, U.S.N.M. no.
111692. Introduced for comparison with Hoconcha and Matutella.
Frias. 4-7, 9-14.—Hoconcha austini Cooper, n. gen., n. sp.: 4, Posterior view of an impression of the
interior of a pedicle valve showing convex pseudodeltidium and thickening along delthyrial edge rep-
resenting growth track of teeth, X2, paratype, U.S.N.M. no. 111691-d; 5, impression of apex of pedicle
valve showing convex pseudodeltidium, 2, holotype, U.S.N.M. no. 111691-a; 10, 11, posterior and apical
views of a wax replica of the pedicle valve prepared from impression illustrated in Fig. 5 (shows pseudo-
deltidium and foramen, the latter imperfectly, <2); 6, 7, respectively posterior and brachial views of
the impression of a brachial valve, X2, X14, showing impression of brachiophores, paratype, U.S.N.M.
no. 111691-g; 9, posterior view of an internal impression of a pedicle valve showing fractured apex in-
dicating presence of open foramen, X1, paratype, U.S.N.M. no. 111691-m; 12, wax replica of interior
of a brachial valve showing primitive brachiophores, X2, paratype, U.S.N.M. no. 111691-h; 13, impres-
sion of a brachial valve showing costae, X2, paratype, U.S.N.M. no. 111691-k; 14, impression of brachial
interior showing probable adductor muscle impressions, <2, paratype, U.S.N.M. no. 111691-f.
Fras. 8, 15-27.—Matutella clarki Cooper, n. gen., n. sp.: 8, Pedicle interarea showing rounded pseudo-
deltidium, X2, paratype, U.S.N.M. no. 111689-c; 19, 25, exterior of two pedicle valves, X1, respectively
holotype, U.S.N.M. no. 111689-a, and paratype, U.S.N.M. no. 111689-d; 15, 29, 24, respectively anterior,
exterior, and posterior views of the pedicle valve, X2, paratype, U.S.N.M. no. 111689-d; 16, exterior
of a large but imperfect brachial valve, X2, paratype, U.S.N.M. no. 111689-k; 17. Imperfect brachial
valve showing ornamentation, X2, paratype, U.S.N.M. no. 111689-g; 18, 23, respectively posterior and
exterior views of the holotype, X2. showing foramen and ornamentation; 22, fragment of exterior en-
larged to show details of costella, X3. paratype, U.S.N.M. no. 111689-e; 21, 26, 27, respectively side,
1, internal impression, and exterior views of a brachial valve, X2, paratype U.S.N.M. no. 111689-n.
(Fig. 27 is a wax replica of the exterior taken from an impression of the exterior.)
width 13.1, width of sulcus 9.6, thickness 3.7.
Brachial valve (U.S.N.M. no. 111689-n) meas-
ured on half specimen, then doubled to obtain
approximate measurements, length 13.2, mid-
width 17:2, thickness 9.2.
Types.—Holotype, U.8.N.M. no. 111689-a; fig-
> ee 1g eu Reset
ured paratypes, U.S.N.M. nos. 111689-c, d, e, g,
k, n; unfigured paratypes, U.S.N.M. nos.
111689-b, f, h, i,j, 1, m, o.
Horizon and locality.—Shady formation (reefs),
Buddle Branch, ? mile northeast of Austinville,
Max Meadows quadrangle, Va.
Fias. 1-27.—(See opposite page for legend).
The brachiopods discussed herein are of
considerable interest because they are ob-
viously highly specialized along certain lines,
yet they are among the earliest of known
articulate brachiopods. They are thus primi-
tive but highly specialized brachiopods.
Paterina was regarded by Beecher and Schu-
chert as the most primitive brachiopod and
the one nearest the theoretical brachiopod
progenitor. Inasmuch as these peculiar shells
from Virginia occur with the primitive
Paterina, they have an interesting and sig-
nificant importance in brachiopod taxonomy
and phylogeny. They help to emphasize the
fact that in the articulates the pseudodelti-
dium is a primitive feature, whereas the
unmodified delthyrium is an advanced char-
acter. They also indicate that the articulates
must have a long ancestry in the pre-Cam-
brian. Paterina itself must be considered as
an early but highly specialized brachiopod.
Its structure is so unusual that it must be
ruled out as near the progenitor of the
brachiopods. The most primitive shelled
brachiopod is yet to be found.
Although the presence of a pseudodelti-
dium is an accepted primitive character in
articulate brachiopods, it has not been suffi-
ciently emphasized that an apical foramen
is also a primitive character. The foramina
of the genera herein described and of Nisusza
differ from those of later genera having an
apical foramen in the size and location of
the opening. In these early Cambrian genera
such as Nisusia the foramen is excavated
VOL. 41, No. 1
in the pedicle umbo rather than in the apex,
a position that is seldom occupied by a
foramen other than the type produced by
anterior pedicle migration in the later bra-
chiopods. This is especially true of Matutella
with its strongly arched beak the umbo of
which is truncated by a large oval foramen.
This foramen is quite unlike any other
known and is not produced by resorption
of the beak due to pedicle pressure as often
takes place in the Terebratulacea. A foramen
like that of Nisuwsza occurs in later brachi-
opods in the young of many Strophomenidae
such as Leptaena, Strophomena and Christi-
ania in which extremely youthful shells
have the apex occupied by a large foramen.
Although the young of the Strophomenidae
are often Nisusza-like in their appearance it
is not at present possible to derive this
group out of Nizsusva for the simple reason
that the first unquestioned strophomenid,
Taffia, occurs in the Upper Canadian. No
forms are known that bridge the long time
gulf between the two.
Cambrian Articulate brachiopods are too
poorly known to state whether or not Nz-
susta and allies disappeared without issue.
The known later Cambrian brachiopods are-
either without apical foramina, have an
open delthyrium (Hoorthis) or have the
foramen confined to the deltidium (Billing-
sella. For the present it is best Just to em-
phasize the fact that the earliest known _
Articulates had a more or less large foramen
situated on the pedicle umbo anterior to
the apex of the pseudodeltidium or trun-
cating the apex because of pedicle pressure.
PALEONTOLOGY .—Two new guide fossils from the Tallahatta formation of the
Southeastern States.! JULIA GARDNER, U.S. Geological Survey.
Though the name of Austin Hobart Clark
is most closely associated with echinoderms,
butterflies, and birds, most of us who have
frequented the United States National Mu-
seum for the past few decades have, from
time to time, sought Mr. Clark’s aid on
problems in our own particular fields, and
not in vain. All animals alive are his interest,
even Homo sapiens. The two species about
to be inscribed to him are long since dead,
1 Published by permission of the Director, U.S.
Geological Survey, Received October 6, 1950.
to be sure, but the inscription does not seem
inappropriate, for as Mr. Clark has served
as our guide, philosopher, and friend, helping
us to orient ourselves and to check our posi-
tions in the world about us, so wavering
students coming upon these fossils may find
them dependable guides to the Tallahatta
formation of the middle Eocene, usually to
the upper part of the Tallahatta.
Genus Anodontia Link, 1807
Anodontia Link, Beschreibung der Naturalien-
Sammlung der Universitit zu Rostock, pt. 3:
157. 1807.
Type by monotypy: Ancdontia alba Link =
Venus edentula Linnaeus.
Link styled his genus the Glattmuschel and
briefly characterized it as: Equivalve, the valves
closed, without ears; the hinge without teeth;
the anterior muscle scar much longer than the
posterior; the ligament external. He cited two
references—Chemnitz’s Conchylien-Cabinet 7: pl.
39, figs. 410 and 411, which illustrate a venerid;
and the Gmelin of Linnaeus, p. 3286. Figures
408 and 409 of plate 39 of Chemnitz illustrate the
“Venusof Jamaica’ and figures 427 to 429 on plate
40, Venus edentula. The mechanics of the typo-
graphical error that resulted in the reference as it
appeared in Link are difficult to reconstruct.
The explanation suggested by Stewart (pp. 179-
180) forced him to the unhappy necessity of
2? Stewart, Raupu B., Gabb’s California Creta-
ceous and Tertiary type lamellibranchs, Acad. Nat.
Sci. Philadelphia Spec. Publ. no. 3, 314 pp., 17 pls.
Fic. 1.—Anodontia? augustana Gardner, n. sp.: @ i
view of double valves of holotype; c, hinge of incomplete paratype (U.S.N.M. no. 560588); d, fragment
of hinge of paratype (U.S.N.M. no. 560590); e, exterior of broken anterior dorsal margin (U.S.N.M.
no. 560590). All natural size.
designating Lucina jamaicensis Lamarck as the
genotype. A simpler interpretation was offered
in a discussion with Dr. Harald A. Rehder, Cura-
tor of mollusks in the United States National
Museum. He suggested that Link may never have
even seen the Conchylien-Cabinet, that he took
the reference to Chemnitz directly from Gmelin,
but that in so doing his eye slipped up the page
and he copied the notation under the preceding
snecies, V. scripta (pl. 39, figs. 410-411) in place
of that under Venus edentula (pl. 40, figs. 427—
429). That solution is here accepted.
Anodontia? augustana Gardner, n. sp.
Fig. 1, a-e
Shells large, most commonly represented by
globose molds of the interior, broader than they
are high and subject to distortion by a shortening
along the vertical axis; in the normal shells, the
distance from the beaks to the ventral margin is
, Side view of right valve of holotype; 6, umbonal
only a little more than the diameter. In place of
a lunule, a flaring anterior margin, reflected over
the umbones somewhat in the manner of the
pholads. Shell flattening toward the posterior
dorsal margin but no defined escutcheon. Hinge
edentulous. Ligament groove deep, the ligament
conspicuous, and in some of the larger specimens
arching above the escutcheon; ligament and re-
silium may have been partially separated. Muscle
scars not traceable in any of the shells available.
Obscure radiating lines, about six to the centi-
meter, evident on molds of interior. No defined
sculpture pattern on exterior of shell but an ir-
regular concentric wrinkling over the entire outer
Dimensions of holotype, an interior mold of
paired valves with fragments of shell adhering:
Height, 60 mm; width, 78 mm; diameter, 57 mm.
Paratypes too fragmentary to measure.
Holotype, U.S.N.M. no. 560587, from Lisbon
Bluff, Alabama River, 3 feet or less below the
contact of the Tallahatta and Lisbon formations,
Monroe County, Ala. Paratype (Fig. 1, c), U.S.
N.M. no. 560588, from U.S.G.S. station 15159,
Fort Gaines-Abbeville road just south of the
bridge over McRae Creek, Henry County, Ala.
Paratype (Fig. 1, d-e), U.'S.N.M. no. 560590, from
US.G.S. station 15475, south slope to Little
Choctawatchee River, on State Highway 66,
Houston County, Ala.
The upward flare of the anterior dorsal margin
is unlike that of any known Recent or fossil
lucinoid and probably is a character of more than
specific value. But the material is so limited and
so fragmentary that, awaiting further evidence,
the species is referred to Anodontia sensu lato.
Anodontia? augustana must have been a fragile
shell and in need of protection through the en-
vironment. It probably lived on soft muddy
bottoms near the mouths of rivers and in sheltered
bays in water of shallow or only moderate depths
sheltered from strong current action. Such bot-
tom conditions are reflected in the fine silicified
clays of the so-called Buhrstone of the Tallahatta
Anodontia augustana has been recorded from
the following U.S.G.S. stations:
No number. NW3 sec. 34, T. 11 N., R.2 W., east of
Toxey, Choctaw County, Ala.
17919. Little Stave Creek, directly below Talla-
hatta-Lisbon contact; about 44 miles north of
Jackson, Clarke County, Ala.
14785-g. Little Stave Creek, between 5 and 10 feet
voL. 41, No. 1
below Tallahatta-Lisbon contact; about 44
miles north of Jackson, Clarke County, Ala.
15924. Contact of siliceous clay and overlying
greensand, 3 miles northeast of Chilton on
Thomasville road, Clarke County, Ala.
15925. Long slope leading down to Silver Creek
about 6 miles west-southwest of Chance on
Dickenson road, Clarke County, Ala.
15920. About 13 miles west of Chance on Dickenson
road, Clarke County, Ala.
17090. Lisbon Bluff, Alabama River, 3 feet or less
below the Tallahatta-Lisbon contact, Monroe
County, Ala. Type locality.
13442. Lisbon Bluff, Alabama River, within 10
feet of. Tallahatta-Lisbon contact, Monroe
County, Ala.
13441. Lisbon Bluff, Alabama River, within 10.5
feet of Tallahatta-Lisbon contact, Monroe
County, Ala.
15132. Railroad cut in south center of sec. 14, T.
8 N., R. 8 E., Monroe County, Ala.
15480. East bank of Conecuh River about 200
yards above highway bridge at River Falls,
Covington County, Ala.
11091. Hays Creek at Bedsole’s old mill road from
Elba to Kinston, S} sec. 15, T. 4 N., R. 19 E.,
Coffee County, Ala.
15159. Road cut on Fort Gaines-Abbeville road
just south of the bridge over McRae Creek,
center sec. 12, T. 17 N., R. 29 E., Henry
County, Ala.
15475. South slope to Little Choctawhatchee River
in road cut on new State Highway 66, SE}
sec. 34, T. 4 N., R. 24 E., Houston County,
Ala. Shells silicified.
7728. Warley Hill, 7 miles southeast of Fort Motte
on Lonestar road, Calhoun County, 8. C. A
mold 92 mm wide from Bed No. 8 of Cooke
No number. Road cut on South side of Halfway
Swamp Creek about 2; miles northwest of
Creston,’ Calhoun County, S. C. A mold 140
mm wide from the Congaree clay of Sloan.
Genus Spiratella de Blainville, 1817
Spiratella de Blainville, Dictionnaire des sciences
naturelles 9: 407. 1817. = Limacina Lamarck,
Type by original designation and monotypy:
Clio helicina Phipps (exceedingly abundant in
Arctic waters).
Spiratella augustana Gardner, n. sp.
Fig. 2, a-c
Shell very small. Whorls 4 to 43, sinistrally
coiled in a nearly horizontal plane, the body em-
bracing the whorls of the spire as in Planorbis.
The aperture higher than it is wide, the body ex-
panding at the aperture both vertically and hor-
izontally ; the outer surface of the preceding whorl
forming the inner wall of the aperture; posterior
margin of the body folded into the suture. The
visible surface of the apical whorls rounded,
searcely elevated above the plane of the body.
Umbilical area narrowly funicular. No sculpture
other than obscure incrementals and the cording
of the adult margin of the outer lip.
Dimensions of holotype, U.S.N.M. no. 560589:
Maximum diameter, 3 mm; diameter at right
angles to the maximum diameter, 2.6 mm; min-
imum diameter 2.3 mm; height, 1.5 mm.
Type locality: U.S.G.S. station 17911, between
15 and 20 feet below the contact of the Tallahatta
and Lisbon formations and 4 feet above the
stream bed of Little Stave, 43 miles north of
Jackson, Clarke County, Ala.
Eyen the ordinal relationships of these shells
resembling small sinistral Planorbis and locally
common in the marine faunas of the upper Talla-
hatta baffled me. I sought the guidance of that
dean of malacologists, Dr. Henry A. Pilsbry, and
to good purpose. I am grateful to him for his
never-failing aid.
The species I described in 1927 as Planorbis
andersoni? is doubtless closely related, though not
identical. The Texas form is smaller, which may
or may not be significant. It is also more com-
pressed and is more regular in form. The outer
lip is less expanded, and the body whorl, both on
the apical and umbilical surfaces, is rather sharply
keeled. The locality, U.S.G:S. station 9264, three-
fourths of a mile south of Elkhart, Anderson
County, Tex., is in the Weches greensand member
of the Mount Selman formation, which correlates
roughly with the Tallahatta formation.
* The range of variation in these small forms is
difficult to establish. They vary in size, in the
height of the spire, and, owing largely to warping,
in the outline of the outer lip. The type individ-
ual is one of the largest collected, the apical
whorls are less elevated than in many, and the
margin of the outer lip is broken, destroying the
minutely elliptical outline of the aperture, which
is characteristic of the species.
Probably the fossil pteropods have a much
wider distribution than the literature indicates,
for the shells are all small and easily overlooked.
3 GARDNER, JuLIA A., New species of mollusks
from the Eocene of Texas. Journ. Washington
Acad. Sci., 17 (14): 362-383, 4 pls., 44 figs. 1927.
Among the related forms are Limacina inflata
(d’Orbigny), 1835, a warm-water Recent species,
Seen Lim @)
Fre. 2.—Sprratella augustana Gardner, n. sp.:
a, Apical view of holotype; 0, profile of holotype;
c, umbilical view of holotype.
and Limacina elevata Collins,* described from
the middle Miocene of Santa Rosa, Veracruz,
Mexico. .
Many of the Recent species, possibly the
majority, are to be found in the plankton of the
The distribution of Spiratella augustana, like
that of other planktonic forms, is independent
of the character of the bottom except as bottom
conditions affect the preservation of the dead
shell. The species is contained in glauconitic
sandy clays, glauconitic sands, and blocky si-
liceous clays. Except for a few interruptions by
oyster reefs, Spiratella augustana is disseminated
through almost the entire upper 57 feet of Talla-
hatta exposed along Little Stave Creek, at Lis-
bon Bluff and in a few nearby localities. The
species seems also to lightly overstep the Talla-
hatta-Lisbon contact and may be recorded by a
few closely related if not identical individuals in
the lower 10 feet of the Lisbon formation.
Disrripution: Tallahatta formation. Little
Stave Creek, 43 miles north of Jackson, Clarke
County, Alabama; U.S.G.S. station 14785 b-c,
from 10 to 20 feet below the Ostrea johnsoni bed;
4Conuins, Ropert LEE, A monograph of the
American Tertiary pteropod mollusks. Johns Hop-
kins Univ. Stud. Geol. no. 11: 137-234, pls. 7-14.
VOL. 41, No. I
U.S.G.S. station 14431, 40 feet below the top of
the Tallahatta formation; between the Ostrea
johnson bed and the Tallahatta-Lisbon contact,
U.S.G.S. stations 14785 f-h, 17910, 17911, 17918,
17907, 17909, 17912, 17926, 17927, 17916 a-b,
17919 a: Lisbon Bluff, Lisbon Landing, Ala-
bama River, Monroe County, Ala.; U.S.G.S.
station 13430, bluish-black clay at base of sec-
tion; U.S.G.S. stations 13440 and 134438, in-
durated layer about 8 feet below the Tallahatta-
Lisbon contact; and U.S.G.S. station 13442, dense
blue-gray clay with lucinoid molds directly be-
low the fucoidal layer and not more than 5 feet
below the Tallahatta-Lisbon contact; U.S.G.S.
station 14799, 3.8 miles east of Silas on Bladen
Springs road, Choctaw County, Ala.
Within the area, Spiratella augustana is most
common at the stations on Little Stave Creek
between the Ostrea johnsoni bed and a level a
little below the Tallahatta-Lisbon contact. It is
present, however, up to the very contact, to the
blocky siliceous clays of the contact specimen
Closely related though possibly not specifi-
cally identical individuals have been recovered
from levels not more than 10 feet above the
contact at U.S.G.S. stations 17917, 17923, and
PALEONTOLOGY .—Nucula austinclarki, n. sp., a concentrically sculptured Nucula
from the Lisbon formation of Alabama. F. Srrarns MacNett, U.S. Geological
Strong concentric sculpture, although not
unknown, is so unusual among the Nuculidae
that the question arises as to whether the
few species that possess it are closely re-
lated and constitute a natural generic or
subgeneric group. The ribs on different
species are so dissimilar in cross section,
however, that this close relationship seems
doubtful. In some species the ribs are in-
clined steps with the high, sharp edge on
the dorsal side, as in Nucula austinclarki,
here described. In other species the high
sharp edge is on the ventral side. Still other
species have more symmetrical ribs with
either sharp cr rounded crests.
1 Published by permission of the Director, U.S.
Geological Survey.
According to Schenck,’ the primary di-
vision of the Nuculidae should be on the
presence or absence of denticulations of the
ventral margin. All the species with con-
centric sculpture except one have denticula-
tions on the ventral margins, and all these
are referred to Nucula s.s. on the basis of
shape, teeth, and ligament. Only one form,
the. genus Nuculoma of Cossmann, with
concentric sculpture and no marginal dentic-
ulations is known. Nuculoma, which is
known only from the Jurassic, appears from
the figures to have concentric ribs that are
gently inclined on the dorsal side and sharp
on the ventral side, just the reverse of the
condition in the species here described.
* Scuenck, Hupert G., Bull. Mus. Royal Hist.
Nat. Belgique 10 (20): 18. 1934.
Three species of Nucula with concentric
sculpture were listed by Schenck. They are:
N. haesendonckii Nyst and Westendorp,
from the Anversian (upper Miocene) of
Holland, a species with [noceramus-like con-
centric ribs, NV. compressa Philippi, from the
Chattian (upper Oligocene) of Belgium, de-
scribed as having ‘‘distinct concentric undu-
lations,” and N. duchastelii Nyst, from the
Rupelian (middle Oligocene) of Belgium, a
species with strong but very irregular con-
centric ridges that converge and diverge
across the shell.
In addition to these Oligocene and Mio-
cene species, two other Miocene and a Re-
cent species have been described. Nucula
(Nucula) njalindungensis Martin, from the
lower Miocene of Java and Borneo, like NV.
duchasteli1, has concentric lines that freely
converge and diverge. Nucula prunicola,
Dall, from the middle Miocene of Maryland
has concentric ribs that are highest and
sharp at the dorsal edge and gently sloping
on the ventral side. They are thus of the
same type as those of the new species but
are developed at the anterior end of the
shell only. The chondrophore of NV. prunicola
is also much narrower than that of the
species here described. Nucula exigua Sow-
erby is living from California to southern
Mexico. It has concentric lirations that are
more or less symmetrical and are highest
along a central crest.
From the Eocene three species with con-
centric sculpture have been described. The
new species is also of Eocene age. Two of
these are from the Calcaire grossier of
France, N. capillacea Deshayes and JN.
minor Deshayes. The third was described
from the London clay of England as N.
regnorum Wrigley. All these species are
small, the largest specimen of NV. regnorum
measuring 8.0 mm, and both of Deshayes’s
species being less than 5.0 mm in length.
A description of the new Eocene species
Genus Nucula Lamarck, 1799
Type: Arca nucleus Linnaeus.
The species here described is characterized by
its very unusual concentric sculpture. The shell is
large for the genus, but on the basis of its shape,
teeth, ligament, and marginal denticulations it
appears to be a typical Nucula.
Nucula austinclarki MacNeil, n. sp.
Figs. 1, 2
Shell large and medium inflated, subovate;
anterior dorsal margin gently curved; anterior
extremity blunt but straighter along the dorsal
margin; lunular area subrostrate; posterior
margin gently curved; posterior extremity sub-
angulate; escutcheonal area truncate, with the
posterior ridge curving gently in a direction
opposite to thecurveof the posterior margin; outer
surface sculptured by strong concentric ribs that
are inclinded and low on the ventral side, but
with a sharp, usually undercut edge on the dorsal
side; most of the ribs continuous around the shell
but an occasional one is partly covered or over-
lapped by the next younger one; ribs with faint
radial lines at some points; ventral margin with
well developed denticulations; teeth on the an-
terior side regular and nesting within each other,
about 22 in number, posterior teeth less regular,
not forming a uniformly chevroned series, about
10 in number; interior smooth, muscle scars
impressed, pallial line strong and entire.
9 x14
Fics. 1, 2.—Nucula austin clarki MacNeil, n. sp., Middle Mocene, Lisbon formation, Clarke County,
Ala.; holotype (U.S.N.M. no. 560585): 1, Exterior; 2, interior.
Holotype (a left valve) (U.S.N.M. no. 560585)
measures: Height 22 mm, length 27 mm, diam-
eter of single valve 7.8 mm.
Type locality and only known occurrence: A
gully in the west center of sec. 10, T. 9 N., R.
4 B)., Clarke County, Ala. The gully lies on the
south side of the county road.
This species is closely related to Nucula mag-
nifica Conrad, a species described from the Gos-
port sand in the upper part of the Claiborne
group of Alabama, and also present in the Lisbon
formation of Alabama and the equivalent por-
tion of the McBean formation of eastern Georgia
and South Carolina in the middle part of the
Claiborne group. In shape, size, and dentition
the two species are nearly identical. Nucula
magnifica has a smooth surface, but occasional
specimens show a slight. tendency for the de-
vou. 41, No. 1
velopment of concentric markings similar to those
of N. austinclarki at a point or two along the
posterior ridge.
Nucula austinclarki is from the Lisbon forma-
tion, the middle part of the Claiborne group in
Alabama. Its association with Ostrea sellaefor-
mis indicates that it is from the middle or upper
part of the Lisbon and not from the lowest part,
which carries Ostrea lisbonensis, the apparent
forerunner of O. sellaeformis. From the general
field relations it appears to occur in the lower
part of the range of Ostrea sellaeformis. Nucula
magnifica 18 apparently a younger species than
N. austinclarki, bemg known from the upper
part of the range of Ostrea sellaeformis and from
the Gosport sand, which is stratigraphically
higher than the upper limit of the range of Ostrea
MALACOLOGY.—New stenothyrid gastropods from the Philippines (Rissoidae).
R. Tucker Assort, U.S. National Museum. (Communicated by H. A. Reh-
During a survey of fresh-water mollusks
in 1945 on the Island of Leyte, Republic of
the Philippines, ecological and morphologi-
cal notes were made on living specimens of
a species of Stenothyra Benson, 1856, which
has subsequently proved to be undescribed.
An undescribed subspecies from Mindoro
Island of this polytypic species was found
in the U. 8. National Museum. It was col-
lected in the 1880’s by J. F. Quadras and
bore the manuscript name of “‘philippinica
Moellendorff.”” These two gastropods are
named in honor of Austin H. Clark, retiring
curator of echinoderms, United States Na-
tional Museum, who has given me great
encouragement and help.
Stenothyra austini, n. sp.
Figs. 1, 3-7
Description.—Shell small, about 3.0 mm in
length, ovoid, relatively thick-shelled, compressed
ventrally, with a small circular aperture, and with
unevenly developed whorls. Spire blunt and some-
what rounded. Nuclear whorls 13 in number,
transparent. Postnuclear whorls 3 to 4 in num-
ber, increasing irregularly in size (so that the
1 Published by permission of the Secretary of
the Smithsonian Institution. Received October
6, 1950.
ventral face is flattened) until the last whorl,
when they then decrease in size and form the
relatively small, circular aperture. Periphery of
early whorls well-rounded; last whorl moderately
rounded. Suture finely and sharply impressed.
Base of shell set at 45° to the axis of the shell,
slightly convex, and thickened slightly in the
area near the very small umbilicus. Aperture
almost circular, with a slightly thickened con-
tinuous peristome. Behind the lip, on the exterior
of the body whorl, there is a slightly thickened,
smooth varix. Axial sculpture absent. Spiral seulp-
ture consists of 10 to 15 rows of microscopic pits
on the upper two-thirds of the whorl. The pits
may be round, squarish or oblong. Umbilicus
reduced to a minute chink. Color of shell from
yellowish tan to light brown. In living specimens,
the shell is translucent and the pits appear as
tiny bubbles embedded in the shell. Periostracum
thin, light tan. In living specimens, it covers the
small pits. It is often covered with a blackish
film of organic detritus. Operculum almost cir-
cular, chitinous, paucispiral, with the nucleus
near the center. There are two raised, oblong
lamellae of chitin reinforcing the surface of at-
tachment. The anterior, inner edge is reinforced
by a low, curved ridge (see Fig. 4). In adults, the
operculum is often slightly larger than the aper-
ture and incapable of being withdrawn into the
Figs. 1, 3-7.—Stenothyra austini austini: 1, Holotype shell (X10) (a, apertural view; 0, apical view;
c, side view); 8, immature shell; 4, operculum (a, outer view; b, side view; c, inner view); 5, living ani-
mal (a, lateral view; b, ventral view; c, dorsal view of head region); 6, male genitalia (verge); 7, radula
(a, rachidian; b, lateral; c, inner marginal; d, outer marginal).
Fig. 2.—Stenothyra austini clarkt, holotype shell (X10).
Measurements of shell (mm)
Length Width Aperture Whorls
4.0 2.2 1.2 by 1.2 5.3 (holotype)
4.0 21 123) by; 1-3 5.5 (paratypes)
S365 21 1.0 by 1.1 5.0 (U.S.N.M. No. 603670)
ae) 1.8 0.9 by 1.0 5.0 U.S.N.M.
2.8 1.7 0.8 by 0.9 4.9 U.S.N.M.
3 1.6 1.1 by 1.0 4.0 U.S.N.M. (young)
Measurements of 97 adult paratypes from
San Joaquin Estuary, eastern Leyte Island (U.S.
N.M. no. 603671) were made to a tenth of a milli-
meter and grouped in the following classes:
Number of
Length (mm) specimens
2.6-2.9 13
3.0-3.3 47
3.4-3.7 35
3.8-4.2 2
Animal.—Small and capable of being com-
pletely retracted into the shell. Foot relatively
long, flat, with the anterior corners produced
laterally, and with a transverse division across
the sole about halfway back and at a point coin-
ciding with the anterior edge of the operculum.
Anterior edge of foot with a deep, narrow, trans-
verse mucus slit which bears minute cilia. A
bulbous pedal gland may be seen at the anterior
end from a ventral view. At the posterior end
and dorsal side of the foot there is a long, slender,
fleshy rod. Proboscis large, swollen in the middle,
with two circular color bars of black-brown near
the anterior end. The posterior bar fades poste-
riorly into anarea of dark reddish brown. Between
the bars the flesh is bright, straw-yellow. Ten-
tacles long, slender, flecked with bars of black
and an occasional internal granular clump of
yellow. Area about eye dark gray, posteriorly
with a heavy concentration of embedded light-
straw granules. Mantle light gray with heavy
mottlings of black. Verge located on the midline
of the ‘“‘back”’ of the animal. It is in the form of
a coiled, single prong. The distal end bears a
minute calcareous spine. The radula is taenio-
glossate (see Fig. 7).
The typical subspecies austini austini is char-
acterized by the weak pits in the shell and the
irregular spacing of the spiral rows of pits.
Type locality —Bridge at Kaboynan, near the
mouth of the north fork of the Guinarona River,
Leyte Island, Republic of the Philippines. R. T.
Abbott, legit, June 18, 1945.
Types.—Holotype, U.S.N.M. no. 603669. Para-
types from the type locality, U.S.N.M. no.
603670, and in the Museum of Comparative
Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. (the latter collected
by M. 8. Ferguson). Paratypes also from San
voL. 41, No. 1
Joaquin Estuary, eastern Leyte Island, R. T.
Abbott, legit, June 29, 1945 (U.S.N.M. no.
603671); Abuyog, eastern Leyte Island, R. T.
Abbott, legit, August 14, 1945 (U.S.N.M. no.
Ecology and habits.—These mollusks are very
active but shy creatures and were collected in
three estuarine localities on Leyte Island. At the
type locality they were found in 6-inch-deep,
stagnant, brackish-water pools under the shade
of floating palm fronds. The bottom was black
ooze. Syncera and Neritina ziczac Linnaeus were
found in the same neighborhood. At San Joaquin
they were found under similar conditions where
the water temperature was 81° F. and the pH
7.6. Several species of Syncera, a Cerithidea, and
Clenchiella victoriae Abbott, 1948, were collected
with them. These Stenothyra are rapid crawlers.
At the slightest disturbance they snap back into
their shells with remarkable speed.
Remarks.—The only other described species
of Stenothyra in the Philippimes that possesses
spiral rows of pits is S. quadrast Moellendorff,
1895, which, however, is a much larger shell
(7 mm in length), much thicker, with a very thick,
flattened, and spirally lirated base, and with
distinctly angled early whorls. S. austini ap-
parently has a wide range throughout the Philip-
pines but appears to be broken up into geographi-
cal, insular races or subspecies. We have a single
specimen from Bacoor Bay, Luzon (U.S.N.M. no.
603674), but we hesitate to describe it as a new
race until additional material is at hand.
Stenothyra austini clarki, n. subsp.
Fig. 2
Shell similar to S. austini austint but differing
in having deeper and larger pits and in having the
spiral rows evenly spaced. In austini there are
often three or four rows missing. The shells of our
specimens of S. austini clarki are reddish brown
in color, but this may be due to ecological condi-
tions. Holotype: Length, 3.4; width, 1.9 mm.
Type locality—The holotype, U.S.N.M. no.
603673, is from Manglares, between Bacoy and
Calapan, Mindoro Island, Republic of the Philip-
pines. J. F. Quadras, legit, circa 1880. Two para-
types from the same locality, U.S.N.M. no.
303387, are probably from the same collector.
The difference in shape between these sub-
species, as seen in Figs. la and 2, is not specifi-
cally significant. Some specimens of austini are
similar to those of clarki in shape and size.
MALACOLOGY .—Two new Western Atlantic species of pulmonate mollusks of the
genus Detracia and two old ones (family Ellobidae).1 J. P. E. Morrison, U.S.
National Museum.
The molluscan genus Detracia Gray, 1840,
is represented in the Western Atlantic re-
gion by four known species. They divide
evenly: Two have been previously named;
two are new. Two are continental; two are
island species in their geographic distribu-
I wish to thank particularly Dr. H. A.
Pilsbry and the authorities of the Academy
of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia for the
opportunity to borrow freely and study all
specimens of this genus in the Academy
collections. Without such study of many
specimens additional to those in the United
States National Museum collections, the
zoogeographic picture here presented could
not have been so complete.
Detracia floridana (Pfeiffer), 1856
Figs. 4, 7
This manuscript name of Shuttleworth was
first validly published in Pfeiffer’s Monograph
auriculaceorum, p. 35, no. 35, 1856. W. G. Binney,
the first subsequent American author to study the
group, unfortunately selected the wrong speci-
men for figuring in 1859 in his Terrestrial mol-
lusks of the United States 4: pl. 75, fig. 30, from
the mixture of species brought back from the
Florida Keys by Bartlett for his father, Amos
Binney. This figure represents the smallest
(dwarf) form of Melampus bidentatus Say we
know from the Florida Keys, instead of floridana.
Because every succeeding illustrator of the
group has copied this earliest figure of Binney,
this species, the only one of the family confined
to United States shores, has, up to the present
time, almost a century later, not yet been fig-
ured! The presence in the literature of an incor-
rect figure makes the generic confusion that has
so long surrounded this species easy to under-
D. floridana may be easily distinguished by its
small size and, even in the youngest individuals
seen (1.5 mm long), by the more regularly biconic
shape. The aperture is markedly constricted be-
1 Published by permission of the Secretary of
the Smithsonian Institution. Received October
6, 1950.
low (anteriorly) by the columellar lamella. There
is a single palatal lamella, which is horizontal
and approximately equal in height to the columel-
lar. Between these two the palatal wall is well
rounded and usually heavily calloused. The parie-
tal wall is usually furnished with about 10 sub-
equal, low lamellae, as in most species of the genus
Melampus. These minute lamellae are sometimes
present posteriorly along almost the full length
of the parietal wall. In many young specimens
their inner extensions are visible through the
translucent penultimate whorl.
The specimens figured (U.S.N.M. no. 473892)
are part of a lot collected on August 26, 1938,
from the salt marsh at Chesapeake Beach, Cal-
vert County, Md.
The adult (Fig. 7) has 10? whorls and measures:
Height 7.9 mm; diameter 4.8 mm; aperture height
5.8 mm; aperture diameter 2.2 mm. The younger
individual (Fig. 4) has 11 whorls and measures:
Height 6.6 mm; diameter 3.6 mm; aperture height
4.5 mm; aperture diameter 1.9 mm.
D. floridana is entirely continental in geo-
graphic distribution. It is recorded only from
Delaware and Chesapeake Bays, east and west
Florida, and the Gulf coast of Alabama, Mis-
sissippi, and Louisiana. The present lack of local-
ity records from the Carolinas and Georgia is
probably due to the fact that no collecting has
been done in the transitional estuarine (fresh-
water—brackish-salt) marshes of those coastal
areas. In the Chesapeake Bay area, where it is
perhaps now best known, it seems to prefer
or tolerate a lower degree of salinity in the salt-
marsh habitats than does its neighbor and rela-
tive Melampus bidentatus lineatus Say. Under
estuarine conditions this species is sometimes
astoundingly abundant. With an observed con-
centration of more than one individual per square
inch, it was estimated on June 28, 1950, that in
just 1 square mile of the estuary marshes of the
Pocomoke River (Accomack County, Va.) there
were twice as many individuals of Detracta flort-
dana as there are human beings in the entire
world. In other words, more than 4 billion of these
small snails inhabit this one particular square
2 Apex eroded. Number of whorls indistinct.
Detracia clarki, n. sp.
Figs. 2, 6
Shell large (for the genus), obovate, smoothish,
of 10-12 whorls, with moderate spire somewhat
variable in height but usually about one-third
the height of the aperture. Body whorl tending
to be subcylindrical, smoothly sculptured with
minute growth lines only, except for a few in-
cised spiral lines above the shoulder and near the
base. Aperture sublinear, conspicuously ob-
structed by two heavy, upturned (posteriorly
dished) axial lamellae, which are continuous from
the plane of the aperture to about three-fourths
of a whorl within. The columellar, the most prom-
inent of the two, usually extends more than half-
way across the aperture to the parietal wall. The
outer lip (parietal wall) bears a variable number
(a few) of well-spaced lamellae essentially al-
ternating with the axials basally (anteriorly). In
addition, the aperture of adults shows a greater
number of low parietal lamellae interpolated on
an internal ridge or varix along the parietal wall,
behind which ridge the parietal lamellae are
much reduced in height and prominence.
The holotype U.S.N.M. no. 594588 (Fig. 6),
has 11 whorls and measures: Height 12.5 mm;
diameter 6.7 mm; aperture height 9.8 mm; aper-
ture diameter 3.2 mm. It and 14 paratypes,
U.S.N.M. no. 36062, were collected at Key West,
Fla., by Henry Hemphill previous to 1884. It is
not absolutely certain that these specimens were
taken on Key West, as the older custom was to
give general localities only. They may have come
from either Stock Island or Boca Chica Key
nearby, where it seems evident the species is still
living. The younger specimen (Fig. 2) (U.S.N.M.
no. 594589) comes from Stock Island, Fla. It
has 10 whorls and measures: Height 6.5 mm;
diameter 4.0 mm; aperture height 4.7 mm; aper-
ture diameter 2.3 mm.
The geographic distribution as recorded for the
532 specimens at hand includes the Bahamas (?),
the Florida Keys, and Cuba, as follows: BAHAMAS:
1 specimen (U.S.N.M. no. 594592) from Great
Abaco Island, perhaps drifted to this locality.
Fioripa: “Miami” (8. N. Rhoads, 1899); a key
near Chokoloskee; Virginia Key (Biscayne Bay);
Pumpkin Key (Card Sound) ; Middle Key (Barnes
Sound); Tavenier Key and Key Largo; from
Indian, Lower Matecumbe, Bahia Honda, New
Found Harbor, Windley’s, Torch, Geiger’s, Sugar
Loaf, Big Pine, and Boca Chica Keys; Stock
vou. 41, No. lL
Island; and. Key~ West. An old record of “St.
Augustine” is doubtful, except as a possible
drift specimen. Cusa: Recorded at present from
only two widely separate localities: Punta Cajon,
Pinar del Rio (U.S.N.M. no. 492571), and Cayo
Perro, Cardenas Bay (U.S.N.M. no. 594590).
In other words, Detracia clarki is at present known
only from a restricted area in the Western At-
lantic along the Straits of Florida.
Of the size and general shape of Melampus
bidentatus bidentatus Say, with which it occurs,
and Pira monile Bruguiére, D. clarki is readily
distinguished on apertural characteristics. The
extra-heavy columellar lamella, higher than the
palatal, and by far the most prominent of the
aperture, reaching nearly to the parietal wall in
some individuals, is turned upward within, to
form a cup-shape structure whose rim approaches
a parallel to the columellar axis. This extreme
constriction of the basal part of the aperture by
the columellar lamella will separate it from Mel-
ampus bidentatus, while the absence of cuticular
setae or the remaining scar-pits of the same on
the spire will easily separate it from Pira monile.
D. clarki is distinct from all others by the con-
spicuously posteriorly dished or upeurved direc-
tion of the columellar lamella. It is twice the size,
when adult, of any other known member of the
genus Detracia. |
This species is named in honor of Austin H.
Clark, retiring curator of echinoderms of the
United States National Museum, in some small
recognition of his outstanding faculty for spiring
others in the solution of problems of the zooge-
ography of invertebrate animals of all types from
every corner of the world.
Detracia bullaoides (Montagu), 1808
Figs. 1, 5
This the genotype species was first described
from shells recovered from ballast discarded along
the coast of England. For many years, however,
it has been well known as a characteristic species
of the West Indies. It is figured here to complete
the picture of West Atlantic forms, so that future
students will not have to search elsewhere for
comparable illustrations.
D. bullaoides is easily distinguished by the
more elongate shape of most adults, as well as
by the heavily buttressed palatal lamella. The
few low parietal lamellae are present only on the
basal (anterior) portion of the parietal or outer
wall of the aperture. In most adult shells the
aperture is posteriorly exceedingly narrow and
The adult specimen, U.S.N.M. no. 466289
(Fig. 5), has 12 whorls and measures: Height
9.5 mm; diameter 4.3 mm; aperture height 5.6
mm; aperture diameter 2.2 mm. It is one of many
specimens collected on the edge of the mangrove
swamp on Shell Key, off St. Petersburg, Fla.,
April 24, 1936. The younger specimen (Fig. 1)
has 10 whorls and measures: Height 6.2 mm;
diameter 3.2 mm; aperture height 4.3 mm; aper-
ture diameter 2.0 mm. It comes from the same
D. bullaoides is apparently primarily Greater
Antillean in its geographic range. The United
States National Museum collections include speci-
mens from the Bermudas; from Fernandina to
Key West and to Cedar Keys, Fla.; the Bahamas;
Cuba; Jamaica; and Hispaniola. There are also
records of this species in the collections of the
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
from St. Croix, Virgin Islands; and Tampico,
Detracia parana, n. sp.
Fig. 3
Shell small, obovate-biconic, smooth, of about
10 whorls. Spire moderate, equal to about one-
fourth the total length of the shell. Body whorl
well rounded, smoothly sculptured with minute
growth lines only, with the very low, rounded
shoulder about midway of the shell height. Aper-
ture moderately narrow, constricted by a prom-
inent horizontal or downwardly (anteriorly) di-
rected columellar lamella, which extends forward
to be continuous with the base of the outer lip.
The palatal wall is furnished with a single low
horizontal lamella a little below the middle of the
aperture. This is inconspicuous and in specimens
seen extends only about one-fourth of the way to
the parietal wall. The parietal wall is not fur-
nished with lamellae but appears smooth.
The holotype, U.S.N.M. no. 594591 (Fig. 3),
and three paratypes, U.S.N.M. no. 32090, were
collected from the Amazon River at Pard, Brazil,
by J. B. Steere, previous to 1885, when they
were catalogued at the United States National
Fires. 1, 5.—Detracia bullaoides (Montagu), young and adult, U.S.N M. no. 466289, from margin of
mangroves on Shell Key, off St. Petersburg, Fla., April 24, 1986, J. P. H. Morrison.
Fie. 2.—Detracia clarki, n. sp., young paratype, U.S.N.M. No. 594589, from Stock Island, Fla., P.
Fig. 3.—Detracia parana, n. sp., holotype, U.S.N.M. no. 594591, from the Amazon River, Para, Brazil,
J. B. Steere.
Fias. 4, 7.—Detracia floridana (Pfeiffer), young and adult, U.S.N.M. no. 478892, around grass rocts
in salt marsh at Chesapeake Beach, Md., August 26, 1938, J. P. I). Morrison. ’
Fic. 6.—Detracia clarki, n. sp., holotype, U.S.N.M. no. 594588, Key West, Fla., H. Hemphill.
Museum. The holotype has 10% whorls and
measures: Height 6.8 mm; diameter 3.9 mm;
aperture height 5.2 mm; aperture diameter
2.0 mm.
This new species is almost exactly like the
North American continental species floridana
in general appearance but differs considerably in
the detail of lamination of the aperture. It lacks
any marked callosity of the aperture above the
columellar lamella. The columellar wall below
3 Apex eroded. Number of whorls indistinct.
voL. 41, No. 1
(anterior to) the palatal lamella is rather flat,
not markedly arched and calloused in this region
as it is in floridana. Though the number of speci-
mens of parana at hand is very small, the ob-
served differences, together with the observed
similarities, of a molluscan species purporting
to come from an absolutely comparable estuarine
habitat on South American West Atlantic shores
lead me to advance Detracia parana as a species
that has developed completely parallel to its close
relative D. floridana of North America.
MALACOLOGY .—A new species of glycymerid from the Philippines.t Davip Nicou,
U.S. National Museum.
This is a report on a new species of gly-
cymerid collected by the U. S. Fish Com-
mission steamer Albatross on the Philippine
expedition of the years 1907 to 1910. It is
my intention to give a complete account of
the Glyeymeridae of this collection at a
later date.
Genus Axinactis Mérch, 1861
Genotype (subsequent designation by Hertlein
and Strong, 19438, p. 153): Pectunculus inaequalis
G. B. Sowerby, 1833; Recent; Pacific coast of
Panama and Nicaragua.
Axinactis is the earliest generic name avail-
able for the raised-ribbed species of glycymerids,
which are nearly always confined to warm waters.
This large group of glycymerids has had an in-
dependent history as far back as Oligocene time
and is certainly not closely related to Glycymeris
glycymeris (Linné).
Subgenus Melaxinaea Iredale, 1930
Genotype (original designation): Melaxinaea
labyrintha Iredale, 1930; Recent; Albany Passage,
Queensland, 9-12 fathoms.
Axinactis (Melaxinaea) clarki Nicol, n. sp.
Figs. 1-3
Description—Valves compressed, ratio of con-
vexity to height about 0.50; dorsal margin long
and straight giving shell an eared appearance,
anterior, ventral, and posterior margins rounded;
light reddish-brown spots on ribs, interior usually
colorless, occasionally reddish-brown spots on
1 Published by permission of the Secretary of
the Smithsonian Institution. Received October
6, 1950.
margins; beaks contiguous, orthogyrate; umbos
flat and inconspicuous, located approximately
at center of dorsal margin; ligament narrow and
elongate, made up of four or five chevron-shaped
parts; hinge teeth 23 to 28 in number, averaging
25, arranged in a broad arch on a large flat hinge
plate, teeth tending to disappear at center of
hinge plate in mature specimens; crenulations on
interior ventral border well-marked, usually
pointed at end, though sometimes rounded, de-
pressed at center, 15 to 21 in number, averaging
17, not divided as is common in some species of
Melaxinaea; adductor muscle scars approximately
equal in size; radial ribs raised but not prominent,
24 to 28 in number, averaging 26, ribs on central
part of shell flat-topped, often with a shallow
central groove, occasionally with two or three
small ridges; at either end of shell ribs split into
fine, slightly nodulose, crooked, riblets, occasion-
ally a small radial rib added in interspaces, the
latter almost as wide as ribs at ventral margin;
ribs and interspaces crossed by fine, closely
spaced, concentric striae which are more prom-
inent on interspaces.
Measurements in mm
of both
Specimen Leng Height valves
Holotype 236879 34.6 34.0 18.1
Paratype 293039 20.6 20.0 10.0
Paratype 293039a 17.0 16.8 8.0
Paratype 293039b 17.0 16.6 8.4
Paratype 293039¢ 16.4 16.4 8.6
Paratype 293039d 15.9 15.8 7.8
Paratype 293039e 15.0 14.4 7.8
Paratype 293039f 15.4 15.4 7.6
Paratype 293039¢ 11.6 12.3 6.4
Type specimens.—The holotype and paratypes
are in the collection of the U. 8. National Mu-
seum, Division of Mollusks: Holotype no. 236879,
paratypes nos. 293039 and 296058. Thirty-nine
specimens of the species were studied, but only
the holotype is a mature shell. Many of the
remainder, however, show the adult rib character
and outline of the valves.
Locality data—Station 5192, Jilantangan Is-
land between Bantaydn Island and the north-
west end of Cebu (E., N. 13°W., 3 miles 11°09’
15”N., 123°50’E.), 32 fathoms, green sand. Sta-
tion 5277, Malavatuan Island, Lubang Islands
northwest of Mindoro (N., 8. 56°E., 8 miles
13°56/55”7 N., 120°13'45” E.), 80 fathoms, fine sand.
Comparisons.—Axinactis (Melaxinaea) clarki
most nearly resembles Pectunculus maskatensis
Melvill, 1897, from Maskat, on the Gulf of Oman.
The latter species has larger and more prom-
inent ribs and greater length in comparison to its
height. Pectunculus vitreus Lamarck has a more
angular arrangement of teeth and beaded or
granulose ribs. Pectwnculus nova-guineensis Angas
has nodulose ribs and a shorter dorsal margin
than Azinactis (Melazinaea) clarki. Melaxinaea
labyrintha Iredale, the genotype of Melazxinaea,
is from Albany Passage, Queensland. It has
nodulose ribs that are more numerous, narrower,
and more closely spaced on the adult shells.
Melaxinaea litoralis Iredale from Townsville,
Queensland, has a more rounded outline and has
finer and more numerous radial ribs. Glycymeris
planiuscula Chapman and Singleton from the
Pliocene of Australia has more closely spaced
rounded ribs. Glycymeris uzimiensis Cox from the
Pliocene of Zanzibar has tuberculated ribs and a
rounded or subtrigonal outline.
Glycymeris dautzenbergi Prashad (1932, pp.
65, 66) is a homonym of Pectunculus dautzen-
bergz Gregorio (1892, p. 109). Glycymeris dautzen-
bergi Prashad is herewith renamed Glycymeris
prashadi. This species from the Arafura Sea has
nodulose ribs on all of the shell and a shorter
dorsal margin than Axinactis (Melaxinaea) clarkv.
Aneas, G. F. Descriptions of ten new species of
Axinaea and Pectunculus in the collections of
Mr. Sylvanus Hanley and the late T. L. Taylor.
Proc. Zool. Soc. London for 1879 (3): 417-420,
pl. 35. 1879.
CuapMaN, F., and Srncieton, F. A. A revision of
the Caenozoic species of Glycymeris in southern
Australia. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria (n.s.) 37
(pt. 1, art. 2): 18-60, 4 pls. 1925.
Cox, L. R. Neogene and Quaternary Mollusca from
the Zanzibar Protectorate. Extracted from the
report on the Paleontology of the Zanzibar
Protectorate, published by the Government
of Zanzibar, pp. 13-180, pls. 3-19. 1927.
GreGorio, ANTONIO DE Marcu. Sul genere Pec-
tunculus precipuamente sulle specie viventi
mediterranee e fossili nel Terziario superiore.
Il Naturalista Siciliano 11 (5): 106-114.
Hertiein, Leo G., and Srrone, A. M. Mollusks
from the west coast of Mexico and Central
America, pt. 2. Zoologica 28 (3): 149-168, 1 pl.
TrEDALE, Tom. Queensland molluscan notes, no. 2.
Mem. Queensland Mus. 10 (1): 73-88, pl. 9.
. Australian molluscan notes, no. 1. Rec. Aus-
tralian Mus. 18 (4): 201-285, pls. 22-25. 1931.
. Mollusca. In Sci. Rep. Great Barrier Reef
Exped. 1928-29, 5 (no. 6, pt. 1): 209-425, 7 pls.
British Museum, 1939.
Lamarck, J. B. P. A. pre. Histoire naturelle des
animaux sans vertébres... 6 (1): 343 pp. 1819.
Metvitt, JAMES Cosmo. Descriptions of thirty-
four species of marine Mollusca from the Ara-
bian Sea, Persian Gulf, and Gulf of Oman.Mem.
and Proc. Manchester Lit. and Philos. Soc.
41 (7): 25 pp., pls. 6, 7. 1897.
Morcu, O. A. L. Bevtrdge zur Molluskenfauna Cen-
tral-Amertka’s. Malakozool. Blatter 7: 170-218.
Prasuab, B. The Lamellibranchia of the Siboga Ex-
pedition, Systematic Part II, Pelecypoda (ex-
clusive of the Pectinidae). Siboga Monogr. 58¢:
353 pp., 9 pls., 1 map. 1932.
Figs. 1-3.—Azinactis (Melaxinaea) clarki, n. sp.: 1, Exterior view of holotype, left valve, U.S.N.M.
no. 236879; 2, exterior view of paratype (young specimen), left valve, U.S.N.M. no. 298039a; 3, interior
view of holotype, left valve, U.S.N.M. no. 236879. All figures natural size.
VoL. 41, No. 1
MALACOLOGY.—Two new Recent cone shells from the Western Atlantic (Conidae).
Harautp A. Reaper and R. Tucker Assort, U.S. National Museum.
Two species of the genus Conus were re-
ceived by the United States National Mu-
seum a few years ago from two dredging
expeditions off southeastern United States.
It appears that both species are undescribed,
and we take pleasure in naming them for
Austin H. Clark, retiring curator of echino-
derms, United States National Museum.
The first of these species, collected by the
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service trawler
Pelican in 1938, is strikingly different from
any known Recent species in the Western
Atlantic. The second, dredged off southern
Florida by the Anton Dohrn, is somewhat
like the well-known species Conus stimpsoni
Conus clarki, n. sp.
Figs. 1-6
Description —Shell 36 mm (13 inches) inlength,
relatively heavy, broadly fusiform, strongly spi-
rally sculptured, and chalk-white in color. Whorls
12, the last whorl with a beaded carina at the
shoulder, rounded at the periphery, and concave
toward the base. Spire extended, pointed, con-
cave, and slightly more than one-third of the
entire length of the shell. Angle of spire about 70°.
Nuclear whorls 13, glassy-smooth. Aperture ob-
lique, long and narrow, with a deep, rounded
sinus at the top. Outer lip sharp, thin, and weakly
crenulated. The lip is sinuate with the middle
portion being advanced, and the lower portion
retracted enough to make the end of the siphonal
canal considerably open. Spiral scultpure con-
sists of 27 to 30 very strong, raised, squarish,
and beaded cords. The topmost spiral cord bears
the largest beads, which in previous whorls may
be seen just above the impressed wavy sutural
Ime. The surface of these beads is obliquely
scratched by fine irregular lines. Top of the whorls
slightly concave and with three to five unequal
fine spiral threads. Axial sculpture consists of
numerous fine, sharply raised, arched threads
which cross the spiral threads on the tops of the
whorls (anal fasciole). Color of shell chalk-white.
In one paratype specimen there are very weak
reddish squares of color between the beads on the
1 Published by permission of the Secretary of
the Smithsonian Institution. Received Oetober
6, 1950.
spiral cords. Periostracum thin, deciduous, light
brown, and axially striate.
Animal (Figs. 1-5) typical of the genus Conus,
with a rather long siphonal extension of the man-
tle, which is flecked with fine black striations.
Side of foot suffused with gray along the lower
border. Verge large, 7 mm in length, shaped like
a meat cleaver, with a slender, curved point at
the end. Verge has fused lamellations on its sides
and base. Poison gland and radular sheath typical
of the genus. About 30 harpoonlike teeth were
found in the sheath. Tooth short with one small
barb at the end, two on the side and one at the
base (see Fig. 3).
Number of
Length Width Whorls
36.0 16.0 11.0 (holotype)
36.0 16.0 11.0 (paratype male)
34.4 15.5 10.8
Types.—The holotype is U.S.N.M. no. 485740;
one paratype, U.S.N.M. no. 488465; and another
paratype is in the Museum of Comparative
Type locality —50 miles south-southwest of
Marsh Island, Iberia County, La. (lat. 28°
27.0'N.; long. 92° 14.0’W.). Dredged by the U. S.
Fish and Wildlife Service trawler Pelican, station
94-1, November 13, 1938, in 29 fathoms.
Range.—Known only from the type locality.
Remarks.—There is no living species described
from the Western Atlantic that approximates
C. clarki in the characters of heavy, raised, square,
spiral cords, rounded periphery, attenuated basal
portion (giving it a turniplike shape) and the
prominent sharp axial, striae between the spiral
cords. It is nearest in characters to the middle ©
Miocene fossil Conus (Leptoconus) multiliratus
Bése, 1906, from Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico,
and its subspecies gaza Johnson and Pilsbry, 1911,
from the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Panama,
and Colombia. However, the Recent C. clarki is
much more turnip-shaped, and its cords at the
shoulder of the whorl are strongly beaded.
Conus austini, n. sp.
Fig. 7
Description Shell 56 mm in length, heavy,
spirally sculptured, and dull-white in color.
Whorls 14, almost straight-sided, but very slightly
concave toward the base. Shoulders of whorl
slightly rounded in adults but carinate in younger
specimens. Spire extended, pointed, slightly con-
cave, and about one-quarter the entire length of
the shell. Angle of spire about 80°. Nuclear whorls
13, glassy-smooth. Next five whorls sculptured
by a single, beaded carina, which in the succeed-
ing whorls becomes smooth and located just above
the suture. Aperture oblique, long and narrow,
with a deep, rounded sinus at the top. Outer lip
thin, sharp, and weakly crenulate. Spiral sculp-
ture consisting of about 40 fairly well-developed,
irregularly sized, rounded cords, which become
more prominent basally. Three to five low, weak,
spiral threads present on the top of the whorls,
which are obliquely crossed by the arched growth
lines of the anal sinus. There is a tendency in
some specimens to produce alternately small and
large cords. Between the cords the axial sculpture
consists of fine, distinct, raised striae. Periostra-
cum moderately thick, when dry becoming axially
striate and light brownish yellow in color. Ani-
mal and operculum unknown.
Number of
Length Width Whorls
55.5 25.3 14 (holotype Tortugas)
43.1 22.0 13 (paratype, Tortugas)
51.0 25.5 13 (paratype, Antigua)
Types.—The holotype is U.S.N.M. no. 603017;
a paratype from the same dredging haul, U.S.
N.M. no. 421721; a third paratype, U.S.N.M. no.
Fras. 1-5.—Conus clarki, n. sp.: 1, Side view of male animal showing siphon (s?) and position of verge
(ve) (X83); 2, side view of verge and vas deferens (X10); 3, single tooth (X50); 4, radular sac showing
arrangement of unused tecth (X25); 5, semidiagrammatic drawing of anterior alimentary system and
poison apparatus, bu, buccal mass; rs, radular sac; pg, poison gland (<5):
603018, was dredged by the Holis, Jr. by J. B.
Henderson at the entrance of English Harbour,
Antigua, Lesser Antilles, June 21, 1918.
Type locality.—Southeast of Loggerhead Key,
Dry Tortugas, Florida. Dredged in 40 to 46
fathoms by W. L. Schmitt from the Anton
Dohrn, June 21, 1932.
Fie. 6.—Conus clarki, n. sp., holotype.
7.—Conus austini, n. sp., holotype. (Both natural
vou. 41, No. 1
Range-——From Dry Tortugas, Fla., south to
Antigua Island, Lesser Antilles.
Remarks.—This species is similar to C. stimp-
sont Dall but differs in being larger, having raised
spiral cords instead of incised grooves, having
numerous fine but distinct axial striae between
the cords, and lacking any color markings. A
young specimen of C. austin displays a number
of axial wrinkles in the middle of the body whorl,
a variable character common to some Miocene
fossil species.
A similar species exists in the Gurabo forma-
tion, Dominican Republic (Miocene). Specimens
of this fossil are in the U. 8. National Museum,
mixed in with lots labeled C. planiliratus Sowerby.
It is apparently undescribed and differs from the
Recent C. austini in having a slightly shorter
spire, being half as high and rarely showing the
tiny, angled keel on the shoulder of the whorls
in the spire. Otherwise the shape and sculpture
are extremely similar. C. stenostoma Sowerby,
a Miocene fossil from the Domican Republic, is
also very close but has a very low spire and a
sharper shoulder.
MALACOLOGY.—A new scaphopod mollusk, Cadulus austinclarki, from the Gulf
of California.1 Witt1AM K. Emmrson, Research Fellow, Allan Hancock Foun-
dation. (Communicated by Harald A. Rehder.)
A recent visit to the United States Na-
tional Museum provided me an opportunity
to examine the Scaphopoda contained in
the vast collection of the division of mol-
lusks. A previously unrecognized species of
Cadulus from the Gulf of California is here
I am indebted to Dr. Harald A. Rehder,
curator of mollusks, for access to the facilities
of the division, and to Frederick M. Bayer,
assistant curator of marine invertebrates,
for providing the camera-lucida drawing and
the photograph. I take pleasure in dedi-
cating this new species to Austin H. Clark,
retiring curator of echinoderms in the United
States National Museum.
Genus Cadulus Philippi, 1844
* Genotype (by monotypy): Dentaliwm ovulum
Philippi, 1844, Recent; Mediterranean Sea.
1 Received October 6, 1950.
Subgenus Platyschides Henderson, 1920
Subgenotype (by original designation): Cadu-
lus grandis Verrill, 1884; Recent, West Atlantic,
north of Cape Hatteras.
Shell small to relatively large, moderately
curved, greatest swelling between the middle
and oral aperture, posterior portion and aperture
slightly flattened dorsoventrally; surface without
sculpture, smooth and polished; apex possessing
four rather broad, but shallow notches; white.
This group differs from the subgenus Poly-
schides in having the apical notches greatly re-
duced. The slits vary in size from small indenta-
tions, which appear as chipped-out portions of
the margin, to minute features requiring con-
siderable magnification in order to ascertain the
structure. There are many Recent and Tertiary
Cadulus (Platyschides) austinclarki, n. sp.
Figs. 1, 2
Shell is minute, fairly solid, vitreous, semi-
transparent, very slender, moderately curved,
Fic. 1.—Cadulus (Platyschides) austinclarki, n.
sp.: Holotype, approximately X20.
with the greatest diameter approximately two-
fifths the distance from the oral aperture. The
swelling is gradual and approaches uniformity,
the equator not being conspicuously bulbular and
the convex face forming a nearly uninterrupted
arc. The outline of the concave side is very regu-
lar except for the area of slight equatorial swell-
ing. The oral (anterior) aperture is constricted,
slightly compressed dorsoventrally, but nearly
circular in section; apertural margin is slightly
oblique. Apex is not much attenuated, relatively
large, circular in outline, with a rather oblique
margin. The apical characters are minute but
well defined. The apex has four shallow notches
separated by as many lobes of nearly equal size.
The slits are subtriangular in shape, very shallow,
with concave pair slightly deeper; the lobes are
subconical, with the greatest height of the lobe
composed of the inner shell layer, the outer mar-
gin being beveled so as to provide a thin edge to
the lobes (Fig. 2). The prominence of the lobes
varies with individuals. In some specimens the
vitreous shell is clouded by semiopaque circular
zones producing alternate rings of more or less
Measurements.—Holotype, 4.4 mm long; diam-
eter of apical orifice 0.35 mm; apertural diam-
eter 0.55 mm. None of the paratypes measures
more than 5 mm in length.
Remarks.—The extremely small size, narrow-
ness, and distinctive apical characters serve to
distinguish this species from all other Eastern
Pacific forms. No living species thus far described
from the Eastern Pacific approaches this species.
The most similar living species appears to be
Cadulus (Platyschides) nitidus Henderson (1920)
from Mayagiiez Harbor, Puerto Rico, in 25
fathoms. Though this West Atlantic species has
similar apical features, it is longer and more at-
tenuated and possesses even less equatorial swell-
ing than Cadulus austinclarki. Cadulus (Platy-
schides) parvus Henderson (1920) from the Florida
keys and off Barbados possesses nearly the same
general outline but has a longer shell with more
prominent apical features. Cadulus (Platyschides)
amiantus Dall (1889) from off Bahia Honda,
Cuba, is a larger more curved species with a
greater equator. Cadulus (Platyschides) miamien-
sis Henderson (1920) from off Fowey Light,
Fla., in 209 fathoms, is a much larger, more
curved species with entirely different apical char-
The National Museum records indicate that
this new species is limited to the warm waters of
the Panamic province. This is the first representa-
tive of the subgenus Platyschides reported from
the Eastern Pacific region. Intensified collecting
in this area will undoubtedly reveal the presence
of other species belonging to this group.
Fra. 2.—Cadulus (Platyschides) austinclarki, n.
sp.: Holotype, apical features greatly magnified,
a $-oblique view with the concave face on the
left side: line represents 0.5 mm.
Type locality—Santa Inez Bay, Baja Califor-
nia (Gulf of California), west around Santa
Inez Point, dredged in 6-12 feet of water in fine
black sand; J. Hawkins, Jr., collector, March 30,
Range.—Santa Maria Bay, lat. 24°45’W, west
coast of Baja California, Mexico (in Gulf of
California: Santa Inez Bay, 27°N), to Panama
City, lat. 8°50’N., and the Galdpagos Islands,
Types.—Holotype: U.S.N.M. no. 564527. Para-
types: 39 in number, U.S.N.M. no. 602347.
Records (latitudinal data approximate) .—
West Coast of Baja California, Mexico
Santa Maria Bay, 24° 45’ N., boat dredge,
Bartsch (8).
Cape San Lucas, Bartsch (1).
East Coast of Baja California, Mexico
Fraile Bay, 23° 23’ N., 10-30 feet, coarse, gray
sand, Hawkins (5).
Pichilinque Bay, 24° 13’N., Bartsch (18); 24°
13’N., 20-30 feet, Hawkins (2).
La Paz Bay, 24° 15’/N., all Hawkins: Between
La Paz and El Mogote, 4-6 feet, on gray sandbar
(2); north of east end of El Mogote, 1 fm., black
sand (2); east point of El. Mogote, low tide on
sandy beach (dead) (4); 4 mile southeast of Prieta
Point, 2 fms., gray sand (1); 2% miles north of La
Paz, 1-2 fms., on bar off Caruanito Rock, gray
sand (1).
VOL. 41, No. 1
San Carlos Bay, 25° 18’N., 2-3 fms., fine black
sand bottom, Hawkins (1).
Conception Bay, west end of Coyote Bay, 26°
53’N., 10-12 feet in cove, Hawkins (1).
Santa Inez Bay, 27° N., Hawkins: 2 miles west
of Santa Inez Point, 44 fms., 4 mile offshore in
coarse gray sand (6); west around Santa Inez
Point, 6-12 feet in cove, fine black sand (40),
Republic of Panama
Panama City, 8° 50’N., Zetek (5).
Panama, Zetek (9) [tips broken].
Galdépagos Islands
Near Galdpagos Islands, 1° 21’N., 89° 40’W.,
U.S.F.C. 2813, 40 fms. (25+) [tips broken].
Dati, W. H. Reports on results of dredging...
by the U. S. Coast Survey steamer Blake ...,
XXIX: Mollusca; pt. 2: Gastropodaand Sca-
phopoda. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 18: 492
pp., 40 pls. 1889.
HENDERSON, JoHN B. A monograph of the East
American scaphopod mollusks. U.S. Nat. Mus.
Bull. 111: 177 pp., 20 pls. 1920.
Puteri, R. A. Enwmeratio molluscorum Siciliae
2. 1844.
VerRRILL, A. E. Catalogue of Mollusca recently
added to the fauna of the New England coast and
the adjacent parts of the Atlantic... Trans.
Connecticut Acad. Arts and Sci. 6: 139-294,
5 pls.; 395-452, 3 pls. 1884.
ZOOLOGY .—The brittle-stars of the United States Navy Antarctic Expedition 1947—
48.1 AusTIN H. Ciarx, U.S. National Museum.
In a previous article (this JouRNAL, 40:
330-337, 1950) the Crinoidea, Echinoidea,
and Asteroidea of the Navy’s Antarctic Ex-
pedition of 1947—48 were described. The col-
lection includes 11 species of Ophiuroidea,
none of them new although several are of
much interest.
The literature on the Antarctic echino-
derms has recently been brought up to date
by the magnificent series of Discovery reports
based upon the work of the Discovery, Dis-
covery II, and William Scoresby from 1925 to
1935. In this series the report on the Hchin-
oidea and Ophiuroidea by Th. Mortensen
was published in 19386; on the Crinoidea
(with bibliography) by D. Dilwyn John in
1938; and on the Asteroidea (with bibliog-
raphy) by Walter K. Fisher in 1940.
1 Published by permission of the Secretary of
the Smithsonian Institution. Received September
5, 1950.
A detailed account of the faunal relations
of the Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea, and Echino-
idea was published by René Koehler in 1912
(Deuxiéme Expédition Antarctique Fran-
gaise, 1908-1910, Echinodermes, pp. 186-
253), and of the Crinoidea by the present
author in 1915 (Die Crinoiden der Antark-
Ophicantha disjuncta (Koehler)
Ophiodiplax disjuncta Koehler, British Antarctic
Expedition 1907-9, 2, Biology, pt. 4: 48, pl. 6,
figs. 9, 10, 11, pl. 7, fig. 13. 1911.
Localities—Lat. 66° 35’ S., long. 90° 40’ E.;
150 fathoms; water temperature (surface) 29° F.;
December 30, 1947 (1 specimen, U.S.N.M. no.
Marguerite Bay; 35 fathoms; water temper-
ature 30° F.; February 20, 1948 (1 specimen,
U.S.N.M. no. E.7690).
Notes——In the specimen from lat. 66° 35’ S.,
long. 90° 40’ E. the disk is 12 mm in diameter
and the arms are 80 mm long. Jn the specimen
from Marguerite Bay in 35 fathoms the disk is
7 mm in diameter; the arms are 35 mm long.
Amphiura algida Koehler
Amphiura algida Koehler, British Antarctic Expe-
dition 1907-9, 2, Biology, pt. 4: 46, pl. 7, figs. 14,
15. 1911.
Locality —Off Cape Royds, Ross Island; 58
fathoms; January 29, 1948 (20 specimens,
US.N.M. nos. E.7687, E.7688).
Notes—In the largest specimens the disk is
5 mm in diameter and the arms are 25 mm long.
The radial shields are in contact from only at
their outer ends to about their whole length,
and are slightly broader than is shown in Koeh-
ler’s figure. The arm spines at the base of the
arms are 5, sometimes 6.
Amphiura belgicae Koehler
Amphiura belgicae Koehler, Resultats du voyage
de S. Y. Belgica en 1897 1898-1899, Rapports
Scientifique, Zoologie, Echinides et Ophiures:
27, pl. 7, figs. 46-48. 1901.
Localities—Off -Cape Royds, Ross Island;
58 fathoms; January 29, 1948 (3 specimens,
U.S.N.M. no. E.7683).
Marguerite Bay; 35 fathoms; water temper-
ature 30° F.; February 20, 1948 (2 specimens,
U.S.N.M. no. E.7682).
Notes——One of the specimens from off Cape
Royds has the disk 8 mm in diameter and the
arms 40 mm long. One basal side arm plate
has 5 arm spines; the others have 4 spines. The
two specimens from Marguerite Bay have the
disk 10 mm in diameter and the arms about
mm long; the first four side arm plates beyond
the disk have 5 arm spines.
Ophiomastus tudwigi Koehler
Figs. 1, 2
Ophiomastus ludwigi Koehler, Resultats du voyage
de 8S. Y. Belgica en 1897-1898-1899, Rapports
Scientifique, Zoologie, Echinides et Ophiures:
23, pl. 3, fig. 22, pl. 4, figs. 27, 28. 1901.
Locality.—Marguerite Bay; 35 fathoms; water
temperature 30° F.; February 20, 1948 (2 speci-
mens, U.S.N.M. no. E.7979).
Notes.—Although there is considerable dif-
ference in some details, there can be no doubt
that the larger specimen (Fig. 1) represents the
same species as the single specimen described as
Ophiomastus ludwigi, which was dredged near Peter
Island (lat. 71° S., long. 88° 02’ W.) in 600
It is smaller than the type with the disk 3
mm in diameter and the arms 7 mm long and,
like the type, is immature without genital slits.
The plates of the disk are somewhat irregular.
On the first tentacle pore there are three scales
on the interradial side, one on the radial; on the
second pore there are two or three scales on the
outer side, none on the inner; on the four or five
following pores there is a single small scale at
the base of the lower arm spine; there are no
scales on the following pores. There are two arm
spines, rather widely spaced.
A smaller specimen (Fig. 2) with the disk
1.7 mm. in diameter and the arms 5 mm long
probably belongs to the same species. The
primary radial plates are in contact, and portions
of the radial shields are visible beyond them,
as in Koehler’s specimen. As in the larger speci-
men the disk is thick, but not domed. The first
five upper arm plates, which are not in contact
and decrease in size outwardly from the disk, are
greatly swollen. The arms are more slender than
those of the larger specimen with much elongated
and narrow side arm plates and very small upper
and under arm plates. There are two arm spines
and no tentacle scales.
Ophiura serrata Mortensen
Figs. 3, 4
Ophiura serrata Mortensen, Discovery Reports 12,
Echinoidea and Ophiuroidea: 334, fig. 47, a-d,
335. 1936.
Locality.—Marguerite Bay; 35 fathoms; water
temperature 30° F.; February 20, 1948
specimens, U.S.N.M. no. E.7980).
Notes—These specimens undoubtedly repre-
sent the species called Ophiura serrata by Morten-
sen, though they differ from that species as
described in having fewer and more regular
plates on the dorsal side of the disk and in the
ventral interradial areas, in having only two
well-separated arm spines, and in lacking any
evidence of arm combs, all features presumably
due to immaturity.
The upper arm plates are high and roundedly
carinate, separated from each other by a con-
spicuous notch. In the smaller specimen they are
especially high at the arm bases where they are
separated by a rather broad V-shaped notch.
Distally they become gradually lower and
smaller, more and more widely separated, and
minute in the distal half of the arm. In lateral
view the basal part of the arm appears swollen.
In the larger specimen the disk is 5 mm in
diameter and the arms are 13 mm long; in the
smaller the disk is 3 mm in diameter and the
arms are 10 mm long.
Ophiura rouchi (Koehler)
Ophioglypha roucht Koehler, Deuxiéme Expédition
Antarctique Frangaise (1908-1910), Echinoder-
mes (Astéries, Ophiures et Echinides): 107, pl.
9, figs. 11, 12. 1912.
Localities —Off Cape Royds, Ross Island; 58
fathoms; January 29, 1948 (2 very small speci-
mens, U.S.N.M. no. E.7707).
vou. 41, No. 1
Marguerite Bay; 35 fathoms; water temper-
ature 30° F.; February 20, 1948 (4 specimens,
U.S.N.M. no. E.7684).
Notes.—The specimens from Marguerite Bay
have the disk 5 mm. in diameter and the arms
30 mm. long.
Ophiurolepis gelida (Koehler)
Ophioglypha gelida Koehler, Bull. Acad. Belgique,
1900: 819; Resultats du voyage du 8. Y. Belgica
en 1897—1898-1899, Rapports Scientifiques, Zo-
ologie, Mchinides et Ophiures: 17, pl. 1, figs.
6-8. 1901.
Localities —Off Cape Royds, Ross Island;
58 fathoms; January 29, 1948 (27 specimens,
U.S.N.M. nos. E.7679, E.7680, E.7685).
Marguerite Bay; 35 fathoms; water tempera-
ture 30° F.; February 20, 1948 (2 specimens,
U.S.N.M. no. E.7678).
Fies. 1-4.—1, 2, Ophiomastus ludwigi: 1, Specimen with the disk 3 mm in diameter; 2, specimen with
the disk 1.7 mm in diameter.
3, 4, Ophiura serrata, aboral (3) and oral (4) surfaces.
Notes.—The largest specimen from off Cape
Royds has the disk 11 mm. in diameter and the
arms 35 mm long. One specimen is 4-rayed. The
largest specimen from Marguerite Bay has the
disk 12 mm in diameter and the arms 35 mm long.
Ophiurolepis martensi (Studer)
Ophioglypha martensi Studer, Jahrb. wiss. Anst.
Hamburg 2: p. 161, pl. 2, figs. 8, a, b. 1885.
Localities—Off Cape Royds, Ross Island;
58 fathoms; January 29, 1949 (11 specimens,
U.S.N.M. nos. E.7705, E.7706).
Marguerite Bay; 35 fathoms; water tempera-
ture 30° F.; February 20, 1948 ( 5 specimens,
U.S.N.M. no. E.7704).
Ophionotus victoriae Bell
Ophionotus victoriae Bell, Report Coll. Nat. Hist.
.. . Southern Cross: 216. 1902—Koehler, Deu-
xiéme Expédition Antarctique Frangaise (1908-
1910), Echinodermes (Astéries, Ophiures et Echi-
nides): 114, pl. 10, figs. 2-4, 12, 13, pl. 11, fig. 8.
Localities —Lat. 65° 25’ S., long. 101° 13’ E.;
100 fathoms; water temperature 30° F.; January
14, 1948 (10 specimens, U.S.N.M. no. E.7676)
Peter Island; 30 fathoms; water temperature
29.6° F.; February 15, 1948 (124 specimens,
U.S.N.M. nos. E. 7658, E.7659, E.7660, E.7663,
E.7664, E.7665, E.7666, E.7669, E.7670, E.7671,
E.7672, E.7673, E.7674, E.7675).
Peter Island; 60 fathoms; February 15, 1948
(1 specimen, U.S.N.M. no. E.7668).
Marguerite Bay; 35 fathoms; water tempera-
ture 30° F.; February 20, 1948 (22 specimens,
U.S.N.M. nos. E.7661, E.7662).
Marguerite Bay; 40 fathoms; water tempera-
ture 30° F.; February 22, 1948 (8 specimens,
U.S.N.M. no. E.7667).
Notes.—The specimens from lat. 65° 25’ §.,
long. 101° 13’ E. with the disk up to 27 mm in
diameter have the disk less rounded and more
pentagonal than the others; the arm spines are
more slender and delicate and the mouth papillae
less stout and more sharply pointed. The arms
are longer and more slender, a specimen with
the disk 23 mm in diameter having the arms
120 mm long, and one with the disk 16 mm in
diameter having the arms 80 mm long.
The specimens from Peter Island in 30 fathoms
have the disk from 4 to 25 mm in diameter.
The specimen from Peter Island in 60 fathoms
has the disk 20 mm in diameter.
In the specimens from Marguerite Bay in 35
fathoms the disk is up to 27 mm in diameter.
One of those from Marguerite Bay in 40 fathoms
has the disk 28 mm in diameter.
Ophiosteira senoqui Koehler
Ophiosteira senoqui Koehler, Deuxiéme Expédition
Antarctique Frangaise (1908-1910), Echino-
dermes (Astéries, Ophiures et Echinides): 110,
pl. 10, figs. 8-11. 1912.
Locality.— Off the Knox Coast (lat. 66° 31’ S.,
long. 110° 26’ E.); 100 fathoms; January 19,
1948 (1 specimen, U.S.N.M. no. E.7681). ‘B
Note.—In this specimen the disk is 20 mm. in
diameter and the arms are 120 mm long.
Ophiocten megaloplax Koehler
Ophiocten megaloplac Koehler, Bull. Acad. Bel-
gique, 1900: 819; Resultats du voyage du 8. Y.
Belgica en 1897-1898-1899, Zoologie, Echinides
et Ophiures: 22, pl. 6, figs. 38, 39. 1901.
Localities —Lat. 66° 35’ S., long. 90° 40’ E.;
150 fathoms; water temperature (surface) 29°
F.; December 30, 1947 (1 specimen, U.S.N.M.
no. E.7692).
Lat. 65° 25’ S., long. 101° 13’ E.; 100 fathoms;
water temperature 30° F.; January 14, 1948
(2 specimens, U.S.N.M. no. E.7693).
Off the Knox Coast (lat. 66° 31’ S., long. 110°
26’ E.); 100 fathoms; January 19, 1948 (1
specimen, U.S.N.M. no. E.7691).
Notes—The specimen from lat. 66° 35’ S.,
long. 90° 40’ E. in 150 fathoms has the disk 5.5
mm in diameter and the arms 25 mm long.
The specimen from off the Knox Coast has the
disk 8 mm. in diameter, with the circular central
plate 3 mm in diameter, and the arms 35 mm
Ross Island; caught along the beach near
Cape Royds; January 29, 1948. Odontaster
Off Cape Royds, Ross Island; 58 fathoms;
January 29, 1948. Sterechinus antarcticus,
Odontaster validus, Amphiura algida, Amphiura
belgicae, Ophiura rouchi, Ophiurolepis gelida,
Ophiurolepis martenst, Amphiurid.
Marguerite Bay; littoral; February 22, 1948.
Labidiaster annulatus. Tide pools along shore on
an island in Marguerite Bay; February 21,
1948. Sterechinus antarcticus, Acondontaster elon-
gatus, Lysasterias perrierit, Lysasterias joffret,
Adelasterias papillosa. Dredged at 35 fathoms;
temperature 30° F.; February 20, 1948. Pro-
machocrinus kerguelensis, Sterechinus antarcticus,
Leptychaster magnificus, Psilaster charcot:, Odon-
taster meridionalis, Odontaster validus, Acodon-
taster elongatus, Perknaster aurantiacus, Remaster
gourdoni, Adelasterias papillosa, Ophiacantha
disjuncta, Amphiura belgicae, Ophiomastus lud-
wigi, Ophiura serrata, Ophiura rouchi, Ophiuro-
lepis gelida, Ophiurolepis martenst, Ophionotus
victoriae. Dredged at 40 fathoms; temperature
30° F.; February 22, 1948. Promachocrinus
kerguelensis, Sterechinus antarcticus, Odontaster
validus, Cuenotaster involutus, Lysasterias perriert,
Ophionotus victoriae. Dredged at 35-105 fath-
oms; temperature 30.2° F.; February 19, 1948.
Sterechinus antarcticus. Dredged at 115 fathoms
temperature 30.2° F.; February 18, 1949.
Sterechinus antarcticus, Ondontaster validus.
Off Peter I Island; 30 fathoms; temperature
29.6° F.; February 15, 1948. Psilaster charcott,
Ophionotus victoriae. Same, 60 fathoms; February
15, 1948. Ophionotus victoriae. ua
Lat. 66° 35’ S., long. 90° 40’ E.; 150 fathoms;
December 30, 1947. Ophiacantha disjuncta,
Ophiocten megaloplax.
Lat. 65° 25’ S., long. 101° 13’ E.; 110 fathoms;
temperature 30° F.; January 14, 1948. Floro-
metra mawsoni, Ophionotus victoriae, Ophiocten
vou. 41, No. 1
Lat. 66° 31’ S., long. 110° 26’ E.; 100 fathoms;
January 9, 1948. Promachocrinus kerguelensis,
Ophiosteira senoqui, Ophiocten megaloplaz.
It is interesting to compare the representation
of the different classes of echinoderms (exclusive
of the holothurians) in the Antarctic and the
Arctic. The number of species in each region is as
Antarctic Arctic
@rinoidea sire ei se coer a ecteniclias 24 3
Mchinoldeateeses-caeh eo eee 30 2
Asteroids 35 )5 che ciss, oe ene OE 114 23
OyomeriClr, sccosacosascwescdsouepsdnc 50 12
This enumeration does not include the fauna of
the subantarctic islands or the Magellanic
region, which support many additional species
mostly related to Antarctic types.
The strictly Antarctic species are almost
wholly confined to the immediate vicinity of the
Antarctic continent, while the majority of the
Arctic species range for a greater or lesser distance
southward in the north Atlantic, a few also in
the north Pacific, and there is an isolated Arctic
colony in the very cold water of the eastern part
of the Seas of Okhotsk and Japan. A few Antarc-
tic types range northward along the west coast
of South and North America. Thus among the
erinoids Ptilocrinus reaches British Columbia,
Ilycrinus occurs off southeastern Alaska and
westward to the Commander Islands, and
Florometra extends northward to the Aleutian
Islands, and south in the west Pacific to southern
ZOOLOGY.—A new genus and species of notodelphyoid copepod from Japan.: Pau
L. Inte, U. S. National Museum.
In the course of assembling a series of
notodelphyoid copepods for revisionary stud-
ies, a fruitful source of material has been
found in the yet unclassified collections of
tunicates in the National Museum. The
distinctive form here described has been
selected for immediate treatment as a testi-
monial to the retiring curator of echino-
derms, United States National Museum,
Austin Hobart Clark. It is considered an
appropriate token of Mr. Clark’s significant
connections with the United States Fish
Commission steamer Albatross, the collecting
vessel, and of his pioneer interest in the
zoogeographic features of Japanese waters.
1 Published by permission of the Secretary of
the Smithsonian Institution. Received October
6, 1950.
The generic name here proposed is derived
as an anagram of Mr. Clark’s given name.
Subfamily NoropELPHYINAE Schellenberg, 1922
Ustina, n. gen.
The description below of the characters of the
genotype and only species, Ustina clarkt, n. sp.,
provides the generic definition.
Ustina clarki, n. sp.
Specimens examined.—23 females, 18 males,
all adult; from branchial cavities of numerous
specimens of a small species of solitary ascidian.
Albatross station 3698, off Manazuru Zaki, N.8°,
W. 4.5 miles, inside Sagami Bay, Honshu Island,
Japan, 153 fathoms, May 5, 1900.
Types—Holotypic female, U.S.N.M. no.
91090; allotypic male no. 91091; paratypes no.
91092; all from the one known collection; scien-
tific name of ascidian host not known.
Description —FEMALE (Figs. 1, a-o): General
aspect (Fig. 1, a) marked by the heavy chitiniza-
tion of the body, with resultant characteristic
rigidity of the major body units, and, in addition,
an extremely notable compression of the meta-
some. The heavy body cuticle is densely set with
perforating conical pores which reach from wide
bases to much diminished surface apertures.
There seem to be no structures projecting beyond
the apertures. The metasome is 5-segmented.
The fused cephalothoracic portion includes the
somites of all the mouthparts. The segment of
the first swimming legs is free and much shorter
than the other thoracic segments. The somite of
the fourth legs almost equals in bulk the remain-
der of the metasome by reason of its voluminous
dorsal and posterior expansion to accomodate the
characteristic incubatorium. The eggs are large
and rather few in number. They form a compact
mass which somewhat intrudes anteriorly into the
third free somite.
The urosome (Fig. 1, 6) is 5-segmented, some
what elongate and cylindrical. The very short
somite of the fifth legs is succeeded by three long,
subequal segments and a very short, but highly
characteristic, terminal segment. The anal somite
bears a greatly enlarged ventral projection, pear-
shaped in lateral view, wide and faintly bilobed
from ventral aspect. This prominence is further
marked by a very thick cuticle, densely set with
the porelike structures described above. The
caudal rami are widely spaced and project ventro-
laterally from the sides of the segment.
An axis through the body measures over-all
2.2 mm. The separate lengths of the metasome
and urosome, as measured along their major
axes, are respectively 1.75 mm and 1.15 mm.
The head (cephalothorax) is triangular in side
view. The ventral margin of the notal shield is
markedly indented subapically at the point of
emergence of the antennular bases. The notum
is produced ventrally and posteriorly over the
bases of the antennules as a wide-based, roughly
triangular rostrum, with rounded apex.
The antennule (Fig. 1, c) is 8-segmented and
densely setiferous. The base is more or less en-
veloped by the ample rostrum. The typical pos-
ture would appear to be that resulting from a
sharp elbow bend of the third segment upon the
second. The basal two segments are much the
widest, the six distal to the flexure taper grad-
ually to the narrow tip which is about one-seventh.
the basal width of the first sezment. The setation
has not been depicted fully in the figure nor was
an exact count attempted. All the segments are
heavily chitinized and the setae are consistently
long, slender and profusely plumose.
The antenna (Fig. 1, d) is 3-segmented. The
basal segment is much the longest, almost equal-
ing the combined lengths of the distal segments.
It bears distally a well-developed, elongate,
plumose seta. The two terminal segments are
subequal. Segment 2 bears a short slender seta
subapically. Segment 3 has the usual stout,
curved, tapered hook, articulated on the distal
surface. Set in relation to this terminal jointing are
5 setae. More proximally there is a trio of sub-
equal setae which lie closely appressed to the
surface. Still more proximal is a short slender
seta. The basal segment bears a characteristic
marginal row of very long, fine cilia.
The masticatory plate of the mandible (Fig.
1, e) is best presented by illustration. The mandib-
ular palp (Fig. 1, f) shows some tendency to
suppression of the endopodite. Some of the setae
are stout, elongate and plumose, but several are
reduced to relatively short and slender dimen-
sions. The two segments are subequal. The basal
segment bears 4 setae at the distal medial corner.
The terminal segment bears 8 setae arranged
across the truncate end and along the medial
margin. The basipodite bears a relatively small
subapical seta. The exopodite is a flattened, rigid
plate with no remaining evidence of segmentation
other than its 5 graduated, long, plumose setae.
The maxillule (Fig. 1, g) is ornamented with
relatively long, profusely plumose setae. The
principal endite of the coxopodite bears a row of
nine stout, short, tapered setae. The next distal
medial process (a second endite?) is directly
prolonged as a sharply tapering, flattened seta,
profusely set with marginal ciliation. The
basipodite bears medially three long, graduated
setae, all plumose. The shortest is proximal and
equals about two-thirds the length of the distally
placed longest. The middle seta is intermediate
in length. The endopodite bears four long, plu-
mose setae, two borne terminally and two on the
medial margin. The exopodite is slightly more ex-
panded than the endopodite and has three setae
widely spaced somewhat truneate
margin. The epipodite is set with a long plumose
seta, directed basally and with a more distally
placed, very short, sharply tapered auxiliary seta.
along its
The maxilla (Fig. 1, h) is seemingly of primitive
construction. It is 5-segmented; each segment
bears one or more profusely ciliated, elongate
setae. The basal segment bears a proximal trio
of long setae, set more or less transversely to the
main axis of the appendage on a well-developed
protuberance. The next distal medial prominence
bears a single long, plumose seta. The third
prominence has a pair of equal, long, plumose
setae. The terminal prominence of the segment
bears two equal plumose setae; set at the base of
these is a very short auxiliary seta. The second
segment bears a pair of setae with an accompany-
ing, basally placed, short auxiliary seta. The more
proximal of the principal setae is equivalent in
length to those of the basal segment. The distal
seta is about two-thirds as long as the other, of
about the same thickness; it is the homologue of
the heavily developed claw that occurs in many
closely related notodelphyoids. The third seg-
ment bears one plumose seta; the fourth segment
is distinctively set with one long, plumose seta
and ‘a second, much shorter and slenderer seta.
The terminal segment bears a distally arranged
trio of plumose setae, one of which is equivalent
in dimensions with the majority of the setae of the
appendage, the remaining two shorter and
slenderer by about one-third. All are plumose.
The maxilliped (Fig. 1, 7) is a flat, unsegmented
plate, preserving, however, indications of direct
derivation from a 2-segmented condition. A distal
pair of subequal, long, plumose setae is set on a
well demarcated projection of the appendage. The
medial margin bears two quartets of roughly
equal, short, plumose setae.
The swimming legs are distinctive as indicated
in the figures and in the following tabulation of
arrangement of setae and spines. Setae are desig-
nated in Arabic numerals following designation of
spines in Roman. The segments of each ramus are
accounted for in order from the basal segment
distally. First exopodite I-1; I-1; IV-3; first
endopodite O-0; O-6. Second exopodite I-1; 1-1;
V-4; second endopodite O-1; O-8. Third exopodite
J-1; I-1; IV-4; third endopodite O-1; O-8. Fourth
exopodite I-1; I-1; IV-3; fourth endopodite
O-1; O-7.
All the legs are heavily chitinized. None bears
medial setae on the coxopodite. All bear a seta,
variously developed, at the lateral edge of the
basipodite. The endopodites are all 2-segmented.
The lengths of the exopodites are graduated, the
fourth being at least twice as long as the first.
The elongation is mainly due to increased produc-
VoL. 41, No. 1
tion of the terminal segment of each exopodite.
In the first legs (Fig. 1, 7) the rami are sub-
equal. The lateral seta of the coxopodite is very
long, stout and plumose. The basipodite bears
medially a stout, curved, tapered spine which
reaches to about the beginning of the distal third
of the terminal segment of the endopodite. The
setae of the terminal segment of the exopodite
are short, exceeding the inner terminal spine by
about half its length. The endopodite (Fig. 1, k)
is highly distinctive; it is heavily chitinized. The
elongate, terminal segment curves laterally and
distally. The setae are all very long and profusely
In the second legs (Fig. 1, 1) the endopodite
reaches slightly beyond the second segment of the
exopodite. The terminal exopodite segment is
slightly shorter than the combined lengths of the
two proximal segments. The third endopodite
reaches just beyond the second segment of the
third exopodite. The terminal segment of the
latter exceeds the combined lengths of the proxi-
mal two segments by about one-third. In the
fourth legs (Fig. 1, m) the endopodite does not
quite reach to the distal margin of the second
segment of the exopodite. The length of the distal
segment of the exopodite exceeds the proximal
segments by half again their combined lengths.
The setae of these swimming legs are in the main
very long and plumose. Notably excepted are the
setae of the third and fourth exopodites. These
are short and slender; their consistency ap-
proaches more or less that of the spines and they
lack the usual plumose ciliation.
The fifth legs (Fig. 1, n) are much reduced. In
general aspect they are reminiscent of those in
Botachus. The basal portion is more or less
coalesced with the substance of the somite. A
plumose lateral seta is borne on a slightly elevated
basal prominence. The free segment is short and
narrow. It bears a medial subapical spine and a
relatively short terminal seta. The basal plate and
free segment are heavily chitinized. The terminal
seta is seemingly lacking in ornamentation.
The caudal rami (Fig. 1, 0) are flat, heavily
chitinized plates. The armature consists of a
long, terminal, articulated claw, a more proximal,
short, heavy, spinelike claw, and 3 short setae.
Mate (Figs. 1, p, g): a more or less generalized
notodelphyoid type, possibly tending somewhat
to compression of the metasome. The integument
is of normal aspect, lacking the marked sclerotiza-
tion seen in the female. There are no cuticular
pores detectable in the specimens seen. The meta-
Fre. 1.—Ustina clarki, n. sp. Female: a, Habit, lateral view; b, urosome, ventral view; ¢c, antennule;
d, antenna; e, masticatory plate of mandible; f, mandibular palp; g, maxillule; kh, maxilla; ?, maxilliped;
J, first leg; k, first endopodite; 1, second leg; m, fourth leg; n, fifth leg; 0, caudal ramus. Male: p, First
leg; q, fourth leg. The scale, referring only to the figure of the habit of the female, represents 0.5 mm.
To avoid complication of detail the plumose ciliation of most setae depicted has been omitted; this de-
tail can be supplied from the description.
some is 5-segmented, comparable, except for the
lack of the inflated incubatory structures, to the
tagmosis in the female. The urosome is 6-seg-
mented, modified in its thoracic component by the
complicated male reproductive structures. The
first urosomal somite is short and bears at its
posterior margin fifth legs entirely comparable
with those in the female. The second segment is
twice as long and bears the usual sixth leg
lappets, each terminating in a prolongation bear-
ing two subequal setae. The succeeding three
segments are subequal; the first of these is half
again as long as the combined lengths of the first
two segments. The terminal somite is comparable
to that in the female, heavily chitinized, but
lacking the elaborately developed cuticular struc-
ture of the other sex.
None of the cephalic or thoracic appendages,
other than the sexually modified sixth legs ex-
hibits specialization toward copulatory prehen-
sion. The head appendages and maxillipeds are
comparable to those in the female, although of
smaller absolute dimensions and with somewhat
less substantial structure. The swimming legs are
not so modified as those in the female, retaining
a more generalized aspect. The segmentation
differs by the fact that the endopodites of the
second, third and fourth legs preserve the basic
3-segmented condition. The ornamentation differs
from that in the female in the following particu-
lars: second endopodite O-1; O-2; O-6. Third
endopodite O-1; O-2; O-6. Fourth exopodite I-1;
J-1; IV-4; fourth endopodite O-1; O-2; O-5.
The first legs (Fig. 1, p) exhibit segmentation
and ornamentation comparable to that in the
female, but with over-all reduction in size and
substance. The exopodites in the second through
fourth legs exceed the endopodites by about the
length of the terminal exopodite segments. These
terminal segments in each case are shorter than
the combined lengths of each two basal segments.
The fourth leg (Fig. 1, g) is depicted to show the
departure in configuration of segments and degree
of ornamentation from the condition in the
The length of the male is 1.1 mm.
Remarks.—The copepod here described raises
some difficulty when an attempt is made to place
it in the scheme of classification of the notodel-
phyoids. The existing generic definition most
aptly accommodating its characteristics would be
Notopterophoroides Schellenberg, 1922. However,
when characters of the present species, those of
Botachus, the species of Notopterophorus, Pachy-
voL. 41, No. 1
pygus and the two species of Notopterophoroides
are compared, it would seem as though a set of
variations around a basic ground plan is dis-
cernible. Unifying characters would be: con-
siderable similarity of antennule; general simi-
larity of construction of mandibular palp; more
or less graduated reduction in maxillular ormamen-
tation, in structure of maxilla, and of maxilliped;
individual but more or less consistent modifica-
tions of swimming legs; reduction of fifth legs;
and great similarity of construction of urosome
with markedly consistent modification of the anal
somite and caudal rami. It seems supportable
that here among the notodelphyoids is still
another series of related forms comparable to the
groups varying around the Notodelphys mode and
the Doropygus mode respectively. The present
series exhibits characters (structure of antennule,
for instance) which might be considered more
primitive than those of Doropygus; others in-
disputably are more highly derived. By compari-
son with Notodelphys some of this group display
a possibly more basie condition in having the
somite of the first swimming legs a free segment.
Since very probably there are yet undiscovered a
considerable number of notodelphyoids which
might furnish elucidation of the so far seemingly
random distribution of the basic characters, it
seems best at the present level of knowledge to
indicate supraspecific identity as strongly as pos-
sible. Accordingly separation is here recognized of
all the aforementioned genera, and for the newly
described form generic status is proposed. The
species of Notopterophoroides seem to be rather
arbitrarily united in the generic delimitation.
Since Lang, 1949, by designation of N. armadillo
Schellenberg as genotype has fixed the generic
concept, the second species, NV. malacodermatus
Schellenberg, seems only questionably appropri-
ately referable to the genus. However, until the
discovery of other species and clarification of the
characters of the latter species, it seems prefer-
able to refrain from attempting further generic
Lane, K. Copepoda ‘‘Notodelphyoida’’ from the
Swedish west-coast with an outline on the sys-
tematics of the copepods. Arkiv. for Zool. 40A
(No. 14): 1-36, 1 pl., 17 figs. 1949.
ScHELLENBERG, A. Neue Notodelphyiden des Ber-
liner und Hamburger Museums mit einer Uber-
sicht der ascidienbewohnenden Gattungen und
Arten. I. Teil. Mitteil. Zool. Mus. Berlin 10
(2): 217-274, 43 figs. 1922.
ZOOLOGY .—The grass shrimps of the genus Hippolyte from the west coast of North
America.! FENNER A. CHace, Jr., U. 8. National Museum.
Two species of Hippolyte have been de-
scribed from the Pacific coast of North
America. One, Hippolyte californiensis, has
been recorded from several localities be-
tween Sitka, Alaska, and Santa Inez Bay,
Baja California. The other, H. mexicana,
was described by me from a series of muti-
lated specimens from the latter locality. I
am now convinced that H. mexicana repre-
sents the previously undescribed male of H.
californiensis. Examination of material in
the collections of the U.S. National Museum
indicates, however, that specimens from the
northern part of the recorded range of H.
califormiensis are very distinct from those
from the southern part and that they be-
long to a hitherto undescribed species.
It is a pleasure to name this species after
Austin H. Clark, retiring curator of echino-
derms, U. 8S. National Museum, in recog-
nition not only of his outstanding contribu-
tions to our knowledge of many groups of
animals but, especially, of his even broader
influence on natural history through the
assistance and encouragement he always
has ready for biologists whose major goals
still lie ahead.
Hippolyte californiensis Holmes
Figs. 1, a-e
Hippolyte californiensis Holmes, 1895, p. 576, pl.
20, figs. 21-26 (type locality, Bodega Bay,
Calif.; cotypes, U.S.N.M. no. 18697) ; 1900, p. 193.
—Rathbun, 1904, p. 56 (part).—Schmitt, 1921, p.
48 (part), figs. 26, a-b (not fig. 26, c); 1924a, p.
165 (part); 1924b, p. 387.—Chace, 1937, p. 126.
Hippolyte mexicana Chace, 1937, p. 127, fig. 6 (type
locality, Santa Inez Bay, Baja California, Mex-
ico; holotype, no. 361076, Department of Trop-
ical Research, New York Zoological Society) .
Female.—Carapace not inflated. Four pairs of
subequally spaced tufts of plumose setae on dor-
sal part of carapace. Supraorbital spine reaching
forward about as far as, or slightly beyond, hind
margin of orbit. Antennal spine small, separated
by a U-shaped notch from suborbital angle; the
latter is blunt, but produced nearly or quite as
1 Published by permission of the Secretary of
the Smithsonian Institution. Received October
6, 1950.
far as the antennal spine. Branchiostegal spine
prominent and set far back from anterior margin
of carapace, the tip falling short of the margin by
at least half the length of the spine.
Rostrum reaching not quite as far as, or a
little beyond, end of antennal scale. Upper mar-
gin straight, or a little concave, and armed with
three or four teeth behind the tip. The tip is
usually bifid, the upper tooth overreaching the
lower. Lower margin set on a very narrow crest,
slightly wider than the dorsal one, and armed
with three to five teeth behind the tip. Supporting
ridge on each lateral face of rostrum very sharp
posteriorly, becoming blunt and finally indistinct
on the anterior half.
Third somite of abdomen produced in a very
low, rounded cap over anterior portion of fourth
somite. There is a tuft of plumose setae on each
side of the cap near the margin, and another pair
near the middle. Fifth somite unarmed. Sixth
somite one and three-fourths times as long as
fifth. Telson as long as sixth somite, flattened
dorsoventrally, and armed with two pairs of
lateral spines, the anterior pair inserted not
quite half way from the base to the tip of the
telson, and the posterior pair about midway be-
tween the first pair and the tip; there are six or
seven terminal spinules, the two submedian pairs
about subequal in length and longer than the
lateral pair.
Cornea of eye wider than stalk and not reach-
ing as far forward as tip of stylocerite. Stylocerite
slender, sharp, and separated from main portion
of segment by a narrow emargination. First
antennular segment armed with an outer distal
spine (and sometimes a smaller spine mediad
to the first}. Second segment about twice as long
as third. Inner flagellum made up of 18 to 22
segments, the outer one of 9 to 11 segments
the first 6 to 8 of which are somewhat inflated.
Antenna with a lower spine on basis. Scale nar-
row with subparallel sides, the inner angle of the
blade strongly produced far beyond the outer
External maxillipeds rather stout and reaching
somewhat beyond the tip of the spine on the
basis of the antenna. The exopod is well de-
veloped. First legs robust, unarmed; carpus dis-
tinetly longer than palm. First joint of carpus
of second legs a little over twice as long as second,
which is about three-fourths as long as third
(one specimen examined has the second joint
fully as long as the third); chela usually shorter
than combined lengths of second and third joints
of carpus. Third leg reaching forward nearly as
far as end of antennular peduncle; merus with
three to five lateral spies; carpus with one;
propodus very slender, armed ventrally with
about seven spines, increasing in size distally;
dactyl long and slender, with three stout spines
at tip and ten to thirteen on lower margin, in-
creasing in size distally. Fourth leg extending
forward about as far as end of antennal peduncle;
merus armed with three lateral spines; carpus
VOL. 41, No. 1
with one; propodus and dactyl as in third leg.
Fifth leg reaching forward to terminal third of
basis of antenna; merus and carpus armed with
one spine each; propodus and dactyl as in leg 3.
Male.—Rostrum slender, reaching about to
middle of second antennular segment, and
straight or slightly downcurved throughout its
length. Rostral margins subparallel, armed dor-
sally with two to four, usually three, teeth, and
ventrally with one to three, usually two,
teeth near the tip.
Sixth abdominal somite about one and three-
fourths times as long as fifth, as in female, but
telson is slightly longer than the sixth somite.
Fig. 1.—a, Hippolyte californiensis, frontal part of female from Dillon Beach, Calif., X8.3; b, dorsal
view of right ‘antennule of female cotype, X8.3; c, second right leg of same specimen, x8. 3; d, third
right leg of same specimen, X8.3; e, dactyl of same, X17.4; f, Hippolyte clarki, n. sp., frontal part of
female holotype, X8.3; g. dorsal view of right antennule of "holotype, X8.3; h, ‘second | right leg of hol-
otype, X8.3; 7, third right leg of holotype, 8.3; 7, dactyl of same, X17. 4: k, anterior view of second
right pleopod of holotype, X17.4; 1, frontal part ‘of male paratype from Friday Harbor, Wash., X8.3;
m, second right leg of same specimen, X8.3; n, third right leg of same specimen, X8.3; 0, dactyl of same,
X17.4; p, anterior view of second right pleopod of same specimen, 17.4.
Eyes reaching forward about to end of stylo-
cerite. First antennular segment armed with row
of three spines on distal margin. Outer antennular
flagellum composed of about 16 segments, the
proximal 10 of which are inflated.
External maxillipeds reaching beyond tip of
antennal scale. Legs proportionately longer than
in female; third legs reach well beyond end of
antennal scale. Propodi of last three pairs very
broad and flat in distal half. Dactyls of these
legs armed with about 16 spines on lower margin
and two large apical spines, which are followed
on the distal end of the upper margin by a row
of five spines which become progressively smaller
Color.—Green (Holmes); green with pink mar-
gins (Hilton).
Measurements.—Carapace lengths of smallest
ovigerous female and largest female examined,
4.9 and 6.8 mm, respectively. Carapace lengths
of males, 2.7 to 3.8 mm.
Range.—West coast of North America from
Bodega Bay, Calif., to the Gulf of California.
Material examined.—Bodega Bay, Calif.; from
University of California; 2 females (1 ovigerous),
cotypes (U.S.N.M. no. 18697).
Dillon Beach, Marin County, Calif. (tide flats
in eel-grass area); June 8, 1941; G. M. Scheibner;
1 female (U.S.N.M. no. 89716).
Mugu Bay, Ventura County, Calif.; May 31,
1923; E. P. Chace; 5 females (3 ovigerous)
(U.S.N.M. no. 89710).
Balboa, Calif. (in eel grass); December 26,
1917; W. A. Hilton; from Pomona College; 2
females (1 ovigerous) (U.S.N.M. no. 50659).
San Diego, Calif.; March 9, 1898; Albatross;
5 females (2 ovigerous) (U.S.N.M. no. 23403).
Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico; Novem-
ber 28, 1936; S. A. Glassell; 1 female (U.S.N.M.
no. 89678).
Off Cape San Lazaro, Baja California, Mexico
(in kelp); March 28, 1936; Zaca Expedition; 1
specimen (D.T.R., N.Y.Z.S. no. 361072).
Santa Inez Bay, Baja California, Mexico (in
stomach of American eared grebe); April 9, 1936;
Zaca Expedition; 27 specimens (D.T.R., N.Y.Z.S.
nos. 361073, 361077). Same (in stomach of Amer-
ican eared grebe); April 11, 1936; 105 specimens
(D.T.R., N.Y.Z.S. nos. 361074, 361078, and
M.C.Z. no. 9501). Same; 1 fathom; April 15,
1936; 1 male (holotype of H. mexicana, D.T.R.,
N.Y.ZS. no. 361076). Same; 3 fathoms; April 15,
1936; 1 female (D.T.R., N.Y.Z.S. no. 361075).
Hippolyte clarki, n. sp.
Figs. 1, =D
Hippolyte californiensis Rathbun, 1904, p. 56
(part).—Schmitt, 1921, p. 48 (part), fig. 26, ¢;
1924a, p. 165 (part). Not H. californiensis
Holmes, 1895.
Female.—Carapace not inflated. A pair of
tufts of plumose setae on cardiac region and
another on anterior gastric region. Supraorbital
spine not large, reaching forward slightly be-
yond hind margin of orbit. Antennal spine small,
separated by a U-shaped notch from suborbital
angle; the latter is blunt, but produced about as
far as the antennal spine. Branchiostegal spine
prominent and set well back from anterior mar-
gin of carapace, the tip falling short of the margin
by nearly half the length of the spine.
Rostrum extending well beyond end of an-
tennal scale. Upper margin concave in the prox-
imal third and straight and ascending distally,
or concave throughout, and usually armed with
two teeth above the eye; occasional specimens
are found with one or three teeth on the dorsal
margin behind the tip. The tip is usually trifid,
a small tooth being placed on each margin just
back of the apex; occasionally either the dorsal
or ventral subapical tooth may be absent (one
specimen examined has two subapical teeth on
the upper margin, causing the tip of the rostrum
to appear quadridentate). Lower margin with a
narrow crest, deepest at about the end of the
proximal third, and armed with one to five teeth.
Supporting ridge on each lateral face of rostrum
blunt, not sharply carinate, although prominent
Abdomen with a pair of tufts of plumose setae
on posterior parts of first and second somites and
two pairs of such tufts on third. Third somite
produced in a low, blunt cap over anterior part
of fourth somite. Fifth somite unarmed. Sixth
somite nearly twice as long as fifth. Telson slightly
shorter than sixth somite, flattened dorsoven-
trally, and armed with two pairs of lateral spines,
the anterior spine inserted at a point not quite
halfway from the base to the tip of the telson,
and the posterior one about midway between
the first pair and the tip; there are from six to
eight terminal spines, of which the submedian
pair is the longest.
Cornea of eye wider than stalk, forming a
rather bulbous tip to the stalk, and reaching for-
ward about to the end of the stylocerite. Stylo-
cerite sharp, separated from first segment of
antennular peduncle by a narrow emargination.
First antennular segment unarmed distally. Sec-
ond and third segments slender, the second seg-
ment fully twice as long as the third. Inner flagel-
lum made up of 16 to 22 segments, the outer one
of 8 to 11, of which the first is usually very long
and all but the last three or four moderately in-
flated. Antenna with a lower spine on basis.
Scale narrow with subparallel sides, the imner
angle of the blade angular and produced far be-
yond the level of the outer spine.
External maxillipeds rather slender, reaching
nearly as far as end of antennal peduncle. There
is a fairly well developed exopod. First legs ro-
bust, unarmed; carpus distinctly longer than
palm. First jomt of carpus of second legs nearly
three times as long as second, which is slightly
shorter than the third; chela a little shorter than
the combined lengths of the second and third
joints of the carpus. Third leg reaching forward
about to end of antennal scale; merus with two
to five lateral spines; carpus with one; propodus
slender with subparallel sides and armed ventrally
with five to seven pairs of spinules increasing in
length distally, the inner spine of each pair being
much shorter than the outer; dactyl broad and
short, armed with six to eight ventral spines and
a double row of eight longer ones crowded onto
the distal half of the upper margin. Fourth leg
extending forward nearly to end of second seg-
ment of antennular peduncle; merus armed with
up to five lateral spines; carpus with one; pro-
podus and dacty] as in third leg. Fifth leg reach-
ing forward about to end of first antennular seg-
ment; merus armed with up to four lateral spines;
carpus with one; propodus and dacty] as in third
Male.—Rostrum slender, reaching about to
end of antennular peduncles, and somewhat up-
curved distally. Rostral margins subparallel. Ros-
tral armature roughly as in females (one male
examined has no ventral tooth); the tip is often
more obscurely trifid than in the female, because
either the dorsal or ventral subapical tooth may
be placed farther from the tip.
Third segment of abdomen lower than in the
female, the cap over the proximal portion of the
fourth somite less pronounced.
Eyes reaching forward well beyond end of
stylocerite. Outer antennular flagellum composed
of 8 to 16 segments, all but the terminal 3 to 5
voL. 41, No. 1
of which are somewhat more noticeably inflated
than in the female.
External maxillipeds reaching well beyond end
of antennal peduncle. All of the legs are longer
than in the female; third legs overreach antennal
scale by length of dactyl and most of propodus.
Propodi of last three pairs very broad and flat in
distal half, the inflated portion being armed with
seven pairs of large spines. Dactyls of these legs
elongate, ending in a strong spine, with a row of
about 14 spines on lower margin and five or six
pairs of close-set spines on distal third of upper
There is but one appendix on the endopod of
the second pleopods, but that is strongly setose,
unlike the stylambys in the female.
Age variation.—In small specimens the rostrum
is Shorter, reaching just to the tip of the antennal
scales in females, and the cornea is no wider than
the eyestalk. As in other species of the genus, the
younger the specimen, the fewer are the seg-
ments in the antennular flagella.
Measurements.—Carapace lengths of smallest
ovigerous female and largest female examined
3.0 and 6.0 mm, respectively. Carapace lengths
of males 1.7 to 3.2 mm.
Range.—West coast of North America from
Sitka, Alaska, to Puget Sound. A lot of 47 speci-
mens collected by the Anton Dohrn is labeled
“Southern California,” but this locality seems
Material examined.—Sitka, Alaska; 10 fath-
oms; June 15, 1899; station 1; Harriman Ex-
pedition, W. E. Ritter; 1 female (U.S.N.M. no.
Barclay Sound, British Columbia; September
27, 1888; Albatross; 1 ovigerous female (U.S.N.M.
no. 28330).
Nanaimo, British Columbia; C. H. O’Don-
oghue; 2 males, 1 female (U.S.N.M. no. 54720).
Friday Harbor, Wash.; in eel grass; August 5,
1928; K. L. Hobbs; 1 ovigerous female holotype
(U.S.N.M. no. 91089); 18 males, 13 females (7
ovigerous) (U.S.N.M. no. 63089).
Quarantine Rock, Port Townsend, Wash.; June
27, 1903; Albatross; 2 males, 1 ovigerous female
(U.S.N.M. no. 31866).
Puget Sound; 1895; T. Kincaid; 7 ovigerous
females (U.S.N.M. no. 25835).
“Southern California’; Anton Dohrn; from
Venice Marine Biological Station; 1 male, 46
females (28 ovigerous) (U.S.N.M. no. 50428).
January 1951
VII. Caridean decapod
Crocker Expedition.
The Templeton
Crustacea from the Gulf of California and the
west coast of Lower California. Zoologica 22
(pt. 2): 109-138, 9 figs. 1937.
Homes, Samurt Jackson. Notes on west Amert-
can Crustacea. Proc. California Acad. Sci. 4:
563-588, pls. 20-21. 1895.
Ratusun, Mary JANE. Decapod crustaceans of the
northwest coast of North America. Harriman
Alaska Exped. 10: 1-190, 95 figs., pls. 1-10.
Scumitr, Watpo LaSaunur. The marine decapod
Crustacea of California. Univ. California Publ.
Zool. 23: 1-470, 165 figs., pls. 1-50. 1921.
—. The Macrura and Anomura collected by the
Williams Galapagos Expedition, 1923. Zoologica
5 (15): 161-171, 3 figs. 1924.
———. Expedition of the California Academy of
Sciences to the Gulf of California in 1921.
Crustacea (Macrura and Anomura). Proc. Cali-
fornia Acad. Sei. 13 (24): 381-388. 1924.
Hippolyte californiensis
Hippolyte clarki
Reaching not quite as far as,
or a little beyond, end of
antennal scale.
Nearly horizontal or faintly
Armed with 3-4 dorsal and 3-5
ventral teeth in back of ter-
minal set, tip usually bifid.
Lateral supporting ridge
sharp above eye, becoming
blunt distally.
Cap on third somite very low.
Sixth somite about 1{ times
as long as fifth.
Not reaching forward as far
as tip of stylocerite.
First segment armed with 1-2
outer distal spines.
First joint of carpus little
more than twice as long as
Reaching forward nearly as
far as end of antennular pe-
Dactyl slender, nearly half
as long as propodus, and
armed with 10-13 ventral
and 3 distal spines.
Falling short of end of second
segment of antennular pe-
Horizontal or slightly down-
Armed with 2-4 dorsal and 1-3
ventral teeth in back of ter-
minal set, tip usually bifid.
Reaching forward about to
tip of stylocerite.
First segment armed with 3
outer distal spines.
First joint of carpus barely
twice as long as second.
Reaching forward well be-
yond end of antennal scale.
Dactyl moderately slender,
about half as long as pro-
podus, and. armed with
about 16 ventral and 7 dis-
tal spines extending onto
dorsal margin.
Reaching well beyond end of
antennal scale in adults.
Distinctly upeurved or ascend-
Armed with 1-3 (usually 2)
teeth above eye and 1-5 ven-
tral teeth in back of terminal
set; tip usually trifid.
Lateral supporting ridge blunt
throughout its length.
Cap on third somite slightly
higher and more prominent.
Sixth somite nearly twice as
long as fifth.
Reaching forward about to tip
of stylocerite.
First segment unarmed dis-
First joint of carpus nearly
three times as long as second.
Reaching forward about to end
of antennal scale.
Dactyl very stout, less than a
third as long as propodus,
and armed with 6-8 ventral
and 8 — 9 distal spines ex-
tending nearly to midpoint
of dorsal margin.
Reaching about to end of an-
tennular peduncle.
Slightly upcurved distally.
Reaching forward nearly to
end of first antennular seg-
Overreaching antennal scale by
length of dactyl and most of
Dactyl slender, less than half
as long as propodus, and
armed with about 14 ventral
and 5 — 6 distal spines ex-
tending a short distance on
dorsal margin.
VOL. 41, No. 1
ZOOLOGY —Two new primnoid corals of the subfamily Calyptrophorinae (Coelen-
terata: Octocorallia).1 FREDERICK M.
The vast collections of marine animals
obtained by the United States Fish Com-
mission steamer Albatross are still yielding
new species, two of which are described
below. Among the octocorals this is not
surprising for a considerable part of the
collection has not yet been studied. The
first species herein described, taken by the
Albatross during its Hawaiian cruise (1902),
was erroneously included with a previously
described species in the original report on
the Hawaiian Alcyonaria (Nutting, 1908);
the other is from the incomparable collec-
tion assembled during the Philippine cruise
of the Albatross (1906-1910). No complete
report upon the collections of the latter
expedition has yet been made.
It is a great pleasure indeed to dedicate
these two species to Austin H. Clark, retiring
curator of echinoderms, U. 8S. National
Museum, and his charming wife, Leila
Forbes Clark, librarian of the Smithsonian
Genus Calyptrophora Gray
Calyptrophora J. E. Gray, 1866, p. 25.
Diagnosis—Primnoids with branching dichoto-
mous, in one plane or bushy; or lyrate, in one or
two parallel planes; or partly in whorls, partly
dichotomous. Zooids arranged in whorls, with
their mouths directed upward or downward; body
scales reduced to two pairs of large, curved plates
which are either fused to form two solid rings, or
are separate; adaxial buccal (marginal) scales
present or absent;;no more than one pair of in-
frabasal scales between the basal body pair and
the rind scales. The operculum is well developed,
consisting of eight large scales. The spicules of the
stem rind are more or less elongate, flattened
scales or plates, in one layer.
Genotype.—Calyptrophora japonica Gray (by
Calyptrophora clarki, n. sp. Fig. 1
Calyptrophora japonica Gray, Nutting, 1908, p. 578
Not Calyptrophora japonica Gray, 1866, p. 25, fig. 1.
1 Published by permission of the Secretary of
the Smithsonian Institution. Received October 6,
Bayer, U.S. National Museum.
Diagnosis—Branching dichotomous, in one
plane. Zooids facing apically; both pairs of body
scales fused to form solid rings; basal ring with a
pair of long, slender, finely serrate spines; buccal
ring with two broad, bladelike, finely serrate
processes, which are occasionally bifid or trifid,
sometimes completely divided to form four or six
separate processes. A pair of well-defined infra-
basal scales is present.
Description —The colony is branched dichoto-
mously, in one plane; the axis is longitudinally
grooved and has a golden luster. The zooids
(Fig. 1, D), which are 2.25-2.50 mm long including
the buccal spines (measured parallel to the
branch), occur in whorls of four or five (Fig. 1, A),
and face upward; in 3 em of branch length there
are from 12 to 14 whorls. The zooid body is
surrounded by two pairs of large sclerites fused
to form rings. The basal ring (Fig. 1, #) bears on
its free edge a pair of long, slender, finely serrated
spines; the buccal ring (Fig. 1, F) has two broad,
bladelike processes which are sometimes divided
more or less completely into two or three points
or separate spines. A pair or narrow, curved infra-
basals connects the basal ring with the stem
scales. Adaxial buccal (marginal) scales are
absent. The operculum is high and projects
prominently from the buccal ring. The abaxial
operculars are the largest, roughly triangular in
shape and with a moderately strong inner keel;
the adaxials are about half as large and more
nearly perfect triangles; the outer lateral and
inner lateral operculars are intermediate in size
and more or less asymmetrical in outline due to the
broadly rounded inner margin which overlaps the
edge of the adaxially adjacent scale. The apical
margins of the operculars are usually serrate, and
in some zooids are divided into several lobes
or low points (Figs. 1, B, C). The spicules of the
stem rind are elongate scales without external
Type.—U.S.N.M. no. 25370.
Locality —Hawaiian Islands: Ukula Point,
Kauai Island, bearing north 65° 30’, west 7.4
miles, 508-557 fathoms, gray sand and Foramini-
fera, bottom temperature 40° F., June 17, 1902
(Albatross station 4007).
Remarks.—In habit, Calyptrophora clarki is
no. 43139; Hawaiian
readily distinguishable from C. japonica Gray
by its regularly dichotomous instead of lyrate
branching. Most zooids of C. clarki are at once
separable from those of C. japonica by the two
broad processes of the buccal ring; there is, how-
ever, much variation among individuals, even of
the same colony, in the character of the buccal
spines, and though there are ordinarily but two
broad processes, there may occasionally be four,
and sometimes even six. None of the specimens of
C. japonica I have examined show six buccal
spines. Both the buccal and the basal spines of C.
clarki are proportionally much longer than those
of C. japonica, except perhaps for Versluys’ spect-
men no. 3 of his ‘form B” (1906, p. 118, figs.
166-168), which is probably not C. japonica at
all but something close to the present species.
Genus Narella Gray
Narella J. E. Gray, 1870, p. 49.
Stachyodes + Calypterinus Th. Studer [and E. P.
Wright], 1887, p. 49; IX. P. Wright and Th.
Studer, 1889, pp. xlviii, 53, 54.
Diagnosis.—Primnoids mostly branched di-
chotomously, in one plane or bushy. Zooids
arranged in whorls, with their mouths directed
downward; body scales three pairs of large,
curved plates, of which the basal pair may meet
adaxially to form a closed ring (in one species the
buccal pair also); adaxial buccal (marginal) scales
are frequently present in one or more pairs. The
operculum consists of eight large scales. Spicules
of the stem rind variable, elongate or scalelike,
in one or two layers.
Fic. 1.—Calyptrophora clarki n. sp.: A, Two distalmost whorls from the type specimen; &, three
opercular scales, abaxial, inner lateral and adaxial, of the large, lacimiate type; C, the same, of the small
type; D, typical zooid, side view; H, basal scale ring: art, articulating ridge; /’, buccal seale ring: art,
articulating ridge which rides on that of the basal ring.
Fic. 2.—Narella leilae n. sp.: A, Adaxial view of zooid showing adaxial buccal scales; B, a whorl of
normal zooids; C, opercular view of zooid; D-M, opercular scales: ’, K, M, apical, inner face, and side
view of major abaxial opercular scale; NV, O, adaxial buccal scales (scale at J applies to all opercular
scales); P, small flattened rods from the tentacles (scale applies only to P); Q, zooid whorl from above,
showing worm tunnel (scale applies only to Q); R, zooid whorl from side, showing ‘‘arcade polyps”’
with abnormally expanded basal scales (scale apples to A-C, R, 8S); S, normal zooid from the side,
showing: dor, ‘‘dorsal”’ and lat, lateral regions of basal scale; and bla, the basolateral angle which sepa-
rates the two.
Genotype.—Primnoa regularis Duchassaing and
Michelotti, 1860 (by monotypy).
Remarks.—As Miss Deichmann (1936, p. 168)
points out, Narella clearly has priority over
Stachyodes. The genus Calypterinus was estab-
lished for a specimen with abnormal polyps due to
a polychaete commensal. Calyptrophorines, es-
pecially Narella, are frequently infested with
worms which cause adjacent polyps along one
side of the stem to form greatly expanded basal
scales which produce a sort of arcade in which the
worm makes its home (Fig. 2, Q, R).
Narella leilae, n. sp. Fig. 2
Diagnosis-—Branching lateral-dichotomous, i2
one plane. Zooids small, 2.0-2.5 mm long, facing
basally; only basal scale pair meeting adaxially to
form a ring; free margins of all three body-scale
pairs broadly expanded but not forming long,
projecting points; free lateral border of each basal
scale with a downward and forward projecting
angle; basal scale distinctly divided into dorsal
and lateral regions by a basolateral angle. Oper- -
culum low, the individual scales broad, with a
high inner keel.
Description—The type consists of three frag-
ments, the largest of which is about 70 mm tall
and twice branched dichotomously. In the proxi-
mal part the axis is a little flattened in the plane
of branching, oval in the lowest part of the type
specimen, becoming almost round in the distal-
most tips; it is longitudinally grooved, and of a
brownish-yellow color with moderate luster. The
downward facmg zooids (Fig. 2, S) are 2.0-2.5
mm long (measured parallel to the branch),
arranged in whorls of four to six (Fig. 2, B), of
which 10-12 occur in 3 cm of axial length. The
zooid body is surrounded by three pairs of large
scales, of which only the basal pair meet adaxially
to form a ring; the free edges of all three pairs are
broadly expanded, those of the basal and medial
pairs more or less reflexed while that of the buccals
is curved a little inward; basals bent along a
definite basolateral angle which divides the scale
into dorsal and lateral regions; the free lateral
edge of the basal scale has a forward and down-
ward projecting angle (Fig. 2, S). The operculum
is very low; the scales are broad, the largest
abaxial almost pentagonal in face view (Fig. 2,
K), and each is furnished with a very high keel
on the inner face and corresponding groove on the
outer (Fig. 2, D-M). One pair of adaxial buceals
is present (Fig. 2, A, V, O). The tentacles contain
very small (0.04-0.07 mm) flat rods (Fig. 2, P).
The coenenchyma scales are irregular, rather
elongate plates, those nearest to zooids often with
a high, thin longitudinal crest.
Type.—U.S.N.M. no. 49724.
Locality.—Off Kapoposang Light, Straits of
Macassar, lat. 4° 43’ 22” §., long. 118° 53’ 18” E.,
400 fathoms, hard bottom, bottom temperature
43.3° F., December 28, 1909 (Albatross station
Additional record.—Oft Gomomo Island, Pitt
Passage, lat. 1° 53’ 30” S., long. 127° 39’ 00” E.,
400 fathoms, coral, rock, soapstone, (no te: pcr
ature data), December 3, 1909 (Albatross staticn
Remarks.—Narella leilae, n. sp., shows a certain
resemblance to NV. clavata (Versluys) in its closed
basal scale pair and definite basolateral angles;
the development of abnormal “arcade polyps”
(Fig. 2, Y, R) induced by polychaete commensals
is similar to that of Narella allmani (Wright and
Studer). Narella leilae differs from N. clavata in
its smaller zooids and exceptionally low oper-
culum, its thinner and more delicate body scales,
and in absence of a high dorsal crest on the basals;
from N. allmani it differs in having adaxially’
closed basal scales, the buccals not being drawn
out into projecting points, and in the much
broader opercular scales.
DetcuMann, Evisaperu. The Alcyonaria of the
western part of the Atlantic Ocean. Mem. Mus.
Comp. Zool. 58: 1-317, pls. 1-37. 1936.
DucHassaInG DE Fonsressin, P., and Micur-
Lottr, J. Mémoire sur les coralliaires des
Antilles. Mem. Accad. Sci. Torino (2) 19:
279-365, pls. 1-10. 1860.
Gray, Joun Epwarp. Description of two new forms
of gorgonioid corals. Proc. Zool. Soe. London
1866: 24-27, figs 1-2. 1866.
. Catalogue of lithophytes or stony corals in the
collection of the British Museum. 2 lvs. + 1-51,
figs. 1-14. 1870.
Nurtine, CHARLES CLEVELAND. Descriptions of
the Alcyonaria collected by the U. S. Bureau of
Fisheries steamer Albatross in the vicinity of
the Hawarian Islands in 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat.
Mus. 34: 548-601, pls. 41-51. 1908.
Sruppr, THéorHt1ne [and Wriaur, Epwarp
Prerceva].. Versuch eines Systemes der Aley-
onaria. Arch. fiir Naturg. 538 Jahrg. (1): 1-74,
pl. 1. 1887.
Vmersiuys, J. Die Gorgoniden der Siboga Expedi-
tion. II. Die Primnoitdae. Siboga Exped. 18a:
1-187, 178 figs., pls. 1-10, chart. 1906.
Wricut, Epwarp Prrcevar, and Sruprer, Tuko-
PHILE. Report on the Alcyonaria collected by
H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876.
Challenger Reports, Zool., $1: i-lxxi + 1-814,
pls. 1-48. 1889.
vou. 41, No. |
ZOOLOGY .—A new species of polychaete worm of the family Polynoidae from Point
Barrow, Alaska.1 Martan H. Prerripone, Arctic Research Laboratory, Johns
Hopkins University. (Communicated by Fenner A. Chace, Jr.)
The new species of Polynoidae herein
described is part of a collection of poly-
chaetes from Point Barrow, Alaska, collected
by George E. MacGinitie, of the Arctic Re-
search Laboratory. The types are deposited
in the United States National Museum. I
take pleasure in naming it after Austin H.
Clark, retiring curator of echinoderms,
United States National Museum.
Family PoLyNoIDArE
Genus Eunoé Malmgren, 1865
Eunoé clarki, n. sp.
Fig. 1, a-e
Measurements—The type (U.S.N.M. no.
21984), of 41 segments, is 838 mm long, 8 mm wide
excluding setae, and 12 mm wide including setae.
The paratype (U.S.N.M. no. 21985), of 40 seg-
ments, 1s 36 mm long and is of the same width as
the type.
Description.—The body is linear-oblong, widest
in segments 9 to 27, narrowing slightly anteriorly
and slightly more so posteriorly; it is oval in cross
section. The middorsum is transversely banded
with grayish green; the ventral surface is without
color except for the grayish-green coloration an-
terior and lateral to the mouth. Fifteen pairs of
elytra nearly cover the dorsum; they are large,
imbricated, arranged on segments 2, 4,5, 7,9...
23, 26, 29, and 32. The elytra (Fig. 1, a) are oval
to subreniform in shape, greenish gray in color,
with a darker mottled pattern on most of the
exposed parts of the elytra, and with a darker
spot medial to a lighter area over the elytrophore
—giving the appearance of paired “‘ocelli”’ (similar
in this regard to Halosydna brevisetosa Kinberg).
The elytral border is smooth except for scattered
clavate micropapillae (Fig. 1, e). The elytral
surface, although appearing smooth, is furnished
with numerous chitinous bluntly conical micro-
tubercles (up to 30u in height, Fig. 1, e).
The prostomium (Fig. 1, a) is bilobed, wider
than long, somewhat pigmented, with a deep
anteromedian notch; cephalic peaks are lacking.
The four eyes aresmall, the posterior pair situated
dorsal and slightly posterior to the widest part of
1 This study was aided by a contract between
the Office of Naval Research, Department of the
Navy, and Johns Hopkins University. Received
October 6, 1950.
the prostomium, the anterior pair are antero-
lateral. The median antenna has a large pig-
mented ceratophore; the style is about 1.5 times
the length of the prostomium, with a pigmented
proximal part, and with very short scattered
clavate papillae. The lateral antennae are in-
serted ventral to the median antenna on the
prostomium; the ceratophores are short, darkly
pigmented; the styles are short—about half the
length of the median antenna—and furnished
with short papillae. The palpi are about 2.5 times
the length of the prostomium, with longitudinal
rows of fine papillae.
The tentacular segment (Fig. 1, a) has the
basal lobes elongated, pigmented on the basal
half, with one seta; the tentacular cirri are longer
than the median antenna, about 2.5 times the
length of the prostomium, with a wide pigmented
zone basally and a narrow darker pigmented ring
below the subterminal slightly bulbous enlarge-
ment, with a filamentous tip, and with short
scattered clavate papillae. The dorsal cirri (Fig.
1, a) have elongated cirrophores, bulbous basally
and narrower distally; the styles are similar to the
tentacular cirri, with or without the basal pig-
mented zone, and extend beyond the tips of the
setae. The dorsal tubercles, corresponding to the
elytrophores on the cirrus-bearing segments, are
short and bulbous. The ventral cirri are subulate,
enlarged basally, tapering distally to filamentous
tips (Fig. 1, 6). The anal cirri are missing. The
segmental or nephridial papillae begin on segment
6 and continue posteriorly; they are rather long
and cylindrical, especially in the segments of the
middle third of the body.
The parapodia (Fig. 1, 6) are biramous. The
notopodium is a rounded lobe on the anterodorsal
face of the neuropodium, extending out into a
narrower acicular lobe from which the aciculum
projects. The notosetae (Fig. 1, 6, c) are amber-
colored, moderate in number (about 40), forming
a spreading bundle; they are slightly arched,
slender to stout (20-80 in greatest diameter),
with long spinous regions extending over half of
the exposed length, and short bare pomted to
blunt tips. The neuropodium is obliquely truncate
distally, with a longer dorsoanterior acicular lobe.
The neurosetae (Fig. 1, 6, d) are amber-colored,
moderate in size (80-50 in diameter in the stem
region, 36-62y in greatest diameter in the en-
larged distal region), with transverse spinous
rows (9-24 or so rows), and rather long bare
entire tips.
Remarks.—Eunoé clarki resembles in superficial
appearance Halosydna brevisetosa Kinberg—the
common Pacific coast polynoid—particularly in
its linear shape and mottled elytral pigmentation
with paired “‘ocelli.” It differs from Hunoé nodosa
(Sars) and Hunoé oerstedi Malmgren in lacking
macrotubercles and fringes of papillae on the
Fig. 1.—Eunoé clarki, n. sp.: a, Dorsal view prostomium, first three segments, and second right
elytron and parapodium of fourth segment (first ely
elytra, in the smaller eyes, and in the location of
the anterior pai of eyes—anterolateral and not
anterodorsal. It might well prove to be commensal
in habit, as shown by the small eyes, absence of
elytral macrotubercles, and elytral fringes of
Locality—Two specimens were collected at
Point Barrow base, Alaska, by George HE. Mac-
Ginitie, October 17, 1949. They were washed
ashore after a storm along with many other
animals, including numerous polychaetes.
tral pair and second left elytron removed); b, thir
teenth right parapodium, posterior view; c, tip of notoseta; d, tip of middle subacicular neuroseta; e,
few microtubercles and papilla from eighth elytron.
ENTOMOLOGY .—4A new genus and species of North American Olethreutidae (Lep-
idoptera: Laspeyresiinae).! J. F. Gates CiarKe, Bureau of Entomology and
Plant Quarantine.
The new species of olethreutid moth de-
scribed herein, which becomes the type of a
new genus, I take pleasure in naming for
my friend Austin H. Clark, retiring curator
of echinoderms of the United States Na-~
tional Museum, who, among his other ac-
complishments, is a lepidopterist of long-
standing and world-wide repute.
Corticivora, n. gen.
Figs. 1-le
Typus generis.—Corticwora clark, n. sp.
Head rough; labial palpus not exceeding front,
third segment about one-fifth the length of
second. Thorax without posterior tuft.
Forewing smooth; termen nearly straight; 12
veins, all separate; vein 2 remote from 3; 3, 4, and
5 approximate at bases; 8 and 9 approximate
basally; 11 from before middle; upper internal
vein of cell from between 10 and 11, very weakly
developed. Costal fold absent.
Hindwing with normal pecten on lower median
vein; 8 veins; 3 and 4 stalked; 6 and 7 stalked;
termen slightly concave.
Male genitalia with cucullus narrow and sac-
culus broad without spine clusters; soci well-
developed, fleshy, haired pads; uncus absent.
Female genitalia with signa developed as
scobinate-dentate cones.
Structurally Corticivora is similar to Gypsonoma
(Eucosminae) though remaining clearly laspey-
resiine. As in Gypsonoma all veins of the forewing
are separate in Corticwora and in the hindwing 3
and 4 and 6 and 7 are stalked. The upper internal
vein of Gypsonoma arises between 9 and 10 and
that of Corticivora between 10 and 11. In the
hindwing vein 5 of Gypsonoma is approximate to
4, whereas that of Corticivora is remote from 4.
In both genera the socii are present, a character
seldom found in the Laspeyresiinae.
Corticivora appears to be most nearly related to
1 Received October 6, 1950.
Laspeyresia but differs from it by the stalking of
veins 6 and 7 of the hindwing, the presence of
soci, and the form of the signa.
Corticivora clarki, n. sp.
Alar expanse, 10-11 mm.
Labial palpus sordid whitish; second segment
suffused and sparsely irrorate with gray; second
segment almost wholly gray externally, except
apex. Antenna dark grayish fuscous with narrow,
paler annulations. Head creamy white. Thorax
grayish fuscous. Ground color of forewing cinere-
ous, the scales narrowly white-tipped; basal patch
and other dark markings grayish fuscous as
illustrated; narrow subbasal line of cilia black,
cilia leaden. Hindwing light grayish fuscous; cilia,
except subbasal band, paler. Legs creamy white
suffused and banded with grayish fuscous. Ab-
domen grayish fuscous above, creamy white
Male genitalia.—As figured. Cucullus with
strong, long setae along ventral edge; aedeagus
broad and flattended dorsally and distal two-
thirds abruptly narrowed, cylindrical, pointed.
Female genitalia.—As figured. Signa conical,
studded with sharp scobinate-dentate processes;
posterior portion of ductus bursae lightly sclero-
tized, slender.
Type—U.S.N.M. no. 60582.
Type locality.—North Guilford, Conn.
Food plant—Red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.).
Remarks.—Described from the type male and
four male and three female paratypes from the
type locality, all reared by G. H. Plumb and J. V.
Schaffner. Emergence dates range from June 24
to July 2, 1944. Paratypes in the U. 8. National
Museum and British Museum (Natural History).
G. H. Plumb, who submitted the above ma-
terial for identification, will publish the life history
_ of this mteresting species.
The photographs for the accompanying fig-
ures were taken by Floyd B. Kestner, pnouoge aq
pher of the Smithsonian Institution.
ld : le
Figs. 1-le.—Corticivora clarki, n. sp.: 1, Left wings; la, venation of right wings; 1b, ventral view of
male genitalia with aedeagus in situ; lc, enlarged view of signa; ld, detail of genital plate and ostium;
le, ventral view of female genitalia.
vou. 41, No. 1
The 441st meeting of the Board of Managers,
held in the Cosmos Club on November 20, 1950,
was called to order at 8:03 p. m. by the Presi-
dent, F. B. Stusper. Also present were: N. R.
Smita, W. N. Fenton, C. L. Gazin, A. T.
McPuerson, W. A. Dayton, H. W. Hempte,
Marcarer Prirrman, F. M. Serzuer, and, by
invitation, L. W. Parr.
The President announced the appointment of
the following Subcommittee for the Teaching of
Science of the Committee on Awards for Scientific
Achievement for 1950: B. D. Van Evnra, chair-
man, R. P. Barnus, F. E. Fox, T. Koppanyt,
M. H. Martin, A. T. McPHERSON.
Twenty-six persons were elected to member-
ship in the Academy.
The following report of the Nominating Com-
mittee was presented:
The Nominating Committee, consisting cf the
Academy’s Vice-presidents, met in the library of
the Cosmos Club on November 6, 1950. The meet-
ing was called to order at 5 p.m. by F. C. Kracex,
who presided. Others present were: C. F. W.
MuversersBeck, J.S. Wriiiams, W. A. Dayton, F.M.
Deranporr, E. W. Price, MARGARET PITTMAN,
H.W. Hempue, and H. G. Dorsry. F. M. Srrzter
acted as secretary but took no part in the bal-
The nominees selected for the offices to be filled
by the balloting of the membership in December
were as follows: For President-elect, WALTER RAM-
BERG; for Secretary, FRANCIS M. DrraNnporp; for
Treasurer, Howarp 8. Rappirye; for Board of
Managers to serve 3 vears (two to be elected), Sara
E. Branuam, Mivron Harris, C. F. W. Murse-
The Secretary reported the death on June 18,
1950, of Frank W. Scuwas, of the National
Bureau of Standards (elected October 15, 1945).
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p. m.
The 442d meeting of the Board of Managers,
held in the Cosmos Club on December 18, 1950,
was called to order by the President, F. B.
SILSBEB, at 8:02 p. m. Also present were: N. R.
SmitH, H. 8. Rappieys, J. A. Stevenson, F. M.
Derranporr, W. R. Wepext, W. A. Dayton, C.
A. Brerts, E. W. Price, Marcarer Pirrman,
F. M. Srerzuer, and, by invitation, R. G. Bass.
The President announced the plans for the
Encouragement of Science Talent and the Sci-
ence Fair, indicating that he had requested the
customary contributions from the various Affili-
ated Societies for the support of these activities.
The Chairman of the Committee on Meetings,
F. M. DeranporrF, announced that there would
be no regular meeting of the Academy in Decem-
ber. He reported, however, that he had arranged
for Dr. Per K. Frouicu, former director of re-
search and now vice-president of Merck & Co.,
to serve as guest speaker at the annual meeting
and dinner of the Academy to be held at the
Kennedy-Warren on January 18, 1951.
The Chairman of the Committee on Member-
ship, R. G. Bares, presented the names of 14
resident and 3 nonresident candidates for mem-
bership in the Academy. One nonresident candi-
date previously presented was elected. Two
members, Howarp P. Barss and Victor Bircx-
NER, were placed on the retired list, effective De-
cember 31, 1950.
The Treasurer, H. 8. RappLeyn, reported on
purchases of office furniture that had been made
for the Treasurer’s office and requested that an
increased allotment of $25 be made to the budget
of the Treasurer. The request was unanimously
The Archivist, J. A. StevENSON, reported that
he and former Archivist, N. A. Smirx, had made
a final reorganization of all records of the Acad-
emy in the office of the Archivist and that he
had prepared a detailed inventory of this material
to be presented as his report at the annual meet-
ing of the Academy in January.
Mr. STEVENSON also gave an interesting report
on the Seventh International Botanical Congress,
held in Stockholm, Sweden, July 12-20, 1950, at
which he represented the Academy as delegate.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p. m.
Frank M. Serzumr, Secretary.
Ge fe bay
Those whose pleasant task it was to bring together the contents of this number
of the JouRNAL of the Washington Academy of Sciences, honoring Austin H. Clark,
have endeavored to reflect Mr. Clark’s wide interest in the natural sciences, although
they did not attempt to include papers in all fields in which he has specialized.
Mr. Clark’s own paper, on ‘The Brittle-stars of the United States Navy Antarctic
Expedition 1947-48,” which he submitted to the editors of the JouRNAL last Sep-
tember, was included in this issue without, of course, the author’s knowledge. It
seems not unfitting, however, that this example of Mr. Clark’s work should appear
here in an array of scientific papers by those who seek to do him honor.
Officers of the Washington Academy of Sciences
[PROSTGIGURS Rete TOO Bp BEE ORE Francis B. Siuspex, National Bureau of Standards
PR ESSUCTI LHC LECL my Salesian ee eA Ae eee Naraan R. Smitu, Plant Industry Station
SGERAAETO) s CaO a Be a cet OR Ore Roe ee Frank M. Srerzumr, "U.S. National Museum
INRODSURER Sb geo eke ae PS one Howarp 8. Raprieye, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey
PAR CIEULS ERR eM ithe cnet hnse enc eis Joun A. STEVENSON, Plant Industry Station
Custodian and Subscription Manager of Publications
Haraup A. Reuper, U.S. National Museum
Vice-presidents Representing the Affiliated Societies:
Philosophical Society of Washington.......................... Frank C. Kracek
Anthropological Society of Washington......................... Waxpo R. WEDEL
Biolocicallsocietyson Washington he. saauct acces sce e cee one
@hemicall Society,of Washington. 2222 5...--..2c-- 4.6 suse ccee James I. Horrman
Entomological Society of Washington........................ C. F. W. MursEBECK
INatronalli'Geographic!Society,.....0.......60000..0s sense cee: ALEXANDER WETMORE
Geological Society of Washington........................ JAMES STEELE WILLIAMS
Medical Society of the District of Columbia.................... FREDERICK O. CoE
ColumbiayeistoricaliSocletyar-re soc. es cece een a. GILBERT GROSVENOR
Botanical sociebyzon Washington’. yo.-55.--2 20.0 oe. eseee one FrRreEeMAN A. WEIsSs
Washington Section, Society of American Foresters...... .... Witi1AM A. Dayton
Washington Society Olalingineershet se ee ee ee Cuirrorp A. Brerts
Washington Section, American Institute of Electrical Engineers
Francis M. DeranporF
Washington Section, American Society of Mechanical Engineers. .RicHarp 8. Dinu
Helminthological Society of Washington........................ Emmett W. PRIcE
Washington Branch, Society of American Bacteriologists..... Marcarer PirrMaNn
Washington Post, Society of American Military Engineers...... Henry W. HemMeLe
Washington Section, Institute of Radio Engineers........... Hersert G. DorsEy
District of Columbia Section, American Society of Civil Engineers
wren B. FRENCH
Elected Members of the Board of Managers:
PRoramnuUany LOOM. Seite ce eee cece Francis M. Deranporr, WILLIAM N. FENTON
Wha VEmineryy OGY 7e Noe eae aan ae Cee eee Witutam F. Fosuaa, C. Lewis Gazin
PROM AIAUT AI yee L OGM erane leie: start asc chee si nisise eked syne Howarp P. Barss, A. T. McPHEeRson
2@GRG) Off WOT AR a aoe oe ae Oe All the above officers plus the Senior Editor
Batranojmuaicojsiand Aissocvate Haitons .. o.ssek cess eee eee ee (See front cover)
Executive Commitiee.............. Francis B. SinsBEe (chairman), NatHAN R. SMITH,
Witiiam N. Fenton, Howarp S. RappLerye, Frank M. Serzuer
Committee on Membership........... Rocer G. BaTEs (chairman), M=RRILL BERNARD,
Cuirrorp A. Berrs, WILBUR BuRBANK, Rosert C. Duncan, REGINA FLANNERY,
A. B. Gurney, E. H. KENNARD, C. L. LEFEBVRE, C. W. REEs, Donatp C. Smita,
Committee on Meetings....... Francis M. Drranporr (chairman), FREDERICK O. Con,
Mitton Harris, Luoyp G. Hensest, Byron J. Otson, Frank B. ScHEETz
Commuitiee on Monographs:
MRowanwary 1951). o2 \..escc0 9: Emmett W. Price (chairman), Wittiam N. FENTON
Mordamiary LISD! se etek sas ets cus eisai Pau H. Oruser, JASON R. SWALLEN
Mow amitrariyiel DHS eperse sets: le crores le sragsseiswianevels Rauew W. Imuay, Paut W. Oman
Committee on Awards for Scientific Achievement (T. DALE STEWART, general chairman):
For the Biological Sciences........................ T. Date STEWART (chairman),
Enotse B. Cram, AUREL O. Foster, Expert L. Littits, Jr., Haroip
H. McKinney, JosErn S. WaDE
For the Engineering Sciences...................... Water RAMBERG (chairman),
Louis W. Currier, Rospert C. Duncan, Outtver S. Reapine, Harry W. WELLS
Homthe Physical Scitences).-.................... Rosert D. Huntoon (chairman),
Wituiam Buum, Micuart GoLtpBErG, Raymonp J. Seecer, Urnest H. VESTINE
Commitiee on Grants-in-aid for Research:
J. Lron SHERESHEFSEY (chairman), Cornetius J. Connouiy, L. Epwin Yocum
Committee on Policy and Planning:
PRoJamuaryal OMe. see ccc ciiestel: LELAND W. Parr (chairman), Austin H. CLark
wR ORNs ODD) «he. cc mes wecacueevervee shei ces sep tus James I. Horrman, Martin A. Mason
IL@ diana ICE ine qee saneeeas cone mmee ge Wiuiram A. Dayton, Natuan R. Smita
Committee on Encouragement of Science Talent:
PRoWanwanyalOol ae vcr yaaa eis ts: B. D. Van Evra, JossepH M. CALDWELL
Morantanyal G52i en ee eee. Martin A. Mason (chairman), A. T. McPHERSON
ORAM UaTyal Ooo me tienen clttcrerente ov nanccruaratls Austin H. Cruarx, Frep L. Monier
ligepiasaaanag (ce (Coomera Oy F\o Fle Ale Sion bp oon cuecodanGuescenaucece Frank M. Serzuer
CommittecnofpAUaulors. snciiae ene do sean nade. oe Water D. Surciirrs (chairman),
C. Lewis Gazin, Raymonp L. SANFORD
Committee of Tellers............ Fenner A. Cuace, JR. (chairman), Haroup F’. Stimson,
Easert H. WALKER
Dedication — HBRBERTHRIBDIANN| ieee ee eee eee “i es
Jeanna Of Aoi lelOoaps CUM Bccose6 2 cesecns0cn06. ob 2
Biographical Resumé — WALDO) In) SCHMITT 944-2) 22-20 44 ae 3
* * *
PaLEONTOLOGY.—New brachiopods from the Lower Cambrian of Virginia.
GARTHUR: COOPER: 2.0.0) cA ain Boe to ee 4
PaLEONTOLOGY.—Two new guide fossils from the Tallahatta formation of
the Southeastern States. JuLIA GARDNER...................... 8
PaLEontToLocy.—Nucula austinclarki, n. sp., a concentrically sculptured
Nucula from the Lisbon formation of Alabama. F. Srmarns Mac-
INGOT Neer Bos, Sacdot hia ald lege eB eto igen tack te: <a 12
Mataco.toecy.—New stenothyrid gastropods from the Philippines (Risso-
idae)... Re. TUCKER: ABBOTT: ..). 3 sib. dynes ooo ee 14
Matacotocy.—Two new Western Atlantic species of pulmonate mollusks
of the genus Detracia and two old ones (family Ellobiidae). J. P. E.
MORRISON: 0. . 05 60 osc weer sdk clas SR hs cha oe ee ili
Mauacotogy.—A new species of glycymerid from the Philippines.
DaAvap! INICOm., |. 2) Sa ish aoa db apes uc re ve a vers Sere ca a 20
Mauacotoey.—Two new Recent cone shells from the Western Atlantic
(Conidae). Haratp A. Renprer and R. Tuckrr ABBOTT........ 22
Matacotoey.—A new scaphopod mollusk, Cadulus austinclarki, from
the Gulf of California. Wi~it1aAmM K. EMmRSON.................. 24
Zootocy.—tThe brittle-stars of the United States Navy Antarctic Expe-
dition 1947-48. Austin. H. ChARK::..:.:..:..52 Wi. eeeeeeee 26
ZooLtoGy.—A new genus and species of notodelphyoid copepod from
Japan’ Paun DL. IinGo. css fee oe aes a: es 30
ZooLocy.—The grass shrimps of the genus Hippolyte from the west coast
of North America. sEENNER, Ac (@HACE! JURY. 2050) eee 35
ZooLtoGy.—Two new primnoid corals of the subfamily Calyptrophorinae
(Coelenterata: Octocorallia). FREpERIcK M. BAymR............. 40
ZooLoGcy.—A new species of polychaete worm of the family Polynoidae
from Point Barrow, Alaska. Marian H. PETTIBONE............. 44
EntTomoLtocy.—A new genus and species of North American Olethreut-
idae (Lepidoptera: Laspeyresiinae). J. F. Gates CLARKE........ 46
PROCEEDINGS: THm -ACADEMY .).)..02 740 on eelec: loon eels ae 48
This Journal is Indexed in the International Index to Periodicals
Vot. 41 Frpruary 1951 No. 2
J. C. EWERS J. I. HorrmMan
F. A. CHace, JR. Miriam L. Bomnarp
R. K. Coox
BY THE 2 erate} [os ‘)
Mount Roya & Guitrorp AVES. Sonal |
Entered as second class matter under the Act of August 24, 1912, at Baltimore, Md.
Acceptance fo mailing at a special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925
Authorized February 17, 1949
et all
- Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences
This JoURNAL, the official organ of the Washington Academy of Sciences, publishes:
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proceedings and programs of meetings of the Academy and affiliated societies; (8)
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ouymies, footnotes, tables, bibliography, legends for illustrations, and other matter.
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200 6.50 13.00 19.50 26.00 32.50 6.00
300 9.75 19.50 29.25 39.00 48.75 9.00
400 13.00 26.00 39.00 52.00 65.00 12.00
Subscriptions or requests for the purchase of back numbers or volumes of the Jour-
NAL or the PRocEEDINGS should be sent to Haratp A. REHDER, Custodian and Sub-
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Subscription Rates for the JouURNAL.—Per year...............ceeesceeseeeees $7.50
Price of back numbers and volumes: Per Vol. Per Number
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* Limited number of complete sets of the JouRNAL (vol. 1 to vol. 40, incl.) available
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Exchanges.—The Academy does not exchange its publications for those of other
VoLuME 41
February 1951
No. 2
ARCHEOLOGY —A survey of new archeological sites in central Pataz, Peru.1 Parte
D. Curtin. (Communicated by Gordon R. Willey.)
The province of Pataz (see map, Fig. 1),
located at the eastern edge of the Peruvian
highlands, enjoys an isolation that is un-
common even in rural Peru. Not only is it
too far east to be in the orbit of the ancient
north-south route through Huamachuco, Ca-
jabamba, and Cajamarca, but its own ter-.
rain has prevented its extensive use as a
jumping-off place for one of the several trails
from the highlands into the eastern jungle.
Aside from pure distance from the centers of
population in the highlands, like Huama-
chuco, Pataz is also cut off from the main
body of the mountains by the cafion of the
Marafion River, which forms a barrier from
south to north. Pataz is simply the western
slope of the final eastern range of the Andes.
From the Marafion, flowing at an altitude
of 1,300 meters in the Pataz region, to the
top of the eastern cordillera at more than
4,000 meters the distance as the crow flies
is only 14 km at some points and nowhere
more than 25 km. The Marafion and the
crest of the eastern cordillera form the west-
ern and eastern boundaries of the province.
This gives the whole province the effect
of being turned up at an angle of about
1 This report summarizes the architectural find-
ings of an expedition to Pataz during a part of the
months of July and August, 1949, sponsored by the
Institute of Anthropology of the National Uni-
versity of Trujillo, Peru. The personnel included
the author, Luis Gutiérrez, John Ladd, Mrs.
Helen P. Ladd, and Mrs. Phyllis Curtin, all of
whom contributed to the preparation of this re-
port. The author is indebted to Richard Schaedel,
the director of the Institute of Anthropology, and
to Drs. José Hulogio Garrido and Manuel Zava-
leta C., of Trujillo, for their assistance in the field.
He also wishes to express appreciation for consul-
tations with Drs. A. Kidder, II, and Wendell C.
Bennett. Sr. Gutiérrez is preparing a report on the
ceramic and skeletal materials from Pataz, which
will appear elsewhere.
20°, but this slope is not uniform. The valley
of the Marafion was once a pleasant saucer-
shaped valley with the river flowing on hard
rock strata at about 2,500 meters. Once
these strata were worn through, the river
cut through the softer material leaving a
cahion with extremely steep sides falling off
more than 1,000 meters from the original
valley floor.
The difficulties in crossing the Marafion,
even by mule, have retarded the economic
development of Pataz, but in recent years
two mining centers have grown up at Reta-
mas and La Paccha. Until now the mines
have been supplied by mule trains from
across the Marafion and by air to a small
landing strip at the southeast end of the
Laguna de Pias. A highway from Huama-
chuco to Chagual on the Marafion and from
there to Tayadamba, passing through the
mining centers has been under construction
for some years and may be finished by 1951.
In addition to the inaccessibility of the
region from the central highlands, the eastern
tributaries of the Marafion have cut the
province transversely, at some points to the
depth of the Maranon itself. In central Pataz
there are two such barriers. One of these is
the valley formed by the Parcoy River, the
Laguna de Pias, and the Alpamarea River.
The second is the river valley formed by the
Rio de la Playa rising near Buldibuyo and
the Rio de Cajas rising near Tayabamba.
These join at Huaylillas to form the Rio de
Nahuinbamba flowing into the Maranon at
Puente Jocos. These two deep valleys ef-
fectively separate the central massif and
the high puna lying between Chilia, Pareoy,
and Buldibuyo from the regions centering
around Tayabamba to the south and the
town of Pataz to the north.
The expedition in 1949 confined itself toa the Nahuinbamba on the south and the
survey of the archeological remains in the Parcoy on the north. This forms a small
central area, that is, to the area between natural geographical region centering around
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Fic. 1.—Map showing archeological sites in central Pataz, Peru.
Frsruary 1951
the town of Chilia and its rich valley. Al-
though this region is not large, there are
enormous climatic variations. In the high
puna within the triangle Chilia-Parcoy-Bul-
dibuyo the cold high grasslands are used
principally for sheep raising. Lower down
transportation animals are grazed. Still lower
in the valleys of Chilia, of the Parcoy, the
de la Playa, the Parcoycito, and the Queros
the normal Andean crops of maize, wheat,
potatoes, and alfalfa are grown. In the canon
of the Marafion there are no crops below
the altitude of 2,500 meters because of ex-
treme aridity. Only desert vegetation is
found from that altitude to the bottom of
the cafion. Along the banks of the river it-
self small areas are irrigated and planted in
coffee, oranges, mangoes, and bananas. Sur-
plus agricultural products are mainly sold
to the two mining centers at Retamas and
La Paecha, but a small amount is also ex-
ported across the Marafion.
The present village of Chilia, at 3,170
meters in the center of the arable area, was
not an ancient habitation site. It was formed,
according to local legend, under the Viceroy
Toledo in the late sixteenth century from
the two older villages of Chilia and Charcoy
located on opposite sides of the valley. The
tradition of the two separate villages is still
strong and has a part in many local rivalries.
Nevertheless, the patasinos generally have
forgotten Quechua and any precedent lan-
guages and speak only Spanish. Casual ob-
servation seems to indicate that the popu-
lation is almost entirely mestizo.
In spite of its relatively recent origin,
Chilia has come to have more stone sculp-
ture than any site found in Pataz. The
Fig. 2.—Stone relief slab with feline
Chilia Village.
ec ae
Fic. 3.—Warrior figure 86 cm high from stone
relief slab, Chilia village.
ancient citadel of Nunamarea. is close to the
village and has supplied almost all of the
building stone used in its construction. The
inhabitants have also gathered a number of
stone slabs carved in relief. These are kept as
decorative pieces for door sills or for decora-
tion within the houses. Twenty-four pieces
were examined, though there are surely many
more in the vicinity.” These fell into moder-
ately well-defined motif catagories. Of the
24 examples, eight had designs depicting
felines. These are carved in relief 5 to 10
mm high on one side of stone slabs about
20 em wide by 50 cm long and 10 em thick
(Fig. 2). These figures showed no particular
orientation of the head to the right or the
left of the slab, but all faces were shown full-
face and had a strong tendency toward an-
thropomorphic features. All tails were curved
upward. The number of toes shown on the
feet varied from one to four, with several
examples having two very birdlike toes. In
addition to the eight slabs showing a single
* The National Museum at Pueblo Libre has a
collection of stone sculpture from Chilia and
Nunamarea made by Dr. Julio Tello in the late
thirties. Unfortunately, Dr. Tello did not pub-
lish a report on this expedition before his death,
and the National Museum does not indicate the
exact provenance of these exhibits. In addition
to the sculpture types found in 1949, this exhibit
includes head-tenons from the Chilia area.
Fie. 4.—Figure 35 em high from stone relief
slab, Chilia Village.
feline, two slabs showed two feline figures.
One of these had two typical felines with
their heads together at the center of the
slab. The other was similar, except that the
two felines shared a single head, having one
body on either side.
Next to the feline, the most common figure
on relief slabs was a warrior figure, occurring
on five slabs of the 24. Typically this is a
full-length figure of a man holding a club
in one hand and a trophy head in the other.
The only clothing commonly shown is a
3-element crown on the head, ear plugs, and
an ornament resembling wings projecting
on either side of the body from the hips.
Genitals are often shown (Fig. 3).
Third in frequency of occurrence is a full-
face anthropomorphie figure with both arms
and legs in the air, occurring in four of the
24 examples. The arms are shown straight
out from the shoulders and then upward
at a right angle from the elbow (Fig. 4).
The legs are bent outward from the hips
and upward from the knees The only cloth-
ing shown on this type of figure is a three-
element crown worn by two of the four
The remaining stone sculpture is not
clearly classifiable by groups. Three of the
five remaining designs were geometric in
character (Fig. 5) and showed no recog-
nizable naturalistic motif. Of the remaining
two, one showed a monkey in sitting posi-
tion (Fig. 6). The other was a human head
VOL. 41, No. 2
in the round, very roughly carved in the
natural rock about 26 em high and 13 em in
Closely associated with Chilia village there
are two archaeological sites. The more im-
portant of these is Nunamarca, the largest
site discovered in Chilia Valley. It is located
at the top of a rocky promontory jutting
into the center of Chilia Valley at an alti-
tude of about 3,500 meters, or 300 meters
higher than Chilia itself (Fig. 7, b). These
ruins can be reached from Chilia by following
the mule trail toward Buldibuyo for about
4 km and then turning off sharply to the
right at the farm of Augusto Dominguez.
This house roughly marks the northern limits
of the site. To the south and west the site
is bounded by the steep sides of the bluff.
At present Nunamarca is in a very bad
state of preservation. It has been cultivated
for some generations as well as being used as
a quarry for building stones over the last
several hundred years. Few of the former
walls can be traced, but large numbers of
cut stones are now piled up or built into
walls to clear them from the fields. The
remains of walls and building stones, how-
ever, still cover an area about 500 meters
in length by 200 meters in width, an area
considerably larger than the present village
of Chilia. At the southern border of the site
area, overlooking the bluff and cliffs, there
is an extensive retaining wall about 150
meters in length and 10 meters to 12 meters
in height, the total height being broken by
a terrace about 1 meter wide some 5 meters
from the top of the wall. This wall is con-
Fic. 5.—Latticelike design in low relief on
slab 67 by 47 em, Chilia Village.
Frpruary 1951
structed of rows of faced stones 30 cm or
more in height broken by alternate rows
of stones no more than 5 cm in height. An
adobe mortar was used and the rows are
somewhat irregular. Toward the eastern end
of this wall about 2.5 meters from the top
there is the entrance to a gallery about 1
meter square faced with stone and covered
with a single stone lintel at the opening.
According to local informants this was for-
merly open for some distance under the site,
but a second shaftlike entrance at the top
of the ruin was filled a few years ago. The
dirt from this fill now blocks the gallery a
meter or so beyond the entrance.
Although the sculptured stones in Chilia
village origmally came from Nunamarca,
only one piece of sculptured stone was found
at the site itself. This was a slab about 60 em
in diameter, having a design of six concentric
semicircles cut into it to the depth of about
1.5 em. The entire site area was rich in pot-
sherds on the surface.
The second site associated with Chilia
village is Cerro de la Cruz del Orca, located
about 1 kilometer to the west of Chilia
on the ridge slightly below the village. It
can be reached by trail on foot in a few
minutes. At present the visible remains are
undistinguished, being nothing but a single
platform constructed on a small point. of
land. This platform is 10 meters to 15 meters
in diameter and is supported by a stone re-
taming wall about 5 meters in height, now
largely fallen down. A great deal of ceramic
material was found on and around the plat-
form and at places where the sides were
badly eroded sherds were found in the earth
and rubble fill of the platform at a depth of
about 2 meters. The people who farm the
site area informed the author that there is a
cave nearby which is associated with the
ancient inhabitants and is now inhabited
by evil spirits.
In the Canta district of Chilia three pre-
historic habitation sites were examined. For
lack of definite local names, these have been
called Canta I, II, and III. All three are
located within a few hundred meters of the
easterly of two mule trails from Chilia to-
Fic. 6.—Monkey figure 18 em high from relief
slab, Chilia village.
ward Hacienda “‘Deliciana.” Canta I is about
5 km from the village, while Canta II and
Canta III are about 2 km farther along.
From the distance Canta I appears to be
a low hilltop covered with brush. Beneath
the underbrush and extending down into
the cultivated area below there are three
large concentric terrace levels, varying in
width from 15 to 40 meters and following
the conformation of the hill. In the middle
of the highest terrace level there are remains
of a truncated pyramid rising in small steps
and faced with stone. The site area, es-
pecially the upper levels where walls have
not been disturbed by cultivation, is covered
with houses and the remains of walls in
varying states of preservation. Two prin-
cipal types of wall construction were ob-
served. The most common, especially for
retaining walls, was ordinary pirca using
stones of medium and uniform size and faced
on the outside. A more elaborate form makes
use of alternating rows of thick and thin
stones, similar to the type described in con-
nection with Nunamarea. Because of the
heavy cover of vegetation it is impossible
to estimate accurately the number of house
outlines, but the extent of the site area now
covered with stone work indicates that it
Was once occupied by a moderately large
population. Clearmg and excavation would
be necessary to show the ground plan ‘and
the true extent of the site.
Canta II also consists of a series of con-
centric circular terraces around a natural
hilltop about 60 meters in height. It is much
smaller than Canta I, the lowest terrace
level being only about 300 meters in diameter.
The retaining walls of the terraces are of
ordinary uniform pirca faced on the outside
only, but a large number of completely
finished rectangular building stones were ob-
served on the various levels, presumably the
remains of structures that have since been
torn down to provide stones for more recent
building. The only remaining structures on
the terrace levels were circular walls 3 to 4
meters in diameter and about 1 meter in
height. These are the outlines of the house
type most commonly found in Central Pataz.
Canta III is a slightly smaller version of
Canta IT, occupying another hilltop on the
same ridge.
On the ridgetop dividing Chilia drainage
from the Parcoycito and Queros valleys there
is a suecession of habitation sites, fortresses,
and pyramids. Seven of these sites were ex-
amined in 1949. The highest and most east-
erly is Pueblo Viejo, located at an altitude of
about 3,800 meters on the ridge between
the headwaters of the Rio Quishuar and the
Rio Parcoycito. It can be reached from Chilia
by taking either of the northern mule trails
toward La Vina, since these trails rejoin in
order to cross the pass into the valley of the
Parcoycito. At this pass, about 15 km from
Chilia by either trail, a rough path can be
seen branching off to the eastward and fol-
lowing the height of land up the ridge. This
trail passes through the site of Pueblo Viejo
after a climb of about 3 km from the pass.
The site consists of a dwelling area on the
high puna surrounded by defense works.
As the ridge rises eastward from the pass the
ascent is steep and unbroken until a small
pot of land is reached. From this point
eastward for about 1 km the ridge ceases to
climb and swings in a wide semicircular bow
to the south. Within the bow to the north
of the ridge and about 20 meters below it at
its lowest pomt there is a relatively flat
sheltered area measuring perhaps 400 by
200 meters and covered by the remains of
the principal dwelling area. The point at the
western limit of the site is terraced in the
style of Canta II, and the ridge top is ter-
raced and covered with house outlines of the
round type met at Canta II as well as rect-
angular houses about 2 meters in width by
4 meters in length.
In the dwelling area itself there are two
principal types of structure. The most com-
mon are circular enclosures about 20 to 30
meters in diameter having outside walls 1 to
2 meters in height (Fiz. 7, d). Within these
enclosures there are stone walls outlining
smaller circular buildings 3 to 4 meters in
diameters. These are irregularly placed, oc-
casionally having part of a wall im common
or partly depending on the wall of the larger
enclosure, but in general there is a small
court or plaza in the center. In all there are
10 to 14 enclosures of this type. The second
type of structure in the dwelling area is a
larger rectangular building with thick walls
now 2 to 3 meters in height in some of the
better preserved examples. The exact ground
plan of these remains could not be discovered
without removing the fallen rock and rubble
that covers most of their location. It is also
now impossible to tell whether this struc-
ture represents a group of buildings or a
single large one.
To the north of the dwelling area and a
little below it, there is a single wall running
from east to west enclosing the area on the
single side not enclosed by the ridge. This
wall is about 800 meters in length and about
2 meters high. Eastward along the ridge
about 1 km from the dwelling area there are
further defense walls. These cross the ridge
transversely, protecting the site from attack
directed down the ridge from the heights
(Fig. 8, d). From west to east this system
contains three elements—a wall 1.5 meters
high, a wall 4 meters high followed by a
ditch 3 meters deep, and a wall 2 meters
high followed by a ditch 2 meters deep.
Unlike the northern defense wall nearer the
dwelling area, the southeast walls are em-
bankments perhaps 2 meters wide made of
the earth piled up in the construction of the
defense ditches or moats associated with
them. The embankments are faced with a
vertical retaining wall on the west. side,
away trom the village. These walls are rough
pirca faced on the outside. Of the three walls,
vou. 41, No. 2
‘ofatA Ofgeng ‘xadu1oo
-ssnoy Punod es jo uonaod ‘(p) 7yb1u wamo) soanaig ‘(9) 7fa) Wamo] {ysaMy{IoU oy} WoIF (10900) BorvUIBUNN puR Ao[[e A atte) “(q) Wy bus
waddn S9dU10D SUIMOUS ‘Sa]Olag SOT JO Jods, zeddn ‘Twa ysaaq ‘(M) 7fa7 vaddQ :z2e4Vq [wAyU. JO SMOIA PUB dINJooIYoIy—L “DIA
Fespruary 1951
only the middle one extends for any distance
down the sides of the ridge, in this case for
about 1 km to the south.
Within the site proper three types of con-
struction were observed. Some of the houses
on the ridgetop are made of uncut, unfaced
pirca. The round groups within the dwelling
area are similar except for facing and more
careful workmanship. The rectangular build-
ings within the dwelling area and the north-
ern defense wall are constructed of large
stones 30 cm or more in diameter inter-
spersed with smaller flat stones. The large
stones are not laid in regular courses, but
placed evenly through the smaller construc-
tion. In spite of the similarity of this stone
work to the alternate courses of large and
small stones found at other sites, only the
uncoursed type was found at Pueblo Viejo.
Passing from the site of Pueblo Viejo
sobre Parcoycito to the westward along the
ridgetop, the next site is Los Peroles de
Huampo. Los Peroles occupies a position
to the west of the pass between Chilia and
the valley of the Parcoycito corresponding
to that of Pueblo Viejo to the east. Leaving
the mule trail between Chilia and La Vina
and following the ridgetop to the west the
site is found at about 3,400 meters after a
brief continuous ascent. Beyond Los Peroles
the ridge drops again and splits into two
branches. One fork swings to the southward
around Chilia Valley, while the other forms
the south watershed of the Parcoycito rising
to the heights of Huayan. Between the two
forks the Queros River drains a small valley
and empties into the Marafion.
At Los Peroles the most important ele-
ments are two structures on the open sum-
mit of the ridge, a platform (structure I)
and a pyramidal group of concentric terraces
(structure II). In addition there are a num-
ber of defense works, house frames, and ter-
races. Approaching the site from the east
along the ridge a defense ditch about 1 meter
deep lies transversely across the ridge. From
this point three sloping terraces partially
covered with round house frames of the
familiar type rise to structure I, the more
easterly of the two. This is a square stone-
vou. 41, No. 2
faced platform about 7 meters high and 14
meters square. The sides of the square are
oriented so that they face directly toward
the four points of the compass, but this 1s not
necessarily intentional, since the north and
south sides are parallel to the line of the
ridgetop. On the top of the square platform
there are six round house outlines of the
usual type. In addition, toward the north-
west corner of the structure there is a vertical
shaft about 1 meter square, the sides of
which are lined with faced stone work. At
present this is about 2 meters deep, but the
bottom is loose earth and rubble mdicating
that it may have been deeper.
Structure II lies about 130 meters to the
west of structure I. The two are separated
by a dip in the ridgetop about 30 meters
lower than the top of either. At the bottom
of this dip a second transverse ditch about
2 meters deep crosses the ridge. Above the
dip to the west structure II rises in a series
of three wall-supported terraces. The three
retaining walls are each about 7 meters high,
giving the whole a uniformity with the 7-
meter height of structure I. Since the low-
est of the retaining walls rises from a ter-
race cut into the natural slope of the hill,
there are four terrace levels in all. The three
lower levels are concentric and elliptical be-
ing roughly accommodated to the shape of
the ridge—the fourth and highest alone be-
ing nearly round. The whole structure meas-
ured at the lowest level is 95 meters in length
by 25 meters in width. The terraces are not
completely symmetrical. Since the eastern
slope is less steep than the western, the ter-
raced levels on that side average 16 meters
in width, while the same levels to the west
measure only 11 meters each. The three
lower terraces are uniformly 3 meters in
width toward the north and south, giving
the structure its elliptical shape. The central
round level is 13 meters in diameter. All the
retaining walls are constructed of faced
stone, roughly rectangular, coursed, and hav-
ing alternate courses wider than the rest.
About 50 cm below the top of the highest
wall there is a cornice formed by one course
of stones that projects about 10 em from
the wall (Fig. 7, a).
As with structure I, all the terrace levels
show the remains of house circles varying
Fic. 8.—Architecture and views of central Pataz: Upper left (a), North wall of principal strue-
ture, Chareoy; wpper right (b), west side, upper story, Matibamba chulpa; lower left (ec), house rem-
nants at Chareoy looking north, heights of Huayan in the distance; lower right (@), eastern faced
earthworks and defense ditches at Pueblo Viejo.
in number from four on the highest level to
about 14 on the lower levels. No rectan-
gular house outlines were observed. In the
middle of one of the house circles on the
third terrace level there is a vertical shaft
similar to that observed on structure I. At
first this was taken for a treasure-seekers’
hole, since it was not lined with stone. A
closer examination, however, showed that it
connects with the remains of a horizontal
gallery entering the base of the retaining
wall just above the second level.
Associated with these two principal struc-
tures there is a small village of round houses
on the side of the ridge a few hundred meters
to the southwest as well as a number of
house circles on the ridge itself to the east
and west of the site. In addition a large
group of terraces and houses were observed
farther to the west between Los Peroles
and Charcoy, indicating that virtually the
entire ridge top was once occupied. The
center of this group is a terraced hilltop
about 3 kilometers west of Los Peroles. There
is no known local name for this site.
Continuing along the crest of the ridge
past this last site, the ridge drops steeply
forming a pass. Through this pass there is a
trail connecting Chilia village with the valley
of Queros. Beyond the pass the ridge rises
very steeply for about 3 km. There is no
trail, but animals can travel fairly easily
along the treeless summit, forcing riders to
dismount only occasionally in especially
steep or rocky slopes. Over this rise the
ridge slowly bends to the south, until its
direction is almost north and south. Charcoy
occupies the highest point after the new
ascent, being at about 3,700 meters, or al-
most as high as Pueblo Viejo and a good
deal higher than Los Peroles. The site is
clearly visible from Chilia village, since the
higher walls stand out against the skyline.
The remains of Charcoy are very exten-
sive, though many of the walls are now noth-
ing but scattered pieces of cut stone (Fig.
8, c). Along 500 meters of the ridgetop, which
is 500 to 100 meters wide and relatively flat
at this point, there are about 60 houses in
good condition. Of these around 80 percent
are of the round type. The remainder are
rectangular of the type found on the ridge
vou. 41, No. 2
at Pueblo Viejo. Some of the house circles
are arranged within enclosures on a plan
similar to that at Pueblo Viejo.
At the center of the ruined area the cor-
ner of one structure shows the most careful
stone work observed in Pataz. The only
remains of a larger building, however, are
a corner and two side walls extending about
7 meters in one direction and 12 meters in
the other. The longer of these two sides is
oriented in a general north-south direction,
but again this is the direction of the ridge.
Inside this building there are the remains
of two rooms, each about 1.3 meters square.
These are side by side along the east wall
with doorways opening toward the inside
of the building toward the west. In this
area the stone and rubble of fallen walls
make it impossible to trace the ground plan
without excavation. At one time the stand-
ing portion must have been part of a much
larger building. Even at present the wall is
higher than 5 meters at its highest point.
The construction of inside and outside walls
is identical. The walls are between 68.5 and
76 em thick constructed of a red clay and
rubble fill faced on both sides with cut rock
in alternate courses of large and small stones
(Fig. 8, a).
A cursory survey of the site revealed only
three examples of decorated stone, but
among many thousands of cut stones in the
area there are probably a number of others.
Two of these stones were slabs about 10
em thick and 70 cm square bearing an in-
cised rectilinear geometric design. They
could have been either an individual decora-
tion or a portion of a larger motif running
along a number of facing slabs. The third
decorated stone bore a single incised ser-
pentine line having nine reverses of direc-
tion. This might represent a snake or be a
merely decorative line.
Six kilometers farther south along the
same ridge from Charcoy is the site of Cor-
rales de Piedras. This can be reached either
by the ridgetop route, or by going directly
from Chilia to Hacienda ‘“‘Hallaca,” where
a guide can be secured to point out a more
direct route up the ridge. The latter route
is more difficult, but shorter.
Fespruary 1951
Corrales de Piedras has a general appear-
ance and location similar to Charcoy. It is
also situated on the top of the ridge, and its
principal features are a number of terraced
hilltops and dwelling areas scattered along
the ridge for about 1,500 meters. The area
is larger than that of Charcoy, but settle-
ment does not seem to have been as dense.
Corrales de Piedras’ altitude of 3,300 meters
is also sufficiently lower than Charcoy to be
out of the completely treeless area. Parts of
the site are covered by thick underbrush,
although this sort of vegetation does not
normally grow so high. The site is clearly
visible from Chilia village and is especially
marked by the brush, the only vegetation
other than grasses that appears on the sky-
line to the northeast.
Approaching Corrales de Piedras from the
north, the first evidence of former habita-
tion is a very elaborate system of defense
walls and ditches constructed in the same
manner as those to the east of Pueblo Viejo.
The principal difference at Corrales de
Piedras is the remains of a portal through
one of the walls. Here there is an opening
about 1 meter wide with an upright stone
jamb about 50 cm in diameter and | meter
high on either side. Immediately beyond the
wall system is the first of two points of land
terraces in the usual manner. Between these
the brush covers a slight saddle in the ridge,
obscuring the layout of a large number of
partially ruined structures of faced prrca.
Beyond the saddle the ridge rises again
through a series of four well-preserved ter-
races to the second high point. The levelled
top of this point, as well as the terraces and
the hillsides to the east and west of the
ridge show the remains of a number of round
houses similar to those at Charcoy and Los
Peroles. Beyond the second point the ridge
slopes down rather steeply through a series
of nine terraces to a very small platform
about 5 meters in diameter. These terraces
also have the remains of house circles. From
the last platform the ridge slopes downward
so abruptly that it is only passable by ani-
mals with the greatest difficulty. After about
2 km this slope breaks into an impassable
series of cliffs, marking the end of the ridge
to the south.
A small point of land just above the cliffs
to the south of Corrales de Piedras is the
site of a number of concentric stone faced
terraces at about 3,000 meters altitude. This
small point is so isolated on the steep hill-
side that the use of its terraces for purely
agricultural purposes seems unlikely. It may
have served as an outpost for Corrales de
Piedras or as a small fortress to control
traffic over one of the trails passing from
the valley of Chilia to the Marafion. This
trail now passes through a small natural
gateway between the site and the main slope
of the ridge. The site is clearly visible from
the Hacienda “‘Hallaca’”’ buildings which lie
about 2 km to the northwest directly below
Corrales de Piedras. Hallaca is reached from
Chilia in two hours by mule by turning
off the westerly trail to La Vifia about 6
km from Chilia.
Los Represos is much lower in altitude
than the ridgetop sites discussed above, but
its general characteristics are the same. It is
located at about 2,000 meters on a short
ridge extending into the Marafion Valley
between the Rio de Ruyabamba on the
south and the Maranon itself on the north
and west. Los Represos is reached from
Chilia in about four hours by mule over a
good trail that follows the northern side of
the Ruyabamba Cafion to the orchards of
Matibamba at the bank of the Maranon.
At the point where this trail crosses a ridge
from the drainage of the Ruyabamba to that
of the Maranon the site is seen on the trail
itself and toward the west down the ridge.
The local name, Los Represos, comes from
the site’s distinctive feature. There are two
depressions or plazas in the top of the ridge
about 16 meters in diameter and lined with
stone to the depth of about 1 meter. These
are thought to be water reservoirs connected
with an irrigation system for the Maranon
Valley, especially for the site of Matibamba,
which lies directly over the ridge to the
north. They seem rather small to store any
considerable quantity of water, and no other
irrigation works were noticed in the area.
At present there are no sources of water
within 5 or 6 km of the site.
In addition to the two “represos”’, there
are three other structures on the ridge. Two
of these are single level square stone faced
platforms about 3 meters in height. The
third is a large rectangular platform a little
more than 3 meters high with a square plat-
form of the same height on the top, giving
a pyramidal effect. All retaming and lining
walls are of average uniform pzirca. The
double platform contains a large treasure-
seekers’ hole in the middle of the highest
level. On the second level there was a small
round low platform about 3 meters in diame-
ter with a square shaft about 15 meters in
width in the center.
Following the trail over the ridge and
down into the Maranon to the north of Los
Represos there are a series of hairpin turns
leading to the canon floor. Here, along the
edge of the river at 1,320 meters, is the
small settlement of Matibamba and an ir-
rigated area in which tropical fruits are
raised. Above the irrigated area for about
500 meters and extending along the valley
for the same distance are the ruins of Mati-
bamba. Throughout the site area there are
the remains of low walls and terraces cover-
ing the arid hillside. Beeause of lack of water
en route from Chilia, the presence of veruga,
very high temperatures, and other special
problems imposed by the location of. the
site, we were unable to make the full survey
that the area deserves.
The most interesting structures at Mati-
bamba are the remains of five chulpas in the
western part of the site area about 250 meters
from the Maranon. One of these is almost
perfectly preserved, although any burials it
may once have contained are now gone. The
well-preserved chulpa is a small two-story
building—a square room or tower set on top
of a round base. The base is constructed in
the form of a semi-circle on the very steep
hillside, the top being flush with the hill
while the lower northern side is about 3
meters high. The diameter from east to west
is approximately 6.2 meters, while the radius
from north to south is 4.3 meters. The con-
struction of the lower walls is a rubble and
earth fill with stone facing. The facmg
stones are of varying size and are not
vou. 41, No. 2
coursed. This wall varies in thickness from a
little more than 1 meter to more than 2
meters. Within the round lower structure
there are two chambers entered from a small
opening at the west corner. The northern
and larger of these is in the shape of a half-
moon about 3.4 meters in length and 1.7
meters in width having a maximum height
of 1.25 meters. An opening into the smaller
southern chamber is found at the northeast
side of the larger, opposite the opening to
the outside. The inner chamber is rectangu-
lar, about 3.2 meters in length by 96 em in
width with a maximum height of about 75
cm. At the eastern end of this chamber there
is a window roughly 60 em square. Both of
the lower chambers have corbelled roofing
which provides the floor for the structure
above, additional support for this roof being
supplied by the wall separating them.
The upper story of the chulpa is a boxlike
building 2.84 meters square (Fig. 8, b), hav-
ing a single window on the eastern side 58
em square about 60 em above the ground.
The walls of this building are roughly 37 cm
thick, being constructed in a pattern of three
courses which repeats itself three times in
the 2-meter height of the walls. This begins
at the bottom with a course of very large
faced stones in the neighborhood of 30 em in
height placed side by side but filled with
smaller. stones where necessary because of
their irregular shape. Above this course 1s an
area of flat stones, also faced, typical of the
small stone layers of the alternating large
and small courses found at Charecoy. This
layer fills in and around the large lower
layer making a relatively level surface on
which there is a course of large flat stones
measuring about 12 em by 40 em. The pat-
tern is then repeated with a new layer of the
very large irregular stones. The placement
of the window and the height of the pattern
are so arranged that the bottom of the
window and the lintel over it are supplied
by consecutive courses of the long flat va-
riety. On the whole the pattern is followed
consistently on all four sides, but there are
occasional irregularities. The roof of the
upper level is also corbelled, bemg 70 cm
thick and constructed of large flat stones
very irregularly placed without mortar.
Farther to the west there are three ad-
ditional chulpas in a very bad state of dis-
repair. These are placed in a row on the hill-
side, one below the other. A fifth chulpa lies
some distance up the hill to the south of the
well-preserved example, and a closer exami-
nation of the ruins will probably reveal
Although the well-preserved chulpa is on
the unterraced hillside, 8 meters up hill there
is an artificially leveled area about 10 by 3
meters protected by a stone retaining wall
on the upper side. On this level there are the
remains of a rectangular structure. The only
remaining wall in good condition is in the
shape of an “‘L”’ about 2.7 meters high at the
corner and 2 meters long toward either arm.
This wall has a projecting corbel about 40
em from the top.
At the eastern end of the Matibamba
ruins there is another wall in excellent pres-
ervation. This appears to be the remains of
a rectangular building about 6 meters high
standing on an artificial terrace. This
““glesia,”’ or temple, as it is called locally,
appears to have once had two stories and in
many respects to be similar to the large
central structures at Charcoy and Pueblo
Matibamba is the last of the seven sites
examined along the north rim of Chilia
Valley. According to local reports and exami-
nation from the distance there are fewer
sites along the corresponding ridge to the
south. The most prominent of these is Ush-
cun (see map, Fig. 1), lying on the southern
ridge overlooking the Ruyabamba opposite
Corrales de Piedras on the north. Some stone
sculpture and burials are reported there.
Still farther to the south, the extensive
ruins of Colpan are found at the height of a
pass between the valleys of the Aullobamba
and the Nahuinbamba. These ruins consist
of buildings and terraces similar to those
examined in detail. Another similar group of
ruins is Huancuy, found about 15 km south
of La Paccha on a high point ringed with
concentric terraces. This ruin is located just
above Cachipicza on the valley floor and
seems designed to protect the pass where the
present trail crosses the shoulder of the
mountain into the valley of the Nahuin-
bamba. This site was visited by Raimondi in
To the north of the valley of Chilia, the
site of Piruro presents a classic example of
the hilltop structures found in Pataz (Fig.
7, c). It les about 500 meters to the north-
.west of the mule trail from La Vina to
Alpamarea at the height of a small pass
about 3,200 meters in elevation immediately
before the final descent into the Parcoy
valley. The situation is very striking for its
location, giving a clear view up the valleys
of the Ariabamba and Yurayaca as well as a
large part of the valley of the Parcoy. Ap-
proaching by way of La Vina, Piruro is
visible from the trail for several hours before
actually arriving at the site.
The structure itself consists of a large oval
platform about 90 meters long by 50 meters
wide. The sides of the platform now slope
down to the hilltop about 8 meters below,
but they may once have been faced with
stone. On top of the platform there is a
truncated pyramid about 8 meters high,
being roughly 12 meters in diameter at the
top. There are some sections of former re-
taining walls, but i most places these have
been removed for modern buildings or walls.
On the west side of the pyramid, where the
walls are best preserved, there are indications
that the sides once rose in four steps about
3 meters wide. All the remaining walls are of
normal pirca construction with no pattern
of large and small stones. Although a large
number of well-cut rectangular stones were
found near the site, none of these were in
place. On the eastern side a treasure-seekers’
excavation has completely removed a large
part of each level.
In addition to Piruro there are other sites
in the vicinity of the Parcoy valley, though
they were not examined in detail by the ex-
pedition in 1949. Rumatambo, overlooking
the Parcoy near the Hacienda “El Tra-
3 Rarmonpr, ANronro. Hl Peru 5: 125. Lima,
piche,” is one of these. The portion visible
from the valley below is a retaming wall
system circling a hilltop at about 3,100
meters in elevation. Santisteban is reported
on the ridge between the rivers Yurayaca
and Ariabamba but was not examined.
Along the south bank of the Lagarpampa
or Sauce River, which empties into the
Marafion 1 km north of La Vina, there is a
series of parallel agricultural terraces, for-
merly watered by an irrigation canal bring- |
ing water from the upper Lagarpampa. In-
all, about 40 levels can be distinguished
along the slopes above the Maranon. These
are not only the most extensive system of
terracing observed in the Pataz area but also
the only system of parallel terraces, the
others being only the concentric type. They
are, perhaps, noteworthy as the only possible
remains of Inca occupation, the other fea-
tures of architecture, ceramics, and sculpture
being clearly non-Inca in character.
In addition to the ceremonial and habita-
tion sites visited, investigations were made
at two burial sites, both caves. The largest
of these was visited by Raimondi (loc. cit.) at
the same time he visited Huancuy. Continu-
ing beyond Huancuy on the trail toward
Nahuinbamba the cave is located between
the mule trail and the Rio de Nahuinbamba
about 2 km past the site of Huancuy. It lies
on the side of a very steep bluff about 3 km
in a direct line from Huaylillas at an eleva-
tion of about 2,800 meters. Although the
cave 1s difficult to find without local assist-
ance, a guide can be secured in any nearby
village by asking for the cueva de los gentiles.
At the mouth the cave is only 1 meter wide
by 50 cm high, the entrance slopmg down-
ward at an angle of about 20 degrees. Once
inside it is somewhat bigger and finally at
the depth of about 15 meters there is a room
large enough for standing upright. Various
side passages open in several directions from
the central tunnel. In all parts of the cave,
but especially in the first large room, there
are numerous human skeletons. The cave
shows signs of having been frequently
entered in the past, but some of the skeletons
were still partly articulated. No artifacts
were found.
vou. 41, No. 2
The second burial caves examined are
located on Hacienda “El Trapiche” not far
from the site of Piruro. The caves are in the
steep cliffs of Shahuindo about 1 km north-
west of the hacienda buildings and 100
meters higher in elevation. They can be
reached from the hacienda without the aid
of ropes. Three caves open from a narrow
off-set in the cliffs, bearing 308° magnetic
from Trapiche Viejo. From south to north
they have been numbered I, IJ, and III.
Cave I has an entrance | meter in width by
20 cm in height. The floor is covered with un-
articulated human bones mixed with earth.
The whole has the appearance of having once
been excavated and later replaced. At pres-
ent the cave can be entered about 3 meters.
No artifacts were found, but a thorough ex-
cavation of the floor might uncover much
more than our brief examination revealed.
Caves IT and III are similar in size and con-
dition. They are located 10 and 12 meters
respectively to the north of cave I.
Other burial caves were reported in the
Pataz area but were not visited. The burial
caves at Ushcun are mentioned above. Caves
were also reported near the headwaters of
the Quishuar about 10 km to the north-
northeast of Chilia village. Other caves are
supposed to exist in the southeast slope of
Nunamarea bluff, but could not be found in
Within the area under consideration the
following types of structure occur:
(a) Series of concentric terraces ringing a hill-
(b) Artificial platforms with sloping sides and
with vertical stone faced sides.
(c) Artificial platforms superimposed in the
form of a stepped truneated pyramid three or
four layers in height.
(d) Earth embankments faced with stone ac-
companied by moats.
(e) Rectangular houses.
(f) Round houses about 1 m. high and 3 to 4
m. in diameter. 3
(g) Large rectangular buildings up to 5 m. in
(h) Depressed plazas or reservoirs.
(7) Galleries.
(7) Stone lined shafts.
(k) Large circular enclosures surrounding jn Pataz, but this type, though uncommon,
groups of circular houses.
(l) Chulpas.
Five general types of masonry were ob-
served in the Pataz region:
(@) Unfaced rough pirca.
(6) Faced pirca built with average uniform
(c) Faced pirca built with large and small
stones in alternate courses.
(d) Faced pirca of large stones placed at ran-
dom throughout a wall of smaller stones.
(e) Faced pirca having a three-course repeti-
tive pattern.
These masonry types are used either in
walls completely of stone or as facing for
clay and rubble walls or in retaining walls.
Two additional features of the local stone-
work are the use of decorative corbels near
the top of walls and of the corbeled roof.
Although a reconnaissance survey of this
sort can not be comprehensive, even for an
area as small as central Pataz, it allows
limited conclusions about the type of archi-
tecture and the extent of archaeological re-
mains to be found in the trans-Maranon
region of Peru. But these conclusions must
be very tentative, since the areas immedi-
ately surrounding Pataz on all sides have not
been explored by archaeologists, even at the
survey level. Particularly the southern part
of Pataz, the provinces of Maranon and
Pomabamba, and the general area between
central Pataz and Chavin de Huantar merit
a careful examination. Large ruins are re-
ported at Tarrija and Uchos in southern
Pataz and at Llayno near the town of Poma-
bamba. Even surveys in these areas would
help to clear up many problems connected
with the appearance in Pataz of traits associ-
ated with the cultures of the Callejon de
Among these traits, only to mention the
most obvious, are stone-lined galleries,
houses that were probably two-storied, and
emphasis on the feline motif in stone sculp-
ture.’ The preponderance of round house out-
les about 1 meter high and 3 meters in
diameter as the ancient dwelling-house type
in Pataz calls for special mention. The author
observed nothing of this sort in current use
4 BENNETT, WENDELL C. The North Highlands
of Peru. New York, 1944.
is still used in parts of the Callejon de
Huaylas. In these present-day buildings, the
base is a rough stone wall approximately the
same height and diameter as those in Pataz,
while the roof is a conical thatching sup-
ported by a vertical pole in the center, 4 to 5
meters high.
On the other hand, the Matibamba chul-
pas present a problem that must be left till
further exploratory work is done. This type
of square boxlike structure on a round base
is striking, yet no examples have been re-
ported in the surrounding regions, that is to
say, at Chavin, in the Callejon, at Marca
Huamachuco, or in the region of Cajamarca.
On a more general plane, the whole area
of Pataz seems to have been formerly more
heavily populated than it is today, even if it
is assumed that all sites in the valley of
Chila were not occupied at the same time.
Of the sites visited only Matibamba and
Lagarpampa are not equipped with defense
works or located in easily defensible posi-
tions. Several of the sites, notably Charcoy
and Pueblo Viejo and Huayan, are located
at almost 4,000 meters elevation, far above
the arable area and far above any visible
source of water. This raises the question of
the prehistoric political situation. Against
whom were these defenses built? A tentative
answer is suggested by Garcilaso’s state-
ment that the pre-Incaic boundary between
Huacrachuco and Chachapoyas was found
just to the south of Pias.° If this is true, the
long valley of the Parecoy and Alpamarea
Rivers forms a natural frontier. The heights
to the south and west of the Parcoy, then,
would be the natural defense line of
Huacrachuco. It is possible that the chain of
fortifications to the north of Chilia valley
housed only garrisons. This would explain
both the relative density of population on
this ridge and the inaccessibility of the sites.
Following this hypothesis only the sites on
or near the valley floor like the Canta sites
and Nunamarea would be economically sup-
ported by the production of Chilia valley.
The garrison sites could have been sup-
ported by a much larger area.
5 pp LA VEGA, Garcruaso (El Inca). Comen-
tartos reales: pt. 1, bk. 8, chap. 1. Buenos Aires,
VOL. 41, No. 2
PALEONTOLOGY .—Check list of salinity tolerance of post-Paleozoic fossil Ostra-
coda.! I. G. Sonn, U.S. Geological Survey. (Communicated by J.S. Williams.)
Among microfossils Ostracoda are con-
sidered second only to Foraminifera as hori-
zon markers. Their utilitarian value is en-
hanced by the fact that they occur in both
fresh and salt water, whereas the Forami-
nifera are confined to salty waters. Although
certain genera of ostracodes show remarkable
tolerances to variation in salinity, none of the
species belonging to those genera has to date
been recorded as tolerant to both strictly
fresh and strictly marine environments.
Some species can live in water that grades
1 Published by permission of the Director, U.S.
Geological Survey.
from fresh to brackish; others tolerate brack-
ish to marine water. Many genera and species
are reported to be confined to each one of the
several types of salinity environments.
The following table records the inferred
salinity tolerance of 80 forms included in
36 genera. The species are those for which
salinity habitat is specifically mentioned in
the literature. The table is compiled as an
aid to interpreting the depositional environ-
ment of sediments containing post-Paleozoic
Ostracoda. It is the result of an objective
survey of the literature and consequently
may include some erroneous inferences,
which future investigations will rectify.
Type of Water
Ostracode Remarks Reference
| Fresh Brackish | Marine |
A\TOMOCHLOCTOs ctdecosccdcecesgwe oo | x 21
AVS HORUAONO Ahr Se RRS | x | 21
JXOORCWG WUCVORMUUS: 65% 66 656+ 556555% x | Shallow warm water. 20 -
IZHMOCHOUS a's dosdesboedaooesaobot x | 17, 24
1B, SOMMUGHO > coreccddevcgocgoou0s 6 x Shallow water. 6
Bythocythere stmplex.............. x 19
COO CUNO). 5 o%000cbbcos8Sb6> x x 22
Ci, WOROMCNSIScs sheabenssabouses xX 22
One ONDESTU Naame ee te REE oe x x 11
CUT CUL OR Pn aR aE | x 4
Capridea eS ireee e e xK x | Thin shells fresh, thick shells) 4, 10, 15
| brackish (10).
CECUN net ce eee x x | Shghtly saline (1). a2?)
Cs. GROOWOSO 9. secc0coscobeadsadoc x 1
C. ganulosa var. fasciculata.......| x More saline than next below.) 1
C. granulosa var. paucigranulata. . x Less saline than above. 1
OF (NOM ic s dees ool Aga oaten x 22
Cpu ClOhd ei eee aa eee ree>< x | Slightly saline (1); fresh 1, 22
; } | water (22)>
Cu prudevseernine cee ee | >< 15
Cypridopsis compressa............ lee | 8
Cuprionenbiustoviia eee |< 1
Cionsepunbeckenstse ener ex 22
Co DUGG so oeaddasbocadasdsooh 5 hoes | 22
(SL MIRG saccurs oeamitets ao Oein Ae wre ae eae | x x | Marine-brackish (3, 7); By Oy UA,
| marine (12, 23). 23
CM CON UGS AE eee x | Shallow sea. 18
CRIicrUs pAtane Aerie ene 2 x < 7
(OE GMPOY ONAL. Sra maaes Cas cae O ETS OE xX | Shallow water. 6
Go OUC HUGS re eprhereals aac hole meee < 19
(Ol, POMUPUG Ohno be Y aN bee SHS 5 bes SK | Sk 29
OCRULANISUCNS ee er ee x | 22
Ci, WUDOROCOUGHG ss bonsteb sogacessods | 19
GR niscenalisten tere srry Ce ee Sey: | a 22
CONOR GIS He Gene nye fae nena ott Sk x << | | 16
C. convexa var. sarmatica......... x | | 138, 24
CO, OPMGWISSOME 0000600 ec00ceb0er08 | | | > | Shallow sea. | 18
C', GOPDAUWM MGs wcocsccob nace. oral | ex | 22
Ciythereula esaa rue Caer re teenie | | XX | Typical marine. 17
(O15 TRUCHWSUCTO 5) oS ecobe oa eda esate < | | x | Shallow sea. 18
| | \
Type of Water
Ostracode Remarks Reference
Fresh Brackish Marine
Cytherelloidea williamsoniana..... x< Shallow sea. 6
COMCOPUCEDS SoC aOR EERE cee x x Shallow marine, estuarine. Be, Wy We,
1 z
C'-. QUID DTROUC AS oerais Hels Oe cio ae x 22
CO. CUBGFEDss0 25 pa ee x< x< 29
Co. HUE eee x< 14
C' LUACORED Les SES | x 24
GPR GUGOMGGLG «4-0 Pa a Se. | x | Shallow water. 6
Ce URUINGPE 55 Ce ee x x phalley sea, temperate zone | 11, 20
C's enlits (CO), OOH aaa ere ne eae x Fresh-water influence. 9
C. (PONG. soe ee eee ee x 29
C's. IOPOSG. 5 Re ee a ee ee < 5
C. (ORISO Ware, (MUOMANPSS 75a s len ee x 13
C'. WON CCSOMICHIOS 2S Hahn oe olen oe x x 14
CCH LCPUCTARS ES = i ete ant nae en x | Typical marine. 17
(Ci. WiMiCDTQUS coed a oS a Ces x x Fresh or slightly brackish. 11
Cl, UACSUUCT. 1nd eee ee ote ate x Fresh or slightly brackish. 11
COMMCTODICROR. o 5% besa ee ere | x x Marine-brackish (3); typical | 3, 17
marine (17).
C's SDocere’s A Gentes eae eee x < | Marine or estuarine. 22
C. elongata-concentricum.......... x Shallow water. 6
Cl. BURGCMCULD ¢. oS ene oad Hei ae x Shallow sea, temperate zone. | 20
CWEUOCPUPG» cic 2.ava cle eR aes meee x x 16
Darwinula leguminella............ x 1
1D), USGSSCOD c % ace Shea Ee x x Hither fresh or brackish. 12
Bii COVA Oas cp cme eee o ore ae be eee x iG
Herpetocypris aequalis............ x 7
INT OURG 0-2 act, 55 cubes ER ee x x Shallow marine or estuarine. | 7, 24
Inmnicythere zindorfi............. x x 14
ococonchapelluptca... 5.42. 4.5. x 5
Macrocypris horatiana............ x 22
MT =. SCG DIGE 3.6 siete Sed ee ee x Shallow water. 6
Waciodentumapecce) seyae os atcra in x x 10
INICSUG COMPARE POU hc ooe ne Gc eee, x Typical marine. 17
Onthonoiacyinene. x 15
IPO CCUFOUPIS ssa es SoA ee x Typical marine. 17
WACO GUUREGRON Meer ieleas cs Ne Bia x Typical marine. 7
Pseudocythere. . ee a Tae x Typical marine. 17
Rhinocypris scabra var. hamata...| X 22
Scabriculocypris acanthoides...... x 22
ISMECCTASTE SHI Nal iay sure ma tt x ) 2
So URGUTLOUUDS . cE dease>debeagses Js x 22
SOMGOGIWWS s2 5 .000505e000000b 50 x Shallow lagoon, approaching | 24
Thaumatocypris bettenstaedti...... x Up to 200 meters deep. lees
WT 5 WEG x8. ae sie ia Rae eee x Shallow water. | 2
(1) Anprerson, F. W. Phasal deposition in the (4) Bosqurt, J. A. H. Description des entomos-
middle Purbeck beds of Dorset. Ann. Rep. tracés fossiles des terrains tertiaires de la
Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sei. 99 (for 1931): 3878-380. France et de la Belgique. Mém. Cour. et
1932. Sav. Etrang. Acad. Roy. Belg. 24 (pt. 3)
(2) Bartenstern, Heitmutru. Thaumatocypris 142 pp. 1852.
bettenstaedti n. sp. aus dem nordwestdeut- (5) Brapy, G.S.; Crosskny, H. W.; and Roserr-
schen Lias zeta. Senckenbergiana 30: 95-98. SON, Davin. A monograph of the post-Ter
1949. tiary Entomostraca of Scotland (including
(3) Bont, AtBerr. Beitrag zur Stratigraphie species from England and Treland). Paleon-
und Paleontologie der Tertiaren ablagerungen togr. Soe. London: 232 pp., 15 pls. IS74.
in Ostlichen Mainzer Becken. Abh.Seneckenb. (6) CaarpmMan, Frepertck. Foraminifera and
naturf. Ges. 41: 65-113. 1928. Ostracoda from the Cretaceous of East Pon-
doland, S. Africa. Ann. South African Mus.
4: 221-237. 1904.
Report on samples of surface Ter-
tiary rocks and a bore sample containing
Ostracoda from Queensland. Proc. Roy. Soc.
Queensland 46 (6): 66-71. 1935.
(8) CorNvuEL, J. Description des nouveaux fos-
siles microscopiques du terrain inférieur du
département de la Haute-Marne. Mém. Soc.
Géol. France, sér. 2, 3 (pt. 1): 241-246. 1848.
“(9) Grint, R. von. Mikropaldontologie wnd
Stratigraphie in dem Tertiaren Becken und
der Flyschzone von Osterreich. Proc. 18th
Int. Geol. Congr. Pal. Union for 1948, pt. 15:
51-60. 1950.
nattirlichen Brackwasser. Erdél und Kohle,
Jahrg 2 (1): 4-8, 8 figs. 1949.
(11) Jones, T. R. Notes on the Entomostraca.
In E. Forbes’ ‘On the Tertiary Fluvio-ma-
rine Formation of the Isle of Wight.’? Mem.
Great Britain Geol. Suryv.: 157-158. 1856.
On the Rhaetic and some Liassic
Ostracoda of Britain. Quart. Journ. Geol.
Soe. London 50: 156-169. 1894.
(13) KapraRENKO-CHERNOUSOVA, O. K. Upper
Tertiary microfauna of the Nicopol manganese
ore district (Ukraine). Journ. Geol. (Acad.
Sci. Ukr. SSR. Inst. Geol.) 6 (1-2) : 199-223.
1939. [In Russian; English summary, pp.
(14) Lirenenkiaus, E. Die Ostracoden des Main-
zer Tertiarbeckens. Ber. Senckenb. naturf.
Ges. 2: 3-70. 1905.
Klassifikation der
VoL. 41, No. 2
(15) Martin, G. P. Ostracoden des norddeutschen
Purbeck und Wealden. Senckenbergiana 22
(5-6) : 275-361. 1940.
(16) Méues, Gyuua. Die eozdinen Ostracoden der
Umgebung von Budapest. Geologica Hunga-
rica, ser. pal., 12: 3-56. 1936.
Die ostracoden der Oberoligozéns der
Umgebung von Budapest. Geologica Hunga-
rica, ser. pal., 16: 95 pp. 1941.
(18) Moreman, W. L. Fossil zones of the Eagle
Ford of north Texas. Journ. Pal. 1: 89-101.
(19) Munroe, H. Studier of ner Gotlands sen-
quartare historia. Sver. Geol. Unders., ser.
Ca, no. 4: 213 pp. 1910. [English summary,
pp. 181-206.]
(20) StapNicHENKO, M. M. The Foraminifera
and Ostracoda of the Marine Yegua of the
type sections. Journ. Pal. 1: 221-248. 1927.
(21) StzpHEenson, M. B. Miocene and Pliocene
Ostracoda of the genus Cytheridea from Flo-
rida. Journ. Pal. 12: 127-148. 1938.
(22) SytvesteR-BRapLey, P. C. The Purbeck
beds of Swindon. Proc. Geologists’ Assoc.
London 51 (pt. 4): 349-872. 1940.
(23) Terqurm, Oury. Les foraminiferes et les
ostracodes du Fuller’s earth des environs de
Varsovie. Mém. Soc. Géol. France, sér. 3,
4: 91-107. 1886.
(24) Zauanyt, B. Biosociologische Zusammen-
hdnge im Neogenbecken des grossen Ungaris-
chen Tiefebene. Jahresb. Ungar. Geol. Anst.,
1933-35, 4: 1621-1699. 1940.
BOTANY.— Peter Wilhelm Lund’s pequi tree at Lagoa Santa and pilgrimages to his
cemetery.| ANNA HK. JENKINS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, A. A. Brran-
court, Instituto Biologico, Sado Paulo, K. S1nperscumip7, Instituto Biologico,
and W. ANDREW ARcHER, U.S. Department of Agriculture.”
“Trees by their very nature are land-
marks and memorials. They are therefore
identified with human happenings. Also,
trees, having more than the alloted span of
1 Among the desiderata we assembled mostly
in 1941 for the preparation of this. article is a letter
(Dec. 6, 1941) from James A. G. Rehn, correspond-
ing secretary of the Academy of Natural Sciences
of Philadelphia, in which he wrote as follows:
“T have your letter of the 3rd about Peter Lund,
whose name of course was reasonably familiar to
me on account of his work on the fossil deposits at
Lagoa Santa. He was elected a Correspondent of
our Academy January. 29, 1850, and our records
give his death as having occurred May 25, 1880.
Correspondents of the Academy are elected from
scientists non-residents of Philadelphia, who have
achieved outstanding distinction in work in the
natural sciences. A very considerable part of all
the great workers in our field in the last century
and a quarter were Correspondents of the Acad-
emy, although the number in this class at any
one time is naturally limited, and rarely has ex-
man, carry their associations through genera-
tions of men and women. Thus they often
figure not only in biography but also in
ceeded 150.’’ This article therefore commemorates
the centenary of Dr. Lund’s election as a Corre-
sponding Member of the Academy of Natural
Sciences of Philadelphia.
We are indebted to Dr. Elisabeth Deichmann,
Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Uni-
versity, for a critical reading of the manuscript.
Miss Deichmann’s mother was P. W. Lund’s
grand-niece. She was 11 years old when he died,
but her whole childhood was flavored by stories
about this distant uncle who kept up the contact
with his family in Denmark until his death.
2 In 1935-36 the first writer was on a mycolog-
ical mision to Brazil, at the invitation of the gov-
ernment of the State of Sdo Paulo, and was work-
ing cooperatively with the second writer at the
Instituto Biologico. The fourth writer was com-
pleting a plant exploration mission to South Amer-
Fespruary 1951
history.”” So wrote Randall and Edgerton
(76)° in their Famous trees.
Of trees associated with ‘notable persons,
events, and places” is the beautiful pequi
(Caryocar brasiliense Camb.)* growing beside
the tomb of Peter Wilhelm Lund (1801-
1880)° at Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
The actual existence of this tree and its
role in the life of this noted Danish scientist
may well have been disclosed to many read-
ers only through brief mention of it in one
or another of Prof. Anibal Mattos compila-
tions of 1935 (9-12). These mark the cente-
nary celebration of the savant’s arrival at
Lagoa Santa. In 1930 the original tomb had
been replaced by a monument ‘‘which would
signify the gratitude of the people of Minas
for the valuable works of the great scientist.”
This was erected under Professor Mattos’
direction at the commission of the governor
of the State.
In his address at the unveiling of the new
3 Reference is made by number (italic) to Liter-
ture cited. p. 74.
4 Described in Saint-Hilaire (78, p. 322, pl. 67
bis). The illustration is reproduced in Jenkins’
“Introductory Hssay’? accompanying Saint-
Hilaire’s ‘‘Esquisse de mes Voyages au Brésil et
Paraguay”’ (20, fig. 4).
5 For an extended biography of Lund cf. Rein-
hardt (17). A brief obituary notice (1) is quoted
“On May 25th died, at Lagoa Santa, in Brazil,
the Danish philosopher and zoologist, Dr. P. V.
Lund, aged nearly 79. Born in Copenhagen he grad-
uated at the Copenhagen University, and was
intended for the medical profession. He was soon
diverted from this pursuit, however, by his inter-
est for natural science, and when, in 1825, he
gained a double golden medal for some zoological
prize essays, he made a definite choice between
the two. Ill health made him seek a milder climate
in South America; and after a short stay in Rio
Janeiro he returned to Europe, travelled to Italy
with J. F. Schouw, the Danish botanist, and Mr.
Harewood, and spent some years in France, where
he became a friend of Cuvier. In 1832 he went out
again to Brazil, and thenceforward lived in the
small town of Lagoa Santa, in the province of
Minas Gerais. The remarkable caves near this
place, containing fossil remains of the Brazilian
fauna from the Tertiary period, were discovered
by Dr. Lund; and the paleontological collections
he made in them were presented by him in 1854 to
the Danish State, and now form a separate and
much appreciated section of the Zoological Mu-
seum of Copenhagen.
‘Dr. Lund also transmitted to Copenhagen
many specimens of birds from the vicinity of
Lagoa Santa. Prof. Reinhardt’s well-known essay
on the bird-fauna of the Campos of Brazil was
based mainly upon Lund’s collections.’’ (Cf. also
Pinto, 185.)
monument to Lund, the representative of
Denmark stated that the site of the monu-
ment is the same as that acquired by the
savant and that the parcel of cerrado® is
entirely enclosed (1/1, p. 22). “‘At one side
of the monument,” he continued, “is the
‘frondoso pequy’ under the shade of which
the scientist used to study.”’ Mattos (/7,
p. 28) wrote that during the course of its
construction a vase of flowers and a branch
of the pequi were deposited in the tomb by
Sra. Carlos Correa and Sra. Mattos. Because
of its location and its low, broad head, the
tree forms an important part of the com-
position in two of Mattos’ photographs taken
within the cemetery (9, opposite p. 57, also
reproduced in /0, opposite p. 32; 9, opposite
p. 80).
Our introduction to the pequi by Lund’s
monument was in 1936, when we were privi-
leged to make a pilgrimage to his grave.
As guests of Dr. José de Mello Soares de
Gouvea, director of the Department of Agri-
culture of Minas Gerais, the first three of
the writers made the tour from Belo Hori-
zonte on February 2. We had attended the
“First Meeting of the Plant Pathologists
of Brazil’’ held in Rio January 20-25, then
visited the Escola Superior de Agricultura
at Vicosa,” Minas, and were returning to
Rio and Sdo Paulo, via Belo Horizonte.
The fourth writer’s pilgrimage to the ceme-
tery was made on August 3, as the guest of
Dr. Henrique L. de Mello Barreto, botanist
of the State Agricultural Department.®
As an introduction to Lagoa Santa we are
here quoting from the preface of Warming’s
(22, p. 455) Lagoa Santa, as well as repro-
ducing the map (Fig. 1) there cited.
Lagoa Santa est un petit village de l'état
brésilien de Minas geraés. Il est situé 4 19° 40° de
latitude Sud, au Nord-Nord-Ouest de Rio de Ja-
neiro (voir la vignette du titre et la carte p. 267).
C’est 1A qu’habitait, depuis 1835 jusqu’en 1880,
annee de sa mort, le zoologiste et paléontologue
6 A recent description of “campo cerrado’? is
that by Bezerra dos Santos (2, pp. 41-144).
7Our host on this occasion was Prof. A. 8.
Muller, then plant pathologist and acting director
of the Escola, now on the staff of the Escuela
Agricola Panamericana at Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
8’ We are pleased to express our thanks and
appreciation to Dr. Soares de Gouvea and to Dr.
Mello Baretto for the hospitality they so gener-
ously extended.
danois trés connu, P. W. Lund, et c’est de 1a
qu’il dirigeait la publication de ses belles et fort
importantes recherches sur les animaux fossiles
des cavernes calcaires du Brésil (comp. |’index
bibliographique). Lagoa Santa fut visité trois fois
par le zoologiste danois, M. le Prof. Joh. Rein-
hardt, qui y passait chaque fois un temps assez
long. Moi-méme, étudiant, au début de mes
études de botanique,—il y aura bienté6t trente
ans,—j’y ai vécu, dans la maison de Lund, trois
belles années de ma jeunesse (1863-1866). Je
rappelle ma jeunesse afin qu’on veuille bien ne
pas coter trop haut les imperfections des observa-
tions que j’ai faites et que je communique dans ce
mémoire. Lagoa Santa fut visité également par
plusieurs autres explorateurs et savants, venus
notamment pour voir Lund et lui rendre visite
(v. p. 162), de sorte que ce misérable hameau est
devenu en quelque sorte un endroit classique dans
Vhistoire des sciences.
On February 2, upon reaching the out-
skirts of Lagoa Santa, our host halted a
few moments in order that we might view
the lake for which the hamlet is named
(Fig. 2, A) and concerning which there are
so many legends (cf. 10, pp. 19-25).
The story of Lund’s taking up his abode
in Lagoa Santa and of his owning a piece of
cerrado in the neighborhood was recounted
by Mrs. Agnes Chase (5) following her pil-
erimage to the old tomb. ‘‘A few hours
north of Bello Horizonte is Lagoa Santa,”
she began, and continued:
Lund was a consumptive who went to Brazil
[1825] for his health. After a few years he re-
turned to Denmark cured, but the disease again
attacked him and he returned to Lagoa Santa to
die. Being a Protestant he could not be buried
in the cemetery, so he bought a piece of ground
about 5 kilometers from the village for his grave.
He lived 40 years after that, and buried Claus-
sen,? and another friend and his two Danish
servants in his little cemetery before he himself
was buried there in 1880 at the age of 79. The few
acres inclosed form a precious preserve of the
original campo. Except for four immense clumps
®Lund’s three secretaries were the Norwegian
Brandt, his own countryman Warming, and the
German Berens, and Brandt and Behrens were
buried in Lund’s cemetery (9, p. 91). Claussen
returned to Europe and died in London in 1855
(ef. 21, p. 11). We are making this correction here
at Mrs. Chase’s suggestion. The names were not
clear on the old tomb, she explained to us, and she
understood that Claussen was buried in Lund’s
= 20°
we Campinas
A ey Comm
——— Lund og Riedel
(1833 - 35)
uneghs ee Warmin g
( 1863 0g 1866)
Fie. 1.—Location of Lagoa Santa as shown on Dr. Eugene Warming’s map accompanying his Lagoa
a Zane
Santa (22, p. 267; 23, p. 101).
vou. 41, No. 2
Frepruary 1951
of bamboo, the ground is left wild—the best kind
of memorial to Pedro Lund. He was dearly loved
by the Brazilians, and women still come to the
cross to pray for the soul of the Protestante.
In further detail of her visit to the old
tomb on March 25, 1926, Mrs. Chase has
told us that fresh flowers, then wilted, had
been placed at the foot of the cross. Her
photograph (5, pl. 8, fig. 2) shows the cross
in its position outside the ‘‘Campo Santo”
as one author (9, p. 53) referred to the old
cemetery. In the new enclosure the cross
stands in line with the tombs of Lund and
his assistants and to the rear (see Fig. 3, B).
Painted black, it is of ‘‘aroeira”’ (mastic-tree)
and has the date of Brandt’s death, ‘‘1862,”’
engraved on it, as Dr. Mello Barreto has
informed us.
At the cemetery one not only pays homage
to Peter Lund and his beloved assistants,
but he at once senses that the pequi growing
so near the plot selected by the naturalist
for his grave must have been an intimate
tree-friend. Breaking the silence as if reading
our thoughts our host said, ‘“‘Lund used to
sit under that tree while engaged in study.”
Fia. 2.—A, The lake at Lagoa Santa. B, The cemetery of Dr. Peter Wilhelm Lund; at right, monu-
ment surmounted by a bronze bust of the savant; in left foreground, Warming memorial; at left, the
pequi. Photographs by Bitancourt, February 2, 1986.
The tree was in full leaf on February 2
(Fig. 2, B). On August 3, however, it was
completely defoliated, with the recently
dropped leaves lying on the ground below.
In describing the vegetation of Lagoa Santa
in spring (August-October), Warming (23, p.
228)'° mentioned Caryocar brasiliense as one
of the trees that drop all their leaves, then
immediately leaf out.
Lund’s pequi was conforming to this pat-
tern when the fourth writer saw it on August
3. He painstakingly oriented his camera to
include as much as possible of the pequi’s
odd, tortuous frame (Fig. 3, A).!! He noted,
too, the deeply furrowed bark, less well
shown in the photograph. It so happens that
the head of another bare pequi forms the
background in his photograph of the monu-
ment to Lund (Fig. 3, B). In its defoliation
this tree exposes a few epiphytes.
In Mrs. Chase’s photograph of the old
tomb (5) taken on March 25, 1926, the
tree is in its usual luxuriant foliage
casting a heavy shadow on the ground be-
neath. In Mattos’ corresponding illustration
the pequi is leafless. In both cases it is
shown only in part, at the left, and the
legends refer only to the tomb.
References to the tree in the legends ac-
companying Mattos’ illustrations of the new
cemetery are as follows: “Visto do velho
pequy a cuja sombra estudava o sabio dr.
Lund” (9, opposite p. 57); ““Herma do dr.
” During his visit to Belo Horizonte, the fourth
writer was presented with a copy of Lofgren’s
translation into Portuguese of Warming’s Lagoa
Santa (23). This volume, now catalogued in the
Library, U. 8S. Department of Agriculture, has
been a ready reference in the preparation of the
present article.
1 The monument to Warming shown in the left
of this photograph was erected in 1934, through
the inspiration of Dr. Paulo Campos Porto, by
the Jardin Botanico, Rio de Janeiro. Its execution
was aided by the Secretary of Agriculture of the
State of Minas Gerais. The inscription on the
monument is as follows:
VoL. 41, No. 2
Lund vendo-se ao fundo pequizeiro por elle
plantado...’’ (10, opposite p. 32), and “O
pequizeiro plantado pelo dr. Lund...” (17,
opposite p. 80).
Our hosts of 1936 have assured us that
the first of these legends, as just quoted, is
the correct one. The pequi is a common
plant of the cerrado, they remind us, and is
very slow-growing. Substantiating the latter
statement our colleague Dr. A. O. Drum-
mond” wrote us in 1946 that his 6-year-old
pequi at Vigosa was then only 70 em high.
Warming (23, p. 62) named the pequi
among trees of the cerrado of Lagoa Santa
having an orchard-tree-like habit and at-
taining a height of 3-6 meters. It is perhaps
the comparatively low stature coupled with
the many-leaved, far-extending branches,
that imparts to Lund’s pequi its unforget-
table aspect. The pequi of the cerrado of
Mogy-Mirim, Séo Paulo, illustrated by
Hoehne (8, p. 86) is more erect and ap-
parently taller. Dr. Mello Barreto tells us
that he has seen pequizeiros 10 meters high
and that Riedel cited examples reaching 13
Still another illustration of the pequi tree
has the following informative legend:
The ‘pequi’ tree—Caryocar Brasiliense Camb.
One of the many fruit-bearing trees of the cerrado
of Brazil, which in its habit shows us what na-
ture proportions to plants subject to incessant,
harmful fires. Their fruits are, however, most
useful and are the base of various drinks and
condiments [translation].'
Dr. Drummond’s letter already cited con-
tains the following observations relative to
pequi fruit: ‘‘In localities where the tree
1s native its fruit is much appreciated by the
inhabitants; 1t does not appeal to those un-
accustomed to its wild flavor. The seed is
covered with small spines, which are easily
freed and which pierce the tongue slightly.
A dentist told me that when he lived at
Cardisburgo, a small village in the cerrados
Formerly on the staff of the Escola Superior
de Agricultura de Minas Gerais, now of the Ser-
vigo Publico do Estado de Minas Gerais, Belo
rq. Bot. Estado Sao Paulo, n. s., 1 (5).
pequi in Brazil cf. Corréa (7), Pereira (14), Netto
(13), and others.
FeBRuary 1951
apIsyno inbed ssoyvoey, aoyjoue YT
‘rayory Aq sydeasojoyg ‘(g) oinsopous ay4
1940504 ‘sseyve] ‘inbod s,puny (7) Surmoys ‘ogeT ‘“g ysnFny ‘sjuswmuour jBadAas oy} Jo s
near the famous Maquiné Caves, the main
job he had was to remove the pequi spines
from the tongues of the village children.”
In his familiarity with the pequi that now
grows beside his grave Dr. Lund must have
known it in full leaf, almost momentarily
leafless, in gorgeous flower, and then in fruit.
The charm of the bloom is referred to by
Chodat and Hassler (6, p. 809) in their
account of the Caryocaraceae of Paraguay.
To quote:
L’unique Caryocaracée trouvée au Paraguay
est le Caryocar brasiliense un arbuste habitant
les campos secs au pied et sur le haut plateau de
la Sierra de Maracaya ot il est assez répandu.
Sa fleur aux nombreuses étamines d’une couleur
jaune paille s’ouvrant a l’aube, donne un charme
tout particulier aux Campos pendant les heures
The numerous stamens are well shown in
the line-drawing accompanying the original
description of the species (cf. footnote 4).
Their conspicuousness is again apparent
from the herbarium specimen considerately
sent to us by Dr. Mello Barreto! (Fig. 4).
Collected at Belo Horizonte, November 7,
1941, by J. Evangelista Oliviera 630, this
has been deposited in the herbarium of the
U.S. National Arboretum. The only other
accessions of this species in that herbarium
are two from Minas collected in 1914 by
P. H. Dorsett (1862-1943), A.D. Shammel,
and Wilson Popenoe, plant explorers of the
U.S. Department of Agriculture. The first
specimen from Lavras, January 14, consists
of fruit, and a tomentose stem with leaves.
The second specimen, from Januaria, Feb-
ruary 14, is of fruit only and the collector’s
note reads: “The fruit is just commencing
to ripen. The pulp surrounding the seed is
vellow and has a peculiar taste.” Their
photograph (February 4) of ‘‘a large pequi
erowing beside the road to Lagoa Santa”’
is shown in Fig. 4. The tree is ‘very com-
mon throughout this region,” they noted.
In 1938, upon discovering that Caryocar
brasiliense was not represented in the U.S.
National Herbarium, the present writers
contributed their ‘‘souvenir” of a cluster of
the young, silken, 3-parted leaves from the
tip of a branch of Lund’s pequi, together
1° Transmitted with his letter of November 11,
VoL. 41, No. 2
with a representative set of photographs
taken in the cemetery on February 2, 1936.
To these they added a view of the nearby
cerrado. The fourth writer’s specimen from
a blooming tree at Mendenha, Minas, Sep-
tember 24, 1936, was deposited in the same
herbarium as its second accession of Caryocar
brasiliense. This specimen is complete with
fruit. We are gratified to note that more
recently our small sample from Lund’s tree
has been supplemented by an ample speci-
men from a tree in flower at Lagoa Santa
(U. S. Nat. Herb. no. 1933005). The de-
scriptive label reads: ‘‘Caryocar brasiliense
Camb. Tree 2-10 m. Flowers white. ‘Pe-
qui,’ fruit edible, has a hard exocarp. The
fruit is the yellow pulp around the spiny
seed., Important tree in cerrado. In
campo cerrado, near Lagoa Santa airfield.
Municipio of Lagoa Santa, alt. 850-900 m.
Louis O. Williams, Vicente Assis, No. 7441.
Sept. 10, 1945.”
In response to our inquiry of 1941 we
learned from Dr. Lyman B. Smith” that
there were then three sheets of the Caryocar
in the Gray Herbarium. All three specimens
are historical, the earliest especially so be-
cause it was collected by Lund’s countryman
Claussen, who as circumstances willed, was
responsible for Lund’s having become the
“founder of paleontology” in Minas Gerais
(4) or as it is sometimes stated, “father of
Brazilian paleontology” (9, p. 53; 10, p.
307). As cited by Dr. Smith the three speci-
mens are:
Claussen, without number, Minas Gerais, 1840.
Widgren, without number, Minas Gerais, 1845.
Dusen, No. 15968, Jaguariahyva, Paranda, 1914.
Claussen’s specimen could well have been
collected from a pequi on his fazenda ‘‘Por-
teirinhas” near Curvello (see map, Fig. 1).
It was upon Lund and Riedel’s arrival at
Curvello in 1834 that the “adventurer” (cf.
‘6 For comparison with air travel to Lagoa
Santa today, we cannot refrain from quoting here
Warming’s (23, p. 10) passage depicting his jour-
ney from Rio to Lagoa Santa (1863): “I left the
28th of May with the party of a farmer from the
neighborhood of Lagoa Santa and, after 42 days’
travel, glimpsed for the first time that unforget-
table little place... [translation].’’
7 'Then on the staff of the Gray Herbarium,
Harvard University, now on that of the Depart-
ment of Botany, U. 8. National Museum.
_ Fic. 4.—Pequi growing beside the road to Lagoa Santa, Brazil, February 4, 1914, Dr. Popenoe posing
in foreground. Photograph by Dorsett, contributed by the Division of Plant Exploration and Intro-
duction, U. 8. Department of Agriculture.
9, p. 9) Claussen encountered the two scienti-
fic travellers, thereupon inviting them to his
fazenda, where they spent a week. This
unanticipated visit led to Lund’s becoming
acquainted with the fossil-contaiming cal-
careous caves of the region (cf. 23, p. 9).
Our excursion to Lagoa Santa on February
2 included a visit to a nearby cave explored
by Lund, namely, Lapinha Cave.
The specimen collected by Dusén (1856—
1926) at Jaguariahyva is, of course, from
the same locality where Saint-Hilaire dis-
covered the pequi growing and in bloom
(February 5) in 1820 (19, vol. 2, p. 50).®
Neither record is cited in Hoehne’s (8, 1930,
p. 48) discussion of the cerrados of Jaguaria-
18 The specimens on which Cambessedes [see
footnote 1] description of Caryocar brasiliense is
based were collected by Saint-Hilaire (1779-1851)
‘Sn eampis prope 8. Bento, in parte occidentali
desertaque provinciae Minas Gerais, et Franca
[see map, Fig. 1], urbem provinciae $8. Paulo.’
Our host of February 2 has told us that
because of the botanical pursuits of Lund,
Warming, and others at Lagoa Santa, this
is the type locality of many different plants
of the cerrado. “In consequence,” he con-
tinued, “botanists come from far and near
to re-discover, observe, and collect these
same species.”
Almost as he spoke, we noted the typical
symptoms that follow infection by Sphace-
loma on leaves of Byrsonima coccolobaefolia
H. B. K. (Malpighiaceae) growing naturally
in a small space before the cemetery. Jour-
neying to Belo Horizonte soon afterward
our colleague Dr. H. P. Wrug™ took ad-
vantage of the opportunity also to visit
Lund’s cemetery and again to collect mate-
rial of the Sphaceloma. These specimens of
February 2 and April 8, together with a
19 Then plant pathologist at the Instituto Agro-
nomico, Campinas, State of Sao Paulo, now on the
staff of the Horto Florestal, Cantareira, State of
Sao Paulo.
culture isolated from one of them, served
as the basis of the description of a new
pathogenic fungus, named for the locality,
1.e., S. lagoa—santensis Bitancourt and Jen-
Lovast (Gy) jo), AEs jolly a1),
The ‘Introduction’ to Warming’s (23, p.
17) classic Lagoa Santa closes with the fol-
lowing sentence: “When Lund, after visit-
ing Claussen, was accompanying his com-
panion Riedel to the capital of Minas, Ouro
Preto, situated a few leagues to the south-
east of Lagoa Santa, the lovely lake with its
enchanting neighborhood so impressed him
that, having traversed the desert regions of
the interior, he involuntarily exclaimed:
‘Here indeed: here is a good place for one to
live,’ perhaps forseeing that he was to live
there for almost half a century and to find
bis final resting place in the shade of the
trees of the campo [translation].”’
The ancient pequi near the grave of Lund
seems to assume the personality of a kindly
sentinel, standing silent, protective, and se-
(1) ANonymous. Obituary [Peter Wilhelm
Lund}. Ibis, ser. 4, 4: 488-484. 1880.
(2) BrezprRa pos Santos, L. People and scenes
of Brazil: Excerpts from the “Revista Bra-
sileira de Geografia”: 160 pp. [Translated
by Adrian Rondileau.] Jn Conselho Na-
cional de Geografia. Rio de Janeiro, 1945.
(3) Birancourt, A. A., and JENKINS, ANNA FE.
New discoveries of Myriangiales in the
Americas. Proc. 8th Amer. Sci. Congr.,
Washington, 1940, 3: 149-172. 1942.
(4) Catocmras, J. D. O Dr. Peter Wilhelm
Lund. Rey. Inst. Hist. Geogr. Bras.
Volume especial: 83-93. Rio de Janeiro,
(5) Cuasgp, Agnes. LHastern Brazil through an
agrostologist’s spectacles. Ann. Rep.
Smithsonian Inst. for 1926: 383-403. 1927.
(6) Cuopat, E., and Hassuer, FE. Plantae Has-
slerianae. .. Bull. Herb. Boiss., sér. 2,
3: 809. 1903.
VoL. 41, No. 2
(7) Corréa, M. P. Flora do Brasil: Algumas
plantas uteis, suas applicagées e distri-
buigao geografia: 154 pp. Rio de Janeiro,
(8) Hornne, F.C. Araucarilandia, 133 pp., 1930;
Excursao. . . S40 Paulo... 112 pp., undated.
Sao Paulo, Secretaria da Agr., Indus., e.
Com., Dept. Bot. do Estado, Observa-
goes... Brasil 2 and 3.
(9) Marros, A. O sabio dr. Lund e a prehistoria
Americana, ed. 3: 92 pp. Belo Horizonte,
(10) O sabio dr. Lund e estudos sobre a
pre-historia brasileira: 346 pp. Belo Hori-
zonte, 1935.
quip) = Collectana Peter W. Lund: 268 pp.
Belo Horizonte, 1935.
(12) ———. Monumentos historicos, artisticos, e
religiosos de Minas Gerais: 502 pp. Belo
Horizonte, 1935.
(13) Nerro, F. F. The problem of the Amazon.
Sci Monthly 61: 33-44, 90-100. 1945.
[Translated by W. A. Archer with trans-
lator’s note, p. 38.]
(14) Ppretra, H. Apontamentos sobre madetras
do estado de S. Paulo: 160 pp.
(15) Prnto, O. Peter W. Lund e sua contribuigaéo
a ornttologia brasileira. Papéis Avulsos
Dept. Zool. Secretaria Agr. 8S. Paulo. 9:
269-283. 1950.
(16) Ranpauu, C. E., and Eparrton, D. P.
Famous trees. U. S. Dept. Agr. Misc.
Publ. 295: 115 pp. 1938.
(17) Reinnarpt, J. Naturforskeren Peter Wilhelm
Lund... Overs. Danske Vid. Selsk. Forh.
1880: 147-210. 1880.
(18) Satnr-Hinarre, A. DE.
Meridionalis 1: 322. 1825.
Flora Brasiliae
(19) — Voyage dans les provinces de Saint-
Paul et de Sainte-Catherine, 2 vols.
Paris, 1851.
(20) ———. Esquisse de mes voyages au Brésil
et Paraguay... Reprinted in Chron. Bot. ~
5 (1): 61 pp. 1946.
(21) Urspan, I. Claussen Peter (flor. 1834-1850).
In Martivs, C. F. A., Flora Brasiliensis 1
(1): 11-13. 1906.
(22) Warmine, E. Lagoa Santa...
Copenhagen, 1892.
(23) ———. Lagoa Santa (traduegio do Dina-
marquez por Alberto Lofgren): 282 pp.
Belo Horizonte, 1908.
: 488 pp.
Sao Paulo,
Fesruary 1951
ZOOLOGY :—Notes on the undescribed males of two species of Copepoda. S. KRrisHna-
swaAmy, Madras University. (Communicated by Paul L. Illg.)
In the course of a study of the Copepoda
of the Madras coast, males belonging to two
species, Centropages trispinosus Sewell (1914)
and Diosaccus truncatus Gurney (1927),
known so far only by the females, were dis-
covered. A full description of these male
types is given in this paper so as to complete
the identification of the species. The types
will be lodged in the Indian Museum at Cal-
I wish to record my grateful thanks to
Dr. C. P. Gnanamuthu, director, Zoology
Laboratory, Madras University, for guid-
ance and help and to Lt. Col. R. B. Seymour
Sewell, of Cambridge, for going through the
paper and offering helpful criticisms.
Centropages trispinosus Sewell
Fig. 1, a-d
Centropages trispinosus Sewell, 1914, p. 228, pl. 23,
figs. 5-8.
This species was established by Sewell in 1914,
on the basis of a solitary female taken at Kilakarai
in the Gulf of Manaar, South India, and has not
until now been recorded since. While examining
the plankton collected in July 1937 from Krusadai
Island in the Gulf of Manaar I found several
females and males. Large numbers were also
found in the inshore plankton collected at Madras
in July, August, September, and January.
Sewell (loc. cit.: pl. 18, fig. 7) has given the
figure of the second swimming leg and is of opin-
ion that the remaining legs resemble those of
C. alcocki Sewell. The first swimming leg, how-
ever, differs from the second one and has the
following structure: The exopodite is nearly twice
the length of the endopodite. The first exopod
joint carries one outer spine and one inner seta,
the second joint one outer spine and one inner
seta, and the terminal joint two outer spines, one
long, finely serrate apical spine, and four inner
setae. The first endopod joint has an inner seta,
the second joint two inner setae, and the terminal
joint five setae. The outer margins of the exopod
as well as the endopod of the swimming feet are
The description of the female holotype given
by Sewell is fully corroborated by my observa-
tions of a large number of females except for the
difference stated above.
Male (Fig. 1, a).—1.025 mm, smaller than the
Body yellowish red with dark red patches on
the cephalothorax. A bright-red spot is present
on the anal segment. Outline of body with the
three spines on posterior corner of cephalothorax
as in the female. The abdomen is 4-jointed, where-
as in the female it is only 3-jointed.
The right antennule is geniculate and composed
of 21 joints, having the following proportional
lengths: 6. 4.
Seven of these joints (i.e., from the twelfth to
the eighteenth) are very swollen. All the joints
carry one or two setae each toward the outer
side. These setae are short and thick, except
those on joints 19, 20, and 21, which are long.
The eighteenth joint is hinged to the nineteenth,
and these joints each have a toothed plate to-
ward the outer side. The inner distal end of the
nineteenth joint has a protuberance, whereas the
terminal joint is produced into a fingerlike proe-
ess. The number of setae and their arrangement
are as shown in Fig. 1, 6. The antenna, mandible,
maxillae, and maxilliped are as in the female.
The first four pairs of swimming feet as in the
The fifth leg of the left side differs from those
of the other species of the genus. The exopod is of
two joints, the proximal joint has an outer spine,
while the distal jot, which is nearly twice as
long as the first joint, bears two outer and two
apical spines, the outer ones being longer. The
endopod is 3-articled and is shorter than the exo-
pod. The first and second joints carry a plumose
seta each, while the third has two inner, two
outer, and two apical plumose setae (Fig. 1, ¢).
The exopod of right fifth leg resembles those of
the other members of the genus. The first joint
bears a short outer spine, and the “‘chela”’ bears
two spines one toward the outer side and one
toward the inner side, and the outer margin is
hirsute. The endopod is 3-jointed, and the first
and second joints carry a plumose seta each, the
third joint three inner, two apical, and one outer
plumose seta (Fig. 1, @).
Remarks.—The presence of the spines on the
posterior end of the eephalothorax is a distinct
feature that facilitates the identification of this
species. The occurrence of this species at Madras
is of interest because it was previously known
only from Kilakarai, 300 miles south of Madras.
Diosaccus truncatus Gurney
Fig. 2, a-d
Diosaccus truncatus Gurney, 1927, p. 513, fig. 136;
Sewell, 1940, p. 240.
Gurney described this harpacticoid in 1927
from the females collected by him at Port Said.
In the Madras plankton collected on February 21
and 22, 1949, four males and two females were
found. A night haul made at Kundugal channel
(Gulf of Manaar) on March 22, 1948, yielded
four males.
Male.—0.68 mm, distinctly shorter than the
female, which measures 0.9 mm.
OF SCIENCES vou. 41, No. 2
The rostrum is triangular and mobile. The
second, third, and fourth thoracic segments have
their lateral margins produced externally into
winglike expansion. The abdomen is 4-jointed.
The caudal rami are longer than broad, and each
ramus carries three spines and an apical jomted
seta, which is half as long as the body.
The antennules of the two sides are geniculate.
Each antennule is 8-articled, the joints having the
following proportional lengths:
1, 2.3-4.5. 6. 7.8.
11.15. 5.
The line of demarcation between the third and
fourth joint is not clear. The fifth joint is very
swollen and has a knoblike projection towards its
proximal side. It carries an “aesthete” on its distal
end. The sixth and seventh joints are hinged and
Fie. 1.—Centropages trispinosus Sewell: a, Lateral view; b, right antennule (from the seventh joint);
c, fifth leg (left side); d, fifth leg (right side).
are armed with fine teeth on their inner edges. The
arrangement of the setae is as shown in Fig. 2, b.
The antenna, mouth parts, and the first swimming
feet as in the female. The second swimming leg
differs from that of the female in the exopod and
endopod being of three and two joints and not
three and three joints as in the female. Further,
the outer margins of the first joints of the exopod
and endopod are hirsute. The first and second
exopod joints carry a serrate spine each on the
outer side, while the third joint has three serrate
spines and three setae. The second exopod joint
has two inner setae also. The first endopod joint
has a seta toward the inner side, while the termi-
nal joints carries two spines and two setea, two
of which are modified (Fig. 2, c). The third and
fourth swimming legs as in the female. Fifth leg
has the basal expansion completely fused and
bears two unequal spines and three setae (Fig. 2,
d: Ls). Sixth leg is rudimentary and is represented
by a stout spine and two setae (Fig. 2, d: Le).
Remarks.—The female of this species found at
Madras is smaller in size compared with the form
described by Gurney from Port Said. It is being
recorded for the first time from the Bay of Bengal.
GurRNEY, R. Report on Crustacea Copepoda. Trans.
Zool. Soe. London 22: 451. 1927.
Nicuouts, A. G. A revision of the families Dio-
saccidae Sars and Laophontidae T. Scott. Rec.
South Australian Mus. 7: 165. 1941.
SEWELL, R. B.S. Notes on surface copepods of the
Gulf of Mannar. Spolia Zeylanica 9: 191, 1914.
Copepods of the Indian seas: Calanoida.
Mem. Indian Mus. 10 (2). 1932.
Copepoda Harpacticoida. John Murray
Expedition Sci. Rep. 7 (2). 1940.
Fie. 2.—Diosaccus truncatus Gurney: a, Dorsal view; b, antennule; c, second swimming feet; d@, fifth
leg (lis), sixth leg (Le).
Fayetteville, Ark. (Communicated
Their dark color, retiring habits, and small
size make collection of cleidogonid millipeds
difficult, but with patience they can be found
in almost any damp humus in the Mis-.
sissippi Valley, the states east of it, and in .
Central America. Inasmuch as species are
rather endemic, doubtless numerous others
are yet to be discovered. A key to the genera
will be found in the survey of the Family
Cleidogonidae by Hoffman (1950).
I am indebted to Dr. M. W. Sanderson
for the opportunity of studying specimens
of Cleidogona fustis Cook and Collins and
the type specimens of C. infiata and C. unita,
all of which are in the collection of the IIl-
inois Natural History Survey. The type
specimens of C. minima, C. aspera, Ozarko-
gona glebosa, and Tiganogona moesta will be
deposited in the collection of the Academy
of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Unless
stated otherwise, collection was by the au-
Cleidogona fustis Cook and Collins
The two male specimens from Turkey Run
State Park, Montgomery County Ind., are in
the Illinois collection. This is the only published
locality of this species.
Cleidogona aspera, n. sp.
Figs. 1-4
This species is near C. laminata Cook. and
Collins in the structure of the gonopods and in
the modification of the legs of the male. The
two species are separated by differences in the
longest processes of the gonopods, which are
fimbriate in laminata and bifid in aspera.
Male holotype-—Color brown above and later-
ally, with the usual areolate buff maculae; cream
below; legs cream except the tarsi, which are
brown; antennae and vertex of head brown;
ocelli dark, forming a triangular patch, arranged
ia HOS OH 7/5 (By GB By A, Il ;
The ninth legs are almost as in laminata;
on the mesial surface of the first segment is a
deep, rectangular depression, its laterad surface
and the area immediately distad finely granular.
The glandular openings on the first segments of
the tenth and eleventh legs are as in /aminata.
vou. 41, No. 2
cleidogonid millipeds (Chordeumoidea). Neti B. Causey,
by H. F. Loomis.)
The sternal process at the base of the twelfth
legs is distinctive in the shape of the spine (Fig. 1).
As in laminata, the ventral branch of each
gonopod ends in three processes, the ventral
one resembling the head of a bird, the longest
one, unlike laminata, finely bifid distally, and
the third and shortest one subquadrate and
attached to the base of the longest process.
The dorsal branch of each gonopod is somewhat
flattened vertically; there is no notch on the
medial face, as in laminata. Ventral, dorsal,
and lateral views of the gonopods are shown in
Figs. 2, 3, and 4, respectively.
Length about 20 mm, width 2.1 mm.
Female paratype-——Resembles the male in size
and color; ocelli arranged in rows of 1, 7, 6, 5,
A Seo:
Type locality —Arkansas: Lawrence County,
6 miles east of Imboden on highway 62; 7 males
and 7 females were collected from a dry oak-
cedar area, August 22, 1950.
Other localities —One male, Pocahontas, Ran-
dolph County, Ark., August 22, 1950. One male
collected by Billy C. Rogers, Carthage, Dallas
County, Ark., October 8, 1950, differs from the
holotype in that the ventral processes of the
gonopods are less like the outline of a bird’s
head and the ocelli are arranged in rows of 1,
Uy Oy By 4 B, I, al.
Cleidogona unita, n.sp.
Figs. 5-9
The ninth legs of the males of this species
resemble those of C. caesioannulata (Wood) as
drawn by Cook and Collins (1896), but the
details of the gonopods are nearest those of C.
Male holotype——Color brown above and later-
ally, with the usual aerolate buff maculae, the
prozonites lighter than the metazonites; cream
below; legs cream except the tarsi, which are
brown; antennae and vertex of head brown;
ocelli dark, forming a triangular patch, arranged
in rows of 7, 6, 5,4, 3, 1 @).
The ninth legs are as shown by Cook and
Collins for C. caesioannulata (Wood). The first
segments of the tenth and eleventh legs (Figs.
5, 6) have prominent cones on the mesial surface
through which the coxal glands open. The sternal
Fias. 1-4.—Cleidogona aspera, male paratype: 1, Sternal process at base of twelfth legs, lateral view;
2, ventral view of gonopods; 3, same, dorsal view; 4, lateral view of left gonopod.
Fias. 5-9.—C. wnita, male holotype: 5, First segment of tenth leg; 6, same, eleventh leg; 7, sternal
process at base of twelfth legs; 8, lateral view of left gonopod; 9, ventral view of gonopods.
Figs. 10-13.—C.. minima, male holotype: 10, First two segments of ninth leg; 11, first two segments
of eleventh leg; 12, ventral view of gonopods; 13, lateral view of right gonopod.
process at the base of the twelfth legs 1s shown
in Fig. 7.
The gonopods consist of a wide, dorso-ven-
trally flattened ventral branch and a cylindrical,
sigmoidal dorsal branch (Figs. 8, 9). The ends
of the ventral branches are smoother and their
medial longitudinal processes are shorter and
narrower than in C. minima.
Length about 14 mm.
Type locality —tlinois: Union County, Giant
City State Park. The male holotype and two fe-
males were collected March 6, 1945, by Drs.
H. H. Ross and M. W. Sanderson. The same
collectors took a male and a female March 17,
1942, at Dixon Springs, IIL.
Cleidogona minima, n. sp-
Figs. 10-13
Although the gonopods of this species resemble
those of C. wnita very closely, the two can be
distinguished by the differences in size, in the
details of the medial processes and ends of the
ventral branches of the gonopods, and by the
legs of the males.
Male holotype-—Color brown above with buff
maculae, cream below; segmental setae set in
small buff maculae, those at medial setae largest;
legs dark distally, cream proximally; antennae
and vertex of head dark brown; ocelli dark, form-
ing a triangular patch, arranged in rows of 7, 6,
By By 2y dbo
The first two segments of a ninth leg are
shown in Figure 10, and the first segment of
an eleventh leg, with two small conical projec-
tions on the mesial surface above the opening
of the coxal gland, in Fig. 11. The sternal process
at the base of the twelfth legs is similar to the
one in C. umita (Fig. 7).
Each gonopod consists of a cylindrical, sig-
moidal dorsal branch and a larger, dorso-ven-
trally flattened ventral branch. The medial longi-
tudinal process is rolled and larger than the
similar process in C. unita. Distally the ventral
branches are emarginate and sharper than in
C. unita (Figs. 12, 15).
Length 11 to 12 mm.
Locality —Alabama: Tuscaloosa. One speci-
men collected November 9, 1949, from under
pine bark on the campus of the University of
Alabama was sent to me by Dr. R. E. Crabill,
VoL. 41, No. 2
Cleidogona inflata, n. sp.
Figs. 14-19
This species is nearest C. leona Chamberlin,
with the ventral branches of the gonopods large
and inflated and the dorsal branches small and
Male holotype-—Color brown above and later-
ally, with the usual areolate buff maculae; cream
below; legs cream except the tarsi, which are
brown; antennae and vertex of head brown;
ocelli dark, forming a triangular patch, arranged
in rows of 1, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.
On the mesial surface of the first segment of
the ninth legs there is a shallow depression and
beyond it a sharp lobe (Fig. 14). The first seg-
ments of the tenth and eleventh legs, each with
an apophysis near the opening of the coxal gland,
are shown in Figs. 15 and 16. The sternal process
at the base of the twelfth legs is distinctive in
the slightly constricted base (Fig. 17).
The large ventral branch of each gonopod
terminates in three processes, the lateral one
sigmoid and darkly pigmented distally and the
other two shorter and lanceolate; the dorsal
branches are small and hamate (Fig. 19). In
situ (Fig. 18) only the ventral branches are
visible, their terminal processes outlined against
the enlarged body of the branches.
Length about 17 mm.
Type locality—tllinois: Putnam County,
Starved Rock State Park. The holotype, a fe-
male, and a larva were collected July 12, 1944,
by Drs. T. H. Frison and M. W. Sanderson.
One male, same collectors, August 14, 1944,
White Pines State Park, Ogle County, Ill.
Ozarkogona, n. gen.
This genus resembles Cleidogona in body shape,
absence of keels, smooth surface, shape of first
segment, proportion of antennal segments, and
in the structure of the gonopods, each of which
consists of a hamate ventral branch and a shorter,
clavate dorsal branch. The males are distin-
guished from Cleidogona by the absence of a
medial sternal process at the base of the twelfth
legs and by the ninth legs, which are 4-jointed
and with a claw, the first joint enlarged as in
Bactropus, the second cylindrical and without
lobes, the third much shortened, and the fourth
narrow but slightly longer than the third. It
differs from Bactropus in that the ninth legs are dogona. Eyes triangular, composed of about 27
4-jointed rather than 5-jointed and in the dark ocelli.
2-branched gonopods. Gnathochilarium as in Clei- Genotype.—Ozarkogona glebosa, n. sp.
Pres. 14-19.—Cleidogona inflata, male holotype: 14, Ninth leg; 15, first segment of tenth leg; 16,
same, eleventh leg; 17, sternal process at base of twelfth legs; 18, gonopods zn situ, 19, lateral view of
left gonopod.
Pies. 20-21.—Ozarkogona glebosa, male paratype: 20, Cephalic view of ninth leg and sternum; 21,
lateral view of right gonopod.
Figs. 22-23.—Tiganogona moesta, male’ paratype: 22, Caudal view of ninth leg and end of dorsal
branch of gonopod; 23, lateral view of right gonopod and ninth leg.
Ozarkogona glebosa, n. sp.
Figs. 20, 21
Male holotype—Color brown above, cream
- below; segmental setae set in small buff maculae;
larger buff maculae arranged so that there appear
to be a lateral buff band and a brown band below
it; legs dark distally, cream proximally; antennae
and vertex of head brown; ocelli dark, arranged
in rows of 1, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.
The ninth legs (Fig. 20) consist of four seg-
ments; the fourth segment is short and ends in
a short claw; the third is shorter but thicker;
the second is thicker and about three times as
long as the combined length of the third and
fourth; the first is much enlarged, and on its
cephalic surface are two large irregular lobes.
The second and third segments appear almost
coalesced, and midway of the first segment is an
indistinct line that may indicate the coalescence
of two segments. The third and fourth segments
and the distal parts of the second are brown. A
medial sternal process is anterior to the ninth
legs, and posterior to them is a wide bifid plate.
The gland openings on the first segments of the
tenth and eleventh legs are but slightly raised;
on the mesial surface, proximal end of the third
segments of these legs is a low, cylindrical process.
In situ only the medial portion of the appressed
ventral branches of the gonopods is visible. In
lateral view (Fig. 21) each gonopod is seen to
consist of a hamate ventral branch, the end
sharp and directed laterad, and a shorter, thick,
dorsal branch terminating in a club. In situ the
dorsal branches pass between the sternal spine
and the proximal lobes of the first segment of the
ninth legs, while the ventral branches pass under
the distal lobes.
Length about 16 mm.
Type locality —Arkansas: Fayetteville; 5 males
from north end of Mount Kessler, November 10,
1949, Other Arkansas collections have been made
at Monte Ne, Benton County; Cane Hill,
Washington County; and Clarksville, Johnston
Tiganogona Chamberlin, emend.
Tiganogona Chamberlin, Ent. News 39: 154. 1928.
A recent examination of specimens of T.
brownae Chamberlin, the genotype, from St.
Charles, Mo., shows that the very small ninth
legs were overlooked by Dr. Chamberlin, that he
VOL. 41, No. 2
described the tenth legs as the ninth, the eleventh
as the tenth, and that his reference to a protuber-
ance on the second joint should be to the third
joint. Accordingly, the following emendation must
be made: Differing from Cleidogona in the ninth
legs of the male, which are smaller, 5-jointed, and
without a terminal claw; the first segment, the
largest, is produced ventrally and may be em-
braced medially by the dorsal branch of the
gonopod; the second segment is much reduced;
the third is smaller than the second, and the
fourth and fifth segments are minute. Each
gonopod consists of two pieces, a dorsally curved
ventral branch and a shorter and simpler dorsal
branch. Although the ninth legs are minute as
in Ozarkogona, these two genera are readily
separated by the difference in the number of
segments and the proportions of the segments
of the ninth legs.
T. brownae is represented in the Illinois collec-
tion by one male from Burton, III.
Tiganogona moesta, n. sp.
Figs. 22, 23
Male holotype-——Color brown above, cream
below; dorsal segmental setae set in small buff
maculae; medial and lateral segmental setae set
in larger, contiguous buff maculae which form a
longitudinal band; a brown band is below the
buff one; legs cream proximally, brown distally;
antennae and vertex of head brown; coelli dark,
forming a triangular patch, arranged in rows of
Ils 5 Oy Dy 4h, B, 2
The ninth legs are so small they could be
overlooked, but they are made more conspicu-
ous by the brown pigment on the distal three
segments. The dorsal branches of the gonopods
pass between the first segments and come to
rest on the caudal surface; the lobe on the mesial
surface of the second segment is almost as large
as the globular third segment; segment four is
minute; segment five is slightly larger and with-
out a claw (Fig. 23). The first segments of the
tenth and eleventh legs are slightly inflated and
with the usual gland opening on the mesial sur-
face; on the tenth legs there is a transverse ridge
on the cephalic surface of the first segment and
a rounded lobe on the proximal end of the mesial
surface of the third segment.
The ventral branches of the gonopods are
flattened dorso-ventrally distally and curved
Fesruary 1951
gently upward and outward, so that im sitw part
of the dorsal branches and the first segments of
the ninth legs are visible between them (Figs 22,
23). The shorter dorsal branches pass between
the first segments of the ninth legs and their
clavate ends rest on the caudal surface of these
segments. Near their base, the ventral branches
pass closely around a medial knoblike protuber-
ance that appears to be a sternal process.
Length about 15 mm.
Type locality —Arkansas: Carroll County, Blue
Spring; two males, October 29, 1949. The species
has been collected at Fayetteville, Washington
County, also.
ICHTHYOLOGY .— Additions to the known fish fauna of Mexico: Three species and
one subspecies from Sonora. Ropert RusH# MiLuer and Howarp E.iiorr
Winn, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan.
During an ichthyolegical survey of the
Gila River Basin of Arizona, New Mexico,
and northern Mexico, in the spring of 1950,
the writers made the first fish collections to
be recorded from the San Pedro River in
Mexico. This stream, once a permanent trib-
utary to Gila River, originates near Cananea
in northern Sonora, where peaks of the Can-
anea Range rise to over 8,000 feet. The sur-
rounding country is open and extremely dry,
however, and 15 miles distant, at San Pedro
Ranch, the average annual rainfall for the
period 1935-1949, inclusive, was only 12
inches (data kindly supplied by Nicholas
Sherbakov, San Pedro Ranch). Four col-
lections were made along the main river and
in two of its tributaries in the vicinity of
San Pedro Ranch, which lies on Rio San
Pedro about 8 miles south of the inter-
national boundary line. The elevation of the
ranch is approximately 4,500 feet.
On September 10, 1948, James R. Simon
investigated San Bernardino Creek, about
18 miles east of Douglas, Ariz. This stream
rises about 2 miles north of the international
boundary line and then flows south into
Sonora, Mexico, eventually to join Rio
Yaqui. About 1 mile below the border he
took a catfish and a sunfish that constitute
new records for Mexico. Neither species is
native to the Republic west of the Con-
tinental Divide.
The following species are recorded for the
first time from Mexico; the specimens are
deposited in the University of Michigan Mu-
seum of Zoology:
Catostomus insignis Baird and Girard
The Gila coarse-scale sucker was fairly com-
mon just above the ranch of Don Rafael Elias,
about 6 miles southwest of San Pedro Ranch,
where 13 half-grown and 3 large adults (68-112
and 264-290 mm in standard length) were se-
cured; only one half-grown (114 mm), seined at
night, was taken above the large rock dam 2
to 3 miles west of Elias Ranch. Both localities
are on a tributary to Rio San Pedro, called
locally Rio San Rafael, which joins the main
river about 4 miles upstream from San Pedro
Ranch. The specimens were collected by the
authors and Frances H. Miller on April 21-22,
1950. One large female extruded ripe eggs under
slight pressure, indicating that spawning was
imminent or in progress. The water was 73°F.,
the air 85°F. at 3 p. m.
Tiaroga cobitis Girard
The loach minnow was taken on April 22
in Rio San Pedro, at its junction with Rio San
Rafael, about 4 miles south of San Pedro Ranch.
Only 4 adults (37 to 48 mm long), from two
rocky riffles, were secured. One riffle was about
25 feet long and formed three rivulets each 1
to 2 feet wide and about 2.5 inches deep. The
other riffle, which lay at the head of an undercut
pool, was about 8 feet long, up to 4 inches deep,
and 2 to 3 feet wide. A long, shallow sandy
stretch of approximately 140 feet lay between.
The rocks were covered with a short growth of
dense green algae and the river was entirely
exposed to the bright sun. By using derris root,
we obtained this meager sample of a species
which undoubtedly was common in the Mexican
portion of this river before its flow had become so
drastically reduced.
Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque)
Black bullheads abundant along Rio
San Rafael, just above the ranch of Don Rafael
Blias and in the large reservoir 2 to 3 miles to
the west. From one pool 25 feet long, 3 to 12
feet wide and with a maximum depth of about
43 feet, well over 125 catfish, mostly young,
were caught and discarded. This pool was cut
off by a gravel bar from the main stream, about
5 feet away, and was maintained by a spring
seepage at its upper end. In the reservoir this
species is much fished for by the natives. The
largest specimen we took there weighed 16 ounces.
Ameiurus melas evidently was introduced at an
early date for local testimony indicated that
these catfish were here in 1906.
The above material appears to represent the
form currently called A. m. melas (Rafinesque),
the northern black bullhead, for it typically has
shorter spines, a heavier body, and perhaps
fewer (18 to 21, usually 19 or 20) anal rays than
the southwestern subspecies.
The southwestern black bullhead, Ameiwrus
melas catulus (Girard), was semed by J. R.
Simon from San Bernardino Creek, 1 mile below
the United States border, on September 10,
1943 (3 young to adult, 57-151 mm long). The
same subspecies was caught on April 8, 1944, ina
pond that lies } mile below the border and a short
distance west of San Bernardino Creek (5 adults,
119-209 mm long), by Marvin Frost and John
Hendrickson. The anal ray counts of these 8
fish are 20(8), 21(8), and 22(2); the specimens
with 20 rays have the elongate dorsal and pec-
toral spines that are believed to characterize this
Two other species, which. certainly once in-
habited Rio San Pedro in Mexico, were not seen
by us although we did not work the drainage
exhaustively. They may still survive in Mexico
or, if not, they may return to this section of the
river when (and if) more favorable water condi-
tions prevail again; both species still occur north
of the United States-Mexico boundary line in
the Arizona portion of Rio San Pedro. These
two species are: Pantosteus clarki (Baird and
Girard), the Gila mountain sucker, and Meda
fulgida Girard, the scaleless spinedace.
vou. 41, No. 2
Lepomis macrochirus purpurescens Cope
The southeastern bluegill is represented by 3
adults (102 to 105 mm long) taken by minnow
seine in San Bernardino Creek, 1 mile south of
the United States border, in water up to 4 feet
deep. The broad and comparatively few vertical
bars and the 12 anal rays of each specimen con-
firm the reference to this subspecies, which ranges
from Florida north to North Carolina. A south-
western form, Lepomis macrochirus speciosus
(Baird and Girard) is native to western Texas
and tributaries of Rfo Grande in northeastern
Mexico. In this subspecies, the modal number of
anal rays is 10 and the dark bars are narrower
and more numerous, as in L. m. macrochirus.
Evidence that purpurescens is being (or has been)
distributed was obtained by Carl L. Hubbs on
June 22, 1938, when he visited the Federal
hatchery at San Marcos, Tex. There he saw
and obtained (U. M. M. Z. no. 120240) specimens
of this subspecies, introduced four years earlier
from the Federal hatchery at Lake Park, Ga.,
which was being reared and hatched at San
Marcos for transplantation. In life the soft parts
of the posterior fins, particularly the anal, are
reddish on the half-grown. This fish, called locally
“Georgia bluegill,” was being stocked in prefer-
ence to the native subspecies because it was said
to grow faster and take artificial food better.
Perhaps the San Marcos hatchery was the source
for the sample taken in Sonora, Mexico.
Although we worked San Bernardino Creek
from the international line to approximately 2
miles below the border, this species was neither
seen nor collected by us on April 24, 1950. The
creek was very low, however (almost completely
dry in the United States), and the population of
bluegills sampled by Simon either may have
vanished or may now survive only in the lower
portion of San Bernardino Creek where water
was reported to be still abundant.
Officers of the Washington Academy of Sciences
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Committee of Tellers...W.G. BRoMBACHER (chairman), A. R. Mprz, Louise M. Russeuu
B , 4 Page
ArcHEOLoGY.—A survey of new archeological sites in central Pataz, Peru.
Prniw Ds CURTING. | seo: Avbdduower teers; 5 ee 49
PaLEONTOLOGY.—Check list of salinity tolerance of post-Paleozoic fossil
‘Ostracoda. T.G. SOHN)... 0.2 eee se 64
Botany.—Peter Wilhelm Lund’s pequi tree at Lagoa Santa and pil-
grimages to his cemetery. ANNA EH. Jenkins, A. A. Brrancourt,
K. SILBERSCHMIDT, and W. ANDREW ARCHER.................... .. 66
ZooLocy.—Notes on the undescribed males of two species of Copepoda.
S. IKRISHNASWAMY 005s). 00 f eee ee ee te bat oe og 75
ZooLocy.—New cleidogonid millipeds (Chordeumoidea). Nett B. CausEy 78
IcutHyoLocy.—Additions to the known fish fauna of Mexico: Three species
and one subspecies from Sonora. RoprErRT RusH MILLER and Howarp
ELLIOTT WINN: s 5 2 ciecsic ghd os es Fe ee wet esses coe 83
This Journal is Indexed in the International Index to Periodicals
Vou. 41 Marca 1951 No. 3
J.C. EwrErs J. I. HorrMan
F. A. CHACE, JR. Miriam L. BomuarpD
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VoLuME 41
March 1951
No. 3
ARCHEOLOGY —Additional data on the Denbigh Flint Complex in northern
Alaska. RaupH S. Soutecki, Bureau of American Ethnology, and Rosperr J.
Hackman, U.S. Geological Survey.
Two especially interesting discoveries of
artifactual data in the region north of the
Arctic Circle in Alaska were made during
the summer of 1950. Both are the recovery
of specimens typologically similar to the
Denbigh Flint Complex (Giddings, 1949 and
MS.), an early flint horizon on the north
Bering Sea (Fig. 1). One discovery was made
on a lake at the foot of the Brooks Range!
by the junior author. His finds were sup-
plemented by those of George Gryc, who,
like the former, is with the U. 8. Geological
This report is a preliminary one, since the
significance of the data in its entirety can
not be extracted from the evidence at this
time. However, this is the second area in the
north to produce the unique, finely worked
flints and burins in association with a fluted
point, all of which may be compared with
the “mesolithic” flints J. L. Giddings, Jr.
(op. cit.) has recovered at Cape Denbigh.
The site discussed in this paper is situated on
Lake Natvakruak, 73 miles north of the
mouth of Anaktuvuk Pass, which is one of
the best migration pass routes through the
Brooks Range Province to the northern slope
of Alaska (Solecki, 1950, p. 147). The loca-
tion of this apparently early occupation close
to Anaktuvuk Pass leads us to believe that
this mountain breach was probably then in
use, just as it is still used by the ‘“‘Nunamiut’”
Eskimos today. The latter people are the
survivors of the once large group of inland
Alaskan Eskimos living north of the Brooks
1 The other site was located by William Irving,
a student at the University of Alaska, and is near
Anaktuvuk River in the pass.
2 The name that these people give themselves
according to Robert Rausch, U.S. Public Health
Range. The Nunamiut Eskimos at Anaktu-
vuk Pass know the lake very well, as their
ancestors had reportedly known it before
them. Once teeming with edible fish, the lake
is now of lessened importance because the
numbers of fish have decreased. It is sus-
pected that an ecological change has caused
The lake as well as the occupations was
definitely postglacial, since they lay in a
morainal area.’ The artifacts were recovered
close to the surface, barely at the base of
the tundra roots. The small accumulation
of soil covering on the site is accounted for
by a set of interrelated factors, namely, a
very low annual precipitation (5-7 inches),
the frigidity of the climate most of the year,
a very little erosion, and little deposition
of humus because of scant vegetal life.
The field party that the junior author ac-
companied made camp upon the lake shore
between August 4 and 14, 1950. During
about three days of this time he found op-
portunity to check the area for archeological
data. Actually two occupational areas were
discovered, called here for convenience, sites
1 and 2. These were almost at opposite ends
of the nearly mile long oblong-shaped Lake
Natvakruak. One site (no. 1) was situated
at the northern end, and the other (no. 2)
was near the southern end. A narrow tor-
tuous stream outlet drains the lake at the
northeast corner to the Sik-Sik-Puk River,
thence to the Chandler and Colville Rivers
3 Recent Carbon-14 dating of the glacial re-
cession as of about 12,000 vears ago for the Mid-
west of the United States (Anonymous, 1950,
p. 243) presents us with a clue to the greatest
possible age of these northern finds. In effect,
the archeological guess dates appear to be tele-
scoped or shortened by this atomic age method.
APR 9 - ig5y
north to the Arctic Ocean. In search for
clues to possible old strand lines, it was
revealed that there are evidences of former
beaches 4 to 6 feet higher than the normal
lake level. These beach lines are no guar-
antee of antiquity, however, since the out-
let may be seasonally choked with ice and
debris during the spring break-up of the
ice which would cause the lake level to rise.
Indeed, the lake seems to be contained within
the same limits as at the time of the oldest
occupation there.
Site 1 lay strung along the top of a small
morainal ridge which dammed the lake. Sev-
enteen features were found there, including
tent rings of stone and cut caribou antlers,
fire hearths, and similar occupational evi-
dence, mostly of recent date. Artifacts of
chipped stone were rare, only 40 chert flakes
and 3 classifiable stone artifacts having been
recovered from this site. These specimens
von. 41, No. 3
were found in a longitudinal area of about
180 yards long, or one-third of the extent
of the site. One of the artifacts, a broad
black chert flake, was serrated around the
perimeter (Fig. 2, /).
The remainder of the stone artifacts were
found at site 2. This was a narrow morainal
peninsula 400 yards long that jutted into
the lake approximately three-fourths of a
mile to the south and west of site 1. Stone
artifacts were found in two concentrations
upon the peninsula. Stone flakes occurred
generally broadcast over the area. No stone
tent circles were observed on the peninsula
proper, although three stone circles were
found on the mainland. There were also
indications of recent Eskimo occupations
on the peninsula and mainland, none of
which should be confused with the evidence
of earlier habitat.
It was beneath the surface-covering of
22 0040-5
3 Aor Witt ayyeR
aA sea
Fic. 1.—Map of northern Alaska showing the locations of Cape Denbigh and Lake Natvakruak.
tundra, at a depth of about 5 to 10 inches,
that the majority of the specimens resem-
bling the Denbigh Flint Complex artifacts
were found. Even though most of the data
were recovered closer to the 10-inch depth,
this shallowness of deposit contrasts with
the approximately 7-foot depth at Cape Den-
bigh where Giddings (op. cit.) recovered
ik, which are typologically similar to the Denbigh
Flint Complex.
Representative archeological specimens found at Lake Natvakru
his flints. Assuming that there had been no
time lag in occupation, we can only believe
that the mechanics of soil formation may
have been slower in progression north of the
Brooks Range.
Of the 97 artifacts submitted to the senior
author for study, 80 are identifiable with
Giddings’ early flint horizons. All these arti-
facts are of locally derived chert, with the
exception of 11 lamellar flakes of obsidian.
Among the finds are the following: one semi-
polyhedral core from the forward end of
which were struck lamellar flakes (Fig. 2, a),
lamellar flakes represented by (Fig. 2, b) and
(Fig. 2, c), the latter being of obsidian,
thin curved spawl detached from a finished
flint edge (Fig. 2, d), a large convex blade
of ovate shape (Fig. 2, ec), convex end blades
(Fig. 2, f), finely worked side and end blades
(Fig. 2, g, h), a convex stemmed blade which
shows attritional wear (Fig. 2, 7), a long-
stemmed blade with a broken point showing
attritional wear on the blade (Fig. 2, 7).
Fig. 2, k, illustrates a group of 4 out of 13
artifacts classifiable as burins—a diagnostic
trait of the Denbigh Flint Complex. Only
one of the burins recovered shows wear from
purposeful use as a burin. These artifacts
were originally side and end scrapers, show-
ing attritional wear on one or more edged
sides. Their preparation for use as burins
was therefore a new functional adaptation.
Flakes were expertly struck off parallel to
the long axis at the distal end, forming a
series of steplike niches in one corner. Among
the remainder of the illustrated artifacts
are a serrated flake (Fig. 2, /) which was
found at site 1, two end scrapers (Fig. 2, m),
and the poit end of a projectile point,
fluted on both surfaces (Fig. 2, 7). It is to
be recalled that Giddings (MS.) has also
found a fluted projectile point in his recent
excavations at Cape Denbigh associated with
vou. 41, No. 3
artifacts of this complex. At present the
associations of Folsom with the Denbigh
Flint Complex are not clear. Although Fol-
som points do occur in Alaska, no actual
sites of Folsom occupation like those on the
western plains of the United States have
yet been found in the north.
Of considerable importance is the fact
that we have another stepping stone in the
chain of evidence of an ancient trail leading
from the Bering Straits area into the heart
of North America. This trail is now more
literally than figuratively true, since Anaktu-
vuk Pass is one of the few good through
routes connecting the Colville River drain-
age on the north with the drainages flowing
on the south side of the Brooks Range. This
evidence, consolidated with other as yet un-
published archeological data on the north
slope, bids fair to making this area one of
the better archeologically known parts in
New age for American Man. Sci-
(16): 243. Oct. 14,
ence News Letter 58
Gippines, J. L., Jr. Early flint horizons on the
north Bering Sea coast. Journ. Washing-
ton Acad. Sci. 39 (3): 85-90. 1949.
Recent finds at Cape Denbigh. Paper
presented at annual meeting of American
Anthropological Association, New York, 1949.
SoLEckI, Rateu §S. New
Eskimo of northern Alaska.
ton Acad. Sei. 40 (5): 137-157.
data on the Inland
Journ. Washing-
ENTOMOLOGY.—Dinoponera gigantea (Perty), a vicious stinging ant. H. A.
ALLARD, Washington, D. C.
From late October 1949 until the second
week in March 1950 I was in Tingo Maria
and other points in eastern Peru collecting
herbarium specimens, insects, and other
natural-history material for the Smithsonian
Institution at Washineton, D. C.
Tingo Maria is a small jungle-town in the
rain-forest region on the east slope of the
Andes. It is situated in a most beautiful and
picturesque little mountain-enclosed tropical
valley through which the Huallaga River
flows, forming one of the important tribu-
taries of the great Amazon.
During my botanical explorations of the
area I spent much time in the dense tropical
jungles and deep ravines along the high
ridges just east and west of Tingo Maria.
Hardly had I arrived there when I made the
acquaintance of the huge, black stinging ant
Dinoponera gigantea. | found it wandering
about everywhere on the trails and through-
out the jungle generally. It is a handsome,
shining black insect an inch or more in
length and fears no one. My first actual -
contact with this vicious ant was a most
painful one. Early one afternoon I attempted
Marcu 1951
to pick one up as a specimen to transfer it
to my killing bottle by using several folds of
my handkerchief. In spite of this I received
a severe thrust of its powerful sting into the
end of my index finger. The pain was soon
excruciating and lasted until well into the
night, So severe was the pain that at times
my hand trembled. The next day there were
redness and swelling, but no other local
symptoms were present. The redness and
swelling soon subsided, but a small black
spot penetrating deep into the tissues re-
mained at the site of the puncture for a week
or more.
Some weeks later I had a far more painful
experience with this ant. I had been explor-
ing the jungle away from the trail, trudging
through the humus and herbage of the prim-
itive forest, wearing a pair of low canvas
tennis shoes of Peruvian manufacture. Some-
how I had stepped into or disturbed a colony
of these huge ants as I sank into a bed of
humus and fallen leafage beside an old decay-
ing log. Two of the ants stung me at the
ankle, and in a short time I was in the throes
of an agony of burning pain—a pain such as
I have never experienced before, nor ever
care to repeat as an experience. This was
early in the afternoon and at suppertime,
6 p.m., the pain was so intense that I could
not keep my foot quiet for any length of
time but was forced even to walk about. It
had become a most excruciating, throbbing,
burning pain and lasted far into the might
until sleep intervened. Next morning the
pain was nearly gone, but redness, swelling,
and tenderness of the ankle persisted for
some days. As in the former instance there
was no evidence of any local effect on the
punctured tissues.
Weeks later while attempting to gather
blossoms of a liana on a tree trunk about 6
feet from the ground I placed my right hand
on another of these ants and received a sting
in the end of my middle finger. As usual the
pain was intense and persisted for many
hours with redness and swelling, but no local
effects developed as in the two previous
Some months later my son’s little boy,
not much over three years old, accompanied
by his father, was paddling in the little brook
near the house and playing in the sand on
the bank. Suddenly there was a piercing
shriek, for he had spied one of these big ants
and with a child’s curiosity had picked it
up, with a resulting severe sting. His suffer-
ing was most intense, for he had been stung
in the bali of the thumb. There was nothing
one could do to quiet him, and he screamed
until far into the evening when sleep finally
dulled his sensibilities. Next morning there
was some redness but no local effects were
noticeable. He had, however, learned a most
painful lesson, and these ants and other
insects were regarded with great suspicion
The next victim was my son’s cocker
spaniel, Rusty. This friendly little animal
often accompanied me into the deep jungles.
On the day in question we had followed
nearly a mile up a steep trail, the little dog
trotting along contentedly just ahead of me.
Suddenly it gave a Jump and assumed a most
crestfallen air, rolling around and biting at
a hind foot. It had stepped upon one of
these stinging ants and at once showed signs
of great pain. It no longer had any interest
in the trip and suddenly bolted down the
trail for home on three legs. I felt responsible
for its welfare, so turned back to the house.
I found the dog lying on the grass in the
backyard and in great pain. It held its hind
foot in the air and kicked and bit at it from
time to time. The animal was whining and
trembling like a leaf and could not remain
still. This behavior continued until well into
the evening, hours after it had received the
sting. Next day some swelling was evident,
but no further effects were noticeable.
Neal A. Weber has published accounts of
his experiences with the sting of another
large ant, Paraponera clavata (Fabricius), in
Venezuela, first in 1937 in the paper ‘‘The
Sting of an Ant” (Amer. Journ. Trop. Med.
17 (5). 1937) and later in ‘‘The Sting of the
Ant, Paraponera clavata” (Science, Feb. 10,
1939, pp. 127-128). In the first mstance he
was stung on the knee, and blisters formed
at the site. These local effects persisted for
at least a week and the area was red 19-20
days after the sting was received. In my own
ase there were no local disturbances such
as blisters and no systemic effects, as in
Weber’s experiences. It is probable that dif-
ferent individuals may show marked ditfer-
ences in their physiological reactions to these
Throughout the tropical rain forests the
natives are very familiar with both ants,
and are very fearful of their vicious stings.
In his book Ant Hill Odyssey (1948, p. 91),
Dr. Wiliam M. Mann says that to the
natives in Brazil Dinoponera grandis (a syn-
onym of gigantea) is known as ‘‘tocandero,”’
and they claim that its sting causes a fever.
I was told by natives at Tingo Maria that
the sting of Dinoponera gigantea has put
people in bed and that it can prove fatal. It
is much dreaded in this area, as well as else-
where in those regions where its range
extends. According to Weber, in the papers
cited, the sting of Paraponera clavata is con-
sidered to be fatal, and it is designated by
the natives as “vente cuatro hormiga,” or
24-hour ant, because one is thought to die
in 24 hours after being stung. As is usual in
such instances, the native mind is prone to
gross exaggerations, although it is possible
that allergic individuals may sometimes suf-
fer very severe reactions, both local and
systemic, for this actually occurs in the case
of simple wasp and bee stings in our own
My son has two small, white-faced native
monkeys in a large cage outdoors at Tingo
Maria, and these are mortally afraid of the
large stinging ants. Often I have seen these
ants wandering about on the ground in the
‘age. The little monkeys take to their perch
at once and eye the ants below them with
every evidence of profound fear, and well
they may.
The workers and larger queens are equip-
ped with a sting. Both Dinoponera gigantea
and Paraponera clavata are ground-inhabit-
ing species, and I have never seen them very
far from the ground on tree trunks in the
jungle. They are usually seen wandering
singly over the trails and jungle floor, and
can be met with almost anywhere in such
situations. These ants appear to be predaci-
ous hunting species, for on several occasions
I have seen individuals of Dinoponera gigan-
vot. 41, No. 3
fea roaming about with grasshoppers, spiders,
and other arthropods in their mandibles
which, presumably, they had captured.
It would be a nice problem for a good
organic chemist ‘to study the nature of the
venom injected by such ants, as well as that
of various bees and wasps. It is known that
the venom of different poisonous snakes is
far from being of identical composition, and
such may be the case with the stinging ants
and bees. It may well be something more
than a mere quantitative difference con-
cerned with simple formic acid. Perhaps
there are qualitative differences as in the
case of the complex venoms of different
species of snakes.
In my own experience the effects of the
sting of Dinoponera gigantea have differed
somewhat from the stings of bees and wasps
in our own country and in the Tropics, and
I have been stung by many species of our
larger wasps, hornets, and bees and have
been bitten by some spiders. Usually there is
a more localized puffing up or swelling at
the immediate site of the puncture or bite,
and this may assume a paler or whiter
appearance than the normal skin shows.
These ants have never produced such effects
in my own experience, but only a generalized
redness and swelling, with an intense pain of
quite different character. There is one differ-
ence in the nature of the puncture of this
ant. Its stinging organ is exceedingly long
and consequently it appears to be thrust
more deeply into the tissues. From the ex-
ceptional intensity of the pain one must
conclude that a relatively large dosage of
venom is present, though the constituents
are unknown. Whatever the character of the
venom may be, Dinoponera gigantea! is an
ant that brooks no familiarity and is one to
avoid, owing to the excruciating pain of its
powerful sting.
1 Students of the species have recognized vari-
etal forms, but I am using the name in a broad
sense. I am indebted to M.R. Smith, U.S. Bureau
of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, for ant
identifications and for suggesting references to Dr.
Weber’s observations.
Marcy 1951
ZOOLOGY .—A revision of the nomenclature of the Gorgoniidae (Coelenterata: Octo-
corallia), with an illustrated key to the genera. Frepertck M. Bayer, U. S.
National Musuem.
A superficial inquiry into the nomencla-
ture of the Gorgoniidae was sufficient to
reveal a state of confusion in the systematics
of that family. Thorough search was there-
fore begun in order to discover the origin
of this confusion and means of its clarifica-
tion. Apparently, the principal source of
error has been the acceptance of incorrect
genotypes, without considering the earliest
valid designations.
The latest revision of the Gorgoniidae was
undertaken by Miss Eva Bielschowsky, a
student of the noted zoophytologist Willy
Kuikenthal. Her preliminary study, prepared
as a doctoral dissertation, was published in
1918; considerably expanded, it appeared
again in 1929. In these works, Miss Biel-
schowsky unfortunately overlooked the early
type designations of Milne Edwards and
Haime and A. E. Verrill. These oversights
were in some cases of little consequence, but
the correction of two of them will greatly
affect modern concepts of gorgoniid nomen-
The classification proposed in Miss Biel-
schowsky’s thesis has been accepted without
question in late years, and the incorrect
name combinations used therein have be-
come familiar. However, I feel that asking
for a suspension of the International Rules
of Zoological Nomenclature to preserve these
combinations resulting from superficial re-
search is not warranted by the limited’ zoo-
logical interest and importance of the gor-
The two changes necessary are the sup-
pression of Rhipidigorgia Valenciennes, 1855,
as a synonym of Gorgonia Linné, 1758, the
genotype of both being Gorgonia flabellum
Linné; and of Xiphigorgia Milne Edwards
and Haime, 1857, as a synonym of Ptero-
gorgia Ehrenberg, 1834, the genotype of both
being Gorgonia anceps Pallas.
The disappearance of the name Rhipidi-
gorgia could have been prevented had Miss
Bielschowsky taken the proper precautions
in her revision. Furthermore, the name
Xiphigorgia could have been synonymized
before it had an opportunity to become well
established in the modern literature.
To summarize the history of this con-
fusion: Linné’s genus Gorgonia, 1758, was a
heterogeneous collection of nine species: G.
spiralis, ventalina, flabellum, antipathes, cera-
tophyta, pinnata, aenea, placomus, and abies.
Of these, three (spiralis, aenea, and abies)
are antipatharians and do not concern us
here; one (antipathes) is a plexaurid and one
(placomus) a muriceid, and were removed
from Gorgonia by Lamouroux and Ehren-
berg respectively. In 1834, Ehrenberg
created Pterogorgia for eight species includ-
ing Gorgonia acerosa Pallas, G. fasciolaris
Hsper (var. of cztrina) and G. anceps Pallas.
In 1850, Milne Edwards and Haime desig-
nated G. anceps as the type of Pterogorgia.
In 1855, Valenciennes proposed the genus
Rhipidigorgia tor those species with anasto-
mosing branches, but failed to designate a
type species. Then, in 1857, Milne Edwards
and Haime established Xzphigorgia for one
species with trialate and another with whip-
like branches, Gorgonia anceps Pallas and
G. setacea Pallas, the first of which they
had already selected as the type of Ptero-
gorgia. At the same time these authors
erected Leptogorgia for several species of
slender-branched gorgoniids, but, as in
Xiphigorgia, tailed to indicate a type species.
Prof. A. E. Verrill in 1868%established with-
out a type species the genus Litigorgia for
several species of gorgoniids including two
with anastomosing branches and five with
free branches. In a later paper in the same
year, he designated G. flabellum Linné as
the type of Gorgona, G. acerosa Pallas as
the type of Pterogorgia (overlooking Milne
Edwards and Haime’s selection of G. anceps
as the type of that genus), L. florae Verrill
as the type of Lategorgia, and Gorgonia vimi-
nalis Pallas sensw Milne Edwards and
Haime as the type of Leptogorgia. A status
quo obtained until 1918, when Miss Biel-
schowsky stated in her revision that G. fla-
bellum was the type of Rhipidigorgia, thereby
making it an absolute synonym of Gorgonia.
Had she realized that Verrill already had
used that species as the type of Gorgonia,
she might have preserved Rhipidigorgia by
a judicious choice of genotype species.
vou. 41, No. 3
two lateral rows along stems and branches; low
verrucae present or absent. Anthocodial arma-
ture usually a weak crown of small, more or less
Diagnosis.—Holaxonians with branching usu-
ine, lateral or pinnate, alternate or
ully in one pl
flattened rods or spindles which are either warted
opposite; anastomosis of the twigs present or
or practically smooth. Spicules of the coenen-
chyma are spindles with regular transverse belts
of warts, reaching 0.3 mm in length; spindles
illy infrequent or absent at
Zooids usu
the b
ise of colony, and ordinarily occurring
Marcu 1951
with the warts fused to form disks, and peculiar
bent spindles (scaphoids) occur in certain genera.
Axis horny, with little or no loculation of the
Remarks.—The genus Swiftia Duchassaing and
Michelotti, 1860 (monotype Gorgonia exserta Ellis
and Solander) [=Stenogorgia Verrill, 1888 (S.
casta Verrill) =Callistephanus Wright and Studer
(C. korent Wright and Studer)| should be trans-
ferred to the family Muriceidae.
Genus Gorgonia Linné
Gorgonia (part) Linné, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10,
1: 800. [Type G. flabellum L., subs. des. Verrill,
1868, Trans. Connecticut Acad. 1; 386.]
not Gorgonia Bielschowsky, 1918, Revis. Gorg.:
32; Kiikenthal, 1919, Wiss. Ergeb. deutschen
Tiefsee-Exped. 13 (2): 852; Kiikenthal, 1924,
Das Tierreich 47: 338; Deichmann, 1936, Mem.
Mus. Comp. Zool. 53: 174.
Rhipidigorgia (part) Valenciennes, 1855, C. R.
Acad. Sci. Paris 41: 13. [Type, G. flabellum L.,
subs. des. Bielschowsky, 1918, Revis. Gorg.:
Rhipidogorgia [sic] Duchassaing and Michelotti,
1860, Mém. corall. Antill.: 33; Kiikenthal, 1916,
Zool. Jahrb., Suppl. 11: 485; Bielschowsky,
1918, Revis. Gorg.: 49; Kiikenthal, 1919, Wiss.
Ergeb. deutschen Tiefsee-Exped. 13 (2): 853;
Kiikenthal, 1924, Das Tierreich 47: 350; Deich-
mann, 1936, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. 53: 192.
Diagnosis—Colonies with branching in one
plane developed as one or more flat fans; twigs
closely anastomosed to form a regular network.
Zooids in two lateral rows on the twigs, either
with very low verrucae or retracting flush with
the coenenchyma surface; anthocodial armature
of weakly sculptured rods. Coenenchyma spicules
as girdled spindles and stout scaphoids.
Genotype —Gorgonia flabellum Linné,
(subsequent designation: A. E. Verrill,
Trans. Connecticut Acad. 1: 386).
Gorgonia flabellum Linné
Fiz. 1
Frutex marinus elegantissimus Clusius, 1605, Exo-
ticorvm: 120 fig.
Planta marina retiformis Olearius, 1674, Gottorf.
Kunst-Kamm.: 69, pl. 35, fig. 2.
Planta retiformis maxima + Frutex marinus major
Lochner, 1716, Rar. mus. Besl.: 78, 79, pl. 24
Flabellum Veneris Ellis, 1755, Essay nat. hist.
corallines: 61, pl. 26, fig. K.
Gorgonia flabellum Linné, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10,
1: 801; Esper, 1791, Pflanzenthiere 2: 23, pls.
2-3a; Verrill, 1869, Amer. Journ. Sei. 48: 424;
Hargitt and Rogers, 1901, Bull. U. S. Fish.
Comm. 20 (2): 287, pl. 3, fig. 3.
Rhipidigorgia flabellum Valenciennes, 1855, C. R.
Acad. Sci. Paris 41: 13
Rhipidogorgia [sic] flabellum Duchassaing and
Michelotti, 1860, Mém. corall. Antill.: 33; Ki-
kenthal, 1916, Zool. Jahrb., Supp. 11: 485;
Kiikenthal, 1924, Das Tierreich 47: 350, fig.
180; Bielschowsky, 1929, Zool. Jahrb., Supp.
16: 194.
The name by which this species was known
for many years is hereby restored. Gorgonia
flabellum was among the first objects of curiosity
brought back from the New World, and pub-
lished records of it date back well over 300 years.
The accompanying illustration of it, perfectly
recognizable, was published in 1622.
Valenciennes’ genus Rhipidigorgia was origi-
nally proposed to include’ all gorgonians with
anastomosing branches. The characters used for
generic distinction in the time of Valenciennes
were necessarily the gross morphological fea-
tures which could be observed without complex
optical devices. The importance of the calcareous
spicules had not even been guessed, and as a
result it can now be recognized that the original
concept of Rhipidigorgia included at least three
genera as distinguished by modern methods.
The three groups of species include (1) Rhidipt-
gorgia umbraculum [now in Gorgonella]; (2) R.
stenobrochis, arenata and cribrum [usually placed
in Gorgonia|; and (3) R. flabellum, coarctata and
occatoria [considered to be Rhidipigorgia s.s.].
An eighth species, R. laqueus Valenciennes (a
nomen nudum), is still unrecognizable even as
to genus, although according to Milne Edwards
and Haime (1857) it may be Gorgonia sasappo
var. reticulata Esper (=Echinogorgia pseudo-sa-
sappo Kolliker). Verrill in 1864 shifted R. wmbra-
culum to the genus Gorgonella, and in 1868 made
R. flabellum (.) the type of the original Lin-
naean Gorgoma. This procedure left Rhipidigorgia
with only three species, R. stenobrochis, arenata
and cribrum. When Bielschowsky in 1918, ap-
parently unaware of Verrill’s earlier action, con-
sidered R. flabellum as the type species of Rhipi-
digorgia, she restricted the generic concept to
include only those forms with reticulating
branches and secaphoid spicules and made _ it
synonymous with the Linnaean Gorgonia as re-
stricted by Verrill. Valenciennes’ remaining spe-
cles, R. and ‘eribrum have
therefore been excluded from all deseribed gor-
gontid genera. Although R. stenobrochis at various
times has been placed in Leptogorgia, Litigorgra
and Hugorgia, as limited by the
designation of their type species cannot include
stenobrochis, arenata
those genera
these three orphan species and the related forms
subsequently described by Verrill and Hiekson.
These reticulate gorgoniids lacking scaphoid spic-
ules therefore require a new genus, for which
the name Pacifigorgia is here proposed.
Pacifigorgia, n. gen.
Rhipidigorgia (part) Valenciennes, 1855, C. R.
Aead. Sei. Paris 41: 13; Verrill, 1864, Bull. Mus.
Comp. Zool. 1: 32 (part).
Litigorgia (part) + Eugorgia (part) Verrill, 1868,
Amer. Journ. Sei. 45: 414.
Leptogorgia (part) Verrill,
Sei. 48: 420.
Gorgonia Bielschowsky, 1918, Revis. Gorg.: 32;
Kiikenthal, 1919, Wiss. Ergeb. deutschen Tief-
see-Exped. 13 (2): 852; Kiikenthal, 1924, Das
Tierreich 47: 338; Bielschowsky, 1929, Zool.
Jahrb. Supp. 16: 141; Deichmann, 1936, Mem.
Mus. Comp. Zool. 53: 174.
1869, Amer. Journ.
Diagnosis.—Colony flabellate, branched in one
plane; the twigs regularly anastomosing to form
a close network. Zocids retracting within low
verrucae or flush with the surface of the coenen-
chyma; anthocodial armature of more or less
flattened rods usually present. Spicules of the
coenenechyma are girdled spindles, including: long,
more or less pointed forms with several belts
of warts; and short, blunt forms with only 2-4
belts of warts (‘“‘double heads”’).
Genotype—Gorgonia stenobrochis Valencien-
nes =Pacifigorgia stenobrochis (Val.), n. comb.,
here designated.
Fic. 2.—Pacifigorgia irene, n. gen., n
vou. 41, No. 3
Remarks.—This genus includes all those retic-
ulate forms from the west coast of Central and
South America previously known as Gorgonia.
Except for one species from Trinidad and Brazil
(P. elegans (Duch. & Mich.) =Gorgonia hartti
Verrill), Pacifigorgia is confined to the eastern
Pacific, from the Gulf of California to Peru.
The generic name is chosen to indicate this
predominantly Pacific distribution of the genus.
Pacifigorgia irene, n. sp.
Figs. 2,3
Leptogorgia adamsii (part) Verrill, 1868, Trans.
Connecticut Acad. 1: 391.
Gorgonia media? Bielschowsky, 1918, Revis.
Gorg.: 38; 1929, Zool. Jahrb., Supp. 16: 147.
Gorgonia media Galtsoff, 1950, Special Sei. Rep.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv. 28: 27.
Diagnosis —The colonies form large, broad,
finely reticulate fans crossed by several very
stout main branches which can be followed to
within 2 or 3 cm of the free edge. Zooids occur
chiefly along the outer edges of the anastomosed
twigs, and are retractile with small, often
bilabiate verrucae. Spicules of the coencenhyma
are long, pointed spindles 0.1—0.13 mm long,
and short, blunt “double heads” up to 0.075
mm long; these sclerites are red, yellow or color-
less. Anthocodial armature a weak crown of flat
“rods” with broadly scalloped edges, reaching
. sp. The holotype, about one-fourth natural size.
Marcu 1951
Fic. 3.—a-p, Pacifigorgia irene, n.gen., n.sp.: a, Detail of branching; b-f, long spindles; g-k, short
spindles or ‘‘double heads’’; [-o0, flat, anthocodial sclerites; p, small capstan from anthocodia.
Pacifigorgia adamsi (Verrill): Anthocodial sclerites.
to p only; 0.1-mm scale to all others.
0.05 mm in length, and small, spindly capstans
about 0.04 mm long; these spicules are usually
colorless, but a few may be tinted pink. Color
of colony rusty purplish red.
Description.—The type is a broad, flat fan
about 35 em high and 63 em broad. (A part of
the colony has been cut away, and its total width
probably exceeded 70 em.) The twigs are very
slender, closely and regularly anastomosed to
form a network of small, squarish meshes 1.5-2.0
3.0-mm scale applies to a only; 0.03-mm scale
mm in diameter. Several stout main branches
flattened in the plane of ramification arise from
the base and radiate outward across the fan,
branching occasionally and diminishing in diam
eter slowly, losing themselves in the meshwork
only 2 or 3 em from the edge of the colony.
Zooids do not occur on the flat outer faces o!
the midribs, but are found in a row along the
line where the twigs are given off on either side
The anastomosing twigs are flattened at right
angles to the plane of the fan, and along their
outer edges the zooids form small, hemispherical,
often bilabiate verrucae; two zooids usually occur
on the tips of the free, unanastomosed twig ends,
which are up to 5 mm in length. The color of the
colony is a rusty purplish red, fading to an ochre
yellow in some places along the edge of the fan.
The spicules of the coenenchyma are of two
types: (1) long, pointed spindles with a promi-
nent naked girdle and 4-6 belts of warts, reach-
ing 0.13 mm in length; and (2) short, blunt
spindles or “double heads” also with a median
naked space, but with only two belts of warts
and terminal tufts, reaching about 0.075 mm.
The coenenchyma spicules are usually red, but a
few are colorless. In the yellow areas of the
colony they are mostly pale yellow. The spicules
of the anthocodia are flat rods with widely
scalloped margins, reaching about 0.05 mm in
length. These spicules are almost always color-
less, but a few may be tinted with pink. There
are also a few weak, long-armed capstans, which
are colorless.
Holotype—U.8.N.M. no. 49365. Punta Paja-
ron, Panama, lat. 7° 55’ N., long. 81° 38’ W.;
March 11, 1948, Paul S. Galtsoff, collector.
Records.—Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica; March
1927, M. Valerio, collector (49379); Costa Rica
no definite locality (383611).
Remarks.—Pacifigorgia irene is perfectly dis-
tinct from P. adamsii (Verrill), with which it
was originally meluded. Verrill’s remarks about
“adult specimens” (1868, Trans. Connecticut
Acad.1:391) refer to thisspecies. Theseveral speci-
mens of P. adamsu in the Museum of Compara-
tive Zoology and those in the U. 8. National Mu-
seum are uniformly small colonies, as are a
number of the original specimens in Verrill’s
collection in the Peabody Museum at Yale Uni-
versity. Unfortunately, the latter have not been
available for spicular examination, but all are
of such uniform outer appearance that I have
no hesitancy im considering them the same.
The mesh of P. adamsti is about the same as
that of the new species, but it lacks any trace
of strong midribs, and the color is purple or
yellow rather than the rusty purplish red charac-
teristic of P. irene. In addition, the anthocodial
spicules of the two species are distinct. Those of
P. wrene are flat, broad, and almost always color-
less; those of P. adamsti are round or but little
flattened, slender, longer than those of P. irene,
and almost always clear, pale yellow. Figures
of the anthocodial spicules from both species
SCIENCES VOL. 41, No. 3 .
are given in order to make the differences clear.
The coenenchymal spicules differ less, but seem
to be a little longer in P. adamsii.
The specific name is chosen from the Greek
word eipnvn, peace, in keeping with the deriva-
tion of the generic term Pacifigorgia.
Genus Pterogorgia Ehrenberg
Gorgonia (part) Pallas, 1766, Elench. Zooph.: 160.
Pterogorgia (part) Ehrenberg, 1834, Abh. Kénigl.
Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1832 (pt. 1): 368. [Type G.
anceps Pallas, subs. des.: Milne Edwards and
Haime, 1850, Brit. Foss. Corals: Ixxx.]
Xiphigorgia (part) Milne Edwards and Haime,
1857, Hist. nat. corall. 1: 171; Kiikenthal, 1916,
Zool. Jahrb., Suppl. 11: 491 (part); Bielsechow-
sky, 1918, Revis. Gorg.: 62; Kiikenthal, 1924,
Das Tierreich 47: 357 (part); Deichmann, 1936,
Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. 53: 200. [Type, G.
anceps Pallas, subs. des.: Bielschowsky, 1918,
Revis. Gorg.: 62.]
Diagnosis—Colonies more or less richly
branched, mostly laterally; branches strongly
compressed, triangular, or square; zooids in longi- ©
tudinal furrows on the edges of rather high, thin
coenenchymal ridges running along two, three
or four sides of the stems and branches. Zooids
small; anthocodial armature a weak crown con-
sisting of 8 tracts of flattened rods. Coenen-
chyma with stout, strongly warted spindles and
blunt scaphoids.
Genotype—Gorgoma anceps Pallas (by sub-
sequent designation: Milne Edwards and Haime,
1850, Brit. Foss. Corals: Ixxx).
Remarks.—This genus includes three’ certain
and one doubtful species, all Antillean. The
valid species are:
Pterogorgia anceps (Pallas)
Corallina fruticosa, ramulis & cauliculis compres-
Sis, quaquaversum expansis, purpurers elegantiss-
imis Sloane, 1707, Voyage to Jamaica: 57, pl.
22, fig. 4.
Gorgonia anceps Pallas, 1766, Elench. Zooph.:
183; Verrill, 1869, Amer. Journ. Sei. 48: 425.
Pterogorgia anceps Ehrenberg, 1834, Abh. Koénigl.
Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1832 (pt. 1): 369.
Gorgonia (Pterogorgia) anceps Dana, 1846, U. 8.
Expl. Exped. 7: 648.
NXiphigergia anceps Milne Edwards and Haime,
1857, Hist. nat. corall. 1: 172; Kikenthal, 1924,
Das Tierreich 47: 357 (part); Deichmann, 1936,
Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. 53: 201.
This is the common, large, purple or yellowish
species with branches square or triangular in
cross section. Its branches are never so broad ~
and flat as in P. guadalupensis Duchassaing and
Marcu 1951
Pterogorgia citrina (Esper)
Gorgonia citrina Esper, 1792, Pflanzenthiere 2:
129, pl. 38; Verrill, 1869, Amer. Journ. Sci. 48:
Pterogorgia fasciolaris + P. Sancti Thomae
Ehrenberg, 1834, Abh. Konigl. Akad. Wiss.
Berlin 1832 (pt. 1): 369.
Gorgonia (Pterogorgia) citrina Dana, 1846, U. 8S.
Expl. Exped. 7: 648.
Pterogorgia citrina Duchassaing and Michelotti,
1860, Mém. corall. Antill.: 30.
Xiphigorgia citrina Verrill, 1864, Bull. Mus.
Comp. Zool. 1: 33; Kikenthal, 1924, Das Tier-
reich 47: 358, fig. 182; Deichmann, 1936, Mem.
Mus. Comp. Zool. 53: 201.
This is the familar, small Pterogorgia with
flat branches, usually yellow with purple edges,
sometimes all purple.
Pterogorgia guadalupensis Duchassaing
and Michelin
Pterogorgia guadalupensis Duchassaing and
Michelin, 1846, Rev. Zool. Soc. Cuvierienne 9:
Xiphigorgia guadalupensis Duchassaing and
Michelotti, 1860, Mém. coral]. Antill.: 33.
Gorgonia guadalupensis Verrill, 1869, Amer.
Journ. Sei. 48: p. 425.
Xiphigorgia anceps (part) Kiikenthal, 1924, Das
Tierreich 47: 357.
Specimens collected in the Gulf of Mexico
during the first and second University of Miami
Marine Laboratory Gulf of Mexico Sponge In-
vestigations 1947 and 1948, by Dr. F. G. Walton
Smith and J. Q. Tierney, have convinced me
that Duchassaing and Michelin’s species is per-
fectly distinct and worthy of recognition. I have
been unable to find specimens of P. anceps
which grade into it, either in the large series
in the U. S. National Museum or among speci-
mens in the field. A complete redescription will
be published at a later date.
The specimens of P. guadalupensis examined
agree perfectly with Duchassaing and Miche-
lotti’s figure. The species is readily distinguished
from P. anceps by its very much broader, flat
branehes which are never trialate. Part of a
specimen is shown in the accompanying key-
figure 9, compared with P. anceps.
A situation similar to that involving Gorgonia
and Rhipidigorgia exists between Pterogorgia
Ehrenberg and NXiphigorgia Milne Edwards and
Haime. In short, the genus Pterogorgia of Khren-
berg, like many other early genera, was a poly-
phyletic assemblage, and its species can now be
divided into at least two modern genera, ap-
portioned as follows: (1) P. setosa Esper, acerosa
[Pallas?] Ehrenberg, stricta Ehrenberg, turgida
Ehrenberg; and (2) P. fasciolaris Ehrenberg
(=citrina Esper, var.?), sancti-thomae Ehrenberg
(2? =citrina Esper), anceps Pallas, and violacea
Ehrenberg non Pallas [? =anceps]. Ehrenberg
also assigned questionably Gorgonia americana
Gmelin, sanguinolenta Pallas [both fide Cuvier],
and pinnata L. [fide Gmelin] to his Pterogorgia,
without having seen specimens. Milne Edwards
and Haime in 1850 designated P. anceps (Pallas)
as the type species of Pterogorgia, thereby restric-
ting the genus to the second group mentioned
above. Completely disregarding the restriction
which they themselves had imposed, these
authors created in 1857 a new genus,
Xvphigorgia, which included Gorgonia anceps,
and this usage became generally accepted. This
was undoubtedly due in no small part to the
fact that the latter arrangement was proposed
in their well-known Histoire naturelle des coralli-
aires, whereas the earlier restriction of Ptero-
gorgia was made in the introduction to their
Monograph of the British fossil corals, a work
holding little interest to the student of recent
Gorgonacea. Consequently, Verrill overlooked the
delimitation of Pterogorgia and proposed P. ace-
rosa (Pallas) as the type species of Ehrenberg’s
genus; this procedure, which applied the name
Pterogorgia to the first of the two groups men-
tioned above, subsequently came into general
acceptance. The generic limits of Xitphigorgia
were established by Miss Bielschowsky when she
designated (1918) X. anceps as its type, but she
failed to perceive that it was then absolutely
synonymous with Pterogorgia s.s. and that half
of the original Pterogorgia species were not re-
ferable to any deseribed genus. This situation
has remained unchanged, and the species elimi-
nated from Pterogorgia still require a genus to
include them, for which I propose the name
Antillogorgia, n. gen.
Pterogorgia (part) Ehrenberg, 1834, Abh. Konig.
Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1882 (pt. 1): 868; Milne Ed-
wards and Haime, 1857, Hist. nat. corall. 1:
167 (part); Bielschowsky, 1918, Revis. Gorg.:
52; Kikenthal, 1924, Das Tierreich 47: 351;
Bielschowsky, 1929, Zool. Jahrb., Suppl. 16:
197; Deichmann, 1936, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool,
53: 193.
Diagnosis.—Colonies mostly bushy, with the
secondary branching in one plane; numerous
twigs arranged along the main branches in close
pinnate order, sometimes with secondary twigs;
stem and branches round or flattened; twigs
round, or more frequently somewhat compressed.
Zooids small, not producing verrucae, usually
arranged in two rows along the edges of the
twigs; they sometimes occur in rows on the
large branches and main stems. Anthocodia either
unarmed or with small, more or less flattened
rods arranged in 8 triangles to form a weak
crown. Coenenchyma spicules are scaphoids and
spindles in the outer layer, spindles alone in the
Genotype.—Gorgonia acerosa Pallas =Antillo-
gorgia acerosa (Pallas), n. comb., here designated.
Remarks.—This genus is apparently confined
to the Antillean region. Its species form one
of the most conspicuous elements of the littoral
marine fauna along the reefs of Florida and in
the West Indies. The most abundant species,
at least on the Florida coast, is Antillogorgia
acerosa (Pallas). For a description, see Deich-
mann, 1936, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. 53: 198.
It is usually dark purple when alive. A. ellisiana
(Milne Edwards and Haime) and A. americana
(Gmelin) are not uncommon in the same re-
gions. The living colonies are usually brownish
Genus Phyllogorgia Milne Edwards
and Haime
Gorgonia (part) Esper, 1791, Pfanzenthiere 2: 1.
Gorgonia (Pterogorgia) (part) Dana, 1846, U. 8.
Expl. Exped. 7: 647.
Phyllogorgia Milne Kdwards and Haime, 1850,
Brit. Foss. Corals: Ixxx. [Type, Gorgonia dila-
tata Esper.]
Hymenogorgia Valenciennes, 1855, C. R. Acad.
Sei. Paris 41: 13. (Type, Gorgonia quercus folium
Ehrenberg = Gorgonia dilatata Esper.|
Phyllogorgia Verrill, 1912, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci.
Philadelphia (2)15: 393.
Diagnosis—Colonies branched in one plane,
the branches
forming broad, flat leaves; axis
Zooids small, without verrucae,
on all surfaces of the leaves. The spicules are
stout spindles and seaphoids.
Genotype.—Gorgonia dilatata Esper (by origi-
nal designation).
Remarks.—The single species, P. dilatata, is
found on the coast of Brazil. The single early
record of its occurrence at Guadeloupe has not
been confirmed.
vou. 41, No. 3
Genus Leptogorgia Milne Edwards
and Haime
Gorgonia (part) Pallas, 1766, Elench. Zooph.:
160; Milne Edwards and Haime, 1857, Hist.
nat. corall. 1: 157 (part).
Leptogorgia (part) Milne Edwards and Haime,
1857, Hist. nat. corall. 1: 163. [Type, G@. vimina-
lis Milne Edwards and Haime = G. viminalis
Esper = Leptogorgia longiramosa Kikenthal
1924; subs. des.: Verrill, 1868, Trans. Con-
necticut Acad. 1: 387.|
Lophogorgia (part) Milne Edwards and Haime,
1857, Hist. nat. corall. 1: 167. [Type, @. flam-
mea Ellis and Solander.]}
Litigorgia (part) Verrill, 1868, Amer. Journ. Sci.
45: 414. (Type, ZL. florae Verrill; subs. des.:
Verrill, 1868, Trans. Connecticut Acad. 1: 387.|
Eugorgia (part) Verrill, 1868, Amer. Journ. Sci.
45: 414.
?Pseudopterogorgia Kiikenthal, 1919, Wiss. Ergeb.
deutschen Tiefsee-Exped. 13 (2): 854. [Type,
Leptogorgia australiensis Ridley, 1884.]
Asperogorgia Stiasny, 1943, Vid. Medd. Dansk
naturh. Foren. 107: 92. [Type, L. radula
Diagnosis.—Colonies mostly branched in one
plane, lateral or pinnate, occasionally dichoto-
mous, rarely bushy; branches and twigs some-
what flattened but never greatly expanded to
form lamellar ridges. Zooids in two lateral tracts
along the sides of twigs and branches, fully re-
tractile or forming low verrucae; anthocodial
armature of small rods or spindles usually pres-
ent. Coenenchyma with girdled spindles but no
modified forms.
Genotype.—Gorgonia viminalis Milne Edwards
and Haime (by subsequent designation: Verrill,
1868, Trans. Connecticut Acad. 1: 387).
Remarks.—Bielschowsky’s designation of G.
petechizans Pallas as the type of Leptogorgia could
have no standing even if it had priority, since
that species was not included within the genus
as originally constituted.
Leptogorgia contains many species in temperate
and tropical waters, and although it is represented
practically around the world, the center of dis-
tribution seems to be in the neighborhood of
the west coast of Central America.
The characters ordinarily used for separating
Lophogorgia from Leptogorgia, the flattened
branches and arrangement of zooids all around
the branches and tiwgs, are so variable as to
be useless for generic distinctions. Round as well
as. flattened branches may occur in the same
colony, and the biserial zooid distribution can
Marcu 1951
be found with little difficulty, Furthermore, speci-
mens of Leptogorgia which are typical in all
other respects may have zooids distributed all
around the twigs. The presence of distinct verru-
eae, the feature used by Stiasny to distinguish
his Asperogorgia species from the other Lopho-
gorgias (which he considered as part of Lepto-
gorgia), is no more reliable. I have therefore
placed both these genera in the synonymy of
Kiikenthal’s Pseudopterogorgia (1919) was cre-
ated on the strength of some supposed ‘‘klam-
mern” in four Indo-Pacific species. An examina-
tion of the original description and figures of the
type species, P. australiensis (Ridley), suggests
that Ridley’s original generic assignment of the
species (Leptogorgia) was correct. The spicules
are all described as fusiform, and while one of
the individuals figured is a little curved, it is
not a very convincing scaphoid. I am therefore
tentatively synonymizing the genus and refer-
ring its species back to Leptogorgia.
Genus Phycogorgia Milne Edwards
and Haime
Gorgonia Valenciennes, 1846, Voyage of the
Venus, Atlas of Zool., Zoophytes: pl. 11, fig. 2.
Phycogorgia Milne Edwards and Haime, 1850,
Brit. Foss. Corals: Ixxx. [Type, Gorgonia fucata
Valenciennes. |
Phycogorgia Kikenthal, 1924, Das Tierreich 47:
Diagnosis.—Colonies bushy, the stems and
branches strongly flattened and frondose, aris-
ing from a spreading base. Axis lamellar. Zooids
small, completely retractile and without arma-
ture, on the fronds and on the base. Spicules are
small, blunt, girdled spindles.
Genotype—Gorgonia fucata Valenciennes, 1846
(by original designation).
Remarks.—Only one species is known, occur-
ving in shallow water from Mazatlan to Chile.
Genus Eugorgia Verrill
Lophogorgia (part) G. Horn, 1860, Proc. Acad.
Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 12: 233.
Gorgonia (part) Verrill, 1864, Bull. Mus. Comp.
Zool. 1: 33.
Eugorgia (part) Verrill, 1868, Amer. Journ. Set.
45: 414. (Type, H. ampla Verrill; subs. des.:
Verrill, 1868, Trans. Connecticut Acad. 1: 386.|
Eugorgia Verrill, 1868, Trans. Connecticut Acad.
1: 406; Bielschowsky, 1929, Zool. Jahrb., Supp.
16: 170.
Diagnosis.—Branching chiefly in one plane,
lateral or dichotomous, sometimes bushy. Zooids
in biserial longitudinal rows, usually without
anthocodial armature, with or without low ver-
rucae. The spicules are ordinary spindles, to-
gether with disk spindles produced by the more
or less complete fusion of the warts of the median
2 or 4 belts to form disks.
Genotype.—Leptogorgia ampla Verrill (by sub-
sequent designation: Verrill, 1868, Trans. Con-
necticut Acad. 1: 386).
Remarks.—Although Eugorgia is now an ex-
clusively west American genus, two Atlantic
gorgoniids are apparently related to it. Lepto-
gorgia virgulata Lamarck and L. setacea (Pallas)
have spicules identical with the poorly developed
disk spindles and intermediate forms to be found
in a number of Hugorgia species. They may be
relict species of a once widespread Hugorgia, or
only Leptogorgias developing along Eugorgia
lines. It remains for future study to determine
which is actually the case.
A!, Spicules as spindles of various forms, some of
which may occasionally be slightly bent,
but never as true scaphoids, or
moon’’-shaped spicules:
B'. Branches and twigs not coalescent, but
free and usually slender:
CO!, Spicules only regular spindles:
A®. Scaphoid spicules present in addition to
simple spindles:
C2. Spicules include spindles with warts more
or less completely fused to form disks:
B’, Branches and twigs not coalescent, but
free and usually slender:
C1. Branching closely pinnate, the twigs
slender, round or only slightly com-
B?. Branches and twigs coalescing to form a
regular meshwork: PacirrgorGIA.
C®. Branching not closely pinnate; branches
and twigs with two, three, or four
longitudinal, thin, coenenchymal lamel-
lae, causing them to be flat and blade-
like, triangular, or square in cross
section: PreROGoRGIA.
B%. Branches and twigs flat, foliate: Puyco-
_ B®, Branches and twigs coalescing to form a
regular network: GoRGONIA.
Marcu 1951
B’. Branches and twigs flat, foliate: Payiuo-
BrevscHowsky, Eva. EHine Revision der Familie
Gorgoniidae. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Er-
langung der Doktorwiirde der Hohen Philo-
sophischen Fakultiét der Schlesischen Fried-
rich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Breslau: 1-66.
Breslau, 1918.
Die Gorgonarien Westindiens. Kap. 6,
Die Familie Gorgoniidae. Zool. Jahrb., Suppl.
16, Heft 1: 63-234, 40 figs., pls. 2-5. 1929.
Cuusius, Carouus. FExoticorvm libri decem: qui-
bus animalium, plantarum, aromatum, alio-
rumque peregrinorum fructuum historiae discri-
buntur: [10] 1-378 [5], illus. Antverpiae, 1605.
Dana, JaMes Dwiaut. Zoophytes. U. S. (Wilkes)
Exploring Expedition during the years 1838,
1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 7: i-vi+ 1-740, 45
figs., atlas of 61 col. pls. 1846.
DeicuMann, Evtsapetu. The Alcyonaria of the
western part of the Atlantic Ocean. Mem.
Mus. Comp. Zo6]. 53: 1-317, pls. 1-37. 1936.
DucHASSAING bE FonsBREsSIN, PuacipE, and
MicHetin, Harpouin. Note sur deux poly-
piers de la famille des coraux appartenant aux
genres Solanderia ef Pterogorgia. Rev. Zool.
Soc. Cuvierienne 9: 218-220. 1846.
and Micuexortr, Jean. Mémoire sur les
coralliaires des Antilles: 1-88, pls. 1-10. Mem.
Reale Accad. Sci. Torino, ser. 2, 19: 279-365,
pls. 1-10. 1860.
phystologischen Kenntniss der Corallenthiere
im allgemeinen, und besonders des rothen
Meeres, nebst einem Versuche zur physio-
logischen Systematik de selben. Abh. Konigl.
[preussischen] Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1832 (pt. 1):
225-880. 1834.
Euuis, Joun. An essay towards the natural his-
tory of the corallines, and other marine produc-
tions of the like kind, commonly found on the
coasts of Great Britain and Ireland: i-xvii
+ [5 lvs] 1-103, pls. 1-37 [38]. London, 1755.
Esper, Eucentus JoHANN CuristorH. Die
Pflanzenthiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur
mit Farben erleuchtet nebst Beschreibungen
1-3: i-xii + 1-320; 1-220; 1-285+; Fortset-
zung 1-2: 1-230; 1-48, 428 pls. Niirnberg-
1788-1850. [The parts dealing with gorgo-
nians were published as follows: Vol. 2, pp;
1-96, 1791; pp. 97-180, 1792; pp. 181-220, 1793.
pp. 221-304, 1799; Fortsetzung, vol. 1, pp.
117-168, 1796; pp. 169-230, 1797.]
Gautsorr, Paut Simon. The pearl oyster re-
sources of Panama. U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service Special Scientific Report: Fisheries
no. 28: 1-53, 28 figs. 1950.
Horn, Greorce. Descriptions of three new species
of Gorgonidae, in the collection of the Academy,
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 12:
233. 1860.
KiKentuan, Witty. Die Gorgonarien Westindi-
ens. Kap. 2, Uber den Venusficher; Kap. 3,
Die Gattung Xiphigorgia H. M. Edw. Zool.
Jahrb., Suppl. 11, Heft 4: 485-503, 13 figs.,
pl. 23. 1916.
Gorgonaria. Wissenschaftliche Ergeb-
nisse der deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition auf
dem Dampfer Valdivia 1898-99, 13 (2): 1-946,
318 figs., pls. 30-89. 1919.
Gorgonarta. Das Tierreich 47: i-xxyviii
+ 1-478, 209 figs. 1924.
Linnf, Kart von. Systema naturae, ed. 10, 1:
[2] 1-824. Holmiae, 1758.
Rariora muset Besleriani quae olim Basilius
et Michael Rupertus Besleri collegerunt: [12]
1-112, pls. 1-40. Norimbergae, 1716.
Mrine Epwarps, Henri, and Haims, Juues. A
monograph of the British fossil corals. Part 1.
Introduction; corals from the Tertiary and
Cretaceous formations: i-Ixxxv + 1-71, pls.
1-11. London, 1850.
———. Histoire naturelle des coralliatres ou pol-
ypes proprement dits: 1-8, pp. i-xxxjv + 1-826;
1-633; 1-560; atlas of 36 pls. Paris, 1857.
Oueartus, ApAM. Gottorfische Kunst-Kammer: {5
Ivs.] 1-80, pls. 1-87. Schlesswig, 1674.
Pauias, Peter Srmon. Llenchus zoophytorum sis-
tens generum adumbrationes generaliores et
speciterwm cognitarum succtnctas descriptiones
selectts auctorum synonymis: i-xvi +
Hagae-Comitum, 1766.
A voyage to the islands Madera,
Nieves, S. Christophers and Ja-
maica, with the natural history of the herbs
and trees, four footed beasts, fishes, birds, in-
sects, reptiles & c. of the last of those islands
. 1: [7 lvs] i-cliv + 1-264, pls [4] 1-156.
London, 1707.
Sriasny, Gustav. Gorgonaria von Panama. Vi-
densk. Medd. Dansk naturh. Foren. 107: 59-
103, figs. 1-16. 1943.
VALENCIENNES, AcHitip. In A. Dupetit-
Thouars, Voyage autour du monde sur la
frégate la Venus, pendant les années 1836-1839.
Atlas de Zoologie: Zoophytes: pls. 1-15.
Paris, 1846.
Extrait dune monographie de la famille
des Gorgonidées de la classe des polypes.
Comptes Rendus Séances Acad. Sei. Paris
41: 7-15. 1855.
VerRILL, Appison Mery. List of the polyps and
corals sent by the Museum of Comparative
Zoblogy to other institutions in exchange, with
MALACOLOGY .—Recent species of the
U.S. National Museum.
The study represented by this paper is the
third in a series on living relict peleeypods.
In comparison with Fimbria and Cucullaea,
the living species of Arctica is well known,
and many good studies have been made on
it in several northern Atlantic regions. The
shellfish surveys of Rhode Island and Mas-
sachusetts have recently obtained valuable
information on the ecology of the genus, and
it is possible that Arctica will soon assume
commercial importance as an edible clam.
There have, however, been few attempts to
make a complete study of the living species.
The latest review of Arctica is that of Lamy
(1920, pp. 260-265).
Arctica, first appearing in the early Creta-
ceous, has apparently always been confined
to temperate waters. Since the Cenozoic the
genus has been confined to Europe and the
north Atlantic regions. At present there is
one living species, confined primarily to the
north Atlantic.
Arctica has been placed in many different
superfamilies. On the basis of shell characters
Arctica most closely resembles some of the
brackish water genera, as for example
Batissa. Among the living marine pelecypods
Arctica resembles the veneraceans. The lack
of a pallial smus and the development. of
‘Published by permission of the Secretary of
the Smithsonian Institution.
vou. 41, No. 3
60. 1864.
Review of the corals and polyps of the
west coast of America. Trans. Conn. Acad.
Arts and Sciences 1: 377-567, pls. 5-10. 1868-
71. [Actual dates of publications are: pp.
377-390, April 1868; pp. 391-398, June 1868;
pp. 399-414, July 1868; pp. 415-422, December
1868; pp. 423-454, January 1869; pp. 455-478,
February 1689; pp. 479-502, March 1869; pp.
503-518, April 1870; pp. 519-534, Nov. 1870;
p. 567, February 1871.]
Critical remarks on halcyonoid polyps in
the museum of Yale College, with descriptions
of new genera. Amer. Journ. Sei. 45: 411—
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 1: 29-
415. 1868.
———. Critical remarks on halcyonoid polyps,
no. 8. Amer. Journ. Sci. 48: 419-429. 1869.
The gorgonians of the Brazilian coast.
Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia (2) 15:
373-404, 1 fig., pls. 29-35. 1912.
veneroid pelecypod Arctica.! Davip NIcoL,
posterior lateral teeth are morphologic char-
acters present in Arctica but not in the ven-
Family Arcricipar Newton, 1891
Genus Arctica Schumacher, 1817
Venus Linné, 1767 (in part).
Pectunculus da Costa, 1778 (in part)? ~
Cyclas Link, 1807, not Cyclas Bruguiére, 1798.
Cyprina Lamarck, 1818.
Armida Gistel, 1848, not Armida Risso, 1826.
Cypriniadea Rovereto, 1900.
Genotype: Arctica vulgaris Schumacher, 1817
= Venus islandica Linné, 1767 (monotypy).
In 1752 Moehring used the name Arctica for a
genus of birds, but this work and the translation
published in 1758 have been suppressed (see
opinion 5, vol. 1, pt. 14, 1944, pp. 115-126).
Schumacher’s genus name Arctica, published in
1817, can thus be used. Lamarck applied the
French vernacular term Cyprine in 1812 but did
not use the name Cyprina until 1818.
Arctica islandica (Linné), 1767
Figs. 1-3
1767. Venus islandica Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1
(pt. 2): 1181.
1777. Venus mercenaria Linné, Pennant, British
zoology 4, Mollusca: 94, pl. 53, fig. 47.
78. Pectunculus crassus da Costa, British con-
chology: 188, 184, pl. 14, fig. 5.
Marcu 1951
Venus buccardium Born, Rerum naturalium
Musei Caesarei Vindobonensis, pt. 1, Tes-
tacea: 49, 50.
. Venus bucardium Born, Rerum naturalium
Musei Caesarei Vindobonensis, pt. 1, Tes-
tacea: 63, pl. 4, fig. 11.
. Venus islandica Linné, Roding, Museum
Boltenianum: 180, no. 284.
. Venus ferréensis Réding, Museum Bolteni-
anum: 180, no. 285.
.Cyclas islandica (Linné), Link, Beschrei-
bung Rostock Sammlung: 150.
. Arctica vulgaris Schumacher, Essai nouveau
systéme habitations vers testacés: 145,
146, pl. 13, figs. 3a, b.
Cyprina islandica (Linné), Lamarck, Ani-
maux sans vertébres 5: 557, 558.
Cyprina vulgaris (Schumacher), James
Sowerby, Genera of Recent and fossil
shells, Cyprina: pl. 67.
Cyclas islandica (Linné), Dall,
fauna of Florida: 1500-1502.
Cyprina islandica var. inflata Odhner, Ark.
for Zool. 7 (4): 19, figs. 33, 34.
1920. Cyprina islandica (Linné), Lamy, Journ.
Conchyl. 64 (4) : 262-265.
A more complete synonymy is given by Lamy
(1920, pp. 262-264) and need not be repeated
Description.—Shell porcellaneous, often chalky,
periostracum black, light brown, or rarely red-
dish-brown in color, light brown on small shells,
smooth except for raised concentric lines; orna-
mentation consists of concentric lines of growth;
valve outline subcircular, equivalve, subequi-
lateral, not gaping; beaks prosogyrate; ligament
opisthodetic, parivincular, external, connected
: : AI AIII 3a 1 3b PI
to the periostracum, hinge formula “179, 95 46 PIT”
eyrenoid; pallial line integripalliate, adductor
muscle scars subequal; interior ventral border
Measurements in mm.—
Frias. 1-3.—Aretica islandica (Linné),U.S.N.M. no. 128966a: 1, Interior, lett valve; 2,
valve; 3, exterior, right valve. All figures
interior, right
3° natural size.
U.S.N.M. no. Length Height (both values)
201566a 106.4 100.5 61.9
34431 99.1 95.5 51.3
201566 97.3 92.2 59.1
102047 96.1 92.0 56.3
34431a 92.9 86.2 42.5
461553 85.4 78.0 47.0
27256a 82.6 76.7 41.4
304728a 81.7 76.5 48.3
201577 80.0 78.0 43.3
128966a 77.5 70.2 37.0
225762 76.9 68.7 39.5
225764a 75.3 67.6 40.1
128966b 74.6 69.5 34.8
461553a 67.8 62.5 34.0
128966¢ 67.8 62.4 33.7
128966 62.3 56.5 30.6
27258b 61.2 55.8 33.7
225764¢ 58.8 54.3 30.3
225764b 52.8 46.5 24.8
272258a 45.9 40.0 23.7
499954a 44.4 40.3 22.3
45985 44.3 41.1 22.6
45991 42.1 38.2 22.8
181970a 41.4 36.7 19.8
35666 39.6 36.2 21.4
158995 23.9 21.3 13.3
40146b 21.0 19.4 10.0
40146a 17.8 16.1 9.0
153164a 12.0 10.4 5.9
153164 8.4 8.0 4.5
The above measurements seem to indicate no
tendency toward more convex shells in northern
waters or cooler bottom temperatures. There may
be, however, some relationship between the type
of substrate and convexity, the more convex
shells being found on the muddier bottoms.
More data are necessary to ascertain whether any
relationship exists between living conditions and
shape of shell.
Number of specimens—There are approxi-
mately 1,000 specimens of Arctica islandica in the
collection of the United States National Museum.
Many of the specimens are small shells obtained
by dredging.
Locality data.—Specific localities are so nu-
merous that it is not practical to list each one,
and general information on geographical distribu-
tion is sufficient for this problem.
This species has been mentioned in most
faunal lists of mollusks taken from northern
Atlantic localities. Despite these consider-
ably extensive observations, the distribution
of living Arctica islandica is not well known.
vou. 41, No. 3
There have been several great temperature
fluctuations in the northern Atlantic durmg
the Pleistocene and post-Pleistocene, and col-
lectors have taken shells and recorded them
in faunal lists, although Arctica islandica
might not be living in some of those areas to-
day. Accurate locality information on living
specimens, furthermore, is the most impor-
tant criterion for interpreting climatic condi-
tions during Pliocene, Pleistocene, and post-
Pleistocene times.
Arctica occurs as far south as Cape Hat-
teras, N. C., but is quite rare from there
northward to Long Island Sound. Along the
coasts of Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and
Maine, Arctica is abundant. It is frequently
found in the Bay of Fundy, Halifax Harbor,
and Northumberland Strait. There are a few
records of Arctica in Chaleurs Bay and off
the southern coast of Newfoundland. A few
valves of Arctica have been collected off the
coasts of Labrador and Greenland, but these
are believed to be subfossil (Jensen, 1912,
p. 90). The genus is abundant on the coasts
of Iceland, the Faroes, the Shetlands, the
British Isles, and the coast of Norway. Arc-
tica also occurs off the Kola Peninsula and
in the White Sea. There are a few records of
shells collected north and east of the White
Sea as far as Novaya Zemlya, but these
shells are probably also subfossil. There are
reports of Arctica occurring as far as Born-
holm Island in the Baltic Sea, but shells
from the Baltic are generally rather thin,
and the reduced salinity probably prevents
the genus from living farther north and east
i. the Baltic region. Arctica islandica 1s
abundant along the coast of northern France.
South of Brittany Arctica is rarely reported,
but it has been found as far south as the
Bay of Cadiz. Occurrences in the Mediter-
ranean are probably all subfossil.
Arctica is a boreal but not an arctic genus.
It can not live for probably more than a few
hours in waters which go below 0°C. Arcisz
et al. (1945, p. 15) recorded Arctica living at
0.7°C. Perhaps for this reason the genus is
not circumpolar and is not found in the
coldest waters of the Atlantic Ocean. On the
other hand, the highest temperature which
Arctica can withstand is about 19°C.
Marcu 1951
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Recent observations on living specimens
by Turner (1949, pp. 15, 16) have shown
that Arctica is always found on sandy mud
or mud bottoms, although Madsen (1949,
p. 50) claimed that in Iceland the genus is
found on ooze, mud, clay, sand, gravel, and
shell bottoms. It can be said with certainty,
however, that Arctica is nearly always found
on sandy mud or mud bottoms, and this
statement is based on many observations by
many workers.
I have recorded 98 dredging stations,
rangmg from Halifax to Cape Hatteras,
where Arctica was taken by the U.S. Bureau
of Fisheries. The greatest depth from which
Arctica was dredged was 482 meters; the
next greatest depth was 360 meters. The
remaining 96 stations were at depths of 281
meters or less, and one station was only 13
meters in depth. Contrary to some observa-
tions made in the past, the small shells were
not found at the greater depths, and large
and small shells seemed to be found at all
recorded depths. In the Firth of Forth the
genus has been collected alive at the lowest
of low tides (Forbes and Hanley 1853, p.
445). Generally, however, it is most com-
monly found at depths from 10 to 280 me-
ters, but it is occasionally found as deep as
500 meters. Off the coast of Rhode Island,
Arcisz et al. (1945, p. 9) found the greatest
concentration of the genus at depths ranging
from 25 to 45 meters and did not find living
specimens in less than 18 meters of water.
In colder water Arctica apparently is abun-
dant at shallower depths.
Reports of young shells of Arctica having
been taken m more than 1,000 meters of
water should be reinvestigated. A specimen
from the Jeffrey’s collection (no. 201564) is
labeled Cyprina islandica L. (fry), taken
fron the northwest coast of Ireland at a
depth of 1,215 fathoms. This tiny specimen
is almost impossible to identify, but it does
not appear to be Arctica.
Acknowledgments —I am greatly indebted
to William J. Clench, of the Museum of
Comparative Zoédlogy at Harvard College,
for information on geographical distribution,
and to Harry J. Turner, Jr., of the Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institution, for valuable
data on the ecology of Arctica.
vou. 41, No. 3
Arcisz, W., Nevitite, W. C., DeEWo tr, R. A., and
Loosanorr, V. L. The ocean quahog fishery of
Rhode Island: 31 pp., 10 figs. Dept. Agriculture
and Conservation, Rhode Island, 1945.
Costa, E. M. pa. The British conchology: 254 pp.,
17 pls. London, 1778.
Datu, W. H. Contributions to the Tertiary fauna of
Florida. Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci. 3 (pt.
6): 1219-1654, pls. 48-60. 1903.
. Note on Cyprina islandica. Proc. Malacol.
Soc. London, 10 (pt. 4): 286 1913.
Forses, K., and Hanuey, 8. A history of British
Mollusca and their shells 1: 486 pp., 64 pls.,
London, 1853.
GisteL, J. Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs fiir
hohere Schulen: 216 pp., 32 pls. Stuttgart,
Hemmina, F. Opinions and declarations rendered
by the International Commission on Zoological
Nomenclature (Opinion 5, The status of certain
pre-Linnean names reprinted subsequent to
1757) 1 (pt. 14): 115-126. London, 1944.
JENSEN, A. S. Studier over nordiske Mollusker. IT,
Cyprina islandica. Naturh. Forening Kjoben-
havn Vid. Medd. 1902: 33-42.
. Lamellibranchiata (part 1), The Danish
Ingolf-Expedition 2 (5): 119 pp., 5 figs., 4 pls.
Copenhagen, 1912.
Lamarck, J. B. Histoire naturelle des animaux
sans vertébres 5: 612 pp. Paris, 1818.
Lamy, I. Révision des Cypricardiacea et des Iso-
cardiacea vivants du Muséum d’Histotre natu-
relle de Paris. Journ. Conchy]. 64 (4) : 259-307.
Link, H. F. Beschreibung der Naturalien-Samm-
lung der Universitat zu Rostock: 1-165, 1-30,
1-38, 1-88. Rostock, 1806-1808.
Linné, K. von. Systema naturae, ed. 12, 1 (pt.
2): 5383-1327. Holmiae, 1767.
Mapskn, F. J., The zoology of Iceland 4 (pt. 63,
Marine Bivalvia) : 166 pp., 12 figs. Copenhagen
and Reykjavik, 1949.
Opuner, Nius. Marine Mollusca in the collections
of the Swedish State Museum, Ark. for Zool. 7
(4): 31 pp., 1 pl. 1910.
Rovereto, G. Lllustrazione det molluschi fossili
Tongriani, ete. Atti Reale Univ. Genova 15:
31-210, 9 pls. 1900.
ScHuMACHER, C. F. Essai d’un nouveau systéeme des
habitations des vers testacés: 287 pp., 22 pl.,
Copenhague, 1817.
Smitu, . A. On the generic name to be applied to
the Venus islandica, Linn. Proc. Mal. Soe.
London 10 (pt. 2): 105, 106. 1912.
Turner, H. J., Jr. Report on investigations of
methods of improving the shellfish resources of
Massachusetts: 22 pp., 5 figs. Commonwealth
of Massachusetts, 1949.
ICHTHYOLOGY .—Chromis atripectoralis, a new damselfish from the tropical Pa-
cific, closely related to C. caeruleus, family Pomacentridae. ARrHUR D. We-
During our studies of some Bikini fishes
at the University of Washington, Seattle, we
were surprised to observe that the blue-green
damselfish, which occurs so abundantly in
shallow waters of the reefs throughout the
tropical Indo-Pacific faunal area, was a com-
plex of two species. This paper describes one
of these as new and presents data for the
separation of the two species.
Chromis atripectoralis, n. sp.
Chromis caeruleus (in part), Jordan and Seale,
Bull..U. S. Bur. Fish. 25 (1905): 290, pl. 46, ?
fig. 1. 1906 (Samoan Islands; color descriptions
for specimens numbered 2, 4, and 6, with péc-
toral axil black appear to be this new species) ;
Montalban, Pomacentridae of the Philippine
Islands, Monog. Bur. Sci. Manila, no. 24: 35,
pl. 8, fig. 2. 1927 (Philippine Islands).
Heliastes lepidurus Giinther, Fische der Siidsee,
Journ. Mus. Godeffroy 15 (pt. 7): 238 (in part),
pl. 128, fig. C.1881. es)
Holotype —U.S.N.M. no. 112397, Bikini Atoll,
Eman. Island, channel reef, July 17, 1947, S-46-
405, Schultz, Brock, Hiatt and Myers, standard
length 67 mm.
Paratypes.—The following paratypes are from
Guam in the Marianas Islands: U.S.N.M. no.
124104, Tumon Bay, July 10, 1945, R. H. Baker,
48 specimens, 9 to 25 mm; U.S.N.M. no. 152557,
Tumon Bay, December 10, 1945, L. Gressitt, 2
specimens, 48 mm; U.S.N.M. no. 152558, Tumon
Bay, January 8, 1946, Gressitt and Ingram, 35
specimens, 37 to 60 mm.
The following paratypes are from the Marshall
Islands: U.S.N.M. no. 141041, Bikini Atoll, Eman
Island, July 17, 1947, S-46-405, Schultz, Brock,
Hiatt, and Myers, 5 specimens, 61 to 76 mm;
U.S.N.M. no. 112395, Rongerik Atoll, Latoback
Island, June 28, 1946, S-46-238, Schultz and
Herald, 11 specimens, 23 to 44 mm; U.S.N.M.
no. 112396, Rongelap Atoll, Naen Island, July
30, 1946, 8-46-3802, Herald, 33 specimens, 30 to
70 mm; U.S.N.M. no. 1410388, Eniwetok Atoll,
Aaraanbiru Island, June 3, 1946, S-46-198,
Schultz, 8 specimens, 28 to 67 mm; Chicago Nat.
Hist. Mus. no. 44703, Bikini Island, August 14,
1946, S-46-349, Herald, 20 specimens, 22 to 65
mm; C.N.H.M. no. 44704, Rongelap Atoll, mi-
aetok Island, July 20, 1946, S-46-267, Herald and
Brock, 11 specimens, 31.5 to 61 mm; C.N.H.M.
no. 44705, Rongerik Atoll, Latoback Island, Aug-
ust 14, 1946, 8-1041, Schultz, Brock, and Donald-
son, 2 specimens, 31 to 49 mm.
The following paratypes are from the Philip-
pine Islands, collected by the Albatross: U.S.N.M.
no. 96435, Langao Point, Luzon, June 24, 1909,
1 specimen, 70 mm; U.S.N.M. no. 152552, Little
Santa Cruz Island, May 28, 1908, 2 specimens, 69
to 74mm; U.S.N.M. no. 152551, Dodepo Island,
Celebes, November 19, 1909, 1 specimen, 49 mm;
U.S.N.M. no. 96455, Tamahu Island, December
12,1909, 1 specimen, 71 mm; U.S.N.M. no. 96427,
Tara Island, December 14, 1908, 2 specimens, 52
and 64 mm; U.S.N.M. no. 152549, Alimango
Bay, Burias Island, March 5, 1909, 1 specimen,
63 mm; U.S.N.M. no. 152550, Makyan Island,
November 29, 1909, 1 specimen, 69 mm;
U.S.N.M. no. 96460, Port Palapag, June 3, 1909,
2 specimens, 61 mm; U.S.N.M. no. 152553
Bubuan Island, Jolo, February 14, 1908, 2 speci-
mens, 47 and 57 mm; U.S.N.M. no. 152548,
Langao Point, Luzon, June 24, 1909, 4 specimens,
47 to 66 mm; U.S.N.M. no. 96423, Port Palapag,
June 3, 1909, 1 specimen, 49 mm; U.S.N.M. no.
96410, Pararongpang Island, June 11, 1909, 5
specimens, 47 to 65 mm; U.S.N.M. no. 96473,
Mactan Island, Cebu, March 25, 1909, 1 speci-
men, 82 mm; U.S.N.M. no. 96440, Limbones
Cove, February 8, 1909, 1 specimen, 49 mm;
U.S.N.M. no. 96484, Candaraman Island, Jan-
uary 4, 1909, 1 specimen, 64 mm; U.S.N.M_ no.
96477, Biri Channel, June 1, 1909, 1 specimen 59
mm; U.S.N.M. no. 96437, Biri Channel, June 1,
1909, 2 specimens, 59 and 61 mm; U.S.N.M. no.
96432, Philippines, | specimen, 50 mm; U.S.N.M.
no. 96447, Guntao Island, December 20, 1908, 1
specimen, 52 mm; U.S.N.M. no. 96453, Ligpo
Point, Belagam Bay, June 18, 1908, 1 specimen,
31 mm; U.S.N.M. no. 96469, Maculabo Island,
June 14, 1909, 1 specimen, 48 mm; U.S.N AM. no.
96452, Sabalayan, Mindoro, December 12, 1908,
1 specimen, 47 mm; U.S.N.M. no. 96468, Port
Langean, Palawan Island, April 8, 1909, 1 speci
men, 38 mm; U.S.N.M. no. 152547, Candaraman
Island, Balabac, June 4, 1909, 1 specimen, 47 mm.
The following paratypes were collected in var
ious localities: U.S.N.M. no. 152554, Fiji Islands,
1 specimen, 37 mm.; U.S.N.M. no. 72715, Java,
collected by Bryant-Palmer, 1 specimen; U.S.-
N.M. no. 65463, Manga Reva, February 4, 1905,
Albatross, 26 specimens, 38 to 70 mm; U.S.-
N.M. no. 152555, Samoan Islands, Jordan and
Kellogg, 5 specimens, 43 to 80 mm; U.S.N.M. no.
152556, Samoan Island, Tutuila Island, Pago Pago
Bay, June 2, 1939, 11 specimens, 39 to 59 mm.
The following paratypes were collected by the
University of Washington group in the Marshall
Islands: Eniwetok Atoll, Rigili Island, July 24,
1948, 1 specimen, 47 mm; Eniwetok Atoll, Rigili
Island, August 10, 1949, Welander, 1 specimen,
53 mm; Bikini Atoll, Ion Island, August 7, 1947,
1 specimen, 62 mm; Bikini Atoll, Airy Is'and,
August 14, 1947, 1 specimen, 57 mm; Bikini
Atoll, Amen Island reef, July 31, 1947, 1 speci-
men, 77 mm; Bikini Island, August 1, 1946, 5
specimens 60 to 77 mm, Bikini Island, July 24
1947, depth 33 feet, 13 specimens, 36 to 83 mm;
Likiep Atoll, Likiep Island, August 22, 1949,
11 specimens, 27 to 52 mm; Rongerik Atoll,
Latoback Island, August 16, 1947, 1 specimen,
28 mm.
Fie. 1.—Chromis atripectoralis, n. sp., a black
and white print of a kodachrome picture taken of
the holotype at Bikini.
Description —Dorsal fin rays XII, 9 or 10
(usually 10); anal II, 9 or 10 (usually 10); pee-
torals u, 16 to 19 (usually 17 or 18); pelvies I,
5; branched caudal rays 7 + 6; transverse scale
rows 24 to 27 from upper edge of gill opening to
base of caudal rays; 2 between lateral line and
origin of dorsal, 9 between lateral line and origin
of anal; dorsal lateral line with 15 or 16 tubular
scales; gill rakers on first gill arch, 6 to9 + 1 + 19
to 22, total 28 to 31.
Depth of body 2.0 to 2.2, length of head 3.1
to 3.6, both in standard length (tip of snout to
base of middle caudal rays); snout 3.5 to 4.0, eye
2.8 to 3.3, least preorbital width 7.0 to 8.0, length
of upper jaw 2.5 to 2.9, postorbital part of head
(hind margin of eye to upper edge of gill opening)
vou. 41, No. 3
2.2 to 2.5, interorbital width 2.9 to 3.1, least
depth of caudal peduncle 2.0 to 2.3, length of
pectoral fin 1.2 to 1.3, length of pelvic fin 1.2 to
1.3, length of second dorsal spine 2.0 to 2.3,
length of upper caudal rays 0.6 to 1.0, lower 0.7
to 0.9, all in length of head (tip of snout to pos-
terior margin of opercular membrane); depth of
caudal peduncle into length of caudal peduncle
1.1 to 1.4; angle of upper profile with lengthwise
axis of body 33° to 48°, profile straight to convex.
Teeth of jaws conical, widely spaced, an outer
row enlarged teeth, in lower jaw these projecting
anteriorly near symphysis, a few teeth at sides
near tip of lower jaw curve out posteriorly; inner
teeth minute in single row in upper jaws, forming
small patches of very minute teeth on either side
of symphysis in lower jaw; snout scaled to tip,
line from eye, including nostril and along upper
edge of preorbital naked; preorbitals and sub-
orbitals scaled, lower margin of latter almost en-
tirely obscured; preopercle produced at angle, its
posterior margin entire with some irregular crenu-
lations observable at angle in many specimens; no
scales on bases of soft dorsal and anal; upper and
lower caudal rays filamentous, 3 free spines on
upper and lower caudal base; profile angle, meas-
ured with one side of angle lying along closed
lower jaw to tip of snout and the other side from
snout to nape directly above gill opening, 80°
to 96°.
Color vn alcohol.—Head and upper half of body
bluish gray to brown; lower sides and_ belly
lighter, pale to silvery; a narrow dark to bluish
line from eye, just under nostril toward middle of
snout along naked area; iris faintly bluish; spiny
dorsal membrane more or less dusky, this some-
times accentuated basally and distally, spines
dusky; lips, especially at tips of jaws dusky to
black; soft dorsal and anal rays dusky, membranes
lighter; upper and lower caudal rays brownish,
middle rays dusky basally, pale distally; pelvics
pale to dusky; pectorals pale except at base where
upper rays are dusky to blackish, axil of pectoral
with large black blotch, this broadest on dorsal
portion and usually not extending to lower rays;
in young less than 40 mm in standard length axil
of pectoral dusky to black.
Color when alwwe.—Top of head and back bright
bluish green; a narrow blue-green line across upper
part of eye to snout and a second line from an-
terior margin of eye just below nostril to snout;
lower half of head, sides of body and belly pure
white or grayish white; spiny dorsal smoky pur-
Marcu 1951
plish; soft dorsal and anal rays dusky, membranes
faintly yellowish; upper and lower caudal rays
greenish, outer margins blackish, middle rays
greenish on scaled portion, yellowish on naked
portion, pelvics greyish; pectorals clear hyaline
except upper ray dusky.
Remarks —This new species may be differ-
entiated from C. caeruleus on the basis of two
striking characters: The black axil of the pectoral
fin and by more branched pectoral rays (see table
of counts) usually 17 or 18 in atripectoralis,
whereas caeruleus usually has 15 or 16. The pec-
toral axil of caeruleus is pigmented with black
dots forming a dusky area only along the dorsal
part, thence fading ventrally where no pigment
cells occur or only a few, whereas atripectoralis
has a black axil and the individual black pigment
cells are not isolated when viewed under mag-
nification, the outer edge of this black axil sharply
contrasts with the pale distal part of the axil.
On specimens shorter than about 30 mm. in stand-
ard length the axil is not quite as black as in
longer specimens. We note that the distal margin
of the spiny dorsal fin of atripectoralis may have
a dusky to blackish line whereas that of caeruleus
is pale.
Although most of the descriptions in the litera-
ture for these blue-green damsel fishes fail to
mention the colorations of the pectoral axil, a few
do so and show the spiny dorsal fin with a dark
margin. We have listed a few such references in
the synonymy.
TaBLe 1.—Counts MabE On Two Species or CHROMIS
| Number
Number of fin rays of Number of gill rakers on first arch
Species and locality Soa
| Dorsal | Anal | Pectoral Thaoail pee eae Below angle
line |
XII) 9 |10 IT 9 |10/ ii 15 16 17/18 19 24 25 26 27| 6 7/8|9| 1 |19'20 21 22 23/24
Ileal | ie
C. caeruleus:
Marshallpliclands erate crr sci eee ra aac cer - | 18°) 3)15)18;—)18'42} 832) 2—— —/ 3 19; 8—|/ 4) 7] 1) 12) |——| 5} 6) 1j—
MamiamastIslands. 2s. 022.2 ees sbsne sade: | aS 1 a Lo =
ehilippinedslan dss ans stevia a eerie: = ———— —16 Fh} il jst le
Phoenix and Samoan Islands........ eae ae -....{ 6 | 1) 5} 6] 1) 5) 38} 1) 2———|— —— — — — | § 6 |—|—| 2] 2} 1
DG alo ao gaa eiiece acepiy claire Se 24 | 4 20 24] 1 23 83:14 62) 7— ——| 3.19 8—| 412! 2) 18 |—|—| 7| 8) 2) 1
C. atripectoralis: |
Mars hallBislandsteerrvatace sais site cuter ee 16 | 1:15 16) 1 15 31 —| 2.11/21] 1] 4,10 10] 7] 1| 3,10, 1| 15 1| 4) 7) 3—|—
Marianas Islands................-..-0-0020000005- Se i ol Se = PS
Pivibpoype® WOhyNClS: soanueseecoconscqcadacescuseen — -—-———— 16——| 8} s—— — ——————|) — -—— eel
Phoenix and Samoan Islands..............-...-. 4 || 4] 4) 2] 2} 5 4) 1 1 1 | = a
ANOLIANL 2: 2 So Ot eel re ee noe Pl 20 119 20 317,73 — 3 2349) 2| 4 1110 1) 3,10} 1} 15 1| 4 a Si
C. atripectoralis
C. caeruleus
Measurements BanWAeall Bikini Atoll eee
ji eee Paratype
Paratype | Paratype | Paratype Holotype |
Standard length in millimeters...........2... 30.2 45.0 58.7 31.1 46.1; 52.3 | 67 | 40.5
Greatestiaepthroimbod yards nieaanee 464 449 477 | 462 | 475 | 470 455 458
rene thvoigheadipn newer asic: he oricg ie vers 301 298 303iiae aS 09m mee293) 311 SN 1 | SHG
La iygiin @ Seb iaadacatnaumoemeouonece secHee bon 79 84 83 73 76 79 87) 80
MYaAMeEteniol Cyercusevacomurs sy a eseMm omenieae 96 96 85 112 93 101 100 113
Least preorbital width.......................- 20 24 29 29 24 fo 8 31 31
Weng tiMomup perry awena-ce ce ascrieneu neces 99 113 114 116 117 122 112 120
Postorbitalapantiotmhead ssn. seen ceeeiee 129 120 126 | 119 abet 127 136 137
EO OM AW Ve pe eongeensob abe paneee hada 86 84 99 | 108 | 91 105 90 101
Least depth of caudal peduncle............... 129 122 131 138 | 143 | aR 130 142
Deng thiofipectoral fins. . 2. sse seen: 242 249 266 270 | 269 | 249 251 265
Length of pelvie fin..................... 268 240 267 251 | 256 | 281 230 251
Length of third to sixth dorsal spine......... 162 140 150 | 182 154 135 149 147
Length of upper caudal rays.................. 331 — 341 | - 360 -- 298 362
Length of lower caudal rays.................. 331 — 310 338 321 324 103 386
Length of caudal peduncle.....+.............. 145 160 170 170 182 183 221 222
To the recognized Chromis caeruleus (Cuvier
and Valenciennes) we refer the following named
species: Heliases caeruleus Cuvier and Valen-
ciennes, Histoire naturelle des poissons 5: 497.
1830 (New Guinea; Ulea); H. frenatus, ibid.:
498 (Guam); H. lepisurus, ibid.: 498 (New
Guinea). Heliases frenatus, Sauvage, Histoire
naturelle des poissons 16: 486, pt. 28, fig. 1. 1887
(Madagasear); Chromis lepisurus Bleeker, Atlas
Ichthy. 9: pl. 408, fig. 7. 1877, and Nat. Verh.
Holland. Maatsch. Wet. 2 (6): 164. 1877 (Hast
Indies; Zanzibar; Andamans; Guam; Ulea). Heli-
astes lepidurus Giinther, Catalogue of the fishes
in the British Museum 4: p. 63, 1862 (Amboina;
emended spelling for H. lepisurus Cuvier and
Valenciennes); Day, Fishes of India 2: 389, pl.
82, fig. 1. 1877 (Andamans); Giinther, Fische der
Siidsee, Journ. Mus. Godeffroy 15 (pt. 7): 238
(in part), pl. 128, fig. D (only). 1881. Glyphiodon
anabatoides Day, Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1870:
696. Glyphisodon bandanensis Bleeker, Nat.
Tijdschr. Ned. Indie 2: 248. 1851 (Neira, Banda).
Chromis caeruleus (in part), Jordan and Seale,
Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish. 25 (1905): 290. 1906 (Sa-
moan Islands; in a letter to Dr. Jordan, see p.
291, from Dr. Vaillant who examined the types
of caeruleus, frenatus and lepisurus, all three are
referred to a single species by him); Aoyagi, H.,
Biogeographica, Trans. Biogeog. Soc. Japan 4 (1):
186, fig. 14. 1941 (Japan).
Remarks.—Fowler and Bean, U.S. Nat. Mus.
Bull. 100, 7: 31, 61. 1928, have proposed the sub-
genus Hoplochromis for C. caeruleus, characterized
by having the ‘front edge of lower jaw with 6
short conic teeth flaring outward.”
ICHTHYOLOGY .—A new genus and species of anacanthobatid skate from the Gulf
of Mexico. Henry B. BranLow and WILLIAM C. SCHROEDER.* (Communicated
by L. P. Schultz.)
In 1924 von Bonde and Swart! proposed
a new genus Anacanthobatis for Leiobatis
marmoratus von Bonde and Swart, a curi-
ous batoid from the Natal coast; skatelike
in that its pelvic fins are so deeply concave
outwardly that they are entirely subdivided
with the anterior subdivision limblike, but
differing from all typical skates in their
perfectly naked skins and in lacking dorsal
fins. A second new species, dubia, agreeing
with marmoratus in naked skin and in fila-
mentous prolongation of the snout, but dif-
fering from it in that the outer margins of
the posterior subdivision of its pelvic fins
are fused along their anterior one-half with
the inner margins of the pectorals, was also
referred to Anacanthobatis by von Bonde
and Swart.? But the unique specimen seems
to have lost most of its tail, so that the
presence or absence of dorsal fins remains
to be learned.
Anacanthobatis is included among the
Dasyatidae by Barnard,’ by Fowler,! and
* Contribution no. 554 from the Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution.
‘Mar. Biol. Surv. South Africa Rep. 3, spec.
Rep. 5 [1922]: 18, pl. 23, and accompanying errata
slip. 1924.
FILO, Chiiss j9s 19).
’ Ann. South African Mus. 21: 79. 1925.
4U. 8S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 100, 13: 448. 1941.
by Smith.’ But the nature of its pelvic fins
seems to us to place it among the rajoids,
as a separate family, Anacanthobatidae, be-
cause of its naked skin and lack of dorsal
No batoid resembling Anacanthobatis was
seen again until the autumn of 1950, when
trawlings by the U. S. Fish and Wild Life
Service vessel Oregon in the northern side
of the Gulf of Mexico, off the Mississippi,
yielded two specimens that agree with the
South African A. marmoratus von Bonde
and Swart in structure of pelvics, wholly
naked skin, and long slender tail without
dorsal fins, but with A. dubia von Bonde
and Swart in the fact that the outer margins
of the posterior subdivision of the pelvic
fin is fused along the anterior two-thirds
with the inner margin of the pectorals, which
is not the case in marmoratus. But the Gulf
of Mexico form differs from both marmora-
tus‘and dubius in that the end of the snout
is expanded in leaflike form (Fig. 1).
The marginal fusion of pelvic fins with
pectorals now established for two species is
so unusual a character as to justify a new
genus, for which we propose the name
Springeria, in recognition of Stewart Spring-
° Sea fishes of southern Africa: 71. 1949.
er’s productive studies of the elasmobranchs
oi Florida and the Gulf. And the curious
shape of the snout equally necessitates a
new species, which we name /folirostris for
obvious reasons.
Springeria, n. gen.
Genotype.—Springeria folirostris, n. sp.
prolonged as
Generic characters.—Snout either
a simple filament, or expanded terminally in
shape shown in Fig. 1, terminating in a soft
filament; firm rostral cartilage extending to base
of filament; outer margins of posterior lobes of
pelviecs united along first two-thirds of their
length with inner margins of pectorals; inner
margins of posterior pelvic lobes attached nearly
to tips to sides of tail. Tail without lateral folds,
its lower side as well as its upper side with
caudal membrane. Pelvic transverse, its anterior
Fic. 1.—Springeria folirostris, n.sp., male, 400 mm long, holotwpe(U. S. N. M. no. 152546);
\, End
of tail, about X1.8; B, mouth and nasal curtain, about X1.8; C, three rows of teeth, upper, about X10.
profile slightly concave rearward, a long slender
process at either end, directed forward, no radial
cartilages along anterior half of basipterygial
cartilages of pelvic fins.
Species—Two species known, 8S. folvrostris,
n. sp., from the Gulf of Mexico, and probably
also dubia von Bonde and Swart, 1924, South
Springeria folirostris, n. sp.
Study material—Immature male, 400 mm
long to base of terminal filament; northern Gulf
of Mexico off the Mississippi River, lat. 29° 02’ N.,
long. 88° 34’ W.; 232-258 fathoms; holotype,U. 8.
N. M. no. 152546; and very young male, 125
mm long, same general locality, lat. 29° O01’ N.,
long. 88° 30’ W., paratype, Museum of Compara-
tive Zoology.
Distinctive characters —Springeria folirostris
differs from all other known batoids in the
peculiar leaflike expansion of the end of its
snout. Specimens with this and the tail damaged
would still be easily separable from all other
rajoids of the Atlantic by their perfectly naked
skins; from all dasyatid and myliobatid rays by
the nature of their pelvic fins.
Description of type (proportional dimensions
in percent of total length).—Disc: Extreme
breadth 51.6; length 55.3. Length of snout in
front of orbits 21.8; in front of mouth 24.3.
Orbits: Horizontal diameter 2.9; distance be-
tween 2.6. Spiracles: Length 1.0; distance be-
tween 5.1. Mouth: Breadth 4.5. Nostrils: Dis-
tance between mner ends 5.8. Gill openings:
Lengths, first 0.75, third 0.75, fifth 0.50; distance
between inner ends, first 9.2, fifth 4.8. Caudal
fin: Length, base, upper 6.0, lower 5.0. Pelvies:
Anterior margin 12.7. Distance from tip of snout®
to center of cloaca 47.6; from center of cloaca
to tip of tail 52.4.
Dise from base of terminal filament about 1.1
times as long as broad; maximum anterior angle
from level of base of terminal expansion of snout
to level of spiracles about 85°; end of snout ex-
panded in leaflike form as shown in Fig. 1,
terminating in a slender filament about as long
as distance between spiracles. Margins of dise
rearward from terminal expansion weakly con-
cave about to level of spiracles, then altering
to continuously and strongly convex around to
very short inner margins without definite outer
6 Exelusive of rostral filament, which is 23
mm long.
vou. 41, No. 3
or posterior corners. Tail very slender, laterally
compressed, increasingly so rearward; its width
at axils of pelvic fins (where thickest) about as
great as length of eye; its length from center of
cloaca to tip about 1.1 times as great as distance
from cloaca to base of terminal filament of
snout. Skin perfectly naked everywhere, without
dermal denticles of any sort. Snout in front of
eyes about 8.4 times as long to base of terminal
filament as distance between orbits, its length
in front of mouth about 6.5 times as great as
distance between exposed nostrils. Orbit about
1.1 times as long as distance between orbits,
and nearly 3 (2.9) times as long as spiracle
which is noticeably small. Nasal curtain con-
spicuously fringed, each side with 10-11 lobelets;
outer margin of nostril only slightly expanded
with irregular edge. Exposed nostril noticeably
minute. Mouth on immature males a little arched
forward, probably also on females, its shape not
known for mature males. Teeth 33 on young male,
low, with obscure cutting edge but no cusp,
and arranged in quincunx. Teeth of mature
males not seen. Gill openings minute; first about
one-sixth as long as breadth of mouth; fifth
about two-thirds as long as first; distance be-
tween inner ends of first gills about 1.6 times as
long as between exposed nostrils, and between
fifth gills about 1.9 times. No dorsal fins. Base of
upper caudal fin-membrane about 1.0 times as
long as distance between exposed nostrils, of
shape illustrated (Fig. 1), its maximum width
about one-tenth (about 9 percent) as great as
length of its base; lower caudal membrane about
half (55 percent) as wide as upper, its origin a
little posterior to origin of upper; the two lobes
discontinuous at tip of tail. Anterior leglike
subdivision of pelvics nearly as long (95 percent)
as from pelvic origin to rear corners, broader
than thick, fleshy, with one articulation about
midway its length, inner edge of the terminal
segment scalloped, corresponding to tips of the
three radial cartilages. Posterior lobe of pelvics
with narrowly rounded rear corner reaching rear-
ward only about as far as rear limits of disc;
outer margin joined for about two-thirds its
length to margin of pectoral, inner edge joined
nearly to tip to side of tail.
Anterior rays of pectorals extending forward
to a little posterior to base of terminal expansion
of snout; firm rostral cartilage reaching about
to base of terminal filament.
Marcu 1951
Color: Ash gray above, except unpigmented
and translucent in spaces between rostral ridge
and anterior rays of pectorals; orbits dusky,
terminal expansion of snout narrowly and ir-
regularly margined with black, also the posterior
part of the back with a sooty blotch on one side
near midline, perhaps the result of injury. Lower
surface pale grayish white, the outer posterior
belt of pectorals sooty gray, terminal expansion
of snout narrowly and irregularly edged with
black; tail sooty at base.
Development stages—Presumably Springeria is
oviparous like other rajids, but its eggs have not
been seen yet.
Size.-—How large this skate may grow is not
known, for the larger of the two specimens seen
so far, 400 mm long to base of terminal filament,
is an immature male, its claspers not yet reach-
ing as far as the tips of its pelvies.
Habits—The two specimens seen so far were
trawled at 232-258 fathoms, this with the im-
probability that this skate would have been
overlooked if it occurred in shallow water, sug-
gests that it is confined to depths greater than
about 200 fathoms. Nothing else is known of its
Range.—So far known only in the northern
side of the Gulf of Mexico off the Mississippi
River, at the localities listed on page 112 under
Study material.
ORNITHOLOGY .—Race names in the Central American jay, Cyanolyea argenti-
eula. FRANK A. PrrELKa, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of Cali-
fornia. (Communicated by H. G. Deignan.)
The silver-throated jay, Cyanolyca argen-
tigula, is a species of restricted distribution
in montane forests of Central America, and
at present two rather well marked races are
recognized, C. u. argentigula (Lawrence) in
central Costa Rica and C. a. blandita Bangs
in northern Panama. When Bangs (Proc.
Biol. Soe. Washington 19: 109. 1906) de-
scribed the latter from the Volc4n de
Chiriqui, he evidently did not see Lavrence’s
type of argentigula and assumed from Law-
rence’s description (Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist.
New York 11: 88. 1875) that the latter re-
ferred to specimens with white throats rather
than to those with violet-gray throats. Speci-
mens of the white-throated form, represent-
ing argentigula as now known, were then and
are now more numerous in collections than
specimens of the gray-throated form, blan-
dita. Reading of Lawrence’s description in
the light of current knowledge of the two
races will reveal that the original descrip-
tion, rather vague as regards critical details,
suggests argentigula more than it does blan-
dita. Ridgway’s description (Birds of North
and Middle America, pt. 3: 319. 1904), based
on specimens from both northern Panama
and central Costa Rica, applies to and in-
cludes both races as now recognized. From
these considerations Bangs, in 1906, evi-
dently deseribed blandita on the assumption
that Lawrence’s name applied to the best-
known population, that of central Costa
Rica. The type of argentigula, however,
which I examined in Washington, D. C., in
December 1949, so closely resembles the
type of blandita, examined in Cambridge
two months earlier, that both evidently rep-
resent one and the same race.
Interestingly enough, the basic facts con-
cerning the type of argentigula were pub-
lished in 1889 by Ridgway (Proc. U.S. Nat.
Mus. 11: 541), when he compared it with
specimens from the Volcan Irazti and stated:
“Compared with the type [four adults] all
have the throat-patch decidedly paler, its
color being silvery white with a very faint
purplish tinge, instead of light silvery grey,
with a very strong tinge of purplish blue.”
Differences in the crown-band are also fully
and correctly described by Ridgway. These
are the differences used by Bangs to dis-
tinguish blandita.
There is ample evidence to support that
provided by the types themselves. In the
specimen register of the United States Na-
tional Museum, the information on the type
of argentigula, no. 67963, is as follows: Orig-
inal number 320, female {inverted Venus’s
mirror sign on original label indicates female,
as collector used usual sign for male|, Ta-
lamanca, Costa Riea, received from William
M. Gabb. In a subsequent entry, C. W.
Richmond added the details that the speci-
men was collected by Juan Cooper, in May
or June 1874. In Cooper’s original catalogue,
field numbers 315-320 are listed under the
locality heading “En Camo,” a phrase of
unclear meaning (see beyond). Immediately
following 320, however, is the locality head-
ing “Cipurio” [=Sipurio]. Cooper’s cata-
logue carries no dates, but the listing is
It seems clear that the type was obtained
near Sipurio in southeastern Costa Rica,
near the Panama border, and on the Carib-
bean slope of the Cordillera de Talamanca.
From present-day knowledge of the altitu-
dinal distribution of C. argentigula, we can
say that the type was collected well above
that lowland town. From a brief account
published by Gabb in 1874 (Amer. Journ.
Sei. 108: 388-390), it is known that in the
course of a four months’ journey into Ta-
lamanea, he reached the summit of Pico
Blanco, a major peak above and south of
Sipurio, on June 13 of that year. In another
account, also written in 1874 (see pp. 267—
286, Geografia de Costa Rica, by F. Mon-
tero Barrantes, Barcelona, 1892), Gabb out-
lines the route of his ascent between the
rios Urén and Lari, thence across the latter
and upward to the summit. The descent was
apparently made between the rios Lari and
Depari, or at least to the northwest of the
Gabb was accompanied in Talamanca by
Juan Cooper, and from Cooper’s catalogue
and probably other clues, Richmond de-
duced that the specimens listed under the
heading “‘En Camo” were obtained in May
or June 1874. “En Camo” probably means
“en camino.” The former is the only local-
ity heading used by Cooper other than ‘‘Ci-
purio,’ which precedes and follows “En
Tt thus seems very likely that Lawrence’s
type was collected near and more or less
north of Pico Blanco, above Sipurio and
probably in the drainage of the Rio Lari.
This may be considered the restricted type
locality of Cyanocitta argentigula Lawrence.
The geographic details are given on a map
1 Gabb was a paleontologist, and I do not know
of any evidence clearly indicating that some of the
specimens credited to him (for example, by Good-
win, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 87: 455. 1945)
were collected by him personally.
vou. 41, No. 3
accompanying Carriker’s report on Costa
Rican birds (Ann. Carnegie Mus. 6: 314—
915. 1910), on which trails leading above
Sipurio are indicated.
According to Goodwin (Bull. Amer. Mus.
Nat. Hist. 87: 279. 1945), the major faunal
break in the highland faunas of Costa Rica
appears to follow the valley of the Rio
Reventazon, which, with the Rio Grande
de Tarcoles, separates the Cordillera Cen-
tral Gncluding Volean Irazi and Volean Tur-
rialba) from the Cordillera de Talamanca.
Faunal affinities of the latter range are to
the south with Panama, at least among
mammals (Goodwin, loc. cit.).
We now have these facts: The type of
argentigula shares with blandita the pale vio-
let-gray throat and crown-band coloration
which Bangs used to distinguish the latter
race from the former. Cooper obtained the
type of argentigula in montane highlands
continuous with those inhabited by blandita
but separated from mountains inhabited by
the white-throated race to the north. Cy-
anolyca blandita Bangs is thus a synonym
of Cyanocitta argentigula Lawrence, and the
name formerly applied to the northern race
unfortunately must now be anplied to the
southern race, including, as it has not here-
tofore, the population of southern Costa
Rica. The northern race, left without a name,
may be known as—
Cyanolyca argentigula albior, n. name
Type.—Adult male, U. 8S. N. M. no. 209407,
Voledn Turrialba, 9,680 feet, Costa Rica, March
28, 1908, collected by R. Ridgway and J. C.
Zeledén, original number 582. \easurements of
the type: Wing (chord), 118 mm; tail, 126; bill
length (from nostril), 17.6; bill depth (at nostril),
10.1; tarsus, 35.3.
Racial characters—Compared with C. a. argen-
tigula of northern Panama and southern Costa
Rica, throat lighter and less purplish (silvery
white); transverse band on crown also lighter
(silvery white), tinged marginally with pale lay-
ender, but less brightly; supraauricular stripe
lighter; wings and tail less purplish (Nigrosin
Blue); size probably smaller (see table 1).
Geographic distribution —Cordillera Central of
Costa Rica [Voledn Irazu, Voledin Turrialba,
La Hondura, Puente de Tierra, Retes, San Isidro
de San José, and San Pedro (de Péas?)].
So far as I can determine now, other than
Lawrence’s type, none of the specimens of a total
of 87 examined by me comes from the mountains
of southern Costa Rica, south of the rios Pirrfs
and Reventazén. Six specimens bearing the lo-
eality “Limon,” a Caribbean seaport, were not
obtained there but elsewhere and possibly in
the province of Limén, which includes the Tala-
manea district and the Caribbean slopes of the
Talamanca Range. But the specimens from “Li-
mon” resemble those from the Cordillera Central
and are assigned to C. a. albior. Nevertheless,
the possibility remains that intergradation of
characters occurs at the north end of the Cor-
dillera de Talamanca.
Acknowledgement is gratefully made to H. G.
Deignan, United States National Museum, for
critical assistance in the preparation of this paper.
Helpful suggestions were also received from J. L.
Peters, Museum of Comparative Zoology. Speci-
mens from the following collections were ex-
amined: American Museum of Natural History,
British Museum, Carnegie Museum, Chicago
Natural History Museum, H. O. Havemeyer,
Museum of Comparative Zoology, Royal On-
tario Museum of Zoology, United States National
Museum, University of California (Dickey col-
lection), and University of Michigan (Museum of
Zoology). I am indebted to the curators and
owners of these collections for their kind co-
operation. This paper results from researches
supported by a John Simon Guggenehim Fellow-
ship held im 1949-50.
i} Y o ~
Race | Sex pees | Range See Ne eee
C. a. albior |
; Maleseeee eee 31 112-123 118.2 + 0.5 3.0
NUBD se. osseaze apnea onal 15 111-120 115.4 + 0.8 3
emales 5 =: 0: 3.0
: Males........... 30 118-134 124.5 + 0.8 £1
UGH occ vos oo ssancon ede Females........ 14 116-126 121.4 + 1.0 3.7
ere Malesea)s- ee: 31 16.2-18.6 17.42 + 0.10 0.57
Pea peH aaa e eae Females........ 15 15.8-18.7 16.80 + 0.25 0.95
i VMalesseeee eee 31 §.8-10.1 9.31 + 0.07 0.38
Bill depth... Females........ 14 8.3- 8.9 9.14 40.11 0.42
Tes Males........... 32 32.7-35.7 34.15 + 0.13 0.76
e Temales........ 15 32.0-34.5 33.24 + 0.18 0.70
C_ a. argentigula
ee Males........... 6 119-127 121.8 + 1.2 2.9
WEIN. coy oom se sion ozeenas Females....... 4 116-125 119.7 3.6
rae Males... 6 122-141 129.5 + 2.7 6.5
TS ee Females...... 4 125-132 128.5 3.5
Bill, length Males ........ 6 17.1-18.6 17.80 + 0.26 0.63
: Females........ 4 16.4-18.1 17.95 0.83
E Males 5 9.6-10.6 9.85 + 0.17 0.39
JED, COUN oes lnlternalesy 20. A 9.0-10.2 9.70 0.55
ai Males......-... 6 33.8-37.3 35.35 + 0.62 1.52
apy Iemales ... 4 32.1-35.2 33.95 nee
1 In samples of less than 30 specimens, N-1 was used in calculation of standard deviation.
The 443d meeting of the Board of Managers,
held in the Cosmos Club on January 16, 1951,
was called to order at 8:07 p.m. by the President,
F. B. Sirspen. Also present were: N. R. Surrx,
H. S. Rappieye, J. A. Srevenson, H. A.
Reyprer, A. T. McPurrson, W. R. WEDEL,
J. S. Wititams, F. O. Con, F. A. Weiss, W. A.
Dayton, C. A. Berrs, R. S. Dinu, E. W. Price,
Marearer Pirrwan, H. W. Henrie, F. M.
SETZLER, and, by invitation, R. G. Bares, T. D.
Stewart, M. A. Mason, Waurer RaAMBeEerG,
and B. D. Van Evera.
The Committee on Membership submitted the
names of four individuals proposed for resident
membership. Seventeen persons previously pro-
posed were elected, 14 to resident and 3 to non-
resident membership.
The President announced that all
ments had been completed for the Annual Meet-
ing to be held at the Kennedy-Warren on Janu-
ary 18, 1951, at which time Dr. Per IK. Frouicu
would address the Academy.
The General Chairman of the Committee on
Awards for Scientific Achievement, T. Dat
Srewarr, called upon WALTER RaMBERG, Chair-
man of the Engineering Sciences, to read the re-
port of his Committee recommending SAMUEL
Levy, National Bureau of Standards, for the
annual award in recognition of his distinguished
service in the structural analysis of aircraft. Dr.
Stewart then read the report by the Comittee on
Physical Sciences, which recommended Puxitip
H. Asetson, Department of Terrestrial Mag-
netism, in recognition of his distinguished service
in the fields of chemistry, nuclear physics, and the
physies of living organisms. Dr. Stewart read the
report of the Committee on Biological Sciences,
which recommended Davin H. Dunxup, U. 8.
National Museum, for recognition of his dis-
tinguished service in paleontology, especially by
researches on early arthrodiran and teleost fishes.
The Board of Managers unanimously accepted
and approved the recommendations of the Com-
mittee on Awards for Scientific Achievement.
B. D. Van Evera, Chairman of the Com-
mittee for the Teaching of Science, indicated
that his Committee had decided that no award
be made this year. Considerable discussion fol-
lowed with regard to the difficulties in connection
with the age limit as set by the rules of the Board
and the advisability of increasing the number of
recipients for these awards.
The Chairman of the Committee on the En-
couragement of Science Talent, M. A. Mason,
read a report summarizing the work of the Com-
mittee during the past year. Report will be pub-
lished in the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting.
The Special Committee on Joint Secretariat,
consisting of Harvey L. Curtis, chairman, H. 8.
RappLEYE, and NoRMAN BEKKEDAHL, submitted
the following report:
The following is a report to the Board of Man-
agers of the Washington Academy of Sciences of a
special committee appointed in March 1950 to ex-
amine the desirability of establishing a central
secretarial office to be used jointly by the various
scientific societies affiliated with the Academy.
This committee [has] sent a circular letter to all
the afhliated societies on May 25, 1950, and a fol-
low-up letter on November 20. Replies have been
received from all but three of the societies. Six
societies stated categorically that they were not
interested. Eight societies have sent rather evasive
replies. Not one of them indicated anything more
than lukewarm interest in the matter. One society
suggests that the Academy handle the meeting
notices of all societies by means of a monthly pub-
lication. Another society indicates that the Engi-
vou. 41, No. 3
neers’ Club has a project similar to that suggested
by the Academy and that they are awaiting more
complete information from that group before giv-
ing a definite reply.
As a result of the information summarized
above, this committee does not feel that the Acad-
emy would be justified at the present time in es-
tablishing a central secretarial office for the
scientific societies of Washington.
In discussions concerning the central secre-
tariat the question arose concerning the desir-
ability of having an executive secretary to handle
many of the affairs of the Academy now entrusted
to the elected secretary and treasurer of the Acad-
emy. It may be possible to have office space in the
new building of the Cosmos Club and to have a
retired member of the Academy serve as executive
secretary on a part time basis. This question, how-
ever, is considered outside the field of this special
committee and no recommendations concerning
it are intended. A summary of the activities of the
committee is attached hereto.
The Board expressed their gratitude for the
work of the committee in completing its assign-
The following members, having retired from
the gainful practice of their professions, were
placed on the retired list: Atice C. Evans,
Luoyp D. Friron, Maurice J. Smirx, JosepH
S. WaprE.
The Secretary reported the following deaths:
Epwarp A. Briree, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, Wis., on June 9, 1950 (elected May 15,
1906); CHEsTER Srock, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, Calif., on December 6,
1950. (elected February 6, 1942); JoHn F. En-
BREE, Yale University, New Haven, Conn., on
December 22, 1950 (elected June 28, 1943); H.
EK. Ewinc, formerly of the U. S. Bureau of
Entomology and Plant Quarantine, on January
5, 1951 (elected May 15, 1934).
The Secretary read a report by W. N. Fenton,
Chairman of the Committee on the 40-Year
Index of the JouRNAL, indicating that the index
had now been completed and the cards are
marked for the printer.
The Treasurer, Howarp 8. RappLeyE, out-
lined the financial transactions for the year and
submitted the report of the Auditing Committee.
Details of this report will be printed as part of
the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting.
The President expressed his thanks to the
Board and to the various committees for their
active cooperation during the year.
The meeting was then adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
to partake of some refreshments offered by the
outgoing President.
F. M. Serziumr, Secretary.
Officers of the Washington Academy of Sciences
IP ROSCCICTI Be tae eee ose Cee cnet ae te ate eee Natuan R. Smitru, Plant Industry Station
PARESTOENE CLE CEs See ts cron ea? Water RamBerc, N ational Bureau of Standards
SCORAGD Us Saee ole ad eee SO ee F. M. DEFANDORF, National Bureau of Standards
LSAT SOURGRS Goan aaCe eI Howarp 8S. Rappi5ys, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey
LEE COTOSE ho 6 okt Senta oes renee ee eee eae Joun A. STEVENSON, Plant Industry Station
Custodian and Subscription Manager of Publications
Haraup A. Rexper, U.S. National Museum
Vice-presidents Representing the Affiliated Societies:
Philosophical Society of Washington......................... Epwarp U. Connon
Anthropological Society of Washington......................... Watpo R. WEDEL
Brologicallsocietyzof Washineton..5...0..5.+.4.004-5.--4s450eeees ee
ChemicalisocietyofWashinetonyys sss ane es ee vee ne Josep J. FAHEY
Entomological Society of Washington........................ Frepmrick W. Poos
NatronsliGeographie Society: 4.002520. c-eceeses ones. ALEXANDER WETMORE
GeoloricallSocietyzoh Washineton...ee) 0. 05s) see enone Lreason H. ApAms
Medical Society of the District of Columbia..........................
ColumbraviistoricaliSocietya-- 2) 4chs5 sco ses ooo eos eee GILBERT GROSVENOR
oumicalysocietyaon Washington. 475940) 4see0h le onesee sete e- EK. H. WALKER
Washington Section, Society of American Foresters.......... Wiuuiam A. Dayton
Washington Society of Engineers............................- Currrorp A. Betts
Washington Section, American Institute of Electrical Engineers
Francis M. DreraNnDORF
Washington Section, American Society of Mechanical Engineers. .RicHarp S. Dinu
Helminthological Society OH! WAINIORIOIN, son voncdecesancoooebancs L. A. SPINDLER
Washington Branch, Society of American Bacteriologists...... Aneus M. Grirrin
Washington Post, Society of American Military Engineers....H=nry W. HempiE
Washington Section, Institute of Radio Engineers.......... Hersert G. Dorsny
District of Columbia Section, American Society of Civil Engineers....
Elected Members of the Board of Managers:
ANG) IBTAUTTEN NGPA ie ee een er ea ne W. F. Fosuaa, C. L. Gazin
MRopdamWarye G03, 08 cee cess ced aes so oe C. F. W. Mursesecn*, A. T. McPHERSON
To Jammer eYe Seige sae eo aeee een ae eee Sara E. Branuam, Mitron Harris*
IB OURORO/MUIONOGENS sole tess ca kes san All the above officers plus the Senior Editor
BoojisojmuditorsvandsAlssocvate, Havtonsn. 9-2-4 4eeese ea - aah eee [See front cover]
Executive Committee....N. R. SmitrH (chairman), WatrprR RampBere, H. 8. RappLeye,
J. A. Stevenson, F. M. Drranporr
Committee on Membership............... L. A. SprnpLER (chairman), M. S. ANDERSON,
D. B. Jones, Dorotuy Nickerson, F. A. Smiru, Heinz Specut, ALFRED WEISSLER
Committee on Meetings......... MarGaret Pittman (chairman), NorMAN BEKKEDAHL,
W. R. Cuaruine, D. J. Davis, F. B. Scuenrz, H. W. Weis
Committee on Monographs:
To January 1952.....................J. R. SWALLEN (chairman), Pau H. OEHSER
Momsen yp G 3h ey, ycmed vate eek cts asap homos at thelse Sold se naweness R. W. Iunay, P. W. OMAN
AN@ diaiameniyy JOEL ca cee ae ae eee eae ern esa eee EIR eee 8. F. Buaxs, F. C. Kracek
Committee on Awards for Scientific Achievement (GEoRee P. Watton, general chairman):
For the Biological Sciences............ G. H. Coons (chairman), J. E. FaBeEr, JR.,
Myrna F. Joness, F. W. Poos, J. R. SwALLEN
For the Engineering Sciences......... IR, (So IDE, (chairman), ARSHAM AMIRIKIAN,
J. W. McBurney, Frank Neumann, A. H. Scorr
For the Physical Sciences............. G. P. Wauron (chairman), F. a BRACKETT,
G. E. Hoi, C. J. Humpureys, J. H. McMriien
For Teaching of Science............ B. D. Van Evera (chairman), R. P. Barnes,
F. E. Fox, T. Koppanyr, M. H. Martin, A. T. McPuerson
Committee on Grants-in-aid for Research...................... L. E. Yocum (chairman),
M. X. Suniivan, H. L. WairremorEe
Committee on Policy and Planning:
PRomamm arya O52 eestor sare ces sie aloes ede J. I. Horrman (chairman), M. A. Mason
ING Lieemineieye MOVERS, Beis saree eee a eke eine ORR ER etce eae ae W. A. Dayton, N. R. Sarre
Bop yemmmamyalO OA, cic elise ccna sls clare bose ee salads H. B. Couns, Jr., W. W. Ruspny
Committee on Encouragement of Science Talent:
Ie denamenyy IQGH. -sccceccoobneoooode M. A. Mason ane A. T. McPHERSON
PRO amr arayael 9 Dotan ees eeey Aaeratsiasbouc) sraianae oretans echoes ANG CLARK, F. L. Mower
omanuanyel 954% n rane tian saree esi tins saeciees Jo Wile Gasca W. L. Scamirr
Ikxgrorasgaaioe Op Counc OF As Als Alc Soanncocconunaccsdsdgccuecusonren F. M. Serzuer
Committee of Auditors...... J. H. Martin (chairman), N. F. Braaren, W. J. YouDEN
Committee of Tellers...W.G. BRoMBACHER (chairman), A. R. Merz, Lovisr M. Russeuu
* Appointed by Board to fill vacancy.
ArcHEOLOGY.—Additional data on the Denbigh Flint Complex in north-
ern Alaska. RatpHS.Sotecki and RopertJ. HACKMAN..........
ENTOMOLOGY.—Duinoponera gigantea (Perty), a vicious stinging ant. H.
Ay ADUARD 94 co. Oh5 84 tea diere 6 ala kee oe ee
Zootocy.—A revision of the nomenclature of the Gorgoniidae (Coe-
lenterata: Octocorallia), with an illustrated key to the genera.
FREDERICK Mi. sBAYER. 00... 5.2. 0c 0) one)
MatacoLtocy.—Recent species of the veneroid pelecypod Arctica. Davin
IcutHyoLtoey.—Chromis atripectoralis, a new damselfish from the tropical
Pacific, closely related to C. caeruleus, family Pomacentridae. Ar-
THUR D. WELANDER and LeoNnARD P. SCHULTZ.................-
IcHTHYOLOGy.—A new genus and species of anacanthobatid skate from
the Gulf of Mexico. Henry B. BigeLow and WiuuiaM C. ScHROE-
OrNITHOLOGY.—Race names in the Central American jay, Cyanolyca ar-
gentigula.. BRANK AL PITeLKA.. 0.0.2 ...-.4... 905 oe
PROCEEDINGS: Tam ACADEMY... 60 odes cae. esc) eee
This Journal is Indexed in the International Index to Periodicals
mePAF UP, |}
(~~ ¥ af
Vot. 41 Aprit 1951 No. 4
J. C. EWERS J. I. HorrMan
F, A. CHace, JR. Mirtam L. BomHARD
R. K. Coox
Mount Royau & GUILFORD AVES.
Entered as second class matter under the Act of August 24, 1912, at Baltimore, Md.
Acceptance for mailing at a special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28 , 1925.
Authorized February 17, 1949
Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences
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300 9.75 19.50 29.25 39.00 48.75 9.00
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Subscription Rates for the JOURNAL.—Per year.................000ceeeeeeeee $7.50
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April 1951
No. 4
MATHEMATICS.—The theory of group representations.! Francis E. JOHNSTON,
George Washington University.
The modern theory of groups began with
what are called permutation groups in the
attempts of Lagrange, Ruffini, Vander-
monde, and Galois to solve the general alge-
braic equation of degree greater than 4. To-
day we usually define a group abstractly by
a set of postulates. Suppose we have a finite
or infinite set of distinct elements s, t, u, ---
and a rule of combination of these elements
such that two of them may combine to pro-
duce a unique element of the set, or such
that an element may combine with itself to
produce a unique element of the set. We
shall call this process of combining ‘‘multi-
plication” and shall write the two combining
elements in juxtaposition as is done in ordi-
nary algebraic multiplication; the result of
their combination we shall call their “‘prod-
uct”’. We assume the following four postu-
lates satisfied (the first of which has already
been included in the above description) :
1. The product ts is a unique element wu of the
set u = ts.
2. The associative law holds: w(ts) = (ut)s.
3. There exists in the set an element e such
se = s for all s of the set. (e is the right identity.)
4. To every element s of the set there corre-
sponds an elements denoted by s! such that
ss! = e. (s_1 is the right inverse of s with regard
to e.)
Such a set of elements is said to constitute
a group. It can be shown that the assumed
right identity is unique and that it is also a
unique left identity. It can be shown also
that the right inverse of an element is unique
and is also a unique left inverse for that ele-
ment, so that we have se = es = s and
If it happens that st = ts the group is
1 Address of the retiring president of the Philo-
sophical Society of Washington, January 14, 1950.
said to be abelian. We may define the inte-
gral powers of an element: s? = s-s, and by
induction s” = s-s”1. Also s-” = (s—!)” and
s°? = e. All the elementary algebraic laws of
exponents immediately follow.
If the number of elements in the group is
finite the group is a finite group, otherwise
infinite. For a finite group the number of
elements is the order of the group. Evidently
the powers of a single element constitute a
group, called a cyclic group. If this group is
finite, that is, if s* = e and s” ¥ e, where m
is less than n, then n is said to be the order
of the element s. A cyclic group of infinite
order is said to be a free group.
Elementary examples of groups are nu-
merous. If the rule of combination is ordi-
nary arithmetic multiplication, then the set
of all positive rational numbers is a group,
in which one is the identity and the inverse
of eZ is 1 Tf the rule of combination is ordi-
nary algebraic multiplication then the four
numbers 1, —1, 7, —7 (22 = —1) constitute
a cyclic group of order 4, since the elements
are the powers of 7.
Sets of nonsingular square matrices con-
stitute groups, the elements of the matrices
being numbers of the complex number field
and the rule of combination being ordinary
matrix multiplication. That is, if
11 A213 * + * Ain bi biz bis > ++ bin
A ee
Ani An2An3z*** Ann bri One bns* ++ Onn
C11 Ci2 Cig ** * Cin
c see and AB = C
Cni Cn2 Cn3*** Cnn
n c= 1] 2s
then c;; = > Aix De; where
k=1 J=1,
MAY 1 - 1951
The identity matrix for a group of matrices
each with n rows is the matrix
I 22 @
GQ) kaa @
(0) @ oo il
and methods of computing the inverse of a
nonsingular matrix are well known. The
three groups below are simple examples of
groups of matrices. The first set of six ma-
trices constitutes a group of order six. Be-
neath each matrix I have written a letter
which may serve to designate the element,
since the same group is used as an illustra-
tion later. H is the identity element; A, B
and C are of order two, while D and F are
of order three. The second set of six matrices
likewise constitute a group of order six, w
representing a complex cube root of unity.
The same letters as before may be associated
with these elements for later identification,
E again being the identity, A, B, and C of
order 2, and D and F of order 3. The third
set of matrices constitute a group of order 8.
(3 Or 3 1
HVS 33 Jy NERS a As
B ¢
( 4 Ny ( a)
Vs 3/43 =4 J,
) j ae
where w + w =0
0 0 0 -1
i @ Oa
we js =n).
tO 0
Q =i, Vil
course arose from
Matrices of “linear
transformations” and the groups of matrices
are really the groups of the linear trans-
formations which give rise to these matrices.
In a mathematical system involving certain
vou. 41, No. 4
variables, 11, %2,-°-:, %,, 1t may be con-
venient to replace these variables by new
variables, x1, 2, --- x, through the me-
dium of a linear transformation:
ah = (eet =p 00° SP Cigdin
Dp = Oni) ea A
Un = AniLy ap te a Ohodte
A second linear transformation may replace
the a1, ,° > ta by once
Nu /
v1 = buar + 555 Se hint
WY / /
2 = Dota 4° - = ate Uondn B
» &R
o WS
tn = Dati + --> + Danba
By the ‘‘product”’ of two such linear trans-
formations we mean simply their sequential
performance and the result of first operating
on the system by the transformation A and
then by the transformation B will be the
same as if we operated by the single trans-
formation C, where C = BA, which replaces
the vee variables Thewily Dy? aA 5 a 5
. In practice, however, we generally
use Ati the unaccented sarmatblles on the
right in a given transformation and simple
accented ones on the left, imagining the
process to start anew each time.
I said that group theory began with per-
mutation groups in the attempt of mathe-
maticians to solve algebraic equations of
higher degree. If we have a set of letters or
symbols which appear in a mathematical
system, and each of them is replaced by a
distinct one of the set then we effect a ‘‘per-
mutation” on the letters. This process may
be denoted by writing them in any con-
venient order on one line (the “natural”’
order if they seem to possess one) and then
writing below each letter the one by which
it is replaced. Usually large parentheses are
used to enclose the array. Thus if the sym-
bols are the letters a, b, c, d, four such per-
mutations are the following:
aca) Gee) eee) eee)
abecd/, beda/, cdab/, dabec}.
The first of these represents the identity per-
mutation wherein each letter remains un-
changed; in the second permutation a is re-
placed by b, b by c, c by d, and d by a; in
the third a is replaced by c, b by d, c by a,
al Society of Washington, 1949.
Francis E. Jounston, President of the Philosoph
ni 1
7 -
r =
: Ae
\ 1
Aprint 1951
and d by b; in the last a is replaced by d,
b by a, c by b, and d by c. The product of
two permutations is their sequential per-
formance; thus the product of the second of
the above permutations followed by the
third is the last. It is not difficult to verify
the fact that the above four permutations
satisiy the requirements for a group and
hence constitute a permutation group.
Sometimes it is convenient to represent a
permutation by a sequence of letters in which
each letter is replaced by the letter to its
right, the rightmost letter in the ‘‘cycle’’ be-
ing replaced by the letter at the beginning
of the cycle. If when the cycle is thus
“closed”’ all letters have not been accounted
for, a new cycle is begun, and so on until all
letters have been taken care of. In this
scheme, letters which are replaced by them-
selves constitute cycles of a single letter and
when there is no danger of confusion such
cycles are frequently omitted. When a per-
mutation is written in its simplest form as a
product of cycles no two cycles will have a
common letter, and hence they will be com-
mutative and may be written in any order.
hee ) = abe-cd = bea-cd = bea-de = de-bea
Indeed there are 12 ways to represent the
above permutation in the manner under dis-
Denote by a; the number of unary cycles,
by a: the number of cycles with two letters
each, by a3 the number of cycles with three
letters each, etc. Then
ai + 2a. + 8a3 + --- + na, =n
Such a permutation is said to belong to the
“class” (a1, @2,°°* , Qn).
When a permutation on n letters is written
in the 2-row form the letters of the top row
may be written in an arbitrary order and
those of the lower row may then be written
in any one of n! orders; hence there are n/
permutations on n letters and the aggregate
will constitute a group, the ‘‘symmetric”’
group on n letters. It is not difficult to see
(as brought out in the next paragraph) that
the number of classes of elements in the
symmetric group equals the number of parti-
tions of n with regard to addition into non-
negative summands. This is a very old prob-
lem in number theory and we tabulate the
number of partitions for some values of n:
Value of n Number of partitions of n
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 5
5 7
6 11
7 15
8 22
9 30
10 42
16 231
20 627
200 3,972,999 ,029 388.
For example, the partitions of 5 are 5, 4 + 1,
Oa ae qe dl oe Il SS oy ele iho) ae a te
1+1,1+1+1+ 1+ 1,a total of seven.
If we write
a2 +--+: + an =o
An = An
Ait A2+ee? An = MM She SAS --- > dA [OO
CN, ey = Debden
Qn—1 = An-1 — Any an = dp
A partition of » will thus be in the form
(Ar, A2, As, °°: , An). For example if n is
10 we have the partition (3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1,
OO; 0, O) SG, 4, 4 Uy lo) S&B. WO).
We have omitted unnecessary zeros at the
end and also have used exponents to avoid
duplication. Here
at =) 3h 2 — lh ant =62) 210
aj =2—-—1=1, ay=1—-1=0
az = as = ag = an = 0.
Hence the above partition corresponds to a
class of elements having the structure: one
unary cycle, one ternary cycle, one cycle of
six letters. For n = 3 and n = 4 we list the
partitions, the number of elements in the
corresponding class, and the actual permu-
x Number of List of
Partition Class permutations permutations
p= 3} (Ab, Ish) a, = 0 a= 0 a;= 1! 2 abc, acb
(2, 1) a, = 1, a = 1 3 ab, ac, be
(3) a, = 3 1 identity
be a EX abcd, adcb, abdc, acdb
n=4 (,1,1,1) ao =a.=a;=0, ay =] 6 Gebel: ae
(@, 10) a, = 2, a = 1 6 oy ole, Corel, (oe, lol, al
(22) a, = 0, ap = 2 3 ab-cd, ac-bd, ad-be
. be acb abd adb
2 = nS = 8 ave, ? 7
eS Bilieg Te see) ieee acd, ade, = tocdMammbrie®
(4) a, = 4 1 identity
Without stopping to advance an argument
we note that the number of permutations
on n letters in the class (a, a2, a3, °°"
is given by
(1**- cx!) (27? -arq!)(3°* -axg!) - + -
where as usual 0! = 1. This formula is veri-
fiable in the simple cases above.
A permutation group may be interpreted
as a group of matrices. Thus, if we write the
permutation in the 2-row form and accent
the symbols in the lower row we have a
transformation, which is given by its matrix.
For example, on three letters the per-
a X1 Xo X3
Lo X3 X1
is essentially the transformation
= x3
r= %
t= ee
with the matrix | 1 0 0 J. It will be observed
that matrices corresponding to permutations
have in each row every element zero except
one element, which has the value 1, and like-
wise in each column they have every element
zero except one element which has the
value 1.
If A, E (the identity element), A, ,
A3,:::, A, constitute a finite group of
matrices and M is a matrix, then the set of
matrices MA,M™, MA,M—4, MA3M—, - -- ,
MAgM“* likewise constitute a group; a group
which is s¢mply isomorphic with the original
group. This means that if A;A; = A; then
(MA;M—™)(MA,M—) = MA,M~—. The sec-
ond group is said to be conjugate with the
first and is said to be obtained from it by
transforming the first group by M. It may
happen that the second group will be identi-
cal with the first group, perhaps because the
individual matrices of the group are un-
changed when transformed by M, or because
the set of matrices as a whole is identical
except for order after it is transformed by /.
When this is the case the group is said to be
invariant under M.
A matrix WM is obtained from the matrix M
by replacing each of the elements by its
conjugate number is the conjugate of M. In
M = (G,;)
A matrix obtained from M by interchanging
the roles of the rows and columns of M is
called the transposed of M and is denoted
by M’. That is,
M’' = (ai;) ‘where aj; = aj;
A matrix is said to be Hermitian if it equals
the transposed of the conjugate of itself,
that is H is a Hermitian matrix if
Sie or the = Ox
A matrix is said to be unitary if it equals the
inverse of the transposed of the conjugate
of itself, that is U is unitary if U = (U’)-.
It follows at once that the necessary and
sufficient condition that a matrix be unitary
is that the relations hold:
Aprit 1951 JOHNSTON:
Ss Ani Any = 85;
3 2 eee (4 if w=7
ON eae wei Tey jen
nl - 5, 1 "10 if oj
This condition may also be expressed in the
equivalent form
Do Ged = 81;
A matrix is said to be orthogonal if it equals
the inverse of the transposed of itself, that
is 0 is orthogonal if
0 = 0/7
Evidently for a real matrix the terms orthog-
onal and unitary mean the same thing.
Suppose we have a group G consisting of
the elements A,, A2,--- and to each ele-
ment A; of G we make correspond a non-
singular matrix D(A;) such that if D(A;)
corresponds to A; and D(A;) corresponds to
A; then D(A;A;) corresponds to A;A;. Then
the set of matrices 1s said to be a representa-
tion of G. We have not said that distinct
matrices must correspond to distinct group
elements; if that is the case the representa-
tion is said to be a faithful representation
and the matrices will themselves form a
group, a group simply isomorphic with the
given group. It is evident that we shall al-
ways have a representation in which every
group element corresponds to the identity
matrix with one row, that is, every element
corresponds to the matrix (1). Equally well
we might make every element correspond to
the identity matrix with two or three or
more rows.
Now it may happen that we can find a
matrix M such that if we transform simul-
taneously all the matrices of a representation
by it they will all take the form
DAD 0 cca (0)
0 DPR) cos
ONelwilvieretelicleleliellesi es)
Tf this is true, the original representation is
said to be reducible and it has the constit-
uents D™(A,;), D®(A,;), --- . Each of these
constituents (not necessarily assumed to be
all distinct) is also a representation of the
given group. If a constituent is such that it
cannot be further reduced then it is said to
be an irreducible representation; and we
assume the transforming matrix so chosen
that each D(A;) is irreducible. Then if the
original representation of the group G under
discussion is denoted by I, T is said to be
expressed in terms of its irreducible con-
stituents and we write
T(A;) = D®(A,;) + D®(A,) + --- + D®(A,).
A matrix of IT is thus the direct sum of
matrices, one from each of the irreducible
representations. Note that this is a different
concept from the sum of two matrices. The
direct sum means that they are strung out
down the main diagonal with zeros else-
If we have a group s, t, u, --- and if we
transform an element by one of the group
elements we obtain the transform or con-
jugate, thus ¢st is the transform of s by f.
If s and ¢t are commutative, that is if st = ts,
then tst-! = s and s is said to be invariant
under ¢. In any group an element and all the
elements into which it may be transformed
by all the elements of the group constitute
a class of elements. In an abelian group each
element is invariant and constitutes a class
by itself; hence if the group is finite the
number of classes is the order of the group.
In the symmetric permutation group all
elements with the same cyclic structure are
in the same class as noted above. In a
non-symmetric group elements with the same
cyclic structure may not be all in the same
It is a fact that the number of non-equiva-
lent irreducible representations of any finite
group equals the number of its classes. Thus
the symmetric group on three letters has
three classes and three irreducible repre-
sentations. We show this in the table below:
o 0
axe (il) - @ ( F
0 w
@: al
ab (1) (—1) ( A
1 O
0 w
be (1) (1) ie ) B
wo O
ac (1) (-1) ( C
w O
The first of these representations is of
dimension one and is the representation in
which every element corresponds to the
identity matrix. The second is of dimension
one also and three of the elements correspond
to the identity matrix, three to the matrix
(—1). The third is of dimension 2 and is a
faithful representation
It is a fact that every finite group may be
made simply isomorphic to a permutation
group, indeed in many ways. In particular
it may have a faithful representation as a
regular permutation group, that is a group
in which every letter is replaced by every
other letter of the group by one and only one
permutation, which means that no permuta-
tion (except the identity) leaves any letter
invariant. In this procedure the number of
letters is the order of the group. Thus the
symmetric group on three letters is of order
6, and hence may have a faithful represen-
tation as a regular permutation group on six
letters. It is also a fact that there always
exists a matrix which will transform this
representation into the sum of its irreducible
constituents and that in this reduced form
every irreducible representation will appear
and that the number of times it appears is
equal to its dimension. We saw above that
the symmetric group on three letters (whose
order is six) had exactly three irreducible
representations, two of dimension one and
one of dimension two. In the reduced form
the representation of dimension two should
therefore appear twice, as is indeed the case.
From this we conclude that the sum of the
squares of the dimensions of the irreducible
representations should equal the order of
the group. That is, in the case under con-
vou. 41, No. 4
sideration: 1? + 1? + 2? = 6. To give the
notion a little concrete reality we exhibit
the above mentioned symmetric group and
the transforming matrix and the reduced
As a regular permutation group the group
is as follows: FE = identity, A = x :%4-Xore-
tats, Bo = W405 - Lola 3e, Ca — weet n
U3t4, D = x0 3to-Xstets , F = Wor 3-VslsLe .
Interpreted as a group of linear transforma-
tions (whose matrices give the regular repre-
sentation) we have:
Pgs Nor: eae
BORIS Se. ee
A eens andes fae
Pe oes sctoc
i saat vegeta
eR ic oc
RGR ste A PRPC Peete cc fs
ee are Lae Zeno pile
payne 7 ee ree
pb ak illtiie a = ee ere
eh omanecs pile eee
zeae Somes PE epson:
Bia ce eh see ee
Bee he een a
pads a
et cata ree
Nusa oses a
Katie ee ines eae
The matrix
(i a i tse
11 1 -1 -1 -1
T = tae OU, @, @
~~ 100 0 i oP @
lo 0 0 lo@ @&
iiveas® © 0)
with the inverse
(ito. OO. 2
| 1 12070 O 2
piaill 120.0 0 2?
Sab Sahoo 9 2: oO
1-10 2 2? 0
{1-10 26726 0 |
will transform the regular representation in
this fashion
TET? = EB, TAT = Ag - piesa
where the matrices for the primed represen-
tation are as follows:
oorceced &
oorod &
= — J — a)
@ =
® @
0 0
) 0
items Oke OF OK 0) 20 yl OO OF UO
O5— 1510-0), (0) 10 H=t 0 O © 0
O 0.0 @ WO Oo OO ce oO 0
eee Ome O82 210) 910) 0 Cr=\""0 06 © 0 ©
Cc O00 O UV @ Oo OO 0-0. @
0 -O- OO: GE 0 O 0 O60
LO 0 0 OO lL OO. 0 O
GQ ie OD Or Oe O ao O 0-0
Yo 0 oe OW OD Oo O PO OO
Da—sj70 0) 0) 20) 0 bY =\"\0 0 O wo O O
eo 0 0 CO eo 0 OO O FO
o 0 @ @ eG Yo O00 OO
It is a simple matter to verify this result by
a little computation. Indeed it is only neces-
sary to verify it for two of the “generators,”
say A and B.
We note a few simple and interesting facts
about the representations of a finite group.
In the first place there always exists a matrix
which will transform all the matrices of a
representation of a finite group into unitary
matrices. This is also true of many infinite
groups. All the representations we have
noted so far have been unitary representa-
tions and we shall always assume that our
representations are unitary. When two
equivalent representations are unitary, the
transforming matrix which carries one repre-
sentation into the other may be chosen to be
unitary. For convenience the transforming
matrix 7 above was not so chosen, but it
could have been.
If we have an zrreducible representation of
dimension 1; of a group of order g and we
construct the /j vectors in the g-dimensional
space of the group elements, then we have a
set of orthogonal unitary vectors (except
that the “Hermitian length” of the vectors
is \/q/l,). Thus for the two dimensional rep-
resentation of the symmetric group on three
letters we have the four vectors (1, w, w’,
‘Us, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, lt w, w”), (0, 0, 0, 1, w, w),
(1, w?, w, 0, 0, 0). If we add to this system
Is , 13 etc. vectors corresponding to other non-
equivalent irreducible representations in the
g-dimensional space of the group elements
we then have asystem of /j + + 13+ ---
unitary orthogonal vectors, with the same
assumptions as to the Hermitian length of
the vectors. Thus in the case of the three rep-
resentations of the symmetric group above
we should have to add to the four vectors
above the two vectors (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), and
(1,1,1, —1, —1, —1). These last two vectors
each correspond to representations of dimen-
sion one so that the Hermitian length in
each case would be 1/6. We write the six
vectors together so that the relation is more
clearly discernable.
ik it a arb 1
blot =1—1 =1
lwo 0 O 0
00 0 lo & w?
00 0 I Pw
1 wo w 0 O 0
If D(R) is the matrix corresponding to the
element F in any particular representation
I of the group G then the sum of the ele-
ments in the main diagonal of D(R)—that
is, the trace of D(R)—is the characteristic of
Rk for that particular representation; it is
usually denoted by the symbol x(R). When
R runs through all the group elements there
results a set of g numbers, which may be
interpreted as a vector in the g dimensional
space of the group elements. As is well known
the trace of a matrix is invariant under
transformations. Hence it is a fact that every
element in the same class will have the same
characteristic in any particular representa-
tion, and it is customary therefore in general
to write x(C;) in lieu of x(R) where C; rep-
resents the class of elements to which R
belongs. If therefore G contains k classes,
Ci, C2,---, C., containing g;, go, -:- , gx
elements respectively, where of course
g. + go + --- + gs = g, we shall have for
a particular representation the k numbers
x(Ci), x(C2), --- , x(Cx), and these may be
interpreted as a vector in the k dimensional
space of the classes. This vector is sometimes
called a character of G. G would thus have a
character for each representation, but we
shall reserve the term for what are sometimes
called simple characters, that is the char-
acters of the k irreducible representations
D®(A), D®(A), --- , D® (A). Characters
of other representations can be called com-
pound characters or generalized characters
if it is necessary to refer to them. It is evi-
dent that two equivalent irreducible repre-
sentations have the same character. We shall
use a superscript to denote the particular
representation which gives rise to a character
and a subscript to denote the particular
class to which a characteristic belongs, thus
x'(C;) represents the characteristic of each
element in the class C; for the representa-
tion D(A).
Evidently if we are in possession of all the
irreducible representations of G the process
of writing down a table of characters, es-
sentially a matrix of k columns, will be a
trivial one. To obtain the irreducible repre-
sentations may except for elementary cases
be a tedious process. However, there are ways
by which the characters may be obtained
directly. These too may become laborious
if we proceed to too complicated groups.
Methods of simplifying and improving such
processes will delight and inspire or vex and
impede the pure mathematician, as the case
may be. However, the physicist frequently
makes use of only those characters which are
most readily obtainable and so his case is
not a hopeless one. For the symmetric group
in particular the necessary characters are
easily obtainable.
We make a few general observations con-
cerning the characters of the symmetric
group. We observe first that the permutations
of the symmetric group may be divided into
two equal sub-sets, the even permutations
and the odd permutations. The even permu-
tations are those which leave invariant the
alternating function
IP = Gh = Ga = aa) > a) 290 Gh > aa)
(Gy = ae) (Ga = 47) 20°
The odd permutations are those which re-
verse the sign of P. Evidently the even per-
mutations form a group, the alternating group
on n letters. We have noted that there is a
representation of the symmetric group cor-
responding toeach partition of n. Let usmake
a diagram corresponding to a partition, say
the partition (A;, A», A3, °°: ). Let us put
di dots equally spaced in a horizontal row.
Immediately below let us place \» dots the
leftmost one immediately below the leftmost
one in the top row and put each dot below
one in the line above. We place \; dots in a
similar manner in the third row and so on.
We have thus constructed a sort of triangu-
lar matrix of dots, and to every partition
there will correspond such a diagram. If we
transpose one of these matrices about its
main diagonal, we will change it into another
VoL. 41, No. 4
one of the diagrams. Two partitions whose
diagrams are so related are called associated
partitions. Thus the partition (5, 2) of 7 with
the diagram is associated with the
partition (2, 2, 1, 1, 1) of 7 which has -- as
its diagram. In case the dot matrix is sym-
metric about the main diagonal, the partition
is said to be self-associated. Thus (4, 1, 1, 1)
with the diagram ---- is a self-associated
partition of 7. The representations corre-
sponding to associated partitions are associ-
ated representations; a characteristic of an
even class in a representation is the same as
the characteristic of that same class in the
associated representation, while a character-
istic of an odd class is the negative of the
characteristic in the associated representa-
tion. We thus see that when we know the
character of a representation, we at once
know the character of the associated repre-
sentation. We observe also that it follows
that the characteristics of the odd classes in
a self-associated representation are all zero.
We observe that we always let Ci repre-
sent the class consisting of the identity alone
and that hence x‘(C;) is always the dimen-
sion of the representation D™(A), being the
trace of the identity matrix. We tabulate
below the tables of characters for the sym-
metric group on four symbols and on five
“Partition Na
\ er 0 was
é (4 |(, 1)| 2, 2)] @.1| rt) ele || Partition
\ + tt * ) ments| &iving ris
S itil ea aa to class
Class NS class
(4, 0,0, 034 | 1 3 2 3 1 1 (4)
(251 080)= 1 1 0} —1 | -—1 6 (G3, 1)
(1.0,1.0), 1 0} —1 0 1 8 (@, il, 1)
(0.2.0. 0)4 1 —1 —1 1 3 (2, 2)
(0, 0. 0, 1)_ 1 —1 0 |) 1 6 (Qis il, we 3)
j associated partitions.
tt associated partitions.
* self associated partition.
(5) (4, 1) (3, 2) (3, 1, 1) | (2, 2,1) (2, ib, 5, (Gl, wat No. of Partiti yee 2
t IM | ARE oa Sa meal ah tae PS) ce erases re ee
(5, 0, 0, 0, 0), 1 4 5 6 5 4 il 1 (5)
(Sante 0.0) 0)- 1 2 1 0 =i =9) =i 10 (4, 1)
(290s 10.0) 1 1 =a Oval sat 1 i 20 @, i, 1)
(ls 2, 05 ONO) 1 0 I —2 il 0 i 15 (3,2)
Bi@iev0.50; 1,0). i 0 = 0 1 0 1 30 @, il, wt, il)
(Oma 10: 0) 1 = i 0 =i 1 =i 20 (Os D iby
(OF080. 0:1), 1 = 0 1 0 = 1 24 (yi, Hs in)
7 associated partitions.
Tj associated partitions.
Tit associated partitions.
* self-associate partition.
We observe that if g is the order of the
group and g; is the number of elements in the
Class C; and that if we multiply the char-
acteristic in each box by 4 / 7‘ then the result-
ing matrix will be a unitary matrix—that is
we shall have
~ Ors Uj
theory of the solution of the fourth degree
equation), the alternating group on four
letters, the simple group of order 168, and
the non-cyclic group of order 21, Asa permu-
tation group the octic group may be repre-
sented as follows.
identity, ac-bd, abcd, adcb, ab-cd, ad-be, ac, bd.
C1 Ce 03 C3 C4 (OF C; Cs
There are thus five classes and the classes
may be enumerated as shown above where the
and : d
il class to which the element belongs is indi-
PT EM a cated immediately below the class. The table
yk Aj = 03; °
a= of characters follows:
So far we have discussed the symmetric \ ee | F
group, and that is what primarily interests us \_ tation Lee
here. It so happens that the characteristics Tr \| Te | ts | Ts | Te | elements
here are all real so that the unitary property a
of the matrix of the characters does not be- =~" =
come evident. By way of contrast and com- C, 1 2 1 1 ie ae
pleteness we give the table of characters for C2 ihe ECA Uo heed
: . : Y as 23 | 2
some simple nonsymmetric groups, in par- ee : ‘ oe ; | a ie
ticular the “‘octic” group (a group of order a ‘ i tala ae coats
eight which plays an important role in the # Sallis
Representation Num-
ber of
T1 T2 T3 Ty Ts Ts ele-
Class in class
identity 1 6 7 8 3 3
elements of order 2 1 2 —1 0 —1 --1 21
elements of order 4 1 (0) —1 0 1 1 2
elements of order 3 1 0 1 —1 0 0 F 2
24 elements of order 7 1 —1 0 1 a(—1 Av 7) ea = tv 7) =
inverses of elements 1 —1 0 1 $(—1 — 7vV7) 4(—1 + 2V 7) {
in above class
The alternating group on 4 letters (also
known as the tetrahadral group) is as follows:
iden; ab-cd, ac-bd, ad-be; abc, acd, adb, bdc; ach, adc, abd, bed
C1 C2 C2 Che Ch Oy OB Gh On Gs GG
The table of characters:
senta- No. of
ME © (3, 1) (2, 2) (2, 2)’ | elements
\ in class
Class Ne
Ch if 3 1 1 1
C2 1 =i 1 1 3
G3 1 0 w w? 4
Gs 1 0 w? w 4
The simple group of order 168 is tabulated
at the foot of page 125.
The noncyclic group of order 21:
eae | Num-
tation ber of
\ T1| T2| Ps TX Ts lee
Class \
identity iL aby al 3 3 1
seven ele- | 1 | w| w? 0 0 7
ments of
order 3
inverses of | 1 | w?/ w 0 0 7
above ele-
ments E
three ele- | 1 | 1 | 1 |4(—1+iv/7)|4(-1—iv/7)| 3
ments of
order 7 :
inverses of |1]1|1 |4(-1—iV/7)|4(-1+iv/7)| 3
above ele-
So far we have dealt with finite groups.
We consider infinite groups, in particular con-
tinuous groups. The set of all nonsingular
n-rowed matrices with elements in the com-
plex number field constitutes a group, the
full linear group of dimension n. We shall
be concerned with certain subgroups thereof.
In particular we shall consider those groups
in which the elements are continuous func-
tions of one or more parameters, whose do-
main of variability may be disconnected or
simply or multiply connected. If the domain
is connected, the group is a simply continu-
ous group, otherwise a mixed continuous
group. We assume that the elements of the
matrices possess derivatives of all necessary
orders with regard to the parameters.
VOL. 41, No. 4
Moreover, we shall consider groups whose
matrices are unitary—the unitary groups;
and also we shall consider groups whose de-
terminants are all 1—the unimodular groups.
If we consider groups whose matrices are
both, we have the unimodular unitary
Ever since we studied elementary analytic
geometry we have been familiar with therota-
tions of the Cartesian plane about the origin.
This group is the two dimensional pure rota-
tion group. The matrices are all real orthog-
onal (hence unitary) and have determinant
one. Hence the pure rotation group is real,
unimodular and unitary. It is a fact that the
real unimodular orthogonal group of dimen-
sion n will always have exactly in(n — 1)
independent parameters; hence in the pres-
ent case a single parameter. (If we add the
real orthogonal transformations of deter-
minant —1, we have the rotation reflection
group and we now have two parameters.)
The familiar transformation
x’ =xcosd?—ysng
y =xsingdg+yecos¢d
gives us the rotation group the parameter
being ¢ where —7 < ¢ < wasimply con-
nected domain. There is only one parameter
and it appears additively in the group, that
is, if{¢} represents the element whose param-
eter is ¢ then {¢ + ¢’} = {¢}{¢’}. The
parameter appears additively and the group
is abelian, every element thus being in a
class by itself. We seek the non-equivalent
irreducible representations of the two-dimen-
sional pure rotation group. They are (e*”®)
where ¢ is the parameter and m is a rational
mbteger, 7 —) 2 — 2) ele
This time we are concerned with the actual
representations rather than merely with the
characteristics, though of course the char-
acteristic can immediately be read off.
If we extend the pure rotation group te
include also the matrices of determinant —1
we have the entire “rotation-reflection”’
group, the aggregate of all real orthogonal
with the matrix
Aprit 1951
matrices. We may get them by adding to
the above matrices the matrices
—cosd me
sing cosd
We now have two parameters, the continu-
ous parameter ¢ as before and the discrete
parameter d which may take either of the
values 1 or —1; and the set of matrices may
be included in the formula
dcosé —
(o, d} = (
The group is no longer abelian—the set of
matrices which constitute the pure rotations
no longer consists of matrices each of which
is a class by itself, for {¢, 1} and {—@, 1}
now constitute a class. Also all elements
—cosd “a
sin@ cosd
are in a class. The group is now a mixed
continuous group since the domain of vari-
ability of the parameters is no longer
We have of course the trivial representa-
tion of the rotation reflection group in which
every element corresponds to the matrix (1)
and also the one-dimensional representation
in which the matrices
cos@ —singd
( )sormspond to (1) while the
sing coso z
—cosd sind\ —
matrices ( correspond to(—1).
sing cosd
The other irreducible representations are two
dimensional and in them we have the cor-
cos@ —singd gH.)
sing cosd 0 eine
—cosd sind 0 ee
sin@ cosd Ge ()
for all properly positive integral values of m.
We now consider the irreducible represen-
tations of the three dimensional pure rotation
group and of the three dimensional rotation-
reflection group.
As we have observed the three dimensional
pure rotation group (real orthogonal ma-
trices with determinant +1) has $3(8 — 1)
= 3 parameters. There is a very close rela-
tion between the representation of this group
and the representations of the unimodular
unitary group in two dimensions. From the
latter we may get the former; it is also true
that from the latter we may get what are
called the “ambiguous” representations of
the pure rotation group-—they are not truly
representations but they play an important
role in the theory of the spin of the electron.
We have an irreducible representation of the
pure rotation group for each zero or positive
integral value of 7 as given by the expression
below. The rotation is here given by its
Kulerean angle {a, 8, y} the three parameters
of the group. The dimension is 27 + 1, and
uw’ and uw take on the 27 + 1 values —y,
—j+1,---,—2, —1,0,1,2,---,7-—1,7.
u’ gives the row of the matrix, u the column,
so that the element in the upper left-hand
corner is in the position —j, —J; the element
in the upper right corner is in the position
—j, j7. The representation is denoted by
D® ‘a, B, y\. The element in the yp’, » posi-
tion is given by the expression
= eS 1)
atv GE eIG= WIG we )G=2)!
Gf = OlGa-e—a@)wli@-are =~)!
-e"'“(cos3p)* “ “(sindB)* *e™
DE {apy Yur an
‘ao /
larger of J 0 <x < smaller of JJ mde \
wax \i+v!
For j = 0 this reduces to the trivial repre-
sentation in which every rotation corresponds
to the one-dimensional matrix (1). For 7 = 1
this representation is three dimensional and
the matrix corresponding to the rotation
‘a, B, y} is given below, the half angles
having been changed to integral angles
through elementary trigonometric identities:
Nal COs _. Sin\By Le COsiBne.
|e Ser —eia Vi me 9 et
ye J ges as
AB sin Bey cos 8 AG sin Be’
- l= Coss. sin B _l+ecose .
irra en era 5s Carers et
For half integral values of 7 we have the
ambiguous representation the form of the
general element of which is just like that for
integral values of 7 except that before each
element there appears the + sign. This does
not mean that the sign has just not yet been
chosen and will be chosen to suit our pur-
poses. It is impossible to do this. The sign
must be left ambiguous and we pick which-
ever one will fit into the particular object
we have in mind. This time yw’ and yu take
the half-integral values —j, —j+l,-:- ,
—t,4,---,j. Thus if 7 is } the representa-
tion is of dimension 27 + 1 = 2 and the four
positions of the representing matrices are as
shown: —3, —4 The actual repre-
1 1
2) 2
sentation when j =
Bis ce og
enna ease geist Sauce ae Siero
y, %
e*'* sin B aad e*'* cos B gt
2 2
The three dimensional rotation reflection
group may be thought of as the direct
product of the three dimensional pure rota-
tion group and the three dimensional reflec-
tion group consisting of the two matrices
1 @ © — Os (0)
S01 Olen = = 0 —1 0
0. @ dl 0 0 -1
(A group G is the direct product of H and
K if H and K are subgroups of G, have no
common element except the identity, if every
element of H is commutative with every ele-
ment of K and if every element of G equals
the product of an element of H and an ele-
ment of K). If G is the direct product of H
and K, that is, in symbols, if G = H x K,
and if D{” (s) is an irreducible representation
of H and D{? (#) is an irreducigle representa-
tion of K then an irreducible representation
vou. 41, No. 4
of G is obtained by making the element st of
G correspond to the matrix D{” (s) K D{? @),.
that is to the Kronecker product of the ma-
trices, one from the representation of H and
the other from the representation of K. It
is thus seen that the number of irreducible
representations of G equals the product of
the number of irreducible representations of
H multiplied by the number of irreducible
representations of K (provided of course that
in each case the number of representations:
is finite). Since H and K are commutative it
might seem that we could obtain another
representation by taking the Kronecker
products in the reverse order, but it is a fact
that the representation D{®(s) * D{?(@) is
equivalent to (may be transformed into) the
representation D{?(t) X D{(s).
Evidently the three dimensional reflection
group has two non-equivalent irreducuble
representations, the trivial one in which both
I and —/ correspond to the matrix (1), and
the one in which J corresponds to the matrix
(1) and —/ corresponds to the matrix (—1).
Thus the rotation reflection group has a
representation in which each element of the
rotation group corresponds to the matrix to
which it corresponds in a given representa-
tion of the rotation group, while the negative
of each element of the rotation group also
corresponds to the matrix to which the origi-
nal element corresponds in the representation
of the rotation group. Also the rotation re-
flection group has a representation in which
each element of the rotation group corre-
sponds to the matrix to which it corresponds
in a given representation of the rotation
group, while the negative of each element of
the rotation group corresponds to the nega-
tive of the matrix to which the element of
the rotation group corresponds. Thus are ob-
tained from the irreducible representations
of the rotation group the irreducible repre-
sentations of the rotation reflection group.
It is a fact that the Schrédinger equation
HW = E-W associated with an atomic system
consisting of a nucleus and n electrons in
their orbits about the nucleus is “invariant
under a group”’ consisting of the direct prod-
uct of the symmetric group on n elements and
the rotation group and the reflection group.
It is a fact that the energy levels for which
this equation has a solution are the “‘eigen-
AprIL 1951
values” of the system and that associated
with each eigenvalue is a set of lmearly inde-
pendent “eigenfunctions” which gives the
probabilities for a certain state of the atom.
The group-theoretic properties discussed
above, in particular the representations of
the rotation group and of the reflection group
and the characters of the symmetric group,
have been employed to shed light on this im-
portant question of the state of the atom; but
the complete story of that application is too
long to be told here.
Buicuretpt, H. F. Finite collineation groups.
BurnsippE, W. Theory of groups of finite order.
Lirrtewoon, D. E. The theory of growp characters.
Murnacuan, F. D. The theory of group repre-
VAN DER WAERDEN, B. L. Die gruppentheoretische
Methode in der Quantenmechanik.
Wey, H. The classical groups.
Wryt, H., anp Ropinson, H. P. The theory of
groups and quantum mechanics.
Wiener, E. Gruppentheorie und ihre Anwendung
auf die Quantenmechanik der Atomspektren.
MATHEMATICS.—0On an equation of Neményi and Truesdell. D.S. Mirrinovircu,
Institute of Mathematics, Skopje, Jugoslavia. (Communicated by C. Trues-
1. Consider the differential equation
RY if
eG? — 1) = 0
gw 5 ,
@= i) (1)
where 7 is a positive integer, F = F(z),
f = f(z), and primes denote differentiation
with respect to z. P. Neményi and C.
Truesdell! have reduced the general equi-
librium problem in the membrane theory of
shells of revolution to the integration of this
single equation. I have recently given a
procedure? which systematically yields cases
in which (1) can be integrated by quad-
ratures. In this note I present another
method of integration for the equation (1).
2. By introducing the changes of variable
P= ex (fai), f= exn(f ots),
we may put (1) into the form
1Cf. Nemenyt, P., Bygningsstatiske Meddelel-
ser, 1936; Nemmnyt, P., and TRUESDELL, C., Proc.
Nat. Acad. Sci. 29: 159-162. 1943; TRuESDELL, C.,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 58: 96-166. 1945; 61, 128-
133. 1947.
2 Mirrinovitcu, D.S., Comptes Rendus Acad.
Sei. Paris 231 : 327-328. 1950.
(G — rg)! + G? — rg?
0, (A = 1 — n*),
or, equivalently,
6! = G2 — yg? = 0, (2)
where we have put
G—-Ag= 8. (3)
From equations (2) and (3) we have
=f) 2S
(A = + Vr? + (A — 2296’),
where the sign + is to be taken alike in the
two expressions.
Consequently a solution of (1) is given by
the formulae
z z
F = A exp (/ cas) , ff = Bexp (J ats),
20 z
where A and B are two constants of integra-
tion, 2) is a suitably chosen numerical con-
stant. G and g are two functions of z defined
by (4), in which there occurs a function of 2,
namely 6(z), which is completely arbitrary.
3. In a study now in press I apply the
method of §2 to differential equations of a
much more general type.
VoL. 41, No. 4
ARCHEOLOGY .—Notes on aboriginal pottery from Montana.! Waupo R. WEDEL,
U.S. National Museum.
Aboriginal pottery from Montana is no
longer news to students of Plains prehistory
and ethnography. Since 1940 its occurrence
in various localities throughout the State
has been noted several times in the archeo-
logical literature. Moreover, most historic
Indian tribes of the region, including specifi-
cally the Blackfoot, Gros Ventres, Sarsi, Sho-
shoni, and Assiniboin, seem to have retained
traditions recalling a time when they made
pottery. Even the Crow, for whom ethnog-
raphers have apparently recorded no such
traditions, are coming under progressively
deeper suspicion of having been potters since
their still undated arrival in the drainage of
the Yellowstone.
The ethnographic data bearing on this
subject have been well summarized, and
some of their implications discussed, by
Ewers (1945). The archeological evidences,
which promise to give unsuspected historic
depth to the native use of pottery on the
headwaters of the Missouri River system,
represent mainly materials and data gath-
ered during the 1930’s in course of work
relief programs. Much of this latter informa-
tion, which is of primary importance for the
understanding of Montana prehistory, as
well as some scattering data more recently
gathered by River Basin Surveys parties,
unfortunately still remains unpublished.
From what is in print (Mulloy, 1942, 1945;
Nelson, 1942, 1943), however, it is clear that
pottery-using peoples have at one time or
another scattered their traces, if thinly,
throughout a number of Montana’s stream
valleys westward almost to the continental
divide. Still to be determined, preferably on
the basis of larger and better controlled
samplings than are at present available, are
the exact nature and chronological positions
of the several pottery complexes apparently
indicated, as well as the associated artifact
types and subsistence economies. The loca-
tion of the region in the heart of the erstwhile
‘notteryless” Plains culture area lends more
than usual interest to the problems raised.
1 Published by permission of the Secretary,
Smithsonian Institution.
In the present discussion I do not intend
to answer any of the questions implied
above. My purpose is rather to put on record
a few descriptive notes regarding several
hitherto unreported or undescribed finds of
pottery in northwestern Montana, all in the
Missouri River watershed. These I have
compared provisionally with materials al-
ready described from other localities lying
mainly to the south and east, and also with
what has been suggested or reconstructed
from tribal traditions or historic documents
regarding pottery of the historic Indians in
the region. Though I have not personally
examined the sites from which the material
at hand is reported to have come, such
information as has been furnished me seems
to warrant the present notice.
The material immediately under consider-
ation consists of small samples only and
obviously does not give a complete picture
of the material culture complex presumably
represented in each case.” It includes a series
of less than 100 sherds from a site near
Ethridge, in Toole County; two smaller lots
from two locations in Teton and Cascade ~
Counties; and reports on two other sites in
Chouteau and Cascade Counties. There is
also a series of nearly 200 sherds from a cairn
on the Crow Indian Reservation south of
Billings. Only this latter series can be said
to have been collected under anything lke
controlled conditions, or by a professional
archeologist. The descriptive notes that fol-
low are based on visual examination or, at
most, on use of a hand lens.
*The Ethridge specimens were collected by
Giles Ortscheid, formerly of Cut Bank, who turned
them over to Claude Schaeffer, Museum of the
Plains Indian, Browning, by whom they were
forwarded to me. The specimens and records from
Teton, Cascade, and Chouteau Counties were
furnished by J. Robert Wells, formerly of Great
Falls, to John C. Ewers, associate curator of eth-
nology, U.S. National Museum, who turned them
over to me. The specimens from the Crow Indian
Reservation were excavated by N. C. Nelson in
1941 for the American Museum of Natural History,
and were sent me on loan by J. A. Ford, assistant
curator of North American archeology at that in-
stitution. I am indebted to all these men, and par-
ticularly to Schaeffer, Ewers, and Ford, for their
willingness to place these materials at my dis-
posal and to supply relevant information.
Aprit 1951
Ethridge Site, Toole County.—In the sample
forwarded to me from this site by Schaeffer there
are approximately 100 sherds, plus arrowpoints,
scrapers, other chipped flints, shell fragments,
and, interestingly enough, three fragments of
brass. They are from a camp site near a bison
fall, situated 8 miles (airline) northwest of Eth-
ridge, in the Marias River drainage. The bison
bones and cultural materials are found at the
lower end of a deep cleft in an east-facing escarp-
ment some 200 feet high. According to Ortscheid
(letter to Schaeffer, May 18, 1950), the sherds
“seemed to be mostly 5 or 6 inches below the
surface and some on the surface where the wind
had blown clean spots. The copper or brass frag-
ments were close to the surface. The stone chips
and points ... were mixed indiscriminately from
surface to undisturbed soil, which varied from
six inches to a couple of feet in places . . . most
of the material was from the center of the camp-
site [which] covers several acres.”
With regard to paste, color range, texture, and
other technological details, examination with a
hand lens seems to reveal no significant variation
among the sherds at hand. Like much Northern
Plains pottery, these usually have a gray to dark
gray paste, occasionally fired to a light gray,
brown, or buff on the exterior surface. Inclusions
vary in amount and coarseness, even within in-
dividual sherds. Characteristically, they consist
of crushed granite in medium to coarse angular
particles, less commonly of rounded and water-
worn gravel. They are usually only moderately
abundant, and do not show on sherd surfaces.
Exterior hardness varies from 3 to 4, occasionally
reaching 4.5. Interior surfaces are rather rough
and uneven. Carbonized material (presumed to be
food remains) adhere to the inner surfaces of
many fragments. The sherds vary in thickness
from 6 to 12 mm; most are in the neighborhood
of 8 mm. There are no recognizable base frag-
ments, handles, or other constructional features,
nor is there anything to indicate the range in
vessel shapes and sizes.
With respect to surface finish and treatment,
three main groups may be recognized. Fourteen
sherds, including three rims from at least two
vessels, are evidently fabric-marked (Fig. 1, A-F).
These sherds range from 9 to 12 mm in thick-
ness, which is considerably heavier than any
other series present. The exterior surfaces have
been strongly impressed by some fabric that left
a dimpled texture, which occasionally somewhat
suggests knotting or a net impression. Sherds in
the national collections with strikingly similar
surface treatment come from a Middle Wood-
land site near Gala, Va. (Holmes, 1903, pl. 133,
upper right). This is an eastern Woodlands pot-
tery trait; so far as my observations go, it is not
common, and has apparently not been hereto-
fore reported, in the Plains or on upper Missouri
Valley potterywares.
Thirty-eight sherds, of which 16 are rim pieces,
I have somewhat hesitantly classed as cord-
roughened (Fig. 1, G-J). On some pieces there
is no doubt that the impressions were made with
a twisted cord or other fibrous element; in others,
superficially very similar in appearance, the im-
pressions do not conclusively show twisting of the
element used. The group is rather variable; some
sherds show deep fine impressions, whereas others
have the impressions widely spaced or nearly ob-
literated.. Despite this variability, most of the
sherds would be assigned with little hesitation to
the cord-roughened category, if they had been
taken from a prehistoric Central Plains village
Eighteen sherds, all body fragments, are plain
surfaced. Surfaces are moderately well smoothed,
but often uneven and never polished. Occasion-
ally there is some unevenness — suggesting
smoothed-over cord-roughening or possibly simple
Not included in the above counts, are about a
dozen body sherds which can perhaps be described
as weakly carinate. On each there is a perceptible
shoulder bearing vertical or occasionally diagonal
notches (Fig. 2, A-C), made with some thin-
ended or triangulate-tipped instrument, and
spaced usually at intervals of about $ inch. Most
of these sherds are plain ware. Three are what I
have tentatively called cord-roughened, and one
of these latter bears diagonal notches made by
impressing a cord-wrapped instrument (Fig.
2, G).
Significantly enough, there are in the whole
series only two or three sherds, at most, which
can be called simple stamped or fluted on the ex-
terior surface. A number of small fragments can-
not be satisfactorily identified as to surface
treatment, and so are omitted from my counts
and determinations.
Rims are characteristically thickened or some-
what bulbous in profile, with horizontal or out-
sloping flattened upper lip surface. Most of them
seem to conform rather closely to Mulloy’s rims
VoL. 41, No. 4
Fic. 1.—Potsherds from camp site near Nthridge, Mont.: A-F, fabric-impressed; G-J, cord-roughened.
of class A form at the Hagen site (Mulloy, 1942,
p. 18). So far as I can see in the very limited
sample at hand, there is no correlation between
rim form, lip, or other related features and the
type of surface treatment on the sherds. On cord-
roughened rimsherds the flattened lip may be
plain, weakly cord-roughened, or carelessly in-
cised. On plain sherds the outer lip edge is some-
times notched; in two instances, the lip panel
bears diagonal impressions made with a cord-
wrapped rod (Fig. 2, D, F); and in a third the
same treatment was applied with a_ loosely
wrapped tool to the outer surface of the neck
below the flat panel (Fig. 2, E).
The material culture complex of which the
above described sherds were a part is inade-
quately represented by the specimens at hand. It
seems to include, however, numerous small, tri-
angular projectile points, averaging under 25 mm
in length, with straight to slightly concave base
and a single pair of side notches just above the
base. Three or four are unnotched, and perhaps
an equal number can be classed as stemmed or
corner-notched; none shows base notching. Ma-
terials used include chalcedony, cherts of various
colors, jasper, obsidian, and quartzite. All the
points I have seen appear to be of types said to
be common at many bison-kills of the Montana
region, but with three exceptions they are per-
haps somewhat less carefully made. They pre-
sumably represent the products of late prehis-
toric or protohistoric natives of the region.
There appears to be nothing distinctive about
the scrapers and other chipped flints sent me from
the Ethridge site.
The three pieces of brass, of course, must be
attributed to Caucasian contact or influence, but
it is not certain at the moment that they actually
belong to the same complex as the sherds. The
collector’s letter (Ortscheid to Schaeffer, May 18,
1950) says they were ‘‘close to the surface”’ of the
site. They are possibly intrusive; or they may
Aprit 1951
have been left by some later group than that re-
sponsible for the pottery. There is nothing to in-
dicate the nature of the objects from which the
fragments came.
Sites in Cascade, Teton, and Chouteau Coun-
ties—Sherds from two sites in Cascade and Teton
Counties, and notes on other occurrences in the
same general region, were sent to Ewers in Sep-
tember 1947, by J. Robert Wells, then of Great
Falls. Ten of the sherds are said to have been
found in the summer of 1933 “near a bison trap
on the south-facing sandstone escarpment of
what is locally called the ‘second bench’ between
Ulm and Vaughn, Cascade County.” There is no
further description of the locale of discovery.
The sherds are mostly small, the largest not
exceeding two inches in maximum diameter. In
thickness they range from 5 to 8 mm; in hard-
ness, from 3 to 4. Paste again is gray to dark
gray in color, with a fine granular appearance.
The aplastic consists of gravel, mostly or en-
tirely in rounded particles. The three largest
sherds show impressions identical with what I
have classed in the Ethridge material as cord-
roughening on the exterior surface; and all but
one of the remaining fragments, in color, texture,
surface finish, and other particulars, seem to be
from vessels of similar construction and appear-
ance. The single exception, though small and in-
conclusive, shows several flutings somewhat rem-
iniscent of nearly obliterated simple stamp im-
pressions. Sherd interiors are usually uneven and
only moderately well finished. There are no rim
From the second site, described only as being
“near to Chouteau in Pondera [Teton] County
... not over two miles approximately south from
the town,” there is a single large plain body sherd.
This is remarkable chiefly for its thickness of 15
mm, which far exceeds any of the other Montana
sherds which have come under my scrutiny. It
has a gray core, which becomes light buff to
brown on the surfaces. Temper consists of quartz,
mostly in angular particles. The piece is well-
fired and hard.
Wells’s letter of June 11, 1945, to Ewers, first
reporting these pottery finds, notes two other oc-
currences; from neither are there any specimens
at hand. One of these finds was “in the ‘cut bank’
of the Missouri River at the Fair Grounds of
Fort Benton, Chouteau County.” Here, according
to Mr. Wells, “I found remains suggestive of the
interrupted preparation of a meal. Some 18 inches
below the present land surface I noticed a short
stratum of charcoal upon which rested what ap-
peared to be the flattened fragments of a cooking
2 GM.
Fig. 2.—Potsherds from camp site near Ethridge, Montana. A-C, carinate with punetations; D-G,
cord-wrapped rod-impressed.
pot mixed with several split bison bones. Preserva-
tion of the sherds was so poor that I am not sure
they were kept. The presence of stone implements
together with brass buttons upon about the same
level might indicate a date near to the early
historic period for these remains.”’
Also in Cascade County is another sherd-
bearing site which “‘occupies the triangular piece
of land west of the Missouri River and south of
its tributary, the Sun River, near the mouth of
the latter. This tract, now the grounds of the
Meadowlark Country Club of Great Falls, was
then (about 1920) under cultivation and a very
fruitful source of artifacts especially in the fall
and spring when the fields were bare. I had seen
numerous sherds there on the surface before.
...I recognized them for what they were. After
this lapse of years I can only describe them as
small, some + to 2 inch in thickness, gray, fairly
hard, and without sufficient shape to serve as
criteria for judging as to the form of the vessels
from which they came. If memory serves, the ex-
ternal surfaces, without exception, showed mark-
ings which I considered indicative of shaping
with a paddle wound with cord approximately 4
inch in diameter. ... This site is now mostly oc-
cupied by the Country Club golf course, so it
would seem unlikely that sherds can now be
found there on the surface, but there is still a
possibility of finding them embedded in the south
bank of the Sun River which was then a ‘cut
bank’ some five or six feet in height. That bank
showed evidence of the occupancy of the site for
what seemed to me an extended period (inter-
mittent occupancy, I should have said). Char-
coal, split bison bones, and lithic artifacts could
be observed several feet below the then ground
level. I do not, however, recall finding sherds
there.’”’ (Wells to Ewers, June 11, 1945).
Two items in this last notice are of particular
interest. One is the observer’s identification of the
pottery markings as cord-wrapped paddle im-
pressions; the other is the implication that sherds
occurred exclusively or preponderantly on the
surface but were not noted in the buried cultural
strata partially exposed in the nearby cut bank.
Further investigations here would seem to be in
Pottery from the Yellowstone Valley.—My search
of the published literature on Montana archeology
has revealed pottery descriptions from four lo-
calities in the Yellowstone drainage basin. These
include the Hagen site, 5 miles southeast of
VOL. 41, No. 4
Glendive, in Dawson County, excavated by the
Montana Archeological Survey and Works Proj-
ects Administration and since described in com-
mendable detail and clarity by Mulloy (1942); a
rock cairn at Arrow Rock on the Crow Indian
Reservation some 35 miles south of Billings, ex-
cavated by Nelson (1942, 1943) for the American
Museum of Natural History; Thirty Mile Mesa
and Pompey’s Pillar Cuesta, some 30 or 40
miles north and northeast of Billings; and Picto-
graph Cave, near Billings. I have seen none of
the material from the Hagen site, but Mulloy’s
well-illustrated report is adequate for present pur-
poses. As elsewhere noted, Nelson’s Arrow Rock
collection has been placed at my disposal. For
the last three localities above enumerated, and
findings there by the Montana Archeological
Survey, brief notes by Mulloy (1945, p. 520) are
The Arrow Rock sherds were taken from a rock
cairn situated on the floor of Pryor Canyon and
partially trenched by Nelson. Here, in a “mixed
earth and boulder deposit,” it was found that
“at least the upper half of the accumulation was
moderately rich in the usual stone objects, glass
beads and animal bones. More abundant were
bone and shell ornamental items, chiefly beads
and pendants. The surprise was the collection of
some 200 potsherds.” In the absence of word to
the contrary, I assume that the glass beads and
sherds came from the same levels or horizons
within the cairn, and are to be regarded as chrono-
logically associated finds.
Nelson describes the sherds as ranging in sur-
face color from buff to gray, in body thickness
from three to nine millimeters, and in rim thick-
ness from nine to fourteen millimeters. The pot-
tery is “sometimes tempered with coarse quartz
particles,” and “‘firg is well done.” He suggests
that ‘both bowl and jar forms, some with charred
food particles adhering to the inside,” are ap-
parently represented. On the basis of surface
treatment, he recognized three groups of sherds:
plain surfaced, 128; corduroy surfaced, 67; and
textile impressed (?), 2.
Compared to the Ethridge and Cascade County
samples, Nelson’s Arrow Rock sherds average
generally smaller and thinner, few exceeding 6 mm
in thickness. Many have little visible tempering
material; others, by contrast, have quartz im-
clusions that may exceed in size the particles in
the more northerly sherds. In surface color, the
Arrow Rock sherds seem to run to somewhat
Aprit 1951
darker tones, seldom showing the light buff or
tan exteriors found on the Ethridge sherds. Most
of the fragments are appreciably more gritty to
the touch than the Ethridge-Cascade County
sherds. What Nelson calls “‘corduroy surfaced”
sherds are, without question, Mulloy’s fluted or
what I have called simple stamped. The impress-
ions, however, are much less regular and con-
spicuous than those produced by the same or a
similar technique among the historic Mandan,
Arikara, Pawnee, and other Plains potters. At
least one, and quite possibly both, of Nelson’s
textile-surfaced sherds appear, from plasticene
impressions, to be the same as the more plentiful
fabric-impressed sherds from Ethridge.
The pottery from the Hagen site, according to
Mulloy (1942, pp. 11-388), represents ‘“‘a single
rather well integrated cultural complex.” It is
described as having a granular, somewhat varia-
ble, paste; crushed rock or occasionally sand
tempering; a hardness of 3 to 3.5; and a pre-
dominantly gray color. Medium-sized jars or
ollas seem to be characteristic forms; rims are
variable and include both “collared” and “un-
collared” forms; lips are wavy or smooth, in the
latter case sometimes bearing incised or im-
pressed linear decoration. About half the sherds
recovered were plain; another fifth bear fluted or
simple stamped surfaces. Incised lines, wrapped-
rod impressions, brush roughening, single-cord
impressions, check stamping, and dentate stamp-
ing occur in decreasing order of frequency. In gen-
eral technology, in vessel form, in design tech-
niques (especially single-cord impressing, incising,
and fluting), and in designs, the ware shows close
similarities to the Mandan-Hidatsa pottery tradi-
tion. Wrapped rod impressions and dentate
stamping, on the other hand, are not Mandan-
Hidatsa, and suggest some other eastern influence,
possibly on an earlier time level.
Elsewhere in the Yellowstone Valley, the pot-
tery occurrences reported by Mulloy apparently
involve, at least in part, wares whose relation-
ships are with the Hagen site complex. Thus, he
observes (Mulloy, 1945, p. 520) that ‘“‘a few frag-
ments of pottery were discovered near the house
sites at both Thirty Mile Mesa and Pompey’s
Pillar Cuesta. They are gray to buff, with coarse
paste and sand temper. In some the exterior is
fluted, as though it might have been beaten with
a thong-wrapped paddle. Pottery of this type oc-
curs in small quantities on the surface in many
places throughout this part of the Yellowstone
Valley. It is similar to that of Pictograph Cave
IV, an early historic occupation of Pictograph
Cave, near Billings.” Historic materials, including
gun flints and trade beads, were also found at
Thirty Mile Mesa; but since all these finds were
apparently surface materials, exact associations
remain obscure.
Comparisons.—The sherds from Ethridge, and
those I have described from Cascade County, are
closely similar to one another in all respects. Such
variations as are apparent in paste, tempering,
etc., do not appear to me to be of any great signifi-
cance; possibly, if the Cascade County sample in-
cluded as many fragments as are available from
Ethridge, the similarity would be even closer. As
it is, if the two samples were mixed, it would be
impossible, I think, to separate them without re-
course to identifying marks. Moreover, the tech-
niques of surface treatment in these two lots are
what I would consider predominantly prehistoric
in character; a Plains archeologist, inspecting
them without previous knowledge as to their
provenience would, with little or no hesitation, at
once suspect a late prehistoric horizon.
The Ethridge-Cascade County sherds, how-
ever, differ appreciably from Nelson’s Arrow Rock
material. The former are generally thicker, seem
to be better fired and more carefully made, show
a greater frequency of cord-roughening and fabric-
impressing, and a much lower frequency or even
near-absence of simple stamping. These differ-
ences, though not always easily verbalized, seem
marked enough to set the two groups apart, even
to a nonspecialist in Plains pottery types. To me,
the Arrow Rock sherds, by contrast with the
Ethridge-Cascade County materials, have a some-
what “decadent” look that is reminiscent of his-
torically late Plains wares elsewhere—perhaps
something like the differences between Dismal
River and Upper Republican wares in the central
Great Plains.
Having seen and handled none of the Hagen
site pottery, I am at some disadvantage in at-
tempting to compare it with the samples at hand.
From Mulloy’s published description, however,
it would appear that with respect to paste, tem-
per, and perhaps other technological details, no
striking differences exist between Hagen site
pottery and that from the Arrow Rock cairns or
from the Ethridge-Cascade County sites. As con-
cerns decorative treatment and surface finish,
however, there are far fewer resemblances among
the various series. In its heavy emphasis on simple
stamping, the Arrow Rock material is much closer
to Hagen site than to the Ethridge-Cascade
County sherds. The Hagen site sherds seemingly
are thinner than those from Ethridge. Incised
decoration, single-cord impressions, dentate-
stamping, fluting, and check-stamping are very
rare or absent from the Ethridge-Cascade County
series; and with the exception of fluting (simple
stamping), they are also absent from Nelson’s
Arrow Rock material. Wrapped-rod impressions
occur, as Mulloy (1942, p. 37) has already noted,
both at Hagen site and at Ethridge®; and so also,
apparently, do punctates. More surprising, in
light of present knowledge of Montana pottery,
is the relative abundance of cord-roughening and
fabric-impressing at Ethridge, both of which
techniques are apparently absent from the much
larger pottery series from the Hagen site. It will
be interesting to see whether larger and more
carefully controlled pottery samples from the
Ethridge locality confirm the presence of these
apparently distinguishing characteristics, and the
possibly significant differences between pottery
from the Yellowstone Valley and that from the
Marias-Teton-Sun Rivers locality.
It is obvious, as I have already indicated,
that the sherd samples under discussion here
are an inadequate basis for any far-reaching
conclusions or broad generalizations, al-
though some speculation seems warranted.
They do not suggest that the Montana
region was ever one of intensive pottery-
making; and it is perhaps significant that in
the one stratified site reported to date as
pottery-bearing, Pictograph Cave, sherds
were found only in the uppermost deposits
in association with white contact materials.
If this suggested lateness and thinness of
occupancy by pottery-making peoples is
borne out by findings in other sections of
the state, it will perhaps be possible in the
not far distant future to allocate most of the
ceramic remains to the immediate ancestors
of one or another of the historic tribes of the
3 Under date of May 7 , 1950, Mulloy informs me
as follows concerning ‘hie previous examination of
a sherd series from Ethridge: ‘‘The sample was
small and, as I recall, the design elements were
typical of the Hagen site and done in cord-w rapped
stick. Any of the sherds I saw could have been
easily lost i in a Hagen site sample. None had cord
roughening or fabric impressions.” ’
vou. 41, No. 4
With regard to the materials reported from
the Yellowstone Valley by Mulloy and Nel-
son, the former has argued cautiously but
cogently for a possible Crow authorship.
Recency is certainly strongly suggested by
the heavy emphasis on such a relatively late
ceramic trait as fluting (simple stamping),
and by the occasional association of the
sherds with trade beads. It is possible that
some of the sherd occurrences, such as those
noted by Mulloy at pole and log structures
in the middle Yellowstone Valley, pertain to
hunting parties from tribes normally residing
farther to the east or northeast, as for exam-
ple, the Hidatsa.
The Hagen site, of course, can not be so
explained. It was obviously a village of some
permanence and length of occupaney. The
pottery complex has a great deal in common
with that of the late pre-white contact Man-
dan and Hidatsa, including a number of
nearly identical traits; and interesting paral-
lels may be found in other aspects of the
material culture complex of the two local-
ities. Linguistic evidence and tribal tradi-
tions indicate that the Crow separated at a
relatively late date from the Hidatsa; and
it seems a not unreasonable view that the
Hagen site perhaps represents one of their
settlements on the move westward before
they had sloughed off entirely their old semi-
sedentary mode of village life and pottery-
making and when they had not yet acquired
the horse. If it can be shown ultimately that
the Pryor Valley cairns, where pottery and
glass beads occur together, are of Crow
origin, the case for the Crow as pottery-using
Indians will be considerably strengthened ;
but such evidence is apparently not yet at
hand. At the moment, about all that can be
said is that pottery decoratively treated in a
style highly characteristic of historic Plains
Indian wares is widely distributed through-
out portions of Montana which have been,
since at least the middle of the 18th century,
the range of the Crow Indians; and since the
Crow traditionally reached this area from
one in which their closest linguistic relatives
shared a well-developed pottery tradition,
the Crow would seem to be an excellent
prospect in the search for the native potters
who left the late prehistoric and/or proto-
historic ceramic remains in eastern and
southern Montana.
Aprit 1951 WEDEL:
But what of the sherd-bearing sites in the
Marias-Teton-Sun Rivers area? Here there
is no evidence of Crow penetration; and the
sherds in the samples at hand seem to indi-
cate something different from the late ware
or wares to the south and southeast. What
is suggested, moreover, is something quite
unlike the crudely fashioned, flat-bottomed,
subeylindrical pottery vessels reconstructed
by Ewers (1945, p. 295) from historical ac-
counts and tribal traditions of the Blackfoot,
historic occupants of the region in question.’
These latter products are somehow reminis-
cent of the early forms of metal vessels
introduced by white traders, from which,
indeed, they may even have been copied by
Indians who probably knew nothing of the
relatively better-made and technologically
superior wares whose vestiges were to be
found in some of the old campsites nearby.
If the brass fragments at the Ethridge Site
are actually associated with the sherds above
described, it may be worth while to look
further into the possibility of a Gros Ventre
or Arapaho origin; but the feeling persists
that we are perhaps dealing here with a tra-
dition older than anything that might be
associated with one or another of the historic
tribes of northern Montana.
I have at the moment no suggestions to
offer concerning the affiliations of the Eth-
ridge-Cascade County sherds, except to say
that to me they look eastern rather than
western, prehistoric rather than historic.
They are not strongly reminiscent of a rather
mixed lot of sherds which I obtained for the
Missouri River Basin Survey in 1947 at site
24RV1, on Big Muddy Creek southwest of
Froid, in Roosevelt County, Montana,
among which were noted thick, dentate-
stamped sherds rather similar to certain
Illinois Valley materials. Such traits as
dentate-stamping, textile-impressing, cord-
roughening, and the wrapped-rod technique
* In his letter to me, dated May 7, 1950, Mulloy
notes the occurrence of another, possibly somehow
related, flat-bottomed potteryware found in camp-
sites in western Montana, in the Wyoming Basin,
and in the Great Basin, sometimes in sites which
also contain pottery in the Mandan-Hidatsa tra-
dition. He suggests that this may have been
brought into the Montana-Wyoming region by the
Shoshoni. There is, so far as I know, no published
report concerning this curious complex and its
seem to me to argue for a possible eastern
Woodland cultural or ethnic thrust into the
northwestern Plains, perhaps from the Min-
nesota region or elsewhere out of the western
Great Lakes or upper Mississippi Valley
In summary, I am inclined to think that
native pottery in the Montana region may
be older than would be implied in the
assumption that it was brought in by early
peoples directly related to one or another of
the known historic inhabitants of the region;
or alternatively, that some of these arrivals
from the east, such as the Arapaho, perhaps
came at an earlier time than is commonly
supposed. As Mulloy, in his discussion of the
Hagen site and its implications, has re-
marked with reference to westward move-
ments of peoples with a Mandan-Hidatsa
culture tradition, although ‘‘the only west-
ward movement of which we know is that
of the Crow, it is entirely possible that a
westward push such as the Crow movement
may have taken place on several occasions
in the prehistoric period. Small groups may
have moved westward to live for a time and
later to return or perhaps be absorbed by
other groups.” It is well established that
farther south, in western Kansas, Nebraska,
and eastern Colorado, prehistoric horticul-
turists and/or potters at one time or another
pushed westward many hundreds of miles
beyond the immediate valley of the Missouri
and even into the High Plains proper. It
seems possible that comparable thrusts west-
ward by pottery-using Indians, perhaps dur-
ing a Late Woodland culture period, may
have taken place in Montana as well, though
their stay in the region was evidently not as
well marked as farther to the south. That
full-scale horticultural economies accompa-
nied pottery westward to the continental
divide in Montana does not seem likely. The
Hagen Site lies at or near the northwestern
margin of lands climatically suitable for de-
pendable maize gardening; the Marias-
Teton-Sun Rivers locality is far beyond the
area of known aboriginal maize-bean-squash
Determination of the exact character of
the subsistence pattern and general material
culture complex of pottery-bearing sites in
northern Montana would doubtless assist in
the orderly arranging of the later prehistoric
records of human occupancy of the region.
It is Just possible, too, that here, as elsewhere
in the Great Plains where systematic arche-
ology has been done, current concepts of
local prehistory would be shown to be in
need of some overhauling.
Ewers, Joun C. The case for Blackfoot pottery.
Amer. Anthrop., n.s., 47 (2): 289-298. 1945.
ACADEMY OF SCIENCES vou. 41, No. 4 -
Hormes, W. H. Aboriginal pottery of the eastern
United States. 20th Ann. Rep. Bur. Amer.
Ethnol. 1903.
Mutuoy, Wiuiram. The Hagen site, a prehistoric
village on the lower Yellowstone. Univ. Montana
Publ. Soe. Sei. no. 1. 1942.
An Indian village in the Little Cayuse
Mountains of Montana. Pap. Michigan Acad.
Sci., Arts, and Letters 30: 511-521. 1945.
Newson, N. C. Camping on ancient trails. Nat.
Hist. 49 (5): 262-267. 1942.
Contribution to Montana
Amer. Antiq. 9 (2): 162-169. 1943.
BOTANY.—A new species of Portulaca from Okinawa.! Eepert H. WALKER, U.S.
National Museum, and Surnjun Tawapa, Ryukyu Forestry Agency, Okinawa.
The junior author sent the annotated
specimen, upon which this new species is
based, along with miscellaneous collections
from Okinawa Island, to the U. S. National
Museum. He reports having first observed
it 20 years ago at Zanpea-misaki (cape),
Nakagami-gun, Okinawa Island, although
the type is from near the village of Onna in
Kunigami-gun, Okinawa Island. Search of
the literature and comparison with avail-
able material indicates it prebably represents
an undescribed species. In view of the some-
what confused status of the recent literature
on Japanese botany, the presentation of a
new species from this area is somewhat
According to the characterization of
Portulaca in von Poellnitz’s monograph,” this
species seems to belong in the subgenus
Euportulaca Speg., section Rotundatae von
Poelln., subsection Foveolatae von Poelln.
In habit, it resembles the widespread species
P. quadrifid.. L., differing most significantly
jn the absence of axillary hairs. In this same
respect, it differs from the two eastern
Asiatic species, P. insularis Hosokawa? and
P. boninensis Tuyama.’ which have been
published since von Poellnitz’s monograph
1 Published by permission of the Secretary of
the Smithsonian Institution.
* PoELLNITZ, K. von. Versuch einer Monographie
der Gattung Portulaca L. Repert. Sp. Nov. Fedde
37: 240-320. 1934.
3Trans. Nat. Hist.
4 Bot. Mag. Tokyo 53: 6. 1939.
Soc. Formosa 22: 229.
was issued. Its perennial caespitose habit.
small leaves, absence of axial hairs, so
characteristic of many species, and its
foveclate sculptured seeds are the outstand-
ing characteristics of this species.
Portulaca okinawensis Walker & Tawada, sp. nov-
Planta perennis caespitosa 5-10 cm alta, cauli-
bus herbaceis numerosis viridibus implicatis ra-
mosis e caule brevi lignoso griseo orientibus;
radicibus non visis; foliis ramulorum apices versus
plerumque enatis, subsessilibus vel petiolatis,
alternatis vel sub flore vel fructu solitario termi-
nali verticillatis; laminis foliorum in vivo crassis
carnosis in sicco dense granulosis elliptico-ovatis
vel oblongis, 2-4 mm longis, basi obtusis, apice
obtusis vel rotundatis, margine integris; foliis
involucralibus non carinatis; pilis axillaribus nul-
lis; floribus solitariis terminalibus circiter 1.6
mm diametro, petalis 6, aurantio-flavis vel rubes-
centibus, staminibus circiter 25, liberis, pistillo
solitario vix inferiore, stylo gracili superne paullo
dilatato, stigmate 4-partito; fructu globoso 2-3
mm diametro nitido horizontaliter dehiscente,
cupulae basalis seminiferae margine plus minusve
incrassato, semine minuto atro nitido foveolis
numerosis non profundis facie ornato.
Nom Jap. Okinawa-matsube-botan (ex Ta-
Type in the U. 8. National Herbarium, no.
1992668, collected October 2, 1949, by Shinjun
Tawada (no. 2221) on an exposed rock at the
seaside, 20 feet elevation, at Onna, Kunigami-
gun, Okinawa Island, in the Ryukyu Islands.
Fig. 1.—Portulaca okinawensis Walker & Tawada, sp. nov.: a, Flower; b, pistil; c, stamen; d, fruiting
stem tip; e, e’, flowering stem tip showing reddish bases of bracts; f, flowering stem; g, vegetative stem,
lower side; h, vegetative stem, upper side; 7, enlarged leaf, showing greenish intermittent net forming
margins to translucent center. Drawing by Tawada.
ENTOMOLOGY .—New species of Gelechiidae from Argentina (Lepidoptera). J. F.
GaTES CLARKE, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.
The following species of Gelechiidae are
described from material submitted by Fer-
nando Bourquin and J. A. Pastrana, of
Buenos Aires. Two species were reared by Mr.
Bourquin and one by Mr. Pastrana from lar-
vae they collected. Figures of the moths and
life history notes will be published by Mr.
Parastega hemisigna, n. sp.
Fig. 1
Alar expanse, 16 mm.
Labial palpus, antenna, head, thorax, tegula,
and ground color of forewing dark, shining pur-
plish-fuscous. Brush of second segment gray and
extreme apex of third segment creamy white.
From costa of forewing, at one-fifth, a white bar
extends to fold, then is continued along the fold
to tornus as a narrow tawny line; extreme base
of wing and an elongate patch beyond the white
bar, black; costal edge, beyond white bar, and
cilia, sooty. Hind wing gray; cilia fuscous. Fore-
legs and midlegs dark purplish fuscous with nar-
row white annulations on tarsi; hind leg sooty
with narrow white annulations on tibia and
tarsus. Abdomen shining blackish fuscous; anal
tuft sordid ocherous-white with dull fuscous scales
mixed ventrally.
Male genitalia.—As figured.
Female genitalia—Unknown.
Type-—U.S.N.M. no. 60941.
Remarks.—Described from the type male
dated, ‘VI. 50” and reared by Fernando Bour-
Similar in size to the Central American P.
chionostigma (Walsingham) and P. niveisignella
(Zeller) but distinguished from the former by the
dark head and palpus and from the latter by the
absence of the brownish scaling of forewing.
T have figured (Figs. 2, 2a) the uncus, gnathos,
and right harpe of the type of the genus (niveisig-
nella) for comparison.
Mr. Bourquin has two additional specimens of
hemisigna and writes that ‘the male has two
white stripes and the female one white stripe.”
Aristotelia perplexa, n. sp.
Figs. 3-3a, 4
Alar expanse, 10-12 mm.
Labial palpus whitish, pink tinged; second seg-
ment with brownish-ocherous median and sub-
apical bands; third segment with broad fuscous
submedian and subapical bands. Antenna fus-
cous narrowly banded with white except dorsally
the bands not forming complete rings. Head,
thorax, tegula, and base of forewing brownish
ocherous. Ground color of forewing sordid whit-
ish, the scales tipped with fuscous; basal patch
broadly edged with dark brown outwardly; from
basal third of costa a dark brown oblique band
extends to slightly beyond fold and beyond this,
in cell, is a small fuscous spot followed by another
at the end of cell; outer half of wing overlaid
with brownish ocherous; apical half of costa and
termen edged with fuscous, the line broken by a
series of pale carmine spots; cilia light brownish
ocherous with subterminal and subbasal fuscous
bands and base pale carmine; underside fuscous.
Hindwing fuscous; cilia slightly paler; from costa
of male extends a thick brownish-ocherous hair-
pencil. Legs shining ocherous-white variously
overlaid and banded with fuscous; foretibia and
midtibia and tarsi and posterior tibia alternately
banded with pale carmine. Abdomen fuscous
above and ocherous-white beneath.
Male genitalia.—As figured.
Female genitalia—Genital plate and ostium
as figured; signum absent.
Type.—U.S.N.M. no. 60942.
Type locality —Tigre, Argentina.
Remarks.—Described from the type male and
five male and two female paratypes, all from the
same locality. The dates on the type series are
from March to April 1939. Paratypes in U. S.
National Museum and Mr. Bourquin’s collection,
Buenos Aires.
This species is similar to A. cynthia Meyrick
and possesses the hair-pencil from costa of hind
wing of male; but cynthia lacks the carmine
coloring of perplexa. The cucullus of cynthia is
greatly elongated and sharply curved ventrad,
while that of perplexa is short and dilated.
_Aristotelia parephoria, n. sp.
Figs. 5-5a, 6-6a
Alar expanse, 11-14 mm.
Labial palpus sordid white; second segment:
with three bands and apex light brown; third
segment with basal and median bands light brown
and subapical annulation blackish fuscous. Head
fs a
Fies. 1-6a.—1, Parastega hemisigna, n. sp.: Lateral aspect of male genitalia with aedeagus removed.
2-2a, Parastega niveisignella( Zeller) : 2, Lateral aspect of uncusand gnathos; 2a, right harpe. 8-8a, Aris-
totelia perplexa, n. sp.: 3, Lateral aspect of male genitalia with aedeagus removed; 3a, aedeagus.
Arsitotelia perplexa, n. sp.: Detail of genital plate and ostium. 5-5a, Aristotelia parephoria, n. sp.: 5,
Lateral aspect of male genitalia with aedeagus removed; 5a, aedeagus. 6-6a, Aristolelia parephoria, n.
sp.:6, Detail of genital plate and ostium; 6a, bursa copulatrix and signum.
pale brownish ocherous with a dorsal fuscous
stripe. Thorax, tegula, and ground color of fore-
wing ocherous-white; thorax and tegula strongly
suffused with fuscous anteriorly; dorsal half and
apex of forewing overlaid with buff; from base of
costa, and from costa at one-third, blackish-
fuscous bands extend to fold, the latter band,
outwardly curved, joins narrowly a fuscous shade
at outer third of costa; apex and tornus each
with a small fuscous shade extended into the
otherwise buff cilia; underside of forewing black-
ish fuscous. Hind wing and cilia fuscous; costal
third of underside of hind wing blackish fuscous,
remainder ocherous-white. Legs shining ocherous-
white; tibiae and tarsi banded with blackish
fuscous, abdomen grayish above, ocherous-white
vou. 41, No. 4
Male genitalia.—As figured.
Female genitalia.—Genital plate, ostium, and
signum as figured.
Type—U.S.N.M. no. 60943.
Type locality —Tucuman, Argentina.
Remarks.—Described from the type male and
two male and four female paratypes, all from the
type locality. The dates are “VIII, 1939,” and
the specimens were collected by J. A. Pastrana.
S. National Museum and Mr.
Pastrana’s collection, Buenos Aires.
Paratypes in U.
A. parephoria appears to be nearest to A. ephoria
Meyrick but differs from that species by the
long terminal segment of palpus and the three
dark bands on second segment.
MALACOLOGY .—Recent species of the cyrenoid pelecypod Glossus.! Davip Nicou,
U.S. National Museum.
The study on Glossus is the fourth of a
series on relict pelecypod genera. Lamy
(1920, pp. 290-296) has done the most recent
thorough work on the genus.
Glossus is represented by one species living
in western European seas and the Mediter-
ranean. The Indo-Pacific species allocated
to Mevocardia have entirely different geo-
graphical distributions and certainly should
be considered as a distinct genus on the
basis of shell morphology. The exact relation-
ship between Glossus and Mevtocardia has
never been shown, although Dall (1900, pp.
1065, 1066) claimed that the fossil and living
species of the two groups are difficult to
separate. Dall, Bartsch, and Rehder (1938,
p. 121) consider Glossus and Meiocardia as
distinct genera.
The torsion of the beaks has so greatly
modified the hinge of the glossids that it is
difficult to allocate the family to any higher
taxonomic category, and it is not certain
that any of the Mesozoic species of glossoid-
form pelecypods can be placed in the genus
Glossus. (See Stoliczka, 1871, p. 188.) Des-
pite the great amount of torsion in Glossus,
however, the genus bears much superficial
resemblance to Arctica. This resemblance
would be even more striking if the hinge of
Arctica were twisted to the same degree that
it is in Glossus.
1 Published by permission of the Secretary of
the Smithsonian Institution.
From the Paleocene through the Miocene,
the genus Glossus has apparently been con-
fined to temperate seas in the northern hemi-
sphere except for the northern Pacific region.
From the Pliocene to the Recent, the genus
has been confined to western Europe and the
Mediterranean Sea.
Family Guossipak Stoliczka, 1871
Genus Glossus Poli, 1795
Cardium Linné, 1758 (in part).
Chama Linné, 1764 (in part).
Chama Linné, 1767 (in part).
Cardita Bruguiére, 1792 (in part).
Glossoderma Poli, 1795.
Tsocardia Lamarck, 1799.
Buccardium Megerle von Mihlfeld, 1811.
Bucardia Schumacher, 1817.
Tychocardia Romer, 1869.
Genotype: (Monotypy) Glossus rubtcundus
Poli, 1795 = Chama cor Linné, 1767 = Cardiwm
humanum Linné, 1758.
There appears to be no nomenclatorial reason
why Poli’s names can not be used despite the fact
that he employed two generic names, one for the
soft parts of the mollusk and the other for the
shell. The shell name always ends in “derma,”
and Cerastoderma has been used consistently for
a genus of cardiids. Glossus and Glossoderma are
absolute synonyms, but Glossus is to be preferred
on the basis of page priority. Glossus Poli, 1795,
is clearly prior to Isocardia Lamarck, 1799, and
on that basis must be employed for Cardiwm
humanum Linné.
Glossus humanus (Linné), 1758 1792. Cardita cor (Linné), Bruguiére, Encye.
Meth., Nat. Hist. Vers, 1: 403, 404; 1797,
Figs. 2-5 Cardita, pt. 19, no. 18: pl. 232, figs. la-d.
1795. Glossus rubicundus Poli, Test. utr. Siciliae 2:
1758. Cardium humanum Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10: 114, 253, pl. 15, figs. 30, 34, 35, 36; pl. 23,
682. figs. 1, 2.
1764. Chama cordiformis Linné, Mus. Lud.UIl. Reg.: 1795. Gee bderna rubicundus Poli, Test. utr.
516. Siciliae 2: 253.
1767. Chama cor Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 12,1 (pt. 1795. Glossoderma cor (Linné), Poli, Test. utr.
2) ralloie Siciliae 2: 259.
BRIDES@ / >Peterhead Gas SD
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‘ORES Se | 5 2 ea
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»San Jo: i Alican’
w5. Miguel Beh Cortagex
Che A ¥, 2
apr 8 ae ps
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Mi ae. * (French)
Fic. 1.—Distribution of living specimens of Glossus humanus (Linné): W, Locality data based on
U.S. National Museum specimens; V, locality data based on specimens in other museums and on
a p ’ ) .
published records.
1798. ae ou ae ritum Roding, Mus. Bolt.: rior adductor muscle scar deeper and_ better
, no. J. a , yar
ITOOMT OLEH CoR (LE nG) 2 Da ON Coe marked but smaller than posterior adductor mus-
Hist. Nat. Paris 1: 86. cle sear
1801. Isocardia globosa Lamarck, Syst. animaux Measurements in mm.—Only specimens with
sans vert., etc., 1: 118. both valves were measured:
1811. Buccardium commune Megerle von Mihlfeld,
Mag. Ges. Nat. Freunde Berlin 5 (1), art. \ Convexity
2: 52. U.S.N.M. no. Length Height (both values)
1815. Glossus cor (Linné), Oken, Lehr. Nat., Teil 2S WOE 98.3 83.2
3. Zool.: 235. 201292 100.8 95.4 88.4
z 5 , ie 6 131658 93.0 89.2 Utetl
1817. Bucardia communis (Megerle von Mihlfeld), 304792 93.7 74.7 65.5
Schumacher, Hssai nouv. syst., ete.: 144, 201294 81.7 79.6 59.0
pl. 13, figs. 2a, b. 201299 81.2 80.0 60.0
1845. Isocardia hibernica Reeve, Conch. Icon. 2, 186122 79.3 74.7 69.5
: Tsocardia: pl. 1, sp. 4. 201295 75.1 75.6 59.1
1853. Cardita humana (Linné), Mérch, Cat. Conch. 201302 70.3 64.1 59.7
Yoldi 2: 38. 304782 69.6 65.1 59.0
1855. Isocardia cor var. hibernica Reeve, Hanley, vee GiBS Wao DoS
5 6 9 ri 201298a 60.4 59.6 53.2
Ipsa Linnaei Conchylia: 84. 201296 52.6 55.8 iOS
1858. Bucardiw cor (Linné), H. and A. Adams, Gen. 201300 45.9 48.8 36.2
Rec. Moll. 2: 461, pl. 112, figs. 5a, b. 201294a 45.6 48.2 35.7
1869. Isocardia (T'ychocardia) cor (Linné), Romer, 131658a 45.6 45.6 38.6
in Martini und Chemnitz, Conch.-Cab., 201296a 44.1 48.0 34.4
ed. 2,10 (2), Cardiacea: 5-7, pl. 1, figs. 1-3. 201297 38.9 43.0 29.0
1900. Isocardia humana (Linné), Dall, Tert. fauna 201297a 32.8 35.0 24.3
Florida 3 (pt. 5): 1064. 201337 26.8 27.0 20.5
1903. Isocardia cor var. valentiana Pallary, Ann.
Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille, Zool., 8, mém.
ile Wes; jolly sakes, IG}.
Glossus humanus (Linné), van Regteren Al-
tena, Bijdrage tot de kennis der fossiele,
subfossiele en Recente Mollusken, etc.:
WO swe
Description.—Shell porcellaneous, thin, exterior
ornamented only by growth lines; small speci-
mens often have two small folds separated by in-
cised lines extending from the ligament obliquely
downward toward the posteroventral margin; a
poorly defined, broad depressed area in front of
beaks, better defined in small specimens and often
delimited by two incised lines; periostracum dark
reddish brown to black on large specimens, lighter
on small specimens, attaining a light greenish
yellow on smallest specimens; periostracum
nearly smooth in appearance on large speci-
mens; on small ones fine, closely spaced, radiat-
ing lines composed of darker-colored ridges of
periostracum; valves without gape, equivalve;
interior ventral margin smooth; beaks spirally
enrolled and strongly prosogyrate, umbones
swollen; hgament external, weak, parivincular,
split into two parts anteriorly and dragged under
spirally enrolled beaks, opisthodetic; hinge teeth
sehen 3a, 1, 3b, PI
ceyrenoid, hinge formula 5,55, ap, prp all teeth lam-
inar and nearly horizontal, 2a and 2b in left valve
almost completely fused, 1 and 3b in right valve
somewhat fused; pallial line integripalliate, ante-
One trend is quite apparent from the measure-
ments: small shells are longer than they are high,
whereas large shells are higher than they are long.
The ratio of convexity to height was computed.
All seven shells from the Mediterranean Sea had
ratios ranging from 0.90 to 0.84. The ratios of 12
shells from the British Isles ranged from 0.80 to
0.72 except for one large shell from Dublin Bay
which had a ratio of convexity to height of 0.88.
Reeve (1845, vol. 2, p. 2, Isocardia) claimed that
the specimens from Ireland were less globose
than those from the Mediterranean Sea. On the
basis of this difference and some other minor
features, he proposed the new species name
hibernica for the Irish specimens. To my knowl-
edge no other conchologist has considered hiber-
nica a distinct species, but Reeve’s contention
that the Mediterranean specimens are more glo-
bose is borne out by the few specimens I have
Number of specomens.—There are 32 specimens
of Glossus humanus in the collection of the
United States National Museum.
Locality data —The following localities are rep-
resented by specimens in the National Museum:
Zara, Yugoslavia; Tunis; Cette, France; Algiers;
Cape de Gata, Spain; Cape Sagres, Portugal;
Falmouth, England; Plymouth, England; Dublin
Bay; Isle of Man; Oban, Scotland; Hebrides;
Shetland Islands.
Aprit 1951
This study is encumbered by two diffi-
culties. Glossus humanus is not a common
species, except for a few scattered localities,
and observations on its habitat are meager.
The more serious difficulty results from an
error by J. Gwyn Jeffrys, who mistook
species of Kelliella for the young of Glossus.
Some of the Jeffreys’ material collected on
the Porcupine and Valorous expeditions is in
the National Museum collection. Specimens
identified as “‘Isocardia cor” by Jeffreys are
not that species, a point upheld by Sars and
much later by other conchologists.
The exact northern limit of distribution of
Glossus is worthy of much additional investi-
gation. Only one living specimen of Glossus
humanus has been found off the southern
coast of Iceland thus far (Madsen, 1949, p.
49), although the molluscan fauna of the
island has been extensively collected and
studied. The genus has not been reported
from the Faroes. The report of Glossus from
the Lofoten Islands off the coast of Norway
was based on a misidentification by Jeffreys.
The genus is rare from Trondhjem Fjord
southward and eastward into the Kattegat.
Glossus is fairly common in certain places
along the coasts of the British Isles and is
also found in the Shetlands. It has been re-
ported all along the coasts of France, Portu-
gal, and Spain. In the Mediterranean, Glossus
is frequently found as far east as the Adriatic
Sea. The fact that it has not been found east of
there may be due to lack of careful collecting.
It apparently is not present on the west coast
of Africa, even near the entrance to the
Mediterranean Sea. Jeffreys has reported
Glossus from the Azores, but this report is
Fras. 2-5.—Glossus humanus (Linné): 2, Interior of left valve, X 1; 3, interior of right valve, X 1;
4, exterior of right valve, X 1; 5, enlarged portion of exterior surface of shell showing fine radial ridges of
periostracum, X 6. (All figures are of a young specimen from Falmouth, England; U.S.N.M. no. 201800.)
thought to be based on a misidentification.
Further collecting will no doubt more accur-
ately delimit the distribution of the genus.
Additional ecological data are greatly
needed on Glossus humanus. The species
apparently is found on sand, sandy-mud, or
mud bottoms. It has been thought by some
to have a wide bathymetric range, but this
idea is now believed to be incorrect. Jeffreys
has reported Glossus from more than 2,000
meters of water, but the specimens found at
that depth are probably all Kelliella. Glossus
apparently is found in depths ranging from
about 5 to 150 meters. The probable temper-
ature of the bottom where the genus thrives
ranges from 8° to 15°C.
Acknowledgments.—The following persons
gave me data on geographical distribution
of specimens of Glossus: William J. Clench,
Museum of Comparative Zoology at Har-
vard College; Leo G. Hertlein, California
Academy of Sciences; A. Myra Keen, Stan-
ford University. I am greatly indebted to
them for their assistance.
Datu, W. H. Contributions to the Tertiary fauna of
Florida, etc. Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci. 3
(pt. 5): 949-1218, pls. 36-47. 1900.
Datt, W. H., Bartscu, P., and RenprErR, H. A. A
manual of the Recent and fossil marine pelecy-
pod mollusks of the Hawaiian Islands. Bernice
P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 153: 233 pp., 28 figs., 58
pls., 1938.
Lamy, E., Révision des Cypricardiacea et des Iso-
cardiacea vivants du Muséum d’ Histoire Natu-
relle de Paris. Journ. Conchyl. 64 (4) : 259-307.
Mapsen, F. J. The zoology of Iceland 4 (pt. 63,
Marine Bivalvia): 116 pp., 12 figs. 1949.
REEVE, L. A. Conchologia iconica 2, Isocardia: 2
pp., l pl., 1845.
SroxiczKA, F. Cretaceous fauna of southern India 3,
The Pelecypoda, etc. Palaeontologica Indica
(Geological Survey of India memoirs) : 537 pp.,
50 pls. 1871.
MALACOLOGY.—More new urocoptid mollusks from Mexico. Patt Bartscu,
U.S. National Museum.
To the indefatigable efforts and the stimu-
lating influence that Miss Marie Bourgeois,
of Mixcoac, exerted upon her friends to help
make known the molluscan fauna of Mexico,
the U. S. National Museum is indebted for
the following new species of urocoptid land
snails transmitted to us for report.
Coelostemma anconai, n. sp.
Figs. 1, 3
Shell cylindroconic, pale horn-colored when
living, dead shells white. The nucleus consists of
about two turns, which are somewhat inflated and
strongly rounded and form a slightly bulbous
apex. The nuclear turns are finely granulose. The
first seven postnuclear whorls increase gradually
in width, rendering this part of the shell elongate-
conic. Beginning with the eighth turn the shell
becomes cylindric in form, contracting slightly
on the last three whorls. The postnuclear whorls
are slightly rounded and separated by a moder-
ately impressed suture. They are marked by
decidedly retractively curved axial riblets, which
are slightly less strongly developed on the eylin-
dric portion of the shell than on the two ends.
Of these riblets about 40 are present on the second
postnuclear turn, 80 on the tenth, and 62 on the
penultimate whorl. On the last turn behind the
peristome the riblets become; fine, hairlike, and
crowded. The spaces separating the riblets aver-
age about double the width of the ribs. The last
turn is solute for about one-fifth of a turn, the
solute portion bearing the rib sculpture of the
rest of this portion of the shell. The aperture is
subcircular and is somewhat sinuous on the parie-
tal wall where the peristome is a little less ex-
panded than on the rest of the aperture where it
widens in a gentle curve. The columella is hollow,
broad, about one-third the width of the shell,
and shows fine axial markings; it gradually nar-
rows in the last two turns.
The holotype, U.S.N.M. no. 595018, has 19
whorls and measures: Length 26 mm; diameter
of the cylindric portion 6 mm. U.S.N.M. no.
595019 comprises the paratype, of which we have
figured the columella and some fragments.
We are naming the species for Prof. I. Ancona,
who collected the specimens at Ixcatiopan,
Guerrero, Mexico.
Of the known species of Coelostemma this
species resembles most nearly C. igualaensis
Bartsch, fro.i Iguala, Guerrera, Mexico, from
which it is easily distinguished by its smaller
size, more cylindric outline, narrower shell, and
stronger ribbing.
Aprit 1951
Holospira wilmoti, n. sp.
Fig. 2
Shell cylindroconic, white with the interior of
the aperture pale chestnut-brown. The nucleus
consists of about 23 strongly rounded whorls
that form a mucronate apex. The first four post-
nuclear whorls increase rapidly in width, while
the succeeding turns are cylindric, contracting
again toward the base. The postnuclear whorls
are flattened and separated by a slightly im-
pressed suture. On the conic portion feeble de-
cidedly retractively curved axial riblets are in-
dicated, while on the cylindric portion the axial
markings are reduced to mere lines of growth.
The last whorl and a little of the penultimate
turn bear distantly spaced somewhat sinuous
axial ribs, which extend undiminished over the
slightly angulated periphery and the base into the
umbilical chink. These ribs are about one-third
as wide as the spaces that separate them. The
last whorl is solute for about one-eighth of a
turn. Aperture obliquely pear-shaped; peristome
broadly flatly expanded and thickened. Colu-
mella hollow, about one-fourth the diameter of
the whorls, bearing a feeble obsolete fold in the
cylindric portion of the shell which expands into
a thin slightly curved blade in the penultimate
whorl, where it extends over three-fifths of the
width of the chamber bending slightly upward
toward the parietal fold. In the last turn the colu-
mellar fold becomes much. reduced and _ thick-
ened, being scarcely noticeable in the aperture.
The parietal fold is well developed and is con-
fined to the penultimate turn. The basal fold in
the same turn is poorly developed, while the
labial fold is about one-half as strong as the
parietal fold.
The type, U.S.N.M. no. 595020, was collected
by George Wilmot on Cerro del Fraile, near
Villa Garcia, Nuevo Ledén, Mexico. It has 14
whorls and measures: Length 20 mm; diameter
of cylindric portion 7 mm.
This species most nearly resembles H. orcutti
Bartsch, which Orcutt collected on a limestone
paredon in Coahuila, Mexico. Its much smaller
size and more cylindric form readily distinguish it.
We take pleasure in naming it for its dis-
Fras. 1-3.—1, 3, Coelostemma anconat, n. sp.;
2, Holospira wilmoti. n. sp.
4447H MEETING OF BOARD OF MANAGERS Representative on Council of A.A.A.S.: F. M.
The 444th meeting of the Board of Managers,
held in the Cosmos Club on February 12, 1951,
was called to order at 8:05 p.m. by the President,
NarHan R. Smiru. Also present were: W. Ram-
BERG, H. S. Rappieyn, J. A. STEVENSON, C.
Drecuster, A. T. McPHrerson, W. R. WEDEL,
J. J. Fanny, E. H. Watker, W. A. Dayton,
R. 8. Diu, L. A. Spinpuer, A. M. Grirrin,
F. M. Deranporr, and, by invitation, MARGARET
Pirtman, G. P. Watton, and L. E. Yocum.
The President announced the following ap-
Appointed Members of Executive Committee:
W. Ramberg, H. S. Rappleye, J. A. Stevenson,
and F. M. Defandorf.
Board of Editors of the Journal: Charles Drech-
sler, to replace Frederick J. Hermann, designated
Senior Editor. J. P. E. Morrison to replace F. C.
Kracek. T. P. Thayer (Geology) was appointed
an Associate Editor for a term of two years; R. K.
Cook (physics and mathematics), F. A. Chace
(biology), and M. L. Bomhard (botany) were ap-
pointed Associate Editors for a term of 3 years.
Committee on Membership: L. A. Spindler
(Chairman), M. S. Anderson, Merrill Bernard,
R. E. Blackwelder, R. C. Duncan, George T.
Faust, Ira B. Hansen, D. Breese Jones, Dorothy
Nickerson, Francis A. Smith, Heinz Specht, Alfred
Weissler:~ 3
Committee on Meetings: Margaret Pittman
(Chairman), Norman Bekkedahl, W. R. Chapline,
Dorland J. Davis, F. B. Scheetz, Henry W. Wells.
Committee on Monographs: J. R. Swallen
(Chairman). To January 1954: 8. F. Blake, F. C.
Committee on Awards for Scientific Achievement:
George P. Walton, General Chairman. For the Bio-
logical Sciences: G. H. Coons (Chairman), J. E.
Faber, Jr., Myrna F. Jones, F. W. Poos, J. R.
Swallen. For the Engineering Sciences: R. 8S. Dill
(Chairman), Arsham Amirikian, J. W. McBurney,
Frank Neumann, A. H. Scott. For the Physical
Sciences: G. P. Walton (Chairman), F.S. Brackett,
G. E. Holm, C. J. Humphreys, J. Howard
MeMillen. For Teaching of Science: B. D. Van
Evera (Chairman), R. P. Barnes, F. E. Fox, T.
Koppanyi, M. H. Martin, A. T. McPherson.
Committee on Grants-in-Aid for Research: L. E.
Yocum (Chairman). M. X. Sullivan, H. L. Whitte-
Committee on Policy and Planning: J. 1. Hoff-
man (Chairman). To January 1954: Henry B.
Collins, Jr., W. W. Rubey.
Committee on Encouragement of Science Talent:
M. A. Mason (Chairman). To January 1954: J. M.
Caldwell, Waldo L. Schmitt.
Committee of Auditors: J. H. Martin (Chair-
man), N. F. Braaten, W. J. Youden.
Committee of Tellers: W. G. Brombacher
(Chairman), A. R. Merz, Louise M. Russell.
The Secretary reported a meeting of the Exe-
cutive Committee at 6:30 p.m., February 12,
1951, at the Cosmos Club with the following
members in attendance: N. R. Smrra, W. Ram-
BERG, H. 8. Rappieyn, J. A. STEVENSON, and
F. M. Dreranporr. At this meeting the budget
presented by the Treasurer for 1951 was dis-
cussed in some detail and approved for sub-
mission to the Board of Managers.
The following budget was presented to the
Board, discussed by the Treasurer, and adopted
by the Board without change:
Estimated 1951
1950 1951 Budget
Dues..... ; oo $3985.00 $4200.00
Journal Subscriptions... . 1339.50 1600.00
Interest & Dividends 1521.50 1950.00
Sales)... .. 93.43 100.00
$6939.43 $7850.00
Journal & Journal Office ........ $6435.74 $6500.00 $6500.00
Secretary's office 481.26 550.00 550.00
Treasurer’s office. . oe 304.59 300.00 300.00
S.M. &C. of Publications....... 30.67 50.00 50.00
Meetings Committee 244.30 500.00 500.00
Membership Committee.......... 1.50 20.00 20.00
Science Fair.......... 100.00 100.00 100.00
Sciences Calendar. . . 10.00 50.00 50.00
Archivistie ta: cero aoe ee — 75.00 75.00
$7608.06 $8145.00 $8145.00
Hstimated) Deficiten- ake tree eee eee $ 295.00
A letter from J. A. Stevenson was read in
which he submitted his resignation as an Elected
Member of the Board of Managers because he
is at present Archivist of the Academy. The
Board accepted the resignation and in Mr. Ste-
venson’s place appointed Milton Harris.
The Board appointed C. F. W. Muesebeck to
fill the vacancy created by the resignation of H.
P. Barss as an Elected Member of the Board of
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M.
F. M. Drranporr, Secretary
Officers of the Washington Academy of Sciences
[2 ROS EUG D so ele Gig Oo ER OS CTEO BOD aE ee NatHan R. Smitu, Plant Industry Station
PEARESTALENUL-CLECES ater Fae She Oe WattTEeR RAaMBERG, National Bureau of Standards
SCGIRATPO) SED CT Here F. M. Dreranporr, National Bureau of Standards
RECUSUN ODM A ce kena ke Howarp 8. Rappers, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey
ARTO Sea oe cle oR AS AND eer eRe Oe JouHN A. STEVENSON, Plant Industry Station
Custodian and Subscription Manager of Publications
Haraup A. Resper, U.S. National Museum
Vice-presidents Representing the Affiliated Societies:
Philosophical Society of Washington......................... Epwarp U. Connon
Anthropological Society of Washington......................... Watpo R. WEDEL
Brolozicalusociety, of Washinetone sce asso dans jess ee oe
Chemical Society of Washington........... eee tose a yv rate Scns JosprH J. FAHEY
Entomological Society of Washington........................ FREDERICK W. Poos
National Geographic Society...... 20.0... 0.060. c eee eee ee ALEXANDER WETMORE
Geological Society of Washington......................0...005- Leason H. Apams
Medical Society of the District of Columbia..........................
ColumbrayElistoricaliSocletyaee. 20 esses eee ees GILBERT GROSVENOR
Botanicals socictyjomWwashingtonuenne le 44s eee niece ean E. H. WALKER
Washington Section, Society of American Foresters.......... Wiuiiam A. Dayton
Sawashineton)oociety of Mngineers: ...... 5-0-0600... 00s000k os: CuirrorpD A. Betts
Washington Section, American Institute of Electrical Engineers
Francis M. DeranDorF
Washington Section, American Society of Mechanioal Engineers. .R1cHarp S. Dinu
Helminthological Society ofpWashington, eee eee one eae L. A. SPINDLER
Washington Branch, Society of American Bacteriologists...... Ancus M. GrirFrin
Washington Post, Society of American Military Engineers....Hmnry W. HempPLeE
Washington Section, Institute of Radio Engineers.......... Herpert G. DorsEy
District of Columbia Section, American Society of Civil Engineers. .
Elected Members of the Board of M anagers:
PIR ATINT UTS OD Bee ene vei ses ose eee: Nee ale Whtevejesss aeniaeies W. F. Fosuaa, C. L. Gazin
pRoManT ary) MOS8E jae Ss crepes ee a Seer ae es C. F. W. Munszesecs*, A. T. McPHERson
I® dipiatneney7? 3G Ue es Senne een eee Sara E. Branuam, Mitton Harris*
GOR OMOMUUGNAGETS ye crcc yes corinne esos: All the above officers plus the Senior Editor
Roaianopuautorsiand Assocrate HQUOTs, 22.52.42. +0250 .0 45522. 0ge. seas [See front cover]
Executive Commitiee....N. R. SmrrH (chairman), WALTER RamBERG, H. S. RAPPLEYE,
. A. Stevenson, F. M. Deranporr
Committee on Membership............... L. A. SprInpLER (chairman), M. 8. ANDERSON,
Commiitee on M. eetings dekh in cba Marcarer Prirrman (chairman), NorMAN BEKKEDAHL,
W. R. CuHapuine, D. J. Davis, F. B. ScHEETz, H. W. Weus
Committee on u onographs:
Ronanwary G52. esa. jee sean. J. R. SWALLEN (chairman), Paut H. OnHSER
Ovary al OD Smee sae ee ice remit beiacic, oeeyois J aicieee ss a/Sees R. W. Imuay, P. W. OMAN
IPG) dicot rareie WDaY Ges ayecta 6 6 orl etn cara rcnpe nen ne one en S. F. Buaxs, F. C. Kracex
Committee on Awards for Scientific Achievement (GRORGE P. WALTON, general chairman):
For the Biological Sciences............ G. H. Coons (chairman), J. E. FABER, JR.,
Myrna F. Jonss, F. W. Poos, J. R. SWALLEN
For the Engineering Sciences......... 185 (So Davy, (chairman), ARSHAM AMIRIKIAN,
J. W. McBurney, Frank Neumann, A. H. Scorr
For the Physical Sciences............. G. P. Watton (chairman), F. 8S. BRacKErt,
G. E. Hom, C. J. Humpureys, J. H. McMILien
For Teaching of Science............ B. D. Van Evera (chairman), R. P. BARNEs,
F. E. Fox, T. Koppanyir, M. H. Martin, A. T. McPHERSON
Committee on Grants-in-aid for Researched em ea L. E. Yocum (chairman),
M. X. Suuiivan, H. L. WaitTeMoRE
Committee on Policy and Planning:
Ate) demain ICG oo wa po aubeskaesduoonote J. I. Horrman (chairman), M. A. Mason
ROR anwaryl9 OS ners. cess ccs a tion teersdan be mae. Ws Atouete W. A. Dayton, N. R. Suita
PROMI Ua ae lO OA ey) eh ce, ae ca vugce, acoso afuaucare H. B. Couns, Jr., W. W. Rupny
Committee on Encouragement of Science Talent:
Le Uaminens? IOEY, Jo ooeachcacenseocnun M. A. Mason cree A. T. McPHERSON
MOT ANUAL Ye OOSt cena aceon s seee cl tuectcs a eosvetais A. H . CLARK, F. L. Mounier
POR ANU aT yO D4 wets Rance ey ey yens sake souste a aieitersiarsiavens J.M. CALDWELL, W. ee Scumitr
JOST Op Coonocd) OF Bo Fla Als Sonooc6000 ssg04sbnb0090Ks00Gd00RE F. M. Serzur
Committee of Auditors......J. H. Martin (chairman), N. F. Braaten, W. i YOUDEN
Committee of Tellers. . _W. G. BRoMBACHER (chairman), A. R. Merz, Lovrsn M. RussELu
* Appointed by Board to fill vacancy.
Maruematics.—The theory of group representations. Francis E.
JOHNSTON - 6 y:d56 dale Wloscis eeidlecs 6s oe yanie wt alt we ae ly
MatTHEMATICS.—On an equation of Neményi and Truesdell. D. S.
MaITRINOVITOH. (sg. ccc ests gh age ene ones se ee 129
ARcCHEOLOGY.—Notes on aboriginal pottery from Montana. Waupo R.
Botany.—A new species of Portulaca from Okinawa. Eeprert H.
WALKER and SHINJUN LAWADA] (e550. 522 4 0-0 138
EntTomMoLocy.—New species of Gelechiidae from Argentina (Lepidoptera).
J. FF. Gawns @raRKB.... $0.0066 00. clon oe ole, ie os | 140
Matacotoay.—Recent species of the cyrenoid pelecypod Glossus.
Davaip NICOL:.;...Aglat aiccei 2 Bodies Bee ac hs too Oe 142
Matacotocy.—More new urocoptid mollusks from Mexico. Pau
BARTSCH (iy Romie oie ei ghs ence: a oenyelthe mie oan 146
This Journal is Indexed in the International Index to Periodicals
Vot. 41 May 1951
J.C. EwErs J. I. HorrMan
F. A. CHace, JR. Miriam L. BomHaArRD
R. K. Cook
Mount Rorau & GUILFORD AVES.
Entered as second class matter under the Act of August 24, 1912, at Baltimore, Md.
Acceptance for mailing at a special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925.
Authorized February 17, 1949
Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences
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VoLuME 41
May 1951
PHYSICS.—The limitations of the principle of superposition: II. Pauu R. Heyu,
Washington, D. C.
The first paper on this subject was pub-
lished in this JouRNAL 40: 345, 1950, wherein
the discussion was confined to the case of
the resultant of components with equal fre-
quencies. The present paper discusses the
case where the frequencies are different. Here
we find some rather unexpected results, all
of which originate in one fundamental propo-
sition—that with components of different
frequencies the resultant does not obey
Hooke’s law.
Consider first the case of equal frequencies:
A sin nt + B sin n(t — 6)
—n*[A sin nt + B sin n(t — 6)]
Assuming a vibrating element of unit mass,
we see that the force acting on the element
is proportional to the displacement, obeying
Hooke’s law.
With components of different frequencies,
A sin nt + B sin m(t — 6)
—An? sin nt — Bm? sin m(t — @),
*y/d? =
where the force acting is not proportional to
the displacement but is a variable function
of the displacement. To see what results this
brings we shall consider a very simple case:
sin ¢ Yo = sin 2¢
= sin¢ + sin 2t
y (1)
Table 1 gives numerical values of dis-
placement, force acting and ratio of force
to displacement for a number of points in
the first half cycle.
The ratios at t = 0° and ¢ = 180° are of
an indeterminate form which, when evalu-
ated, give the limits to which the ratios ap-
proach at the neighboring points.
It will be seen that the curve has a point
of inflexion when ¢ = 97° 10/ 50”. Here the
force acting is zero, while the displacement
is not zero. A case of opposite kind is found
when ¢ = 120°. Here the curve crosses the
axis and the displacement is zero, but the
force is not zero.
A more readily understandable case of this
latter kind is found if we consider a flexible
string of length z, fixed at both ends and
vibrating in its first and third harmonies
(see Fig. 1). Here we have, at maximum dis-
placement, y = sin x + sin 3x, with the
middle point of the string on the axis of x.
At this moment let the points B and C be
held stationary. The middle point A will
then snap upward and finally come to rest
on the straight line between B and C, show-
ing that it had a force acting on it when its
displacement was zero.
Another unexpected result appears also in
this table. The displacement has a maximum
when ¢ = 53° 37’ 29”, but the greatest force
occurs at t = 47° 25’ 33”. A similar result is
found for the minimum value of y at ¢
147° 27’ 37”, with the maximum force at
t ISA Sey WM
Let us now consider the question of energy.
The components y; = sin ¢ and ys = sin 2
have respectively total energies of 5 and 2,
whose sum is 2.5. What will be the energy of
their resultant?
Kinetic energy = 3(dy/dt)?
4(cos t + 2 cos 2¢)?
1 cos? ¢ + 2 cos? 2¢ + 2 cos ¢ cos 2é...(2)
MAY 2 9 1951
The first two terms of (2) represent the
kinetic energies of the original components
yi and yo. The third term is an excess (or
deficiency) of kinetic energy which is intro-
duced by adding amplitudes, since the square
of a binomial may be greater or less than
the sum of the squares of its two terms. If
t = 7/4 or 7/2 there will be no excess or
deficiency, and only in such cases will super-
position be valid.
To determine potential energy we must
know the force necessary to balance the
force of restitution. d*y/d?? = —sint — 4
sin 2¢ = —F, the force of restitution, nega-
tive when displacement is positive. Therefore
F will be the force we need to determine po-
tential energy. Both F and y are functions
of t.
Yy t
Potential energy = [ F dy = [ F dy/dt dt
0 0
= [ (sin t + 4 sin 2¢)(cos ¢t + 2 cos 2¢) dt
This splits up into four integrals.
[sin te0s ae = § sine een a an nd ne ee (3)
2f sin ¢ cos 2t dt = cos t — 4. cos 3t — 3 ... (4)
| sin 2tcos tdt = — % cos 3t —2cost+3.. (5)
8 i Sind 7; COS A Cs = YF Sie WE Os soacnccaccce s (6)
Here we see that with more than two com-
ponents the mathematical labor rapidly
mounts up. With two components we have
four integrals to handle; and with ten com-
ponents we would have a hundred integrals.
But, as was mentioned in the first paper on
this subject, there are a number of cases of
practical importance where the traditional
addition of amplitudes gives correct results.
The sum of these four integrals will be the
potential energy of the vibrating element at
displacement y. Of these four, (3) and (6) will
be the potential energies of the components
yi, and yo. The sum of (4) and (5) will be the
excess (or deficiency) of potential energy in
vou. 41, No. 5
the resultant. Adding the kinetic energy (2)
to the sum of these four integrals we have
Total energy = 4 + 2 + 2 cost cos 2t — cost
— cos 3¢ + 2,
in which the trigonometric terms cancel out
after a little reduction,! and we have
Total energy = } + 2 + 2 = component energies
+ 2 units excess (7)
which is constant for all values of f.
This violation of the conservation of en-
ergy can be avoided by applying modifying
factors to the original components y, and
y2 before adding their amplitudes. Let these
factors be M, and M,. The modified com-
ponents will be
Y, = Misint and ys = M, sin 2, and their resultant
y = M, sin t + Mz sin 2t (8)
Working with (8) as we did with the re-
sultant of the original, unmodified compo-
nents, we obtain
Total energy of (8) = $M, + 2M?,+ 2M, Me (9)
t y d?y/dt? Ratio
0° 0 0 0/0 = —3.00
20° 0.98481 —2.91318 —2.95
40° 1.62670 —4.58203 —2.81
47° 25’ 33” 1.73280 —4.72200 —2.73
50° 1.75085 —4.70528 —2.69
58°'3774 297 1.76014 —4.62520 —2.53
60° 1.73206 —4.33)15 —2.48
90° 1 —1 —1.00
97° 10’ 50” 0.74412 0 0
100° 0.64279 0.38327 0.60
110° 0.29690 1.63147 5.49
IGS? 0.14027 2.15785 15.39
120° 0 2.59809 co
125° —0.07946 2.93961 —37.00
130° —0.21877 3.21732 —14.69
IBY ah —0.32206 3.30922 —10.28
140° —0.34202 3.29645 —9.64
147° 27/ 37” —0.36901 3.08944 —8.37
150° —0.36603 2.96412 —8.10
170° —0. 16837 1.19443 —7.11
180° 0 0 0/0 = —7.00
1 The terms in question are:
2 cos t cos 2t — cos t — cos 3t (1’)
cos 3t = cos(t + 2¢) = cost cos 2¢ — sin é sin 2t
Substituting this, the terms in question become
cos ¢t cos 2t — cost + sin ¢ sin 2¢ (2B)
Now cos t cos 2¢ + sin t sin 2¢ = cos(t — 24) = cos
(—t) = cost
Substituting in (2’), the terms all cancel out.
May 1951
Equating this to the sum of the energies of
the original components we have one equa-
tion for M, and Ms.
iM?, + 2M?,+ 2M, M, =1+4 2 (10)
A second equation for M, and M, is
It is physically reasonable to suppose that
the original components yj; and y» should con-
tribute to their resultant in proportion to
their respective energies. Therefore the co-
efficients of y; and y» should be proportional
to the square roots of the energies of the
original components.
which gives M, = 24/,. Eliminating WM, be-
tween this and equation (10) we get
M,=54 My, = 2(5)-3
and the resultant becomes
whose total energy for all values of ¢ is equal
to 2.5, the sum of the energies of the original
For more than two components the fore-
going 1s easy to generalize. For n components
there will be n modifying factors. In addition
to the generalized form of (10) there will be
(n — 1) ratios between the n modifying fac-
tors, giving n equations for their deter-
Table 2 gives for the resultant (11) values
of displacement, force acting and ratio of
force to displacement for points in the first
half cycle, as in Table 1. In addition this
table gives energy values.
It will be seen in this table that while the
total energy remains constant the kinetic
and potential energies fluctuate, the poten-
tial energy having maxima corresponding to
the maximum and minimum values of y;
and at these points the kinetic energy is zero.
The same peculiarities found in Table 1
occur here; potential energy and d?y/dé? do
not have the same maxima, and the values
of the ratios at 0° and 180° are indeterminate
y = 5-4sin t + 2(5)-4 sin 2¢ (11) and the evaluated values are given.
t y d?y/dt? Ratio aces Kinetic energy Total energy
0° 0 0 —3.40 0 2.5 2.5
20° 0.727883 —2.45319 —3.37 0.896899 1.60309 2.49999
40° 1.168301 —3.81081 —3.26 2.28665 0.21335 2.50000
46° 14’ 20” 1.216580 —3.89735 —3.20 2.47308 0.026908 2.49999
49° 39’ 25” 1.223492 —3.87154 Slit 2.50000 0 2.50000
50° 1.223424 —3. 86594 —3.16 2.49973 0.00027 2.50000
70° 0.995171 —2.73027 —2.74 1.75899 0.74101 2.50000
90° 0.447214 —0.447214 —1.00 0.9 1.6 2.5
93° 35/ 0.334754 0 0 0.87490 1.62510 2.50000
100° 0.134506 0.78323 5.82 0.95361 1.54639 2.50000
104° 28’ 39” 0.000001 1.29904 re) 1.09875 1.40625 2.50000
110° —0. 154683 1.88978 —12.22 1.33978 1.16023 2.50001
130° —0.538252 3.18076 —5.91 2.32114 0.17886 2.50000
136° 17’ 42” —0.584481 3.26856 —5.60 2.47062 0.02939 2.50001
140° —0.593375 3.23589 —5.45 2.49948 0.00051 2.49999
140° 34’ —0.593533 3.22632 —5.42 2.5 0 2.5
150° —0.550992 2.87464 —5.22 2.37141 0.12859 2.50000
170° —0. 228255 1.14599 —5.02 1.73051 0.76948 2.49999
180° 0 0 —5.00 1.6 0.9 2.5
ETHNOLOGY.—Some medical beliefs and practices of the contemporary Iroquois
Longhouses of the Six Nations Reserve. MarcrenL Rioux, National Museum of
Canada, Ottawa, Canada. (Communicated by William N. Fenton.)
A member of an Iroquois Longhouse is
considered to be an individual who dces not
belong to any of the Christian sects and is
regarded by his fellow members as a believer
in the doctrine of Handsome Lake, a native
prophet who, at the beginning of the nine-
teenth century, established a new religion
among his people. Although this doctrine
is strongly influenced by Christian beliefs
and practices, it has served to preserve and
consolidate many traditional Iroquois ideas
and customs. The name ‘‘Longhouse”’ also
designates the building where the adherents
of the Handsome Lake cult hold most of
their religious rituals and ceremonies. The
percentage of the Longhouse worshipers is
about one-fifth of the Iroquois population—
approximately 5,500—of the whole Six
Nations Reserve. The majority are located
on the “‘lower’” end of the reserve and form
a homogeneous group; the Christians in this
area are very few. Three of the four Long-
houses on the reserve are located there, and
the fourth, the Upper Cayuga Longhouse,
stands just beyond the boundary of what
could be considered the Longhouse district.
The affairs of both the Pagans and the
Christians are taken care of without dis-
crimination by the Indian Affairs Branch
of the Canadian Government. Between the
two groups no other frontier exists but the
cultural, and both have practically the same
historical background.
Every Iroquois tribe is represented on the
reserve, but unevenly. Almost all the Mo-
hawks, Oneidas, and Tuscaroras, who repre-
sent more than three-fifths of the entire
population, are Christians; the next fifth of
Christians consists of Senecas Kanedagas,
Onondagas Bearfoot along with some Upper
Cayugas, and a few Lower Cayugas. The
Cayugas form the bulk of the Longhouse
1T spent part of the summers of 1949 and 1950
among the Long-house Iroquois of the Six Nations
Reserve near Brantford, Ontario, with the view of
determining the degree and rhythm of accultura-
tion of this social group. The survey was sponsored
by the National Museum of Canada, Ottawa.
2 This designation appears to be not merely
geographical; it connotes a value- judgment, when
uttered by Christian Troquois of the ‘“‘upper’’ end.
believers; among them, the Lower Cayugas,
who are more numerous than the Upper, are
the most coherent Longhouse group. The
Upper Cayugas alone are located outside of
the Longhouse area. This group has shown
signs of disintegration in recent years, and
members are not so staunch in their outlook
and practices as they used to be. Whereas
the Mohawks, Cayugas, Oneidas, and Tus-
caroras constitute homogeneous religious
groups, the Senecas and Onondagas are
divided among themselves. Should we follow
in our analysis the paternal line of descent,
as is done officially by the Indian Affairs
office, and increasingly by the Longhouse
themselves who abandon the traditional
maternal line, we will find that no Long-
house worshiper is found among the Bear-
foot Onondagas, while there are not more
than two or three among the Senecas
Kanedagas. On the other hand, most of the
Onondagas Clearsky and the Senecas
Wharondas or Aughanagas are Longhouse
supporters. Are the roots of this divergent
religious evolution historical or could this
split be explained in terms of the present
location of the various tribes and subtribes
of the Reserve? We note that most of the
Senecas and Onondagas who live among the
Cayugas belong to the Handsome Lake
religion, and those living with the Mohawks
are Christian.
Although a full explanation of the actual
state of the beliefs and practices of the
Longhouse people concerning medicine could
not be reached before other aspects of their
culture are taken into account and discussed
in relation to one another, a brief outline of
some of the points under study is given here.
A cultural trait, it seems, may be re-
placed only when the borrower finds in a
new trait an advantage over the one being
discarded, and when the new trait can be
readily assimilated by the old culture. To -
explain the diffusion of technical traits from
one society to another, one has to find out
whether the dominated society is at a favour-
able enough technical level to make use of
the traits which are offered to it. Leroi
May 1951
Gourhan’ states that diffusion does not take
place when (1) the ethnical group, being in
a state of technical infericrity cannot un-
derstand the principles of the new technical
traits, (2) when an ethnical group, being in
a state of technical inertia, does not see
the need of making any effort to assimilate
the new traits, and (8) when the ethnical
group, being in a state of intensive technical
development, neglects what other groups
have to offer. Could we not add that there
are cases of partial diffusion when a group,
for pragmatic reasons, accepts certain new
traits and still keeps the older complex be-
cause its ideological culture, which dees not
follow the same rhythm of acculturation as
the technical and social cultures, is still
linked with the older technical traits?
These principles cculd explain the adop-
tion by the Iroquois of a vast amount of
European technical traits and the abandon-
ment of practically all their technical culture.
The few native traits still retained mostly
appertain to medicine. In the old Iroquois
culture, medicine formed a focus of impor-
tance, secondary only to political organiza-
tion and to the agricultural complex, and for
this reason, it should subsist longer than
other complexes of lesser importance. Medic-
inal beliefs and practices, intimately linked
with their traditional rituals and mythology,
remain in accord with the structure of their
personality, which has not changed as fast
as the external aspects of their culture.
Their great mechanical ability has enabled
them to grasp the intricacies of much of the
European technology and to assimilate it;
yet, on the whole, some of their cultural
postulates or themes have prevented them
from discarding magical beliefs and prac-
tices. As we shall see later, native medicine
and European medicine can coexist, while
some practices cannot continue to exist in
the presence of others and have, as a matter
of fact, disappeared or are regressing con-
stantly. For instance, the folk are still very
fond of corn bread, yet they do not as a rule
take the trouble to use it because their
modern habits do not leave them enough
time to prepare it.
3 Leror-GourHan, ANDRE, Miliewx et tech-
niques: 398-399. 1945.
Their medicine may be divided into two
parts: the first rests on their traditional
knowledge of the curative properties of
herbs and other plants; it is empirical.
The other may be called magical; it consists
of beliefs and practices in which, from the
point of view of the observer, no logical
link is apparent between the means taken
for a cure and the results expected. As
Murdock! points out, magical beliefs and
practices are characterized, among other
things, by effort to produce effects ‘‘in fellow-
ing out some mystical principle or associa-
tion of ideas.’”’ For instance, a fortune-teller
says to a dyspeptic person: ‘““You must hold
an Eagle dance because your mother when
alive, used to put on an Eagle dance from
time to time. But since she died nobody
has ever given one.”” We may now ask
whether the Iroquois make a distinction
between these two types of medicine, em-
pirical and magical. Observations to be
given here presently, tend to show that they
make a distinction between the two kinds
of medicine but that it is not made at the
intellectual but at the affective level; they
seem to yield to different kinds of sentiments
when, on the one hand, they go to the
hospital and when, on the other hand, they
resort to the fortune-teller or to the witch.
On the whole, they are inclined to resort
to the white doctor or to their medicinal
plants whenever their ailment appears to
them as being well localized and easy to
diagnose; but they turn to a fortune-teller
and sometimes to a witch when their trouble
seems mysterious. As an informant stated,
some diseases are for the white doctor to
cure and others for the fortune-teller. Their
basic criterion for establishing a distinction
between the various ailments they suffer
appears to be the element of mystery lacking
in the first and present in the others; their
emotions rise in intensity in proportion
with the mystery involved; they soon pass
from fear to anguish.
If we call empirical that part of Iroquois
medicine which is based on the knowledge
of the curative properties of plants and
herbs, we can state that this practice does
4Murpock, G. P., in Dictionary of sociology,
Fairchild, H. P. (ed.): 180.
not belong exclusively to the Longhouse
worshipers; for some of the Christians
still use Iroquois medicine. But, as every-
thing traditionally Iroquois, it has a tend-
ency to be identified with Longhouse people
and culture. In a few cases of passage from
Christianity to the Handsome Lake religion,
the reason given to me for the conversion
was the good effect Iroquois medicine had
on some people who were very ill. Because
the whites often express their confidence in
and admiration for Iroquois medicine, the
‘Christian Iroquois still keep a verbal, if not
a practical, attachment to their own tra-
dition. As this does not conflict with their
Christian faith, it has been kept as a com-
pensatory element; there is a strong inclina-
tion to retain it in both Christian and Long-
house groups, because it belongs to them
and for that reason, has become a source of
pride. To overcome the complex of inferiority
they have towards the white, they are apt
to boast that they had and still have a power-
ful medicine.
If empirical Iroquois medicine is idealized
more than practiced among the Christians
it is still in use among the Longhouse people
who link it with the Handsome Lake religion
and native beliefs and customs. Today medi-
cine has gathered around itself other traits
which formerly were not so intimately linked
with it. If the Iroquois institution of giving
personal names is still maintained by a good
many Longhouse adherents, it is done, so
some chiefs say, to keep the medicine prac-
tices functioning. In some rituals, especially
where a tobacco offering is made, the name
of the person for whom the ritual is per-
formed must be mentioned; as the rituals
are conducted in the Indian dialect, the name
itself should also be mentioned in that
tongue because if the name were uttered
in English (Christian name) the Great
Spirit would not know the person concerned.
Medicine appears to be one of the last
Indian ecmplexes the Longhouse will aban-
don; it is of great importance in keeping
their culture functioning as distinct from
that of the whites. As early as in 1912,
Goldenweiser wrote: ‘“‘The Societies of the
Iroquois, whatever their history may have
been, are at the present time medicinal in
vou. 41, No. 5
their functions.’”®> Most of the societies he
mentions have kept functioning today de-
spite the increasing pressure of the white
culture; it is mostly arcund this medical
complex that the cultural resistance to as-
similation has centered and _ erystallized.
At the Green Bean Festival of last summer,
I met a young man who had moved out of the
Longhouse district scme years ago and is
now working among the Christian Mohawks.
As he belcngs to a family of Longhouse
believers, he comes back to the Longhouse
for seasonal festivals, and came this year
as usual. But he stayed in his car instead
of joining the dance inside. He was on the
verge, so he confessed to me, cf abandon-
ing that religion and of becoming a Chris-
tian; the only reason which kept him from
making this meve, said he, was the Iroquois
medicine. ‘If I quit, I will lose all the bene-
fits of our good medicines, and these I don’t
want to give up.” :
The economic aspect of medicine, which
in peasant societies plays an important role
in the retention of folk practices, works
here in the opposite way. In French Canada,
fer example, the physician lives ordinarily
far from the farms and charges his customers
for his services; these factors influence the
peasant to cling to his old ways. At the
Six Nations Reserve the doctors and hospital
are located near Indian homes and _ their
medical services to the natives are given
free. On this same question of empirical
medicine, there exists ancther difference
between the practices of the peasant and
the Iroquois. As the plants and herbs of the
Iroquois belong to the past when the tribes
lived in the woods in the midst of an un-
disturbed native flora they are now scarce
and difficult to find. The peasants, on the
contrary, use plants and herbs usually
domesticated and close at hand.
When it comes to magical medicine, the
split between Christians and Longhouse
people becomes more accentuated. Although
there are instances in which Christians have,
in desperate cases, resorted to the fortune-
teller, they are becoming rarer every year.
5 GOLDENWEISER, A. A. ‘“‘On Iroquois Work,”
in Summary Report of the Geological Survey:
464-475. Department of Mines, Ottawa, 1912.
May 1951
The Christians, as a whole, have forsaken
the rituals and observances connected with
medicine and even if a fortune-teller told
one of them to put on a Buffalo dance, he
would not be able to perform it or to have
it performed by his neighbour. The Chris-
tians have been under the influence of the
church for so many years—about 300—that
they have lost even the idea of the fortune-
teller or the witch.
The beliefs and practices of the Longhouse
are not altogether uniform. Various degrees
of acculturation prevail here. Some people
are more conservative than others; some are
becoming open to outside influences. But,
on the whole, they have a corpus of beliefs
and of conscious and unconscious attitudes
which lnk them together very strongly.
Among them, we find three categories of
medical practioners. The Indian doctor
proper is the best known among the whites,
as he often dresses in ceremcnial garments,
takes part in exhibitions, county fairs, and
sells medicine outside the Reserve; he acts
like an emissary of Iroquois culture. There
are now two or three Indian doctors of this
type cn the Six Nations reserve. Though their
journeys and association with the whites
have won them some prestige among their
Longhcuse compatriots, they do not enjoy
the same esteem among their people as does
the fortune-teller or even the witch. The folk
are inclined to talk about them with a little
disdain and to remark that this kind of a
doctor is primarily a moneymaker; they do
not consult him as often as the others;
they may be proud of his successes at large
but as he does not often associate with them,
their preference goes to the fortune-tellers
and the witches who join them in all cere-
monies and rituals.
The fortune-teller, 2 man or woman, is
not outwardly different from the other
Longhcuse people. But he or she is a person
“Who knows a lot of things” and this knowl-
edge carries great prestige among the con-
servative elements of the population. He does
not usually ask for money in payment for
his services, but tells his patients to give him
what they consider fair compensaticn. His
ways of finding cut what is good for a patient
are many: dreams, leaves of tea, cards, the
absorption by himself of certain medicines,
simple questioning, and the summary ex-
amination of the patient. His prescriptions
are varied: herb and bark medicines, mixed
plant and magical recipes, or just magical
devices. He stands midway between the
European doctor who resorts only to em-
pirical medicine and the witch who resorts
to magic. At times, the fortune-teller intro-
duces preventive medicine by ordering, at
the beginning of summer or winter, a remedy
which keeps away the diseases common in
that season of the year; this practice is dying
out. Most of his efforts, however, are directed
to mysterious and difficult cases, where he will
ordinarily prescribe a ritual dance, a feast or
a game with or without the use of herbs and
The third group of practitioners ccncerned
with health is more«exclusive and very
secretive. It takes a long time for an outsider
to learn their names and to get any informa-
tion about their black art. People ordinarily
resort to the witches® when all other means
have been exhausted. As it is admitted,
witches are becoming rare and their activities
are hidden even to the Longhouse believers
themselves. According to some informants,
those who aspire to become witches must
try their power on a member of their own
family by bewitching this person to death.
For this very reason even their names re-
main secret. No witch can denounce another
witeh without denouncing himself. The feel-
ings of the people in regard to witches and
to witcheraft are ambivalent. On the one
hand, the witch is feared and reprobated for
his malefie power; and the code of Handsome
Lake is very severe for witches. But, on the
other hand, the people cannot help being
fascinated by his great powers and they try
to know their names and to get in touch
with them. The best and the worst are often
intimately linked, and excessive admiration
and reprobation are sometimes merged in
the minds and reactions of the people.
Maleficious witchcraft and benevolent medi-
cine are closely connected and the same
plant may at times be used for both medicine
and witcheraft, depending on the intentions
of the person who collects the reots from
which the powerful medicine or magic is
6 “Witch’’ is used on the reserve for both male
and female practitioners of witeheraft.
extracted. The more beneficial a medicine is,
the worse it can be if used to bewitch. Their
most powerful medicine today, according to
my informants, is Niganéga’a‘, a powder
extracted from a plant which is said to grow
only at Salamanca, in New York State.
Those who go there to collect the plant from
which the “good medicine” is extracted
observe strict rules; they must follow the
plant with their hands from the top to the
tips of the rccts, deep in the soil. If the
plant breaks during the operation, the search
for another must start all over again as only
plants pulled up in their entirety without
being broken in any of their parts are suit-
able. Even when the ends of the roots have
been reached without accident the only roots
that are brought are those which grow from
the east to the west—in the direction that
the sun follows. Those growing from the
North to the South must be avoided. How-
ever, somebody whose ambition it is to
become a witch can pick these roots; they
are used for the most powerful witch-
eraft. It 1s admitted, however, that the
younger generation knows very little now
about witchcraft; beliefs and practices are
being lost; the idea of witcheraft is still
entertained by a good many people but the
witches themselves seem to be less active
and less numerous.
Of the medicine men enumerated above,
the fortune-teller is today the most active
among the Longhouse people of the Six
Nations Reserve. Of them Parker says:
“Diviners of mysteries have always been
prominent among the Indians. Their office
was to tell their clients the proper medicine
society that would be more efficacious in
curing the sick, to discover the whereabouts
of lost children and articles, to discover
what witch was working her spells, and to
tell fortunes, as well as to interpret dreams.’”
The function of the fortune-teller is similar
nowadays, except that the first function
described by Parker is much more to the
fcre than the others. The only other com-
ment to be made on Parker’s quotation is
that witches may be male or female, not
only female as he seems tc imply. Indeed,
the best-known witches now are mostly men.
7 PaRKER, ArnTHUR. The code of Handsome Lake:
49-50. 1012.
vou. 41, No. 5
A question comes up as to a possible parallel
between the switching of this function from
women to men and the constant regression of
what was known as the Iroquois matri-
archate. The people usually resort to the
fortune-teller for illnesses which appear
mysterious to them, mostly internal diseases
with many symptoms. Although I know of a
man having gone to a fortune-teller for
appendicitis, diagnosed as such by a white
doctor, and another one for an abscess in the
leg, it seems that in such cases most Long-
houses would have gone to the hespital.
Acculturation processes* have been in oper-
ation for so long that it is safe to state that in
most instances where the diseases are ex-
ternal and well diagnosed, the patients
consult the doctor first before going to the
fortune-teller or to the witch.
The wife of one of my informants came
back from the fruit country where she had
been “picking” for about two months and
complained about her health. She had a
poisoned tooth and felt other symptoms that
made her “very sick.’”? She had lost her
appetite, was dizzy at times, and in the
morning had a funny taste in her mouth;
she also had pains in the abdomen. As she
was going to the hospital to have her tooth
extracted, I advised her to consult the doctor
about her other troubles. She answered that
it was not a case for the doctor but for the
fortune-teller. She went to the hospital,
came back three or four days later, and called
the fortune-teller who told her that her dead
husband was hungry and she must “put up”
a feast for him. Obviously, there was in her
mind a clear distinction between various
illnesses: the ones which can be cured by the
doctor, the others by the fortune-teller.
In another family I often visited, the
mother told me she was not feeling well;
she had about the same symptoms as the
other woman just mentioned: loss of ap-
petite, dizziness, pains in the head. She
went to the fortune-teller who recommended
a Bear dance; she was very grateful to him
because she got better a few days after.
Some time later, her oldest son was hit
when stepping off a truck, and was bleeding
8 Fenton, W. N. Contacts between Iroquois
herbalism and colonial medicine. Ann. Rep. Smith-
sonian Institution, 1941: 501-526.
May 1951
heavily; her first thought was to call for a
doctor and to take her son to the hospital.
As in the previous instance, the woman
believed that one disease was to be cured
by the fortune-teller, another by the white
Many people, however, do not take
chances and go to both the doctor and the
fortune-teller for the same illness. It some-
times happens that having gone first to the
physician they stop seeing him and consult
a fortune-teller, particularly when a long
treatment is required; very soon they get
discouraged and revert for help to their
magical practices and medical societies. In
many cases when they call the doctor, it is
reaily too late. Seeing that their medicine
has failed, they call for the doctor and some-
times go the the hospital just to die. This
practice does not improve people’s confidence
in the hospital.
I have studied the life of a Lower Cayuga
of the Handsome Lake faith who, in many
respects, is typical of his culture; he has
spent all his life on the reserve, in the Long-
house area, and has undergone the same
influences as the majority of his fellow-
believers. But even among the Longhouse
believers, the effects of acculturation, as I
have been able to observe them, are not
uniform. Some people are very conservative
on certain points while partial to new beliefs
and practices. It seems that idiosyncrasies
have much to do with the picking up of
traits within a certain range. The informant
just referred to, in matters of rituals and
religious beliefs, is very strict while he could
not help laughing at some of the Iroquois
folk tales and myths; his wife, on the con-
trary believed in all myths and tales while
she did not care very much for the rituals. In
all matters of health and medicine, he was a
very good informant because, being sick
himself, he was personally interested. At
various periods of his life, he had consulted
the doctor for himself and for his family. As
the doctor usually was successful, he had
developed a high opinion of him and of his
medicine. But I found that on serious
matters, he had not taken chances, and he
has used both the doctor and the fortune-
teller. He is a member of the Bear, Otter,
Eagle, and False Faces societies, all of them
concerned with health. From time to time he
“puts up” a dance to prevent any illness
caused by negligence in not keeping the
rules of the societies. In going over the
various illnesses he and his family suffered,
I am unable to detect the reasons he had
gone to the doctor in certain cases and to
the fortune-teller in others; except for face
distortion and nose bleeding which are
ailments for the False Faces to cure, I
could not ascertain on what grounds the
distinction between illnesses was made.
Some of the illnesses began while the family
was out in the fruit country where a fortune-
teller was not available; had they happened
on the reserve it might have been different;
in other cases, the doctor or the fortune-
teller was called, when one or the other failed
to give satisfaction.
About five years ago, Pat fell from a barn,
and although no bone apparently was
broken he called for the fortune-teller to
administer him some ‘“‘Niganéga ’a‘”’, the
good medicine.”’ As it did not work—nothing
was broken—he called a doctor, because he
still felt very sick. After a thorough exami-
nation the doctor said that nothing was
wrong with him and gave him some pills.
Since that day, however, he has not been
able to work; he always complained about
headaches and stomach and _ intestinal
troubles. Once in a while he ealls on a
doctor—every time a new one comes on the
reserve—and now and then he sees a fortune-
teller. When he finds that the prescription of
the fortune-teller does not cure him, he is
apt to think that he has not enough con-
fidence in the traditional dances and feasts
and blames it on himself for not being cured.
One day, after discussing his problems, he
told me that the only answer was that he had
been bewitched; the more he thought of it,
the more he believed that he had all the
symptoms of a bewitched person. ‘‘When
nobody knows the cause of headaches, pains,
loss of appetite, it is sure that the one who
suffers these ailments has been bewitched.”
It was the first time he mentioned this
suspicion to me, yet it had oecurred to him
long ago, as soon as the doctor he had con-
sulted first had told him he did not know
what was wrong with him. For a year now
his conviction had grown firmer; his wife had
then consulted a fortune-teller who was
picking berries with her and told her that
she knew that Pat, my informant, had
been bewitched by a relative of his who had
reasons to compalin about his behaviour.
From that time on he was busy with his
wife trying to find out the person who had
caused harm to him. Every possibility was
examined patiently and finally the conclusion
was reached that 1t was a woman with whom
he had had some trouble about a horse and a
succession. This particular woman seemed to
fit the words of the fortune-teller: she was a
relative, she might have had some reasons to
be angry at him and she was thought by
many to have practiced magic in the past
and still to practice it. But his trouble did not
end there. Pat had then to find another
witch who could counterbalance the influ-
ence of the first. As the activities of the
witches are secret and are known only by
hearsay, finding a stronger one was by no
means easy. The only one in sight, powerful
enough, was not on good terms with him. At
the time he took sick, five years ago, this
witch, who is also a fortune-teller refused to
give him ‘‘good medicine,”’ under the pretext
that he did not have enough of it; my in-
formant had to beg the Onondaga keeper of
the medicine for it, which he did not like to
do. This medicine is all the same whether it
comes from an Onondaga or from a Cayuga,
but the portion that the Cayuga keeper has
should be used for Cayugas. Since that time,
he has hardly talked to him, and now feels
hesitant to ask any other favours. As a
result of this, my informant was getting
more and more perplexed, and the idea that
he was bewitched never ceased to grow with
An example of the use of both empirical
and magical medicine is that of a young man
lying in bed with fever. One morning he told
his parents that he had seen many little men
going up and down on his bed. The parents
decided that, on account of this vision, he
should be made a member of the Pigmy
Society; the same day, the doctor, who had
been called previously, decided to bring the
lad to the hospital; and the parents, who had
vou. 41, No. 5
decided to put up a “Dark dance,” had to
have this done the night after his departure.
As he was away, his shirt was placed on a
chair to signify that the ceremony was con-
ducted for him, in his absence. ,
The activities of Iroquois practitioners do
not keep their people from going more and
more to their own hospital on the reserve. As
they are generally less aggressive than the
Christians, they are prone to take advantage
of the facilities which the whites have placed
at their disposal. Yet, in many cases, their
stubborn conservatism prevents the Long-
house people, and for that matter the
Christian Iroquois as well, from going away
from their relatives and friends; they fear
any new contacts they may have to make at
the hospital. As in peasant societies the in-
group-belonging remains strong, despite the
constant pressure urban culture exercises on
both societies.
Fheir use of both empirical and magical
medicine appears to be a double-security
system for the individual. Just because the
white medicine succeeds in many cases they
do not lose confidence in their own medicine.
The differences between these two systems
do not bother them very much. They see the
white medicine with their own eyes. Not
knowing the principles of this medicine, they
are apt to think of the white doctor as
another kind of fortune-teller. The latter at
times mixes empirical and magical medicine
and they are not astonished at the practices
of the white doctor. It is probably because
they make no clear distinction between the
two that they also expect from the white
doctor a quick cure. Examples of rapid cures
are quoted with great admiration and a long
cure is no cure. ‘“‘Next day he was better and
went to work” is the happiest solution and
the only one worth mentioning.
In further studies on this subject, I will try
to show that if some of the old beliefs and
practices concerning medicine are still enter-
tained among the Iroquois Longhouse it is
because their personality has not been ac-
culturated at the same rhythm as the rest of
their culture and that there is still room for
faith in magic.
May 1951
GEOLOGY.—Present Cretaceous stratigraphic nomenclature of northern Alaska
Grorce Gryc, W. W. Patron, JR., and T. G. Payng,? U. S. Geological Sur-
vey. (Communicated by W. F. Foshag.)
Until 1944, geologic investigations in
northern Alaska were of a reconnaissance
nature and few stratigraphic units were
recognized and named. Since 1944 the U.S
Geological Survey in cooperation with the
U.S. Navy has been investigating the pe-
troleum possibilities of Naval Petroleum Re-
serve No. 4. These investigations have
covered nearly all northern Alaska from the
Jago River west to the Kukpowruk River
and from the Arctic Ocean south to and in
eee places into the Brooks Range
(Fig. This work has resulted in much
more iousted information on the geology of
the region. Rocks ranging in age from ques-
tionable pre-Cambrian to Pleistocene have
been mapped and drilled. Cambrian, Ordo-
vician, and Silurian rocks are not known to
crop out north of the crest of the Brooks
Range, but all other systems are represented
(Fig. 2). To date the Cretaceous rocks have
been studied more intensively than the rocks
of any other age, and as a result a more de-
tailed classification has been achieved
(Fig. 3).
The Cretaceous rocks in the Anaktuvuk
(Anaktoovuk) River area of northern Alaska
were first described by Schrader.’ Smith and
Mertie* redefined the age of some of these
rocks and added descriptions of their dis-
tribution and lithology. The present study
has resulted in many changes in the
stratigraphic classification. It is not always
possible to tell from the literature what rocks
have been included in previously described
stratigraphic units and therefore these units
may not be strictly comparable to the
stratigraphic units introduced here. The ap-
parent relationship of past and _ present
stratigraphic nomenclature is shown in
Table 1.
1 Published by permission of
U.S. Geological Survey.
2 Authors listed in alphabetical order.
3 ScHRADER, F. C., Geological section of the
Rocky Mountains in northern Alaska. Bull. Geol.
Soc. Amer. 13: 247. 1902.
4Suitru, P.S., and Merrin, J. B.,
and mineral resources of northern Alaska.
U.S. Geol. Surv. 815: 196-232. 1930.
the Director,
JR., Geology
The new classification is here presented
and discussed. This classification is based on
geologic field studies of the outcrop areas
and on laboratory studies by the U.S. Geo-
logical Survey during the period 1944 to
Lower Cretaceous
The Ckpikruak formation (new) is typically
exposed along the Okpikruak River, from which
it is named. The type section les in the middle
of a major syncline and is exposed on a small
tributary of the Okpikruak River at about lat.
68°34/30’N. and long. 153°38’W. The formation
crops out in the southern part of the Arctic
Foothills province from the Itkillik River west
to the Kukpowruk River. In the Arctic Foothills
province, as far as known, it rests on Jurassic or
Triassic rocks with little or no angular discord-
ance. At its type locality it is about 2,400 feet
thick. To date this is the greatest thickness meas-
ured, but an erosion surface between it and the
overlying Torok formation indicates that it may
be thicker elsewhere. It is predominantly fine-
grained greenish-gray sandstone of the gray-
wacke type, dark clay, and silt shale with minor
amounts of conglomerate near the base. On the
Siksikpuk River, where part of the formation is
well exposed, it is 1,850 feet thick. Here it is
characterized by a rhythmic alternation of fine-
grained sandstone, silt shale, and clay shale.
This alternation is not well developed in the
formation along the Okpikruak River, although
there is a suggestion of it.
The pelecypod Aucella crassicollis Keyserling,°
which is characteristic of early lower Cretaceous
(Neocomian) is found throughout this formation
in the area of the type locality. The ammonite
Lytoceras sp. also been collected in the
Siksikpuk River area. In the Nimiuktuk-Kugu-
rurok Rivers area on the south side of the De
Longe Mountains Auwcella Pavlow and
Aucella crassa Pavlow have been collected. These
5 Tdentifieation of macrofossils from the Okpik-
ruak and Torok formations have been made by
Dr. Ralph W. Imlay.
forms are characteristic of the very earliest
Lower Cretaceous and would presumably mark
a zone lower than that of Aucella crassicollis
The type locality of the Torok formation
(new) is Torok Creek, a tributary to the Chan-
dler River in the vicinity of Castle Mountain.
At Castle Mountain the Torok formation in the
lower part comprises 2,000 feet of dark silt and
clay shale with limestone concretions, and in the
upper part about 8,500 feet of dark shale and
marine conglomerate and sandstone of gray-
wacke type. In exposures on the Chandler and
Kiruktagiak Rivers, in the vicinity of Tuktu
Bluff about 11 miles north of Castle Mountain,
the Torok formation in the upper part consists
of 4,500 feet of dark clay and silt shale, which
includes 500 feet of sandstone and some con-
glomerate, and in the lower part, of 1,500 feet
of dark silt and clay shale. Thus at Tuktu Bluff
the Torok formation is 6,000 feet thick as com-
pared with 10,500 feet at Castle Mountain.
OF SCIENCES vou. 41, No. 5
The Torok formation is widely exposed in an
east-west belt in the Southern Foothills section
of the Arctic Foothills province. This belt is
characterized topographically by irregular, iso-
lated hills and ridges of sandstone and con-
glomerate, which rise above low-lying areas of
little relief developed on the shale. Structurally,
many of these isolated hills, such as Castle
Mountain and Fortress Mountain, are synclines.
At most places the Torok formation overlies the
Okpikruak formation, but at one place has been
found overlying Triassic rocks, indicating warp-
ing and erosion of the Okpikruak formation and
Jurassic rocks in post-Okpikruak time. The de-
gree of angular unconformity is unknown, as
the contact is poorly exposed.
The fauna of the Torok formation is very
scarce but includes some characteristic Aptian
and early Albian forms. There are a few species
of Inoceramus, Beudanticeras sp., Cleoniceras sp.,
Lemuroceras sp., Lemuroceras cf. L. belli Me-
Learn, Lemuroceras cf. L. aburense Spath, and
Aucellina cf. A. dowlingi. The ammonite Cleo-
niceras sp. also ranges into the overlymg Tuktu
Schrader, 1902 Smith and Mertie, 1930
Gryc, Patton, and Payne, 1951
Goobie (Gubik) sands Quaternary > Gubik formation
Tertiary Colville Tertiary S
| 2
| a ; ‘
| +S Sagavanirktok formation*
5 Prince Creek Schrader Bluff
Upper Cretaceous w | oo : :
: Oo) 5 formation formation
ae a | oe (nonmarine) (marine)
Dp |S
Upper Cret S
er Cretaceous ° :
we paeny: S jaw | Chandler for- | Umiat forma-
Nanushuk series S ; ey ; :
a || “a 2 mation tion
5) 3 z = (nonmarine) (marine)
Lower Cretaceous Lower Cretaceous m Torok formation
Anaktoovuk series | z
(Anaktuvuk) series A Okpikruak formation
* Sagavanirktok formation is not equivalent to rocks previously called Tertiary and is not be-
lieved to be present in areas studied before 1944.
°e ‘Sty JO UOT}VOO]T SULMOYS BVYSL[V ULoyjI0U Jo deur xopuy—'][ ‘91
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seyjng uoboyein
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"L ‘ON LSAL aos
sth Nerf SHY
ai a
os -
/\ 4p:
o0L F | ; ahh OY yo J ‘ON 174M lsat
i s Magu HSI4
obhl o8V I cal 9G
member of the Umiat formation. Arenaceous
Foraminifera dominate the microfaunal assem-
Lower Cretaceous and Lower (?) Cretaceous
The Nanushuk “series”’ was named by Schra-
der® from the Nanushuk River which joins the
Anaktuvuk River at about the midpoint of the
type section. The type section was described by
Schrader as the belt of rocks beginning 5 miles
north of the junction of the Colville and Anak-
tuvuk Rivers and extending south for 30 miles.
These rocks were described as sandstone, lime-
stone, shale, quartzite, chert, black slate, and
coal. Schrader’ states that the series is best ex-
posed “in the north (northeast) bank of the
Anaktuvuk about 5 miles above the mouth of
Tuluga River.”’ This exposure is redescribed here
as the type locality of the Schrader Bluff forma-
tion (new) of the Colville group (redefined). It
is now apparent that rocks described by Schra-
der as the Nanushuk “series” of Upper Creta-
ceous age included beds of both Upper and Lower
Cretaceous age and possibly older.
The name Nanushuk is here applied to a group
of rocks of Lower Cretaceous and Lower (?)
Cretaceous age. These are exposed along the
Nanushuk River where the river cuts across the
Arctie Foothills province of northern Alaska.
Rocks of this group are known to crop out
throughout the foothills north of the Brooks
Range from the Sagavanirktok River west as far
as the Kukpowruk River. The contact between
the Nanushuk group and the Torok formation
is believed to be gradational, but the contact
zone generally is not well exposed because of the
nonresistant nature of the Torok formation. In
the Nanushuk River area the Torok formation
appears to dip regionally more steeply than the
Nanushuk group, but this is apparently due to
a difference in competence. In the Kukpowruk
River area the contact appears to be lithologi-
cally gradational.
The Nanushuk group includes shale, sand-
stone, conglomerate, and coal beds with little or
no bentonite or tuff. It is estimated to be 5,750
feet thick in the outcrop area, but it thins
slightly northward. Nonmarine and marine sedi-
mentary rocks intertongue, as a result of re-
6 ScuHRADER, F. C., A reconnaissance in northern
Alaska. U. 8. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 20: 79. 1904.
7 ScHRADER, F. C., Idem.
vou. 41, No. 5
peated marine transgressions and regressions in
Nanushuk time. Thus the Nanushuk group in-
cludes two intertonguing formations—the Chan-
dler (nonmarine), which tongues into the Umiat
(marine) to the north. Fig. 3 shows the relation-
ship of the formations, members, and tongues.
Umiat formation (new).—The Umiat forma-
tion of the Nanushuk group is named from the
marine part of the section below 750 feet in
Umiat Test Well No. 1. (See Fig. 3.) In the
vicinity of Umiat the inshore facies of the forma-
tion consists of relatively clean sandstone that
grades northeast through argillaceous sandstone
into shale of the offshore facies. The formation
is estimated to be about 5,000 feet thick; the
lower part is marine shale similar to shale of the
Torok formation, which it overlies. Its fauna is
almost exclusively mollusks and arenaceous Fo-
raminifera. The lower part of the Umiat forma-
tion is Lower Cretaceous (mid-Albian), as deter-
mined from the scarce but distinctive mollusks.
The upper part of the Umiat formation is prob-
ably also Lower Cretaceous (upper Albian), but
the fossil data are inconclusive. The Foraminif-
era show a marked resemblance to those of the
Ashville formation of Canada. The Umiat forma-
tion has been divided into two members—the
Tuktu and the Topagoruk.
The Tuktu member is the basal member of
the Umiat formation. Its type locality is on the
Chandler River where this river cuts through
Tuktu Bluff, a continuous south-facing escarp-
ment that can be traced for many miles. At the
type locality the member is about 1,000 feet
thick and underlies the Hatbox tongue of the
Chandler formation (see below). Here it consists
almost entirely of marine sandstone. Northward
from Tuktu Bluff to Umiat the member thickens
progressively to about 2,500 feet and includes
part of the marine equivalent of the Hatbox
tongue of the Chandler formation, as this tongue
changes to a marine facies. The characteristic
fossil is an undescribed Lower Cretaceous Ino-
ceramus. The ammonite Cleoniceras ranges from
the Torok formation into the Tuktu member of
the Umiat formation. The base of the Tuktu
member coincides with the base of the Umiat
formation and the base of the Nanushuk group.
The Topagoruk member of the Umiat forma-
tion is named from the section in Topagoruk
Test Wel! No. 1, from 50 to about 3,100 feet. The
top 1,000 feet includes nonmarine units of the
Niakogon tongue of the Chandler formation and
May 1951
consists of coal, shale, sandstone, and minor
amounts of ironstone. The bottom 2,100 feet is
entirely marine clay shale, silt shale, silt, and
sandstone. Fossils found in this member are Fo-
raminifera, the scaphopod Laevidentaliwm, and
Inoceramus prisms. It is suggested that these
fossils are of Lower Cretaceous age but this is
Prince Creek formation
Gu bik
not definitely established. The Topagoruk mem-
ber thickens southward and intertongues with the
Hatbox and Niakogon tongues of the Chandler
formation. In much of the outcrop belt the To-
pagoruk member is represented by a marine
sandstone which contains a diagnostic unde-
scribed Inoceramus and other pelecypods.
vOrim Gi 1 Om
TOP Mart © M
Sentinel Hil!
Schrader Bluff formation
( marine)
Umiat formation
fOr mat | © fm
(local intraformational unconformities)
Sin ul ii k
S@dadlear oc it \
(local unconformity)
VOrmoatt © i
TOr may i © in
frOhtamMeGh oun
PO te tad Chit To) i
Fig. 2.—Diagrammatic columnar section of the Arctic slope of northern Alaska.
Chandler formation (new).—The Chandler for-
mation (nonmarine) is exposed in the Northern
Foothills section of the Arctic Foothills province
of northern Alaska. It is the age equivalent of
the Umiat formation, with which it intertongues
northward in two major tongues (named) and
several minor tongues (unnamed). Its type lo-
cality is on the Chandler River where the river
crosses the Northern Foothills section. Litho-
logically most of the formation in the southern
exposures 1s nonmarine sandstone and conglom-
erate. To the north it grades into shale with inter-
bedded sandstone and coal; it contains a few
fresh- to brackish-water mollusks in its northerly
exposures. Along the Chandler River the forma-
tion is about 4,700 feet thick but includes minor
units of marine strata of the Umiat formation.
The Chandler formation overlies the Tuktu mem-
ber of the Umiat formation in the southern part
of the outcrop area.
The Hatbox tongue (new) at its type locality,
Hatbox Mesa in the Chandler River drainage, is
approximately 3,000 feet thick and wedges out
northward. It is the lower part of the Chandler
formation and lies between the marine Tuktu
and Topagoruk members of the Umiat formation.
The Niakogon tongue (new) represents the
upper part of the Chandler formation. Its type
locality is Niakogon Buttes, between the Chan-
dler and Anaktuvuk Rivers. In the southern part
of its outcrop area it is about 1,700 feet thick;
it wedges out northward. A persistent conglom-
erate bed, characterized by a greater percentage
of white quartz pebbles than is found in other
conglomerates in the region, forms the top bed
of the Niakogon tongue.
Upper Cretaceous
The Colville ‘“‘series’”’ was named by Schrader
from exposures along the Colville River north
of the junction with the Anaktuvuk River. On
the basis of lithology and scanty floral evidence
Schrader® concluded that these rocks were of
Tertiary age. Smith and Mertie® concluded that
“from the fossil evidence obtained in the appar-
ent continuation of these rocks farther west”
the lower part of the Colville “series” was of
Upper Cretaceous age. It is now evident from
8 SCHRADER, F. C., Op. cit.: 81-83.
*Smitx, P.S., and Merrie, J. B., JR., op. cit.:
OF SCIENCES vou. 41, No. 5
microfaunal and macrofaunal evidence that these
rocks are all of Upper Cretaceous age. The ex-
posure on the west side of the Colville River 1
mile north of the 70th parallel was considered to
be Tertiary by Smith and Mertie!®. It is now
believed that this exposure is of the same age
as the Gubik formation, which is Pleistocene.
This is apparently substantiated by the lack of
any Tertiary beds in the many core tests and
test wells in the Barrow-Simpson and Fish Creek
areas to the west of the Colville River.
The Colville series is here redefined as the
Colville group, applied to type exposures along
the Colville River from approximately the junc-
tion with Prince Creek east and north to the
70th parallel. Rocks of this group are well ex-
posed in river cuts; on the Colville River these
cuts form bluffs that are nearly continuous from
Umiat north to Ocean Point. These rocks extend
west to about the longitude of the Ikpikpuk
River and east to the Canning River, and per-
haps beyond.
The Colville group is separated from the un-
derlying Nanushuk group by a major uncon-
formity. Rocks of lower Upper Cretaceous age
(Cenomanian) appear to be missing. Beds of
middle Upper Cretaceous age (Turonian) in the
Colville group overlie beds of probable upper-
most Lower Cretaceous age (Albian) in the Na-
nushuk group. The basal member of the Colville
group is a distinctive unit consisting of black
shale with limestone interbeds that can be read-
ily identified in the field. The Colville group is
divided into the nonmarine Prince Creek forma-
tion and the marine Schrader Bluff formation,
which are approximately of equivalent age. In
most of the outcrop belt the two formations
intertongue and are not always readily distin-
Lithologically the group includes clastic rocks
ranging from shale to conglomerate, limestone,
low grade oil shale, and coal. The total thickness
of the group is about 5,200 feet.
Schrader Bluff formation (new).—The name
Schrader Bluff formation (marine) is given to
exposures at Schrader Bluff on the Anaktuvuk
River just south of the junction with the Tuluga
River. This bluff exposes the three members of
the formation in over 3,000 feet of continuous
outcrop. The formation has been identified in
10 SmitH, P.S., and Merri, J. B., JR., op. cit.:
May 1951 Gryc ET AL.
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well cores from the Umiat, Fish Creek, Sentinel
Hill, and Cape Simpson areas. North of Umiat
the Schrader Bluff formation is bounded below
by the Umiat formation, and in the Umiat area
and to the south by the Niakogon tongue of the
Chandler formation.
Lithologically it is similar to the Umiat forma-
tien, consisting largely of marine sandstone to
the south and shale to the north, but it has a
much larger percentage of bentonite and tuff,
which increases upward through the formation.
At Fish Creek Test Well No. 1 it is 2,600 feet
The Schrader Bluff formation contains more
megafossils, mostly mollusks, than the Umiat
formation. The characteristic megafossils are spe-
cies of Inoceramus and Scaphites. Foraminifera
are somewhat rarer than in the Umiat formation,
but local zones of planktonic forms are present.
The Seabee member is the lowest unit of the
Schrader Bluff formation. In the outcrop area it
is bounded below by the Niakogon tongue of the
Chandler formation. The top part of the Seabee
member contains a very distinctive 150-foot unit
of fossiliferous paper shale, which is a low-grade
oil shale and contains a characteristic fauna.
Index fossils are Scaphites delicatulus Warren,
Watinoceras n. sp., Borissjakoceras n. sp., and
Inoceramus labiatus Schlotheim, which indicate
that this unit is the equivalent of the Greenhorn
limestone of Upper Cretaceous age of the western
interior United States. The member is well ex-
posed along a tributary of the Colville River,
Seabee Creek, for which it is named. It is also
well exposed along Maybe Creek, a tributary of
the Ikpikpuk River. The Seabee member is 450
feet thick in the type locality.
The Tuluga member is named from the Tuluga
River, which enters the Anaktuvuk River at the
north end of Schrader Bluff. Schrader Bluff is the
best exposure of this member and is its type lo-
cality. The member is also well exposed on the
Chandler River near the confluence with the
Ayiyak River and on the Colville River in the
Umiat area. The maximum thickness is esti-
mated to be 2,200 feet in the outcrop belt, but
this thickness includes minor units of the Tulu-
vak tongue of the Prince Creek formation. In
Fish Creek Test Well No. 1, from 1,195 to 2,350
feet, this member is almost entirely marine ex-
cept for one thin coal bed and associated sand-
vou. 41, No. 5
Lithologically the Tuluga member is distin-
guished by abundant bentonite and tuff inter-
bedded with a light-colored sandstone, and shale.
The Tuluga member contains the largest number
of individuals and species of macrofossils of any
unit in the Cretaceous cf northern Alaska. Fos-
sils are commonly distributed throughout sand-
stone zones a few hundred feet thick. The diag-
nostic macrofossils are Inoceramus lundbreckensis
McLearn and an undescribed Scaphites.
The Sentinel Hill member is named from the
section in Sentinel Hill Core Test No. 1 in which
a little over 1,100 feet of marine beds of this
member and nonmarine beds of the Kogosukruk
member of the Prince Creek formation were
penetrated. In the outcrop belt along the Col-
ville River equivalent intertonguing marine and
nonmarine beds total 2,340 feet.
Lithologically the Sentinel Hill member is
characterized by volcanic glass shards, abundant
bentonite, and tuff. In outcrop the beds are less
consolidated than the underlying members. Fau-
nally this member is distinguished by abundant
radiolaria, fish bones, and diagnostic Foraminif-
era. Macrofossils are rare and consist of long-
ranging generalized types of pelecypods.
Prince Creek formation (new).—The Prince
Creek formation of the Colville group includes
all the nonmarine beds above the top of the
Niakogon tongue of the Chandler formation and
intertongues with the Schrader Bluff formation.
The type locality is Prince Creek, a tributary to
the Colville River. The Prince Creek formation,
like the Chandler formation, is made up of sand-
stone, conglomerate, shale, and coal, but con-
tains considerably more bentonite and tuff than
does the Chandler formation. Its fauna consists
of a few fresh- to brackish-water mollusks. The
Prince Creek formation has been separated into
two major tongues.
The Tuluvak tongue, the lower part of the
Prince Creek formation, is best exposed in the
Tuluvak Bluffs on the Chandler River where it
is 1,200 feet thick. It overlies the Seabee member
(marine) of the Schrader Bluff formation.
The Kogosukruk tongue is the age equivalent
of the Sentinel Hill member of the Schrader
Bluff formation. It is named from the Kogosuk-
ruk River, along which it is well exposed. Equally
good if not better exposures which are more
readily accessible are along the Colville River
from near its confluence with the Anaktuvuk
May 1951
River to Ocean Point just north of the 70th
parallel. The total thickness along the Colville
is 2,340 feet but this includes marine units of the
Sentinel Hill member of the Schrader Bluff for-
The Kogosukruk tongue is distinguished from
the older units by its poor consolidation, finer
texture and somewhat brighter colors. It consists
largely of clay, silt, and shale. Bony coal and
bentonitic beds are common. Sandstone is rare,
and only one conglomerate, 15 feet thick, has
been mapped. Macrofossils are very rare and
consist of fresh-water and brackish-water pelecy-
pods and gastropods.
In the outcrop belt this tongue overlies the
Tuluga member of the Schrader Bluff formation
and is covered by a thin mantle of the Gubik
(Quaternary) formation.
Sagavanirktok formation (new)
The Sagavanirktok formation crops out in the
Franklin Bluffs, its type locality, along the lower
part of the Sagavanirktok River and is also well
exposed in the White Hills area. It consists
mainly of red-bed-type, poorly consolidated silt-
stone, sandstone, conglomerate, and lignite. No
fauna has been found, but the formation does
contain an early Tertiary flora: The Sagavanirk-
tok formation is structurally conformable with
the underlying Colville group and no large ero-
sional break is indicated by the field data. The
rocks here named the Sagavanirktok formation
have not been previously mapped or described.
They apparently do not crop out west of the
Ttkillik River and are not definitely known in
the Canning River area. Thus the formation lies
in an area that was unmapped and unexplored by
geologists before 1944
The Gubik formation of Pleistocene age man-
tles the older rocks in much of the Arctic Coastal
Plain of northern Alaska. The name Gubik sand
was first applied by Schrader! to a “surficial
deposit of brownish sand or loam about 10 to
15 feet in thickness” which is exposed along the
Colville River in the Coastal Plain province.
The name is from the Eskimo name of the Col-
ville River. Leffingwell’? points out that the
Eskimo name for the lower river is Kupik or
“big river.” Gubik, now the accepted spelling,
is apparently a misspelling of Kupik.
The Gubik formation, as here redefined, ranges
in thickness from a few feet to 150 feet, but in
most exposures is 10 to 30 feet thick. It is largely
marine and consists predominantly of loosely
consolidated, cross-bedded, brown or buff gravel,
sand, silt, and clay. The microfauna is somewhat
similar to recent faunas and is more diversified
than any of the older microfaunas of northern
Alaska. The Gubik fauna differs from living Arc-
tic faunas in that no pelagic forms have been
The bluffs along the west bank of the Colville
River from the mouth of the Anaktuvuk River
to Ocean Point expose the Gubik formation lying
unconformably on the upper 1,500 feet of the
Colville group. This is the original type locality
as defined by Schrader. A maximum thickness
of 30 feet is exposed along the Colville River,
but a thickness of 150 feet has been mapped on
the Kikiakrorak River, 15 airline miles upstream
from its confluence with the Colville River.
11 ScHRADER, F. C., op. ecit.: 98.
12 LeEFFINGWELL, E. DE K., The Canning River
region, northern Alaska. U. 8. Geol. Surv. Prof.
Pap. 109: 95, 109. 1919.
13 ScHRADER, F. C., op. cit.: 98.
vou. 41, No. 5
ZOOLOGY .—A new subgenus of Diaptomus (Copepoda: Calanoida), including an
Asiatic species and a new species from Alaska. MitpDRED STRATTON WILSON,
Arctic Health Research Center, Public Health Service, Federal Security
Agency, Anchorage, Alaska. (Communicated by F. A. Chace, Jr.)
This paper is part of a projected survey
of the fresh-water Copepoda of Alaska. It
includes the description of a new species of
Diaptomus that has zoogeographical im-
portance because of its close relationship to
one from the Asiatic portion of the U.S.S. R.
This latter species (D. rylovt Smirnov, 1930)
has been assigned by Kiefer (1938a) to his
genus Neutrodiaptomus. Since it and the new
Alaskan species exhibit distinct differences
from all the other members of this group, a
new division is proposed to include them.
This is given the status of subgenus, as I
agree with Light that the structural range of
variation among the species of Diaptomus
(sensu lato) is not great enough to allow the
full rank of genus to most of the subdivisions
of the so-called Diaptominae proposed by
Kiefer (1932, 1936a-d, 1937, 1938a-b) and
himself (1938, 1939).
Family DrapToMIDAE
Genus Diaptomus Westwood
The broad definition of Diaptomus used here
excludes only the species delegated by Kiefer to
genera of the Paradiaptominae and to Acantho-
diaptomus, which is characterized by features
common to his two subfamilies. Such a definition
must include Hemidiaptomus Sars, 1903, because
it is naturally a part of the large series of sub-
genera into which it is possible to divide Diapto-
mus. Kiefer’s studies have drawn attention to
the highly significant, but hitherto largely ne-
glected characters of the left exopod of the male
fifth leg. The structure in Hemidiaptomus of this
and of other appendages of systematic import-
ance, do not depart from the basic patterns
found in Diaptomus.
One of the remainder of Kiefer’s groups,
Psychrodiaptomus (1938b), is a synonym of Lepto-
diaptomus Light. These names were both pro-
posed in 1938, but the publication date of
Leptodiaptomus, March 9, precedes that of
Psychrodiaptomus, April 20.
It is felt that detailed reexamination of many
species, particularly of those of North America,
is needed before an evaluation of Kiefer’s system
of classification is possible. Therefore, a rediagno-
sis of Diaptomus is deferred for the present.
Nordodiaptomus, n. subg.
Subgenotype—Diaptomus siberiensis, new name
for Diaptomus rylovi Smirnov, 1980.
Diagnosis. —Of moderate size, length of females
between 1.6 and 2.4 mm; of males between 1.4
and 1.7 mm. Metasome without bizarre protru-
sions, the wings of last segment in female only
moderately developed; last segment distinct in
male. Urosome of female with 3 well-defined
segments, the genital a little asymmetrical, the
sensilla not grossly developed; urosome of male
asymmetrical or not.
Antennules short in both sexes, only reaching
to near the end of the metasome; that of the
female with a stout, very elongate seta on the
first segment, and with segments 11 and 138 to
19 usually with 2 setae. The left antennule of
the male differmg from that of the female in
having the seta of segment 1 not so well developed
and only a few of segments 13 to 19 with more
than 1 seta. Right antennule of male with the
spines of segments 8 and 12 not enlarged, those
of 10, 11 and 13 much enlarged, with dissected
ends, that of 13 not reaching beyond segment 14;
segments 14-16 very tumid, 14 without a process
or spine; segments 15-16 with short cuticular
processes; the antepenultimate segment without
armature of any kind.
Maxilliped not enlarged; the endopod about
half the length of the basipod, its setae slender
and nonprehensile.
Outer spines of the exopods of legs 1-4 normal,
those of leg 1 not at all enlarged. Leg 2 of female
lacking the dorsal cuticular lappet (Schmeil’s
organ) of the second endopod segment; absent
or not in the male.
Fifth leg of female with exopod symmetrical,
the third segment distinct, its setae and that of
the second segment not elongate but very stout
and subequal to one another. The endopod
usually. shorter than the first exopod segment,
normally with a single, subapical, more or less
well developed spiniform seta. The endopod and
its armature symmetrical or not, the whole ramus
sometimes subject to considerable variation
within a single population.
May 1951
Fifth leg of male without bizarre armature.
The right leg having the apical claw very elon-
gate, its length about equal to that of the rest
of the ramus; the lateral spine of exopod 2 stout
and near the terminus of the segment; posterior
face of exopod 1 with very small but heavy lamel-
lae. Exopod 2 with or without imner cuticular
spine. Both pads of the distal segment of the
left exopod well defined, about equal in length,
the distal narrower than the other, postero-
medial in position; the proximal bulging a little
medially, and with a narrowed portion extended
across the top of the segment on the anterior
side; both pads armed conspicuously with slender
to stout hairs. The processes closely set, both
distally directed; the distal short, its length not
more than one-half that of the outer margin of
the segment, digitiform, continuous with but
more or less demarcated from the segment, with
or without spinules on its inner margin; the
proximal process a subterminal, stout, curving
spine, reaching to the end of the other process
or beyond, armed laterally with spinules. Endo-
pods not grossly developed.
Included species: Diaptomus siberiensis, n.
name; Diaptomus alaskaensis, n. sp.
Diaptomus siberiensis, n. name
Diaptomus rylovt Smirnov, 1930, pp. 79-82, fig. 1;
1931, pp. 627-634, figs. 12-21; Kiefer, 1932, p. 478.
Neutrodiaptomus rylovi Kiefer, 1938a, p. 46.
The description given in German by Smirnov
(1931) has been largely used in this study. The
diagnostic characters of D. siberiensis are given
herein in the section in which it is compared to
the new Alaskan species.
Occurrence.—The type locality is a small lake
at Bonmak, on the bank of the River Zeya, in
the Amur region of southeastern Asiatic U. 8.
S. R. This is apparently in the area of the head
waters of the River Zeya, which according to
Berg (1988) les in the Stanovoy mountain range.
Smirnov does not give the altitude, but it ap-
pears to be in the secondary southern chain
having peaks of relatively low elevation (1,400
meters). The species was also found in a collection
from Kjusjur, toward Bulun, which is a little
south of the delta of the Lena River on the Arctic
coast. This is in tundra area where the subsoil is
permanently frozen and superficially at least,
represents a contrast to the mountain lake habitat
wf the Amur locality.
Variation —Smirnoy mentioned no variation
in the specimens from the type locality, except
for the division of the claw of the fifth leg in
some males. In the Lena River specimens, the
male was wholly typical, but the female was
much smaller in size, 1.7 mm as opposed to the
2.4 mm of the Amur specimens, and had only
one seta instead of two on the thirteenth segment
of the antennule. The endopod of the fifth leg
differed in being shorter, and in having its first
segment longer than the second. No statement
was made as to whether these variations charac-
terized a single individual or several.
Nomenclature—The specific name rylovt was
used by Charin (1928) for a species of Hemi-
diaptomus. As pointed out above, this group
exhibits no differences from other groups of
Diaptomus sufficiently distinct enough to warrant
other than subgeneric status; Charin’s species
should therefore be known as Diaptomus (Hemi-
diaptomus) rylovi. This necessitates the renaming
of Smirnov’s species; the name siberiensis is
proposed as a geographic contrast to that of the
related Alaskan species.
Diaptomus alaskaensis, n. sp.
Figs. 1-29
Specimens examined.—30 2 , collected in a
mountain top pool, Eagle Summit, on the Steese
Highway between Fairbanks and Circle, Alaska;
elevation 3,880 feet; July 4, 1947. Collector,
Charles 8. Wilson.
Types.—In the United States National Mu-
seum. Holotype male, no. 90711; allotype female,
no. 90712.
Description.—Length of preserved specimens,
middorsal line, female, about 1.65 mm; male,
about 1.44 mm.
Metasome (Fig. 7).—Approximately twice the
length of the urosome in middorsal line. In
dorsal view, the greatest width occurring just
behind the cephalic suture, tapering from there
to the beginning of the second segment, beyond
that of rather uniform width to the wings of
the last segment which are a little expanded.
The cephalic segment a little longer than seg-
ments 2-4 combined (proportions approximately
37:32); its suture distinct; the anterior portion
roughly triangular in dorsal view. The last seg-
ment imperfectly separated by a short lateral
suture, the wings well rounded at the sides,
reaching posteriorly to about the middle of the
genital segment; the tips only shghtly drawn
out, the asymmetry not distinctly pronounced.
Each side armed with two types of sensilla, that
of the wing tip a small peglike seta; the other a
shorter seta set on a small rounded tubercle
and arising on the inner rounded portion of the
wing (Fig. 10). The marginal hyaline area of
the wing (demarcated in Fig. 11 by dotted lines)
very narrow.
Urosome (Fig. 11).—All three segments dis-
tinct. Genital segment not markedly inflated,
but noticeably asymmetrical; the left side with a
gently rounding lobe above the middle; the
anterior half of the right side produced into a
large backwardly directed lobe, behind which
laterally is another narrowly rounded area. Each
side armed on the anterior lobe with a sensillum
very like that of the inner lobe of the thoracic
wing. The rest of the urosome symmetrical; the
third segment longer than the second (proportions
about 3:2); the caudal rami only a little longer
than the third segment, their length about twice
their greatest width; with hairs on the mner
margins from near the proximal portion to the
tip; caudal setae normal.
Most females of the sample were ovigerous;
the eggs comparatively large and few in number
(6 to 10).
Rostral filaments (Fig. 8) attenuated and very
Antennule (Fig. 5)—Comparatively short,
reaching to near the tips of the thoracic wings.
The elongate seta of segment 1 (measured from
its base) reaching to between the end of segment
11 and the middle of segment 12; very stout
basally and throughout much of its length, arising
from a well defined and large cuticular base.
(In Fig. 5 for convenience in arrangement of
drawings, this seta has been ‘“‘pulled in” towards
the body of the antennule; in all the preserved
specimens, both before and after dissection, it is
held out more or less perpendicular to the seg-
ment; the stoutness of the proximal portion sug-
gests that this is the natural position in life.)
The number of setae on segments 1-10, 12
and 20-25 as usual: 3 on segment 2, 2 on 9 and
22-23, 5 on 25, 1 on the others. Segments 11
and 13-19 with 2 setae each. Aesthetes normal in
Macxillined (Fig. 6).—First basal segment with
all 4 lobes well developed, their setation normal;
the distal seta of lobes 2-8 much longer than the
others accompanying it, subequal to each other
vou. 41, No. 5
and to that of lobe 1; the four setae of the ex-
tended distal lobe all shorter than the longest
seta of lobes 1-3, the proximal the shortest, the
others subequal. Second basal segment a little
shorter than segment 1, its distal seta the longer,
about equal to the longest setae of lobes 1-3 of
the second segment. The partially suppressed
segment bearing two setae. The endopod about
as long as basal segment 2, of five distinct seg-
ments, all of its setae slender and setiform, those
of the inner side all shorter than the 3 terminal
outer setae of the apical segment.
Leg 1 (Fig. 4) —The ventral surface of basipod
2 with a patch of long fine hairs on its outer
portion just above the exopod, the remainder
unarmed. Outer spines of exopod segments 1
and 3 only moderately stout; subequal to one
another, that of segment 3 being only a little
longer than that of 1 (approximate proportions
11:10); both tipped apically with a very slender
sensory hair; their marginal spinules minute (see
detail, Fig. 4), hardly distinguishable except at
very high magnification. The spine of segment 1
reaching only to about the middle of the second
segment, bent, with a resultant inner marginal
notch proximally.
The elongate terminal spinelike seta of segment
3 stout, broader basally than the outer spine,
its Inner margin indented, bearing fine marginal
hairs below the point of indentation; the outer
margin, beginning at a corresponding point,
armed with a very narrow, finely serrate flange
(see detail, Fig. 4). The other setae of the seg-
ment all reaching considerably beyond the apex
of this outer seta (proportional lengths, about
70:54). The outer margins of the exopod seg-
ments without hairs.
Leg 2.—The second segment of the endopod
lacking a cuticular lobe on the dorsal face.
Leg 5 (Figs. 1 and 2).—The posterior side of
the first basal segment tumid; the sensillum short
and spinelike, mounted on a small tubercle.
Second basal segment not tumid, considerably
prolonged on the anteromedial side to the pot
of attachment of the endopod (Fig. 2); no sensory
hair apparent, a cuticular depression observed in
the place of its normal location on one specimen.
The exopod (to tip of claw) only a little longer
along its inner margin than the basipod.. The
inner margin of the first segment roughly about
two-thirds of the length of the outer (proportions
25:35); its width about three-fourths of the
length of the mner and about one-half of that
Frias. 1-16.—Diaptomus alaskaensis, n. sp., female
1-3, Leg 5:1, Left side, posterior view, specimen no. 7; 2, left, anterior view, specimen no. 2; 3, exo-
pod setae, specimen no. 5. 4, Leg 1, exopod. 5, Antennule, segments 1-20. 6, Manilliped. 7, Dorsal out-
line of body. 8, Rostral filament. 9, Lateral outline of body. 10, Detail metasome wing and sensilla.
11, Last metasome segment and urosome. 12-16, Leg 5, endopods: 12, Specimen no. 2, anterior view;
13, specimen no. 6, posterior; 14, specimen no. 8, posterior; 15, specimen no. 7, posterior; 16, specimen
no, 3, posterior.
of the outer margin. The inner margin of the
second segment (to tip of claw) a little shorter
than the outer margin of the first segment
(32:35), about one-third longer than the inner
margin; its greatest width a little less than one-
half its length. Claw moderately stout, curving
inwards on both margins a little above the
middle, with a distinct notch on the outer margin;
armed on both sides with 6-10 spinules; some
specimens showing a faint crosswise line of divi-
sion at the position of the notch. Lateral seta
stout and spiniform, unarmed, a little more than
half the length of the outer margin of the seg-
Third segment (Fig. 3) distinct, short and
broad, its width almost twice the length of its
outer margin which is a little longer than the
inner. The outer seta similar in length and stout-
ness to that of the second segment, the inner
more slender and a little longer; both unorna-
The endopods of a pair asymmetrical in length
and in armature; showing extreme variability
within the available sample. Usually 2-segmented
and shorter than the first exopod segment; un-
armed terminally or with a short spiniform seta.
Variation in leg 5—Measurements of eight
specimens showed slight differences in the pro-
portional lengths and widths of the exopod. The
greater number attained that shown in Fig. 1,
in which the inner margin of exopod 2 (to tip
of claw) is subequal to the outer margin of the
first segment and about one-third longer than
the inner. Two specimens had the inner margin
of segment 2 proportionally a little shorter (Fig.
2), and in one specimen they were a little longer,
approaching D. siberiensis.
The widths of exopod 1 and 2 in diaptomids
are never precisely measurable, but even with
allowances made for the differences in position
and flattening of the mounted appendages by
the. cover slip, it is apparent that the specimens
with the shorter claws (the inner margin of
exopod 2) are also proportionally broader in
both segments 1 and 2.
So far as could be judged, no significant differ-
ence was apparent in the relative length and
width of the third exopod segment. There is
some slight difference in the proportional strength
of the setae from specimen to specimen, but the
relation of the two to each other is rather con-
The endopod is extremely variable, differing
vou. 41, No. 5
in each of the specimens studied. The differences
are shown in Figs. 12 to 16, and in Table 1,
where the total length is also compared to the
length of the inner margin of the exopod. Of
the eight examined, four have a terminal spini-
form seta; one of these differs from the others in
having in addition a small abortive seta (Fig.
12). The endopods also show an unusual asym-
metry. This is evident in the relative lengths of
the right and left ramus of a pair, the left being
always the longer; this difference considerable
in some specimens (Table 1, nos. 4 and 7);
negligible in others (nos. 1 and 8). The asym-
metry is further expressed in the relative lengths
of the terminal setae, that of one side always
longer than that of the other (Figs. 13 and 15).
The spinule pattern of the terminal portions also
differs (Figs. 12 and 16).
Variability in the endopod of the female in
Diaptomus is not at all rare, but it is more com-
monly expressed in differences in segmentation,
and small differences in proportional length of
the endopod to the exopod. In subgenera in
which 2 setae are normally present, one may
sometimes be lacking. In general, the endopod
is much more variable in the males of the genus,
but in this species the opposite is true. As noted
above, Smirnov found a geographical variation
in the female of D. siberiensis. We do not, of
course, know how variable that species is, as he
gives no indication of whether he found the
condition illustrated in Fig. 15 (Smirnoy, 1931)
to be true of one or several specimens. Actual
comparisons between the two species as regards
this variability is therefore not now possible.
The asymmetry of the endopod, as of the rest
of the appendage, is an invariable rule in the
male diaptomid, but it is usually not expressed
in the other sex. Only in recent years has such a
condition been noted in the fifth legs of females
of certain south Asiatic groups (Allodiaptomus
Kiefer, 1936a—b, Mongolodiaptomus Kiefer, 1937,
1938a) and some South American species (D.
azevedoi. Wright 1935, D. paulistanus Wright,
1937). Though this asymmetry appears to be a
well established character, it may also be that
in some cases so few specimens of a given species
have been examined that what is actually anoma-
lous has been described as normal. For my part,
I should like to reserve judgment on the condition
in D. alaskaensis until more individuals from
both the type and other localities in which it
may occur are available for study.
May 1951
Metasome-—About one and a half times the
length of the urosome. More slender than the
female, the greatest width in dorsal view occur-
ring at the middle of the cephalic segment, from
there the whole body tapering gradually to the
terminal part. The anterior portion of the cephalic
segment somewhat narrowed, the rather broad
triangular appearance of the female only in-
distinctly suggested. The last segment separated,
its lateral tips not drawn out, but asymmetrical
(Fig. 21), the left side straight, the right angular,
its distal half directed inwards; each side armed
at the lateral tip with a single sensillum, very
small and spiniform, mounted on a tubercle
having rather straight sides (Fig. 20), the tubercle
of the right a little larger than that of the left
side of the segment. The hyaline area as demar-
cated in Fig. 20.
Urosome (Fig. 21).—Not conspicuously asym-
metrical. The genital segment with the right side
a little inflated and irregular in outline; the left
side with the lateral st conspicuous, the back-
wardly produced proximal lobe not covering it;
neither side with apparent sensillum. Segment 4
a little longer on the right than the left side, the
other segments symmetrical. Caudal rami nor-
mal, with the inner margins hairy.
Rostral filaments ——Relatively as long as those
of the female, but a little stouter throughout
most of their length.
Antennule—The right reaching to the end of
the second urosomal segment, the left a little
shorter; both relatively longer than those of the
female. The left (Fig. 17) differing also from
that of the female in having the seta of segment
1 not so enlarged or lengthened; stretched out it
reaches from its base only to about the middle of
the fourth segment. Setae of the second segment
also unlike those of the female. The setal pattern
differmg in that only segments 11, 16 and 19
of the midportion of the antennule have 2 setae;
the others with oné each. In addition to that of
segment 1, rather long setae found on segments
7, 9, and 14. Those of 7 and 9 subequal and a
little longer than those of 1 and 14 which are also
subequal to each other. The approximate pro-
portions of these setae to one another are:
segment 7—55
segment 9—54
segment 1—41l
segment 14—40
Aesthetes of normal distribution as in female.
The right antennule with segments 14-16 con-
spicuously swollen (Fig. 18). Spines of 8 and 12
not enlarged; those of segments 10-11 and 13
very stout; that of 10 not as long as the width of
its segment; that of 11 longer, reaching to the
middle of segment 13; that of 13 strongly bent
distad, incompletely demarcated from the seg-
ment, a little stouter but scarcely longer than
that of 11, reaching to the middle of segment
14; the tips of all 3 spines dissected as indicated
in figure 19. Segments 15-16 each with short
cuticular processes of similar size; modified setae,
with subterminal lateral tongue-like processes
(Fig. 18), accompanying them and the depressed
process of segment 17, all subequal to one another.
Antepenultimate segment without process or
lamella. Setae of terminal segment all weakly
Maxilliped and leg 7 as in female. Leg 2 also
lacking a cuticular lobe on the dorsal face of the
second segment of the endopod.
Leg 5 (Figs. 22-23) —The left leg a little more
slender than that of the right side; reaching
almost to the end of its second exopod segment.
Right leg: The outer portion of the first basal
segment very tumid, overhanging the second
segment considerably on the postero-lateral side;
the inner side also expanded with a large distally
directed hyaline lamella on the anterior face
(Fig. 22); the sensillum a seta without apparent
tubercular base, in a distal medial position on
the dorsal side. The outer margin of the second
TABLE 1.—CoMPARISON OF THE ENpDopops or Lee 5 In E1aut
Right endopod Left endopod
Speci- |pod 1 “a
gen Inner men Naas Asta | 25
o: mai lenath pas Armature jenethl 26 Armature
ments a2”
Z |
1 78 39u 2 Spinules 42u | 2 | Spinules
Ol e75)0 45 2 | 2setae+ | 57 2 | 2 setae +
spi- | spi-
nules | nules
3 81 45 1 None 57 2 | Spinules
4 81 42 2 Spinules 60 2 | Spinules
5 75 36 2 None 45 2 Spinules
6 75 | 54 2 |1seta+] 66 2 | 1 seta +
spi- | spl-
nules nules
7 69 42 2 | 1 seta + 57 2 1 seta +
| spi- spi-
nules nules
8 60 42 1 Terminal | 45 1 Terminal
hairs hairs
basal segment rounded, the hair at the distal
fourth; the inner margin a little longer than the
outer, prolonged a little to the point of attach-
ment of the endopod; the medial portion some-
what expanded and having attached to its pos-
terior face a hyaline membranous lamella that
bulges upward.
Exopod (exclusive of claw) subequal in length
to the basipod. The first segment having the
length of its outer margin greater than that of
the inner (proportions about 27:17) and about
equal to its greatest width; ending in a distally
directed, rounded lobe; on the posterior face,
near the extreme distal margin, two small, rather
heavily chitinized lamellae (Fig. 24), that near
the outer edge V-shaped, the other having a
thick, pointed edge that is produced a little be-
yond the inner distal corner of the segment and
extended more or less toward the other as a bar.
The second segment with both margins nearly
straight; the inner a little less than twice the
greatest width (relative proportions 40:25); the
outer curving inwardly at the point of attach-
ment of the lateral spine; the inner distal edge
membranous and somewhat crenulated. This seg-
ment bearing the characteristically rounded,
small, heavy lamella on the proximal inner edge
of the posterior side; somewhat distad to this
and very near the margin, a minute and thin
cuticular spine. Lateral spine near the terminus
of the segment, stout and long, a little longer
than the outer margin of the segment above its
base, coarsely dentate on its inner edge. Claw
very long, its length about equal to that of the
ramus, strongly curved beyond its middle, en-
larged at its base, with a small tubercle on the
anterior side (Fig. 22), dentate below this bulbous
enlargement to near the tip; in some specimens a
fine division into two parts noticeable near the
middle of the claw.
Endopod a little shorter than the inner margin
of the first segment of the exopod; 2-seemented,
the first broadened basally and only about half
the length of the distal segment.
Left leg: The first basal segment not expanded
on the outer margin, but extended inwardly to a
well rounded lamelliform edge; sensillum a mi-
nute, curved spinule, mounted on a small tubercle.
The second segment having its outer margin
shorter than the mner, concave at its center;
the sensory hair at the distal fifth; the imner
distal margin considerably prolonged medially
to the point of attachment of the endopod; a
distinct jog in its margin just in front of the
Exopod narrowed to about half the width of
the basipod, its length along the outer margin
somewhat less (about one-sixth). The first seg-
ment about two-thirds of the total length, pro-
vided on its anterior inner side (Fig. 25) with
a narrow flattened pad armed with very short
fine hairs. Both pads of the distal segment in a
medial position, the proximal the more tumid,
bulging a little on the anterior side with a nar-
rowed portion carried across the proximal part
of the segment so that it appears to fit tightly
into the segmental suture (Fig. 26); on the pos-
terior side only a small lengthwise portion of
the pad visible (Figs. 27-28); armed with fine
hairs that are longer than those of the pad of
the first segment. The distal pad reduced in
breadth, largely postero-medial in position, dis-
tally not reaching to the base of the terminal
process; its apical portion sagging somewhat and
forming a notch with the main body of the seg-
ment, as visible in posterior profile (Fig. 27);
pad set with very short, stout hairs. On the mar-
gin of the segment between the apex of the pad
and the inner base of the terminal process there
may be 1-3 minute spinules, but these not always
The processes of the distal segment closely
set (Fig. 29). The digitiform distal process de-
marcated from the segment, its length a little
less than one-third that of the outer margin of
the segment; very broad throughout most of its
length, but its tip slightly drawn out; its mner
margin without teeth. The proximal process spini-
form, curving toward the terminal process and
reaching to its apex or a very little beyond it;
attached on the anterior side of the segment,
distally directed; a little enlarged basally, the
width at its middle about one-third that of the
distal process; with coarse teeth on its imner
margin, and a similar row on the posterior side
near its outer edge.
Endopod reaching a little beyond the first
exopod segment, 2-segmented, the distal seg-
ment about one-third the length of the other,
with a few fine hairs on the apex.
Smirnoy’s description of D. siberiensis is
precise and detailed so that a fairly exact
comparison of the two species can be made.
vou. 41, No. 5
Fiaes. 17-29.—Diaptomus alaskaensis, n. sp., male
17, Left antennule, segments 1-20. 18, Right antennule, segments 8-17, with detail of modified seta.
19, Right antennule, segment 13. 20, Detail, left metasome wing. 21, Last metasome segment and uro-
some. 22-29, Leg 5: 22, Anterior view; 28, posterior view; 24, detail lamellae, right exopod; 25, left exo-
pod and endopod, anterior; 26, detail exopod 2, anteromedial view; 27, exopod 2, posterior; 28, exopod
2, posteromedial view; 29, exopod 2, detail of processes, posterior view.
He did not describe the maxilliped or leg 1,
and the characters of these appendages
given in the subgeneric diagnosis are from D.
alaskaensis. No basic differences can be ex-
pected to occur in two such closely related
species, so that only knowledge of minor
specific differences is lacking for these
The resemblance between the two species
is great. They appear to have the same
general body form; the antennules of the
females are alike; there is no apparent
difference in the right antennules of the
males, though those of the left side differ in
the setation of some segments. Comparison
of the fifth legs of the females is difficult
because of the great variability found in
certain characters of D. alaskaensis, and
because it cannot be told whether or not
those of D. siberiensis are also extremely
variable. The form of the appendage is
similar in the two species, and the setae of
the second and third segments of the exopod
are alike; certain differences which may be
well defined and stable are discussed below.
The male fifth legs are strikingly similar in
general appearance, in the relative lengths
of the two rami, and of the claw and lateral
spine of the right exopod, in the form of the
lamellae of the right leg, and in the arrange-
ment and form of the pads of the left exopod.
Careful observation shows some well-defined
differences which coupled with the setation
of the left antennule, were constant in the
available sample of D. alaskaensis. Smirnov
found that the characters of the male of D.
sibervensis did not vary geographically, and
this makes it appear that the males are not
subject to the same variation that affects the
females of the subgenus.
The two species have been herein separated
on the basis of the following important
differences which appear to be characters of
stability, and are apparently carefully de-
scribed by Smirnov for D. szberiensis, so that
comparison is possible:
Rostral filaments short and stout in siberiensis;
slender and attenuated in alaskaensis.
Left antennule of male with 2 setae on segments
11 and 18 in svberiensis; with 2 setae on segments
11, 16 and 19 in alaskaensis.
Leg 2 with a cuticular lappet on segment 2 of
VoL. 41, No. 5
the endopod of the male in siberiensis; lacking
in both sexes in alaskaensis.
Urosome of female having the genital segment
in stberiensis apparently less produced on the
right side than that of alaskaensis and with seg-
ments 2 and 3 equal in length; in alaskaensis
segment 2 is much shorter than segment 3.
Urosome of male in siberiensis is wholly sym-
metrical; in alaskaensis segments 1 and 4 are a
little asymmetrical.
Leg 5 of female has two measurable characters
that appear to vary but little in alaskaensis and
are sufficiently different from siberiensis, as shown
by Smirnov’s drawing (1931, fig. 15) to permit
relative comparison and separation of the two
species. In svberiensis the inner margin of the
second exopod segment (including the “claw’’)
is apparently longer than the outer margin of
the first segment; in alaskaensis it was usually
found to be shorter. A more important difference
lies in the third exopod segment, which, if cor-
rectly delineated by Smirnov, is as wide as it is
long in stberiensis; its width in alaskaensis is
about twice its length. Other differences which
may or may not be real, lie in the greater slender-
ness of the appendage in szberiensis, the larger
number of spinules on the “claw”, the lack of
much variability in the endopod, absence of
asymmetry in the length and armature of a
pair, and the stouter development of its single,
apical seta.
Leg 5 of male. Right side: In siberiensis the
first exopod segment has its outer margin only a
little longer than its inner and greater than its
width; in alaskaensis it is considerably longer
than that of the inner and equal to its width;
the armature of this segment appears to be very
similar in form, but the lamellae of siberiensis
are both placed above the distal margin of the
segment, while those of alaskaensis are very close
to it, so that of the inner edge is produced beyond
the corner of the segment. The second exopod
segment of siberiensis lacks a cuticular spine
which is present in alaskaensis. Left side: In
siberiensis the proximal process of the terminal
segment reaches considerably beyond the end of
the distal process; in alaskaensis this process
reaches to the end of the distal process, or at
most a very little beyond it; the distal process of
siberiensis is armed on the inner margin with a
few spinules; that of alaskaensis is unarmed. The
distal pad of siberiensis appears to be a little
more developed than that of alaskaensis, and is
armed with slender instead of thick, short hairs.
May 1951
Ttiefer (1932) placed D. szberzensis in a list
of species that he could not assign to any of
his newly erected genera; in 1938 he referred
it to Neutrodiaptomus. It is therefore neces-
sary to compare the characters of this sub-
genus with Nordodiaptomus.
In establishing Neutrodiaptemus in 1937, Kie-
fer included the species twmidus Kiefer, pachy-
poditus Rylov, amurensis Rylov, and mariadvigae
Brehm. To these he added (1938a) incongruens
Poppe, siberiensis (as D. rylovi Smirnov), and
lobatus Lilljeborg, the synonymy of the latter
with incongruens appearing to him to be an un-
certain matter. Hu (1943) described a new species
Of these species, D. svberiensis and D. mari-
advigae appear to differ sharply from the con-
sistently developed characters that hold the
others together. D. siberiensis has been referred
above to the new subgenus Nordodiaptomus. D.
mariadvigae is apparently closely related to, if
not conspecific with, the species hsichowensis
recently described by Hsaio (1950). This species
occurs in Yunnan, the same Chinese province
in which Brehm’s collection was made (Brehm,
1921, 1930). Hsaio considers that the lack of
terminal setae on the endopod of the fifth leg
of the female and the ‘‘pincerlike”’ structure of
the processes of the left male fifth leg, though
reduced in length, indicate relationship to Arcto-
diaptomus. He therefore made his new species
the type of a subgenus Pararctodiaptomus. In
the definition of Diaptomus used here, Arcto-
diaptomus is considered as a subgenus; the status
of the various subgroups that have been proposed
for it can be evaluated only when the whole of
this subgenus is reinvestigated. It is possible that
Pararctodiaptomus may be found to be of separate
subgeneric status within the genus Diaptomus.
This is particularly so if the distal pad of the
male left fifth exopod is as well developed as is
suggested by Hsaio’s illustration; its loss or
extreme reduction is highly characteristic of Arc-
So far as it is possible to ascertain from pub-
lished descriptions, the remaining species of
Neutrodiaptomus agree with one another very
closely in several significant characters. From
these, the species of Nordodiaptomus depart rather
noticeably. Though agreeing in certain patterns,
these two subgenera are naturally set apart by
these differences. A brief comparison makes this
The female fifth leg of Neutrodiaptomus has
two short, equally developed setae on the termi-
nus of the endopod; the pattern of the setae of
exopod segments 2 and 3, identical in all the
species, consists of a minute seta on 2, while on
3 there are a similar small outer and a much
longer inner seta. Nordodiaptomus with the single
spinelike seta of the endopod, and the stout,
subequal setae of the exopod, is in sharp contrast.
Indeed, these differences are among the most
significant in separating the two groups, par-
ticularly the structure of the exopod setae which
in Nordodiaptomus are of uncommon form for
the whole genus.
The male right antennule has the pattern of
segments 13-15 similar in both groups, but
the spines of 10 and 11 are very short in
Neutrodiaptomus, while they are of considerable
stoutness in Nordodiaptomus; all species of Neutro-
diaptomus have a hyaline lamella on the ante-
penultimate segment, in Nordodiaptomus this seg-
ment is unarmed. While these are characters that
may vary within a group of related species, ap-
parently their nonvariability may also distinguish
a subgenus. This last seems especially true in
Neutrodiaptomus; in our present knowledge there
are no intermediate forms between it and Nordo-
In the male right fifth leg of Neutrodiaptomus,
the apical claw is never longer than the exopod,
and the lateral spine, located at the proximal to
the distal third, is usually less than the width
of its segment. Both are of exceptional stoutness
and length in Nordodiaptomus.
Any comparison between the patterns of the
terminal segment of the left exopods is not wholly
satisfactory because of the incompleteness of
the descriptions of Neutrodiaptomus. The only
enlarged drawings in literature are those of fwm-
dus (Kiefer, 1938a) and amurensis (Rylov, 1930),
and of these only twmidus is well enough des-
eribed verbally to permit real comparison. The
similarities of the two groups are: both pads are
well defined and subequal to one another; the
terminal process is short and digitiform; the
proximal process is subterminal in position and
about equal to or reaching a little beyond the
distal. The differences between the two groups
are more difficult to define; where it is possible
to compare, the following are suggested.
The proximal pad in Nordodiaptomus is not
merely a medially bulging structure, but is car-
ried well across the anterior side of the segment
and its shape is thus distinctly asymmetrical; it
appears as a simple, medially placed pad in
Neutrodiaptomus. The distal pad is conspicuously
armed with slender to short, stout hairs in Nordo-
diaptomus; in Neutrodiaptomus there may be
little or no armature of this pad. Kiefer (1938a)
has described that of twmidus as a “lobus’’ and
shows no ornamentation, as is also true of Rylov’s
(1930) figure of amurensis.
The proximal process of Nordodiaptomus is
stout and spiniform; Smirnov describes that of
siberiensis as a “‘spine’’ and my observations in
alaskaensis confirm this. Kiefer speaks of those
of tumidus and pachypoditus as “setae” and his
illustrations picture this process as exceedingly
slender. The difference between seta and spine
is undoubtedly one of degree and is not always
easy to determine. In this case it may merely be
one of interpretation. The degree of stoutness
and the form of this process, however, distin-
guishes other subgenera of Diaptomus, and it is
necessary in the absence of any other evidence,
- to consider that these two groups are separable
by the spiniform character of this process in
Nordodiaptomus as opposed to its setiform de-
velopment in Neutrodiaptomus.
It is unfortunate that for the species of Neutro-
diaptomus no information is available concerning
the highly important details of the maxilliped,
the first leg, the cuticular process of the endopod
of the second leg, the setation of the female
antennule and its comparison to the male left
antennule. Until taxonomists also include in-
formation about these points in their descriptions
of diaptomid copepods, we will not be able to
arrive at any satisfactory comparison of species
or of subgenera. My study of North American
species suggests that the development of the
maxilliped, particularly of the setae of the endo-
pod, the characters of the first leg, the presence
or absence of Schmeil’s organ on the endopod of
the second leg, and the setation of the female
antennule, are often as characteristic of sub-
genera as the modifications of the left exopod of
the male fifth leg or the termimal setae of the
endopod of the female fifth leg. They are in any
case a part of the whole picture, and must be
considered before any comprehensive evaluation
vou. 41, No. 5
of subgeneric or generic characters can be made.
In addition to its distinctions from Neutro-
diaptomus, Nordodiaptomus departs in some char-
acters from the usual condition found in Diapto-
mus. One such instance is that Schmeil’s organ
may be either present or absent, and interestingly
is exhibited as a case of sexual dimorphism in one
species. The numerical difference in setation of
the antennules of the female and that of the
left side of the male is the only one known to me
in literature or in fact; investigation may show
it to be more common than suspected. The
contrast in the size of the setae of the first and
second segments is not confined to Nordodiapto-
mus; Smirnov (1928) has noted the same sexual
dimorphism in D. (Arctodiaptomus) dentifer which
has a similarly elongate seta on segment 1 of
the female. The structure of the exopod setae of
the female fifth leg in Neutrodiaptomus is common
throughout the genus; that of Nordodiaptomus,
as suggested, is rather unusual. The asymmetry
of the endopod of Nordodiaptomus alaskaensis
is likewise a rare condition, impossible now to
It thus appears that there occur in the two
species of Nordodiaptomus, characters that differ
naturally from consistently developed structures
in Neutrodiaptomus, and in addition, that they
have certain distinctive features which set them
apart from other subgenera of Diaptomus. The
inclusion of the two species in Neutrodiaptomus
could be only provisional and would make the
definition of that subgenus ambiguous in many
parts. It seems best in my judgment to delimit
the two groups as has been done herein.
It is probable that these two subgenera may
be safely assumed to be closely related. This
cannot now be proved, however, due to our lack
of complete knowledge of some structures of
Neutrodiaptomus, and our present inability to
evaluate characters as subgeneric or otherwise.
The species of Neutrodiaptomus extend from
subarctic into southeastern Asia. Nordodiaptomus
is in our present knowledge limited to Arctic and
subarctic regions of Asia and North America.
The discovery of an Alaskan species closely re-
lated to one from the Asiatic U. 8. S. R. adds
to the growing list of examples that disprove the
old concept that North American diaptomids are
distinct from those of Eurasia. It is to be expected
that further study of Alaskan collections will
increase the number.
May 1951 DURBIN
Bere, L.S8. Natural regions of the U.S.S.R., ed. 2.
1938. (Translation by Olga Adler Titelbaum,
BreuM, VINCENZ. Diagnosen neue Entomostraken.
I. Teil. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien. 58: 194-196.
. Uber stidasiatische Diaptomiden. Arch. fiir
Hydrobiol. 22: 140-161, 14 figs., 1 map. 1930.
Carin, N. N. Uber eine neue Hemidiaptomus-Art
aus dem Gouvernment Woronesch. Zool. Anz.
76: 323-328, 6 figs. 1928.
Hsrao, SipNey C. Copepods from Lake Erh Hai,
China. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 100: 161-200,
figs. 20-30. 1950.
Hu, Y. T. Notes on fresh-water copepods from
Pehpet, Szechwan. Sinensia 14: 115-128, figs.
A-C. 1948.
KGErer, Frrepricu. Versuch eines systems der
Diaptomiden (Copepoda Calanoida).- Zool.
Jahrb. (Abt. Syst.) 63: 451-520, 88 figs. 1932.
. Indische Ruderfusskrebse (Crustacea Cope-
poda). Zool. Anz. 113: 136-142, 11 figs. 1936a.
. Indische Ruderfusskrebse (Crustacea Cope-
poda). III. Zool. Anz. 118: 321-325, 17 figs.
———. Indische Ruderfusskrebse (Crustacea Cope-
poda). IV. Zool. Anz. 114: 77-82, 14 figs. 1936c.
. Uber die systematick der stidamerikanischen
Diaptomiden (Crustacea Copepoda). Zool. Anz.
116: 194-200. 1936d.
. Stisswassercopepoden aus Ostasien. IT. Newe
Diaptomiden und Cyclopiden von der Insel
Formosa. Zool. Anz. 119: 58-64, 17 figs. 1937.
Freilebende Ruderfusskrebse (Crustacea
Copepoda) von Formosa. Bull. Biogeogr. Soc.
Japan. 8: 35-73, 38 figs. 1938a.
———.. Freilebende Sirisswassercopepoden von den
Nordkurilen. Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Japan. 8:
75-94, 30 figs. 1938b.
Lieut, 8S. F. New subgenera and species of diapto-
mid copepods from the inland waters of Cali-
fornia and Nevada. Univ. California Publ.
Zool. 43: 67-78, 23 figs. 1938.
———. New American subgenera of Diaptomas
Westwood (Copepoda, Calanoida). Trans.
Amer. Mier. Soc. 58: 473-484, 24 figs. 1939.
Ryuov, W. M. The fresh-water calanoids of the
U. S. S. R. In: “Keys to Determination of
Fresh-water Organisms of the U. S. S. R.:
A, Fresh-Water Fauna.: Pt. I’: 1-288, 88
figs. 1930.
Sars, GEorG Ossian. On the Crustacean fauna of
Central Asia. Pt. IIT. Copepoda and Ostracoda.
Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Imper. Sci. St.-Peters-
bourg 8: 195-232, pls. 9-16. 1903.
Smirnov, S. 8S. Uber eine neue Diaptomus-Art
(Copepoda) aus Zentralrussland. Zool. Anz.
78: 27-34, 11 figs. 1928.
——.. Sur une espéce nouvelle du genre Diaptomus
Westw. (Crustacea, Copepoda), provenant de la
region de ’v Amour. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci.
U.S. 5S. R. for 1930: 79-82, 1 fig. 1930.
Ein Beitrag zur Copepoden-Fauna des
Amur-Gebietes. Arch. fiir Hydrobiol. 23: 618-
638, 21 figs. 1931.
WriGcut, STittman. Three new species of Diapto-
mus from northeast Brazil. Ann. Acad. Brasil
Sei. 7: 213-233, pls. 1-4. 1935.
. A review of some species of Diaptomus from
Sdo Paulo. Ann. Acad. Brasil Sci. 9: 65-82,
pl. 1-3. 1987.
HELMINTHOLOGY.—A new roundworm, Nematodirus rufaevastitatis (Nema-
toda: Trichostrongylidae) from domestic sheep, Ovis aries, in Wyoming. CHARLES
G. Durpin, U. 8. Bureau of Animal Industry, and Rauew F. Honuss, Uni-
versity of Wyoming. (Communicated by E. W. Price.)
The nematodes described in this paper
were collected by one of the writers (R. F. H.)
from domestic sheep in the area of the Red
Desert, Wyo., and western Wyoming during
1948 and 1949. The specimens were for-
warded for identification to the Zoological
Division, Bureau of Animal Industry. A
study of them by the senior writer shows
that they belong to the genus Nematodirus.
They differ, however, from the known species
of the genus in certain characters and they
are, therefore, described as new.
Nematodirus rufaevastitatis, n. sp.
Description. —Maun: 11.5 to 15.8 mm long and
about 0.1 mm wide just anterior to the bursa.
Esophagus 0.430 to 0.500 mm long and about
0.030 to 0.040 mm wide at its base. Head 0.025
to 0.030 mm wide, as measured with the cuticle
slightly inflated (Fig. 1, 4). Spicules 1.0 to 1.15
mm long and united for about the posterior two-
thirds of their total length; the tips have a slight
membranous inflation (Fig. 1, B). The bursa
consists of two large lateral lobes and a dorsal
lobe which is indicated only by a slight indenta-
tion of the margin of the bursa lateral to the dor-
sal ray. The length of the bursa from its base to
tip is 0.25 to 0.84 mm. Each lateral lobe of bursa
is supported by six rays, two ventral, three lat-
eral, and one externodorsal (Fig. 1, C, D). The
two ventral rays arise from a common trunk and
are long and slender. The three lateral rays like-
wise arise from a common trunk and are also
long and slender. The mediolateral and postero-
lateral rays are close together. The externo-
lateral branch curves ventrally away from the
other two branches. The two dorsal rays arise
separately. The externodorsal ray is long and
very slender when compared with the other rays
of the bursa. The dorsal ray is shorter and
thicker than the externodorsal ray; the tip of
the dorsal ray is not bifid as in the other de-
scribed species of the genus.
Female: Unknown.
Host: Ovis aries.
Location: Small intestine.
Distribution: Wyoming, U.S.A.
Specimens: U.S.N.M. Helm. Coll. no. 46922
(type) and 46921 (paratypes).
This species closely resembles NV. spathiger in
the termination of the spicules (Fig. 1, B). It
differs, so far as the writers are aware, from that
Fie. 1.—Nematodirus rufaevastitatis, n. sp.:
A, Head; B, spicules; C, D, lateral lobes of bursa.
VoL. 41, No. 5
species and from all others of the genus Nemato-
dirus occurring in ruminants by the size of the
bursa and the nonbifid tip of the dorsal ray.
These species may be differentiated by the fol-
owing key.
1. Terminal portions of dorsal rays undivided
N. rufaevastitatis, n. sp.
Terminal portions of dorsal rays divided.....2
2. Terminal portion of spicules bent
N. tarandi Hadwen
Terminal portion of spicules straight........3
3. Small gubernaculum present
N. uricht Cameron
Gubermaculum absentia e- sane eee 4
4. Mediolateral and posterolateral rays well sepa-
PAteC rene ae ee ae N. roscidus Railliet
Mediolateral and posterolateral rays close to-
gether no... hs os ee ee 5
5. Spicules differing in length, terminal portion
‘twistedie Mi pes tees N. abnormalis May
Spicules equal in length, terminal portion
Straight. e...0%...isienss Dane eee: 6
6. Cuticular expansion of terminal portion of
spicules spatulate..... N. spathiger (Railliet)
Cuticular expansion of terminal portion of
spicules sharply pointed................... a
. Cuticular expansion of terminal portion of
spicules 0.1 mm long..... N. helvetianus May
Cuticular expansion of terminal portion of
spicules 0.06 to 0.08 mm in length......... 8
8. Terminal portion of each spicule divided into
two rodlike structures united at the tips
N. otratianus Rajewskaja
Terminal portion of each spicule not divided
N. filicollis (Rudolphi)
Rasewskasa, 8. A. Zur Charakteristik der Nema-
toden der Gattung Nematodirus Ransom 1907
(Versuch einer Monographischen Bearbeitung).
Zeitschr. Infektionskr ...Haustiere Berlin
40 (2-3): 112-136. 1931.
Ransom, B. H. The nematodes parasitic in the ali-
mentary tract of cattle, sheep, and other rumi-
nants. U.S. Dept. Agr. B.A.I. Bull. 127. 1911.
Price, E. W. A new nematode, Nematodirus anti-
locaprae, from the prong-horn antelope, with
a key to the species of Nematodirus. Proc.
U.S. Nat. Mus. 71 (art. 22): 1-4, pl. 1, figs.
1-4. 1927.
Travassos, L. Contribuicées para o conbecimento
da fauna helmintolojica brasileira. XIII: En-
saio Monografico do familia Trichostrongylidae
Leiper, 1909. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 13
Q): 1-135. 1921.
. Revisdo do familia Trichostrongylidae Lei-
per, 1912. Monogr. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 512
pp., pls. 1937.
Officers of the Washington Academy of Sciences
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Puysics.—The limitations of the principle of superposition: I]. Pau
ErHNOLOGY.—Some medical beliefs and practices of the contemporary
Iroquois Longhouses of the Six Nations Reserve. Marcrn Riovux..
GroLtocy.—Present Cretaceous stratigraphic nomenclature of northern
Alaska. GEORGE Gryc, W. W. Patton, JR., AND T. G. PAYNE....
Zootocy.—A new subgenus of Diaptomus (Copepoda: Calanoida), in-
cluding an Asiatic species and a new species from Alaska. MuiLpREpD
STRATTON WILSON |e 005 b.2 00 .ale ee cee cane ot clere «eee ad er
HELMINTHOLOGy.—A new roundworm, Nematodirus rufaevastitatis (Ne-
matoda: Trichostrongylidae), from domestic sheep, Ovis aries, in Wy-
oming. CHARLES G. DuRBIN AND Rap F. Honmss...........
This Journal is Indexed in the International Index to Periodicals
JUNE 1951 No. 6
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VoLtuME 41
June 1951
No. 6
ETHNOLOGY .—Was the California condor known to the Blackfoot Indians? CuaupE
E. ScHAEFFER, Museum of the Plains Indian, Browning, Mont. (Communi-
cated by John C. Ewers.)
Elderly Blackfoot Indians, in recounting
the faunal lore of a now vanished past, some-
times refer to an immense bird, which visited
the eastern foothills and adjacent plains of
the Montana-Alberta region. Nearly half a
century has elapsed, at least, since it was
last sighted in this region. As a result, few
living Indians claim to have seen the great
winged creature; most know it only through
traditions handed down from previous gen-
erations. Agreement is general among mod-
ern Blackfoot, however, that it was an
uncommon, if not rare, migrant to their
territory. The species, despite the infrequency
of its appearance, seems to have found a
niche in native nomenclature, as well as
mention in their ceremonial rites, folklore,
and procurement practices. If we have
evaluated correctly Blackfoot descriptions
of its appearance and habits, the bird in
question can scarcely be other than the
California condor, Gymnogyps californianus
(Shaw). Although apparently thus known
to the Blackfoot of an earlier day, the con-
dor, strangely enough, has eluded the sight
(and gun) of all but one white observer in
this area. Accordingly, the wanderings of
this “greatest of all flying birds of the earth”’
so far north of its recognized range have
largely gone unnoticed by modern orni-
thologists. It seems advisable, then, to re-
cord here existing information on the condor
from Blackfoot oral chronicles, in the hope
that a new paragraph may thereby be added
to the wildlife annals of the northwestern
The possibility of the condor’s movement
northward into the northwestern margin of
the Plains was first brought to the writer’s at-
tention in connection with a study of Black-
foot ornithology. As part of this inquiry, iden-
tification of various local bird species was
established with Indian informants and their
respective native names recorded (Schaeffer,
1950). After the terms for the golden eagle
(pitaw), bald eagle (ksixkikini), and turkey
vulture (pikokz) were collected, coverage of
the largest Raptores was deemed complete.
However, informants volunteered the term
omaxsapitau, “big pitau,” and proceeded
to describe the bird’s appearance and habits.
A new term was thus unexpectedly added
to the check list of Blackfoot avifauna. In-
quiries were accordingly instituted among a
number of the oldest Indians of the Brown-
ing region, and their knowledge of the topic
was explored. My sources of information are
largely Piegan, and the data obtained refer
primarily to Montana. A few traditions of
Blood provenience are localized in the
Calgary-Edmonton section of Alberta. Na-
tive testimony is presented here essentially
as it was secured from the Indians. Distor-
tions of fact arising from what appear to be
errors of observation or lapses of traditional
continuity are indicated as such in the text.
As a background against which to assay
Blackfoot testimony on the condor, orni-
thological data on that species’ range and
incidence to the north are summarized be-
low. The condor, reduced in numbers! and
1 According to information based upon research
by Dr. Carl B. Koford and communicated (11/
28/50) to me by Dr. Alden H. Miller, Museum of
Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, the
number of surviving wild specimens of the condor
is estimated at about 60. I am also indebted to
Dr. Miller for his reading of the first draft of the
present paper and for pointing out certain dis-
erepancies in the data insofar as reference to the
condor is concerned.
28 1989
distribution in recent times, is now confined
to “California west of the Great Basin and
desert regions, and northwestern Lower
California.’’ Casually or formerly, the same
authority (A.O.U. Check-list, p. 62) adds,
it was reported from southeastern California,
Oregon, and Washington. It may now be
nearly if not actually gone from its former
range in Baja California. In Oregon the
presence of the condor on the lower Colum-
bia River is attested by observers from the
time of Lewis and Clark (1805-06) down
to that of David Douglas (1825-27). There,
it came in summer and fall to feed upon the
spawned-out salmon, which lined the banks
of the stream. For the State of Washington,
the range is given as “north irregularly
(west of Cascades) to northern boundary”
(Dawson and Bowles, vol. 2, p. 548). A
specimen was recorded at Fort Vancouver
in 1827 (Bent, p. 12, citing Fleming). In
1826 Douglas stated that it was a common
species as far north as the 49th parallel
(Macoun and Macoun, p. 239). In southwest
British Columbia, the Macouns (p. 239)
characterize the condor as “a rare visitant
at the mouth of the Fraser River... ap-
parently attracted by the dead salmon.”
In 1880 J. Fannin reported seeing two birds
at Burrard Inlet, while Rhoads, in 1893,
stated that condors were reported on Lulu
Island as late as “three or four years ago”’
(Bent, p. 12).
The consensus of ornithologists in re-
spect to the condor’s status on the Pacific
coast north of California would seem to
represent it as an extralimital wanderer in
the region, particularly after the first quar-
ter of the last century. Even on the lower
Columbia, Harris (p. 21) remarks, “there
is no valid evidence that it was ever an
abundant species,’ and by the time of
Townsend’s visit (1834-35) “it was already
beginning to frequent this northern ex-
tremity of its range in fewer numbers.”’
Similarly, Gabrielson and Jewett (pp. 180-
181) conclude that the condor, “if ever
common in this state [Oregon], seems to
have become rare or almost extinct between
Douglas’ first visit [1825-27] and the time
of the Pacific Railway Surveys” (1855-59).
Farther north, Dawson and Bowles (2, p.
548) agree that ‘“‘on the whole it appears
improbable that the California condor was
vou. 41, No. 6
ever resident in Washington, certainly not
within the memory of the white man, and
that its northern appearances are to be
regarded solely as the fishing excursions of
a Southerner.”’ Taverner (p. 115) regards
the reported occurrences in southwestern
British Columbia as having an uncertain
Turning now to the eastern limits of the
condor’s range, Dawson and Bowles (vol.
2, p. 548) remark that it formerly extended
to Arizona and Utah. Bent (p. 12), on the
basis of cave remains, notes that the species
occurred in Nevada and New Mexico. It is
recorded also in cave deposits from the
Chisos Mountains. Certain “dubious’’ rec-
ords report the condor in 1877 from Fort
Sanders, southeastern Wyoming, and from
some point in the mountains of Colorado
(Harris, p. 46). There are perhaps other
references from this southeastern area which
have escaped my attention.
Farther to the north and more pertinent
to our study, J. Fannin (p. 89), on Septem-
ber 10, 1896, observed two fine specimens
between Calgary, Alberta, and the Rocky
Mountains. This represents the sole orni-
thological record of the condor’s presence
within the purview of the Blackfoot.? Fannin
admits in his report that he was not aware
“that this bird was found east of the Rocky
Mountains, or so far north as the point
above mentioned.” Later writers, such as
the Macouns (vol. 2, p. 239), are inclined
to doubt this occurrence so far east, es-
pecially since no specimen was collected.
Although accepting the same student’s sight
record in southwestern British Columbia,
Bent (p. 12) omits reference to the Alberta
2 In this connection an entry from the diary of
David Douglas (Harris, pp. 19-20), written at
Fort Vancouver in 1827, may be quoted: ‘‘Ob-
tained the following information concerning this
curious bird from Etienne Lucien, one of the
hunters who has had ample opportunity of observ-
ng them. ... During the summer they are seen
in great numbers in the woody parts of the Co-
lumbia, from the ocean to the mountains of Lewis
and Clark’s River, from four hundred miles in the
interior”’ (italics mine). The region referred to here
presumably is the drainage basin of the upper
Snake River in present day Idaho. Since the source
of this information is “the waggish Canadian
voyageur who imparted to Douglas fantastic and
highly imaginative misinformation regarding the
nidification of the condor,” the reference is
scarcely taken seriously by ornithologists.
JUNE 1951
observation. Harris (p. 54) comments that
the latter “would have been less startling
had it been reported from this region
seventy-five years earlier.” And thus the
case stands from the ornithological view-
A brief ornithological description cf the
condor may be included here, as comparative
data against which to check Blackfoot ac-
counts of the omaysapitau. “Length, 4 to
4+ feet; spread of wings, 9 to 11 feet. Wings,
long folding beyond end of square tail;
head and neck, bare; skin, smooth, yellow
or yellowish-orange and red; plumage,
sooty-blackish commencing over shoulders
with a semi-ruff of linear feathers, those
underneath of similar character but less
closely defined; the feathers of upper parts
with browner tips; wings and tail black;
outer webs of greater wing-coverts and sec-
ondaries grayish; wing-coverts and outer
secondaries edged with whitish; wnder wing-
coverts, pure white; bill, dark brown changing
gradually to dull reddish on cere; iris, deep
red; feet, horn with a patch on knees” (Pear-
son, p. 54). Parenthetically, while literature
assigns a maximum wing spread of 11 feet
the largest definite records range from 9
feet 9 inches to 10 feet.
We may next turn to the data representa-
tive of Blackfoot oral sources. The
omaxsapitau is believed by some Indian
informants to have visited the Browning
area as recently as the early 1900’s. Two or
three very large birds are said to have ap-
peared on the plains in various parts of the
reservation about the year 1908. George
Bull Child, one of those who saw them at the
time, described the birds as dark in color
and about 4 feet high. Since they took
flight when approached closer than several
hundred yards, he was unable to distinguish
other salient features. At the time, however,
older Piegan identified the species by its
native name and recalled that it had visited
the region at an earlier period.
A different version of possibly this same
occurrence was obtained from Louis Bear
Child. He stated that about the period
1907-08 some Gros Ventre Indians of the
Fort Belknap Reservation, wrote Piegan
friends that a great bird had been sighted
in their part of north-central Montana.
The Gros Ventre, although aware that it
was a migrant from the south, were con-
cerned over the significance of the bird’s
appearance in their country. The Black-
foot watched for it that year, but so far as
Bear Child was aware, no one saw it. The
following year an earthquake is said to have
shaken the Fort Belknap region, an event
which Bear Child, and perhaps the Gros
Ventre, were inclined to associate with the
visit of the “‘big eagle.”
The incident best known to contemporary
Piegan involving the omaxsapitau is that
related of the deceased Raven (Hairy Face).
Raven, or as he is more commonly known
among bilingual Blackfoot, Big Crow, was
born on the Blood Reserve in Canada but
reared on the Montana reservation. Ac-
counts of his experience vary somewhat in
detail, but the following version is one told
by Richard Sanderville (age 82). Big Crow
and his wife were returning from Old Agency
to their home on Little Badger Creek. In
a coulee near the latter place, Big Crow
noticed a large object some distance off,
which he at first believed was a cow. Upon
approaching closer, however, he saw that
it was an immense, dark-colored bird, with
a feathered ruff and a bald head. The strange
creature took wing and flew off to the
mountains. Sanderville remarked that Big
Crow was not familiar with the species or
with its native name. Further, upon hearing
of his experience later, several of his friends
are said to have evinced incredulity. The
year in which this occurrence took place,
so far as Sanderville could date it, was 1897.
Thereafter, in accordance with the Black-
foot year count, the year became known as
“that in which Big Crow saw the oma-
Another episode of this character was re-
called by Sanderville. Mary Jane, daughter
of the Piegan Red Paint, married a white
man named Pfemster or Phemister. One
summer she and her husband moved into
the Chief Mountain district of what is now
Glacier National Park to hunt and _ fish.
While in camp one day they saw four very
large birds. Two of them appeared to be
immature, just learning to fly, while the
others, believed to be the parent birds,
soared overhead. The observers considered
that the adult pair had nested (sic) on
Chief Mountain that summer. From mem-
ory Sanderville placed the date of this oc-
currence in 1879. Mary Jane died in 1942 at
the presumed age of 89.
Rides at the Door (age 87), one of the few
surviving Piegan with a record in inter-
tribal warfare, is said to have seen a “big
eagle’ while raiding for horses somewhere to
the south. Handicapped by deafness, this
aged warrior was unable to supply further
details of his experience.
An incident related by Chewing Black
Bones (age 83) also involved an encounter
by a group of Piegan raiders with a “big
eagle.” The narrator’s father, Brocky (Tail
Feathers Coming Over a Hill), a prominent
Piegan warrior, was a member of the party.
Led by Heavy Runner, the warriors set out
to steal horses from the Crow Indians. They
had traveled as far as “Bear Creek,” an
unidentified stream located west of the
present Crow Reservation in southeastern
Montana. Heavy Runner, who was in the
lead, looked up to see a very large bird
flying directly before them. Its wingspread
and length of tail, the raiders noted, ex-
ceeded those of the eagle. The sight was so
unusual that Heavy Runner immediately
accepted it as a portent bearing upon the
success of their venture. Accordingly he
warned his companions, saying, “I have
never seen a bird of this kind. Now that it
has appeared before us, I am afraid. It
seems to be trying to head us off. The out-
come of our raid is now in doubt. We had
better turn back.”’ Most of the party agreed,
and they and Heavy Runner returned home.
Of the six who continued on, five were killed
by the enemy. Since Heavy Runner was
killed in the Baker Massacre of 1870, the
date of this raid may be set in the 1860's.
Chewing Black Bones believed that the
bird’s appearance upon this occasion and
others was prophetic of misfortune. In sup-
port of his contention, he cited the death
of the five raiders and the extinction of the
previously mentioned Big Crow’s family
Dog Takes a Gun (age 85) was born on
the Blood Reserve in Alberta but spent
most of his hfe among the Montana Piegan.
He recalls his parents’ account of an oma-
xsapitau sighted near Calgary shortly be-
fore the time of his birth. The date is to be
placed in the early 1860’s. Again the great
vou. 41, No. 6
size of the bird was emphasized. While
feeding, it was said to lean forward so far
that its breast nearly touched the ground.
A tailfeather, described as about 2 feet in
length, was dropped by this particular
bird in flight and picked up by native ob-
servers. My informant added that the wing
of another “big eagle” killed in this region
equaled, when fully extended, the distance
from a man’s shoulder across his chest to
the fingertips of his opposite outstretched
The next incident involves an encounter
with the omaysapitaw by an Indian eagle
trapper, now deceased. It was the practice
of the Blackfoot, as with other tribes of the
Northern Plains, to secure the feathers used
in their costumes and ceremonial equipment
from the golden eagle taken in concealed
traps. Briefly, the procedure involved dig-
ging a shallow pit upon some eminence,
covering it with brush and grass, and plac-
ing a stuffed coyote skin on top as bait. As
the eagle alighted to feed, the hunter con- —
cealed within the pit, seized both legs of the
bird, drew it down towards him, and dis-
patched it. Some degree of hazard was in-
volved in this activity, in that failure to hold
the captive securely often resulted in inflic-
tion of painful wounds from its talons. The
supernatural powers attributed to the eagle
evoked a series of conciliatory rites on the
part of the trapper preceding and following
its seizure.
White Bear, a conjuror and eagle trapper,*
was a Cree by birth but intermarried among
and lived with the Blood tribe of Black-
foot most of his life. He was said to have
been about 83 years old at the time of his
death in 1995. About 1850 White Bear was
taking eagles in the region south of Edmon-
ton, when an omaxsapitaw visited his trap.
> Dog Takes a Gun claims to have seen this
wing in the possession of a curio dealer in Calgary
some 10 years ago.
4 White Bear is noteworthy because of another
practice attributed to him by his grandson. To tie
himself up in the Houdini trick preliminary to a
conjuring performance, he employed the leather
thong, which also served as his ceremonial pack
line (See Speck, 1935, p. 203, for the nimaban or
ceremonial game carrying string of the Naskapi).
The multiple functions thus assigned to the pack
line opens up an interesting topic of investigation.
So far as 1am aware, the ceremonial game carrying
string has never been reported among the Plains
June 1951
Looking through the brush screen, he saw
an immense bird soaring high in the air.
After circling several times, the bird de-
scended to the ground near the pit. It was
quite wary, and only after considerable
hesitation did it approach the bait. By this
time White Bear had observed its size and
concluded that it would be too difficult to
capture, except at the risk of injury to him-
self. Seizing the stick used to frighten off
the bald eagle, he thrust it through the pit
cover and frightened the intruder away.
Later he described it as the largest bird he
had ever seen. It was dark in color with
brown-striped tailfeathers (sic). Its head
and hooked beak were large and its legs
coarsely scaled. This incident was narrated
by the grandson of the trapper, Harry
Under Mouse.
Traditional information from a more
distant past was secured from Yellow Kid-
ney (age 80), whose knowledge of the earlier
life and customs of the Piegan is extensive.
In this connection he described the ap-
pearance and habits of the omaxsapitaw in
some detail. He referred to the character-
istics of immense size and dark color, the
great wingspread, and the elongated tail.
He drew attention to the white underparts
of the wings (sic) and, in contrast to the
bald and immature golden eagle, the dark
spots in the tailfeathers (sic). He described
the large, hooked beak as dark blue, shading
to yellow at the base. The head plumage
(sic) was characterized as brownish in color.
Yellow Kidney was aware that the “big
eagle’s”” home range lay far to the south
and that it appeared infrequently in sum-
mer as far north as Montana and Alberta.
Long ago he had been told by elderly Piegans
that the great birds were attracted to this
northern country by the remains of bison
slain by the Indians on the plains. Richard
Sanderville, it should be noted, also recalled
traditions of their being seen feeding upon
bison careasses. At other times the omax-
sapitaw were sighted high in the air above
the Blackfoot camps in the foothills. They
would soar in wide circles and suddenly
dart off at great speed towards the moun-
tains to the west. There, early in the evening,
the great birds sought rest atop some pre-
cipitous cliff, “where they slept with their
heads tucked beneath their wings.”’
Yellow Kidney believed that long ago
the Blackfoot succeeded, upon rare occa-
sions, in capturing the “big eagle.” At that
time the conciliatory practices and disposal
rites ordinarily associated with the young
golden eagle were transferred to the omax-
sapitau. The former bird, with its predom-
inantly white tailfeathers, was considered a
prize catch by all native trappers and special
ceremonial treatment was accorded its
remains. The informant went on to say that
occasionally the nest (sic) of the omaysapttau
was so situated that hunters were able to
make their way to it. Then the fledglings
were removed, reared in captivity, and
killed at maturity for their feathers. Seven
primaries were detached from one wing and
put aside for ritual disposal. The remaining
wing primaries, the outer tailfeathers, the
claws, and the wing-bones—humeri or
ulnae—were then utilized for decorative and
other purposes. The best feathers were
employed for headdresses, the claws drilled
for necklaces, and the wing-bones worked
into whistles.
The flight powers of the “big eagle”
enabled it to mount far into the sky and thus
approach more closely to the Sun, the great
celestial being of Blackfoot worship. As a
result, the bird was believed to acquire a
degree of the Sun’s sacred character. The
golden eagle, the white bison, the mountain
lion, and a number of other birds and ani-
mals, by virtue of this or other attributes,
were considered endowed with the same
solar power. Hence to justify taking the life
of one of these sacred creatures, as well as
to avert subsequent misfortune, the Black-
foot sacrificed, whole or in part, its flesh and
skin to the Sun. Accordingly, the seven
wing primaries of the omaxsapitaw were at-
fixed to the tanned hide of a bison ealf.
They were arranged so that the quills came
together at a point, with the distal ends
spaced equidistant about a semicirele.® The
° Offerings thus made to a supernatural being
appear to represent an old practice in Northern
Plains cultures. Some years ago Wissler (p. 106,
fn. 1) observed on the Blackfoot reservation a
group of such offerings near a stone shelter used in
the vision quest. They consisted of ‘tan old coat, a
shirt tied to a stick, and a peculiar fan-shaped
object of twigs distended by being bound to a hoop
of the same material. On the projecting ends of the
twigs were eagle feathers. ... We were told that
such fanlike objects were often used when making
robe thus adorned was placed on top of a
sweatlodge built for the occasion. Four
medicine bundle owners of advanced age
were then invited to enter the lodge, and
while sweating, they prayed to the Sun for
good fortune in various activities of life.
At the conclusion of the observance, a youth
carried away the decorated robe and placed
it on a hilltop as a gift to the Sun.®
Previously an episode was given that
involved an unexpected and possibly un-
welcome visit of the omaysapitau to the
eagle trap. According to Yellow Kidney,
however, it was the practice of an earlier
generation of Blackfoot to take the great
bird occasionally by this method, despite
its wariness and size. In this case the im-
mediate purpose was procurement of spirit-
ual rather than material benefits. The
trapper, it was explained, vowed to the Sun
that if permitted to capture a “big eagle,”’
he would, in the native idiom, “place fine
pemmican’ in its mouth.” It was now ex-
pected that the normally shy bird, perhaps
directed by the Sun, would circle the trap
in flight and descend to the bait. The sup-
pliant would then grasp its legs, immediately
thrust forward a wooden billet for its talons
to embed themselves (sic), pull it into the
pit, place his knee upon its back and dis-
locate its neck. No part of the dead bird
would be taken for the trapper’s use. In-
stead, he removed the skin and mounted it
in a lifelike manner, placed a morsel of
pemmican in its beak, and abandoned it
upon a hill as an offering to the Sun. In
return for his sacrifice, the trapper antici-
pated that the spirit of the dead bird would
appear to him in a dream and offer its super-
natural power. The visitant would then
say, “My name is omaysapitau. I am known
over all the earth. I am glad that you have
treated me so well and offered me to the
Sun. I will help you in any way that you may
desire.’”’ Again it should be pointed out that
sun offerings.’’? The Kutenai similarly attached a
small gift to a wooden hoop made of a twig as an
offering to one of their supernatural spirits.
6 For an account of Blackfoot sweat lodge rites
and the disposition of offerings, see Wissler, pp.
7 A choice item of Blackfoot diet made from the
tenderloin and marrow fat of the bison, mixed with
berries and, for ceremonial purposes such as the
above, divided into small pieces.
vou. 41, No. 6:
these rites were ordinarily associated with
the young golden eagle.
In a dream revelation of this kind it was:
not unusual for the spiritual benefactor to.
bestow its name upon the human suppliant.
The term omaxsapitau thus appears to have
entered the Blackfoot system of individual
names some generations ago. According to
Yellow Kidney, a Piegan named Bird Flying
High (pikstpodnsin) was blessed in this way
by the ‘‘big eagle.” He belonged to a group
of the Fat-roasters band, which intermarried
among the Blood Indians and went to live
with them in Canada. The great bird, it is
stated, appeared to him in a dream and said,
“T will give you my name. You will be
called omaxsapttau. You will become chief
of your band and live to a very old age.”
Bird Flying High thereupon adopted the
name of Big Eagle, and the dream vision was
consummated by his later rise to the position
of band chief. Yellow Kidney claims that
when he was a small child he saw Big Eagle,
who was already advanced in age at that
time. Hence the latter’s dream experience
may be placed some time in the period be-
fore 1850.
Big Eagle, following his dream experience,
wore suspended from his hair two tail-
feathers of the omaxsapitau, to which a
medal was attached as a support. The former
were a symbolical representation of his
spiritual power from the “big eagle’; the
latter, his power from the Sun. Yellow
Kidney, in his early childhood, saw the
supernatural token and recalled that the
feathers surpassed those of the eagle in
length. At times, our informant stated, Big
Eagle would demonstrate his spiritual gifts.
through the use of his feather token. He
would direct his friends, “Look up at the
Sun. Do you see anything around it?” They
would look and fail to see anything unusual.
Then Big Eagle would begin the power song
given him by the Sun, “When I come up to
the top of the hill, I shall see all about me.”
As he sang, he motioned with one of the
feathers as if marking out a spot above the
Sun. A sun dog (parhelion) would there-
upon appear beside it. In this way, accord-
ing to Yellow Kidney, who witnessed the
feat in his youth, Big Eagle could produce
as many as four sun dogs about the Sun at
one time.
JUNE 1951
Information regarding another Black-
foot, who more recently bore the name of
Big Eagle, was given by Harry Under
Mouse. The source of the latter’s data was
Small Eyes, a prominent native ritualist on
the Gleichen Reserve, Alberta. This Big
Eagle, it appears, was a member of the All-
Short-People band of the Blackfoot proper.
He married a Blood woman and lived for
some years among the members of that
tribe. Big Eagle fasted for power in the
region northwest of Calgary. On the top
of Deyil’s Head Mountain, he sacrificed a
piece of his flesh to the Sun. On nearby
Bald Butte he then offered up to the “big
eagle,’ a Cree foeman, whom he had killed
at the spirit bird’s request. In return he
received supernatural power for use in war-
fare from both spiritual beings. As a symbol
of his aerial protector, Big Eagle carried a
tailfeather of an omaxsapitau. Before start-
ing out upon a raid, he would stick the
feather upright in the ground by the cere-
monial altar. The direction in which it fell
during the night indicated the way he must
travel to obtain horses from the enemy.*®
The skill of the second Big Eagle as a
raider was said to have depended, in part,
upon his use of a root with soporific power.
After rubbing some of it upon the feather
token, he would chew a small piece and spit
upon both his hands. Then, taking the
feather, he would motion with it in a peculiar
way and thereby cause an enemy sentry to
fall into a deep sleep. By this means he is
said to have stolen 200 horses from the
Assiniboine and driven them safely home.
Through his power to put the occupants of
an enemy lodge asleep, Big Eagle is also
credited with acquiring from adjacent tribes
one or more pipe bundles, which were later
passed down among the Blackfoot. On one
oceasion, it was narrated, he was surrounded
by hostile Cree on the top of Devil’s Head
Mountain. Through use of his supernatural
power Big Eagle rendered himself and his
party invisible and safely passed through
the enemy lines. When the Cree advanced
to the summit, the only living thing seen
8 On the basis of preliminary results of a study
now in progress, the Blackfoot iniskim or buffalo
stone was employed in an analogous manner to
determine, at certain times, the direction in which
to hunt buffalo and, at others, to predict the out-
come of the hunt.
there was a great, dark-colored bird, which
flew away. Big Eagle is said to have died
in 1925, advanced in years. His son, Steven
Fox (Short Crow or Thunder Chief), who
now resides on the Blood Reserve, is said to
have borne the name of Big Eagle during
his younger years. The feather token of the
elder Big Hagle came into possession of
Small Eyes, but its present whereabouts
are now unknown.
Harry Under Mouse informs me that other
tangible remains of the omaysapitaw sur-
vived as late as a decade ago among the
Cree Indians of Hobbema, south of Ed-
monton. He had been told by a Cree from
that place that the ceremonial regalia of a
performer in the Grass Dance consisted of
the stuffed body, wings, and tail of one of
these birds. The regalia was designed to be
tied to the dancer’s back, so that the con-
dor’s head rose above that of the wearer,
the body and spread tail hung downward
nearly to the ground, and an extended wing
was attached to each arm. During the dance
the wearer imitated the flight and other
actions of the “big eagle.’’ The bird that
supplied this skin was presumably killed
in this area by the Cree at some period in
the past.
Native testimony in respect to the “big
eagle” may be concluded by reference to
its place in Blackfoot folklore. It will scarcely
come as a surprise to learn that the omax-
sapitau has become identified with the myth-
ical roc in a Blood version of that tale.’ The
protagonist of the legend, according to
Harry Under Mouse, is the aforementioned
White Bear, “who first learned what and
where the omaxsapitaw was.” As a result
of his encounter with the bird, White Bear
is said to have borne for a time the name of
°The Roe legend is perhaps widespread in
North America. I have made no effort to trace its
distribution in the Plains or adjacent areas in
connection with this study. It may be noted in
passing that a generalized version of the Blackfoot
tale was obtained in 1947 from the Upper Kutenai,
of Elmo, Montana, who assign its origin to the
Sarsi. Fisher (p. 253) refers to the myth of an eagle
or mythieal bird abductor among such Algonkian-
speaking groups, as the Miemac, Passamaquoddy,
Malecite, Montagnais-Naskapi, Cree, Ojibwa,
Menomini, Gros Ventre, and Cheyenne. Future
folklorists, who trace the distribution of the
myth, may well consider the condor as a possible
influence in its western diffusion.
Big Eagle. The tale, it may be pointed out,
conforms, in general, to the Blackfoot pat-
tern of an individual’s experience in the
power quest.
The Blood tribe was encamped in the vicinity
of moder Edmonton. Food was scarce and
parties of hunters scattered out in different
directions to search for game. Upon their return
at night, one member of a party would be missing.
Men continued to disappear in this way for
some time.
Finally a party of four went out a long way to
hunt. Near the place called Devil’s Head, they
put up a brush shelter for several days’ stay.
That night they sang their supernatural power
songs for good luck in the next day’s hunt. The
following morning the four men started out,
each in a different direction. All agreed to meet
at camp that night.
A light snow fell that day. One of the hunters
killed a deer. He butchered it and tied the meat
in a pack upon his back. Then he started back
for camp, using his bow as a cane to support the
load. Walking along with his head bowed, he
suddenly saw the shadow of a great bird upon
the snow. He felt the bird grasp at the meat on
his back, and the next instant realized that he
was rising in the air. Too frightened now to look
down, he closed his eyes. After a brief period he
felt solid ground beneath his feet and lay back
with the pack still in place. He opened his eyes
to see that he was in a large nest surrounded by
the bones of deer, bison calves and even human
beings. It came to him then that the last repre-
sented the remains of those hunters recently lost.
He sat up and looked around. The nest was
located upon a high cliff, from which escape
seemed impossible. Nearby was an immense bird,
which cried in a strange way. The hunter realized
this was the creature that had carried people
away. He called upon the Sun for aid. Beside
him were two young birds, scarcely able to fly.
He began to pray to them for help. Untying his
pack, the hunter threw bits of meat to them,
which they ate. He continued doing this in order
to bring them closer.
Finally, he pushed the whole chunk of meat
over. The feeding birds were now within reach.
He quickly grasped their legs in each of his
hands. They began to flap their wings, nearly
jerking him into the air. Still retaining his hold,
he inched over to the edge of the cliff. Then he
pushed the birds off into space, throwing himself
vou. 41, No. 6
off at the same instant. Again he closed his eyes.
He found that the flight power of the birds,
although insufficient to support his weight, served
to check his descent to the ground. It seemed a
long way down. Finally he landed in safety.
Before releasing his rescuers, he detached the
longest feather from the tail of each bird. Then
he started to make his way home.
It was late in the evening when he arrived at
camp. He recognized the cries of his wife and
parents, who were mourning atop a nearby hill.
As he listened, someone went over and led them
back to their lodge. He looked inside the lodge
and saw that his people had cut off thei hair
and gashed their arms and legs. Only then did
he realize that they were mourning his death.
Going inside, he greatly surprised the occupants.
They could scarcely believe that he was alive,
but he convinced them that he was not a ghost.
The hunter then asked his wife to invite the
old men of the camp to his lodge. His mother be-
gan to prepare food for them. After all had eaten,
he related his experience and as proof displayed
the tail feathers of the young birds. As the old
men examined the trophies, they noted that
they were nearly the length of a grown person’s
arm. The hunter’s companions, who had also
returned by this time, told how they had followed
his tracks to where they ended in the snow and
picked up his bow nearby. In this way it became
known what creatures had caused the people to
disappear. As a result of this incident, the hunter
later received supernatural power from the “big
Accounts from Blackfoot oral sources
previously set forth in respect to the omax-
sapitau and its place in the ethno-ornithology
of that group may now be summarized.
The identification of the omaxsapitau as
the condor and the latter’s occurrence in
Blackfoot territory rests upon three types
of traditional evidence: (1) a series of native
sight records made over a period of half a
century or more, (2) reflections of identity
and presence in various aspects of Black-
foot culture, and (3) notions of modern
Indians regarding the bird’s size, habits,
and appearance derived from (1) and (2).
The second of these types of data has been
adequately treated in the body of this
study. Hence, it will suffice to summarize
in some detail the remaining two.
As a rough measure of the validity of our
JUNE 1951
data, we may comment briefly here upon
the degree of interest manifested by the
Blackfoot in the avian world. In general,
it may be said, wildfowl represented a seg-
ment of the local fauna and flora, which,
together with the Blackfoot and their cul-
tural structure, constituted a closely knit
biotic community of the northwestern
Plains. The place of the Blackfoot in such an
ecological system may be epitomized by
Speck’s characterization (1921, p. 349) of
the Algonkians of the northeastern forests,
a comment that applies equally well to their
linguistic congeners of the plains: “The
native Indians live much closer to Nature
than most white people could hope to do.
Their knowledge of wildlife is therefore in-
exhaustable in quantity, though it is often
far from being scientifically correct.” The
Blackfoot, dependent predominantly upon
the bison for subsistence, were better mam-
malogists, perhaps, than ornithologists.
Nevertheless, the group built up over gen-
erations an extensive body of knowledge
based upon observation of the local avifauna,
the influence of which pervaded such varied
fields as hunting and trapping, material
crafts and decorative arts, curing practices,
folklore, and ceremonial rites, songs, and
dances. As a result, most Blackfoot became
acquainted from childhood with the appear-
ance, habits and culturally defined attri-
butes of the avian species within their ken.
It is against this background of familiarity
that native testimony on the omaxsapitau
should be evaluated.
In respect to the physical features and
habits of the omaxsapitau, nearly all Black-
foot traditions stressed the factors of great
size and dark color. Other elements cited
by one or more informants, include the
naked head, the feather ruff, the dark,
hooked beak, the length and power of the
wings, the white area underwing, the ex-
tended tailfeathers, and the coarsely scaled
legs. Reference was also made to the bird’s
wariness, its habit of soaring in great cir-
cles and suddenly darting off at great speed,
and the inclined posture in feeding. Certain
of these traits, such as the feathered ruff,
bald head, great size, ete., are sufficiently
distinctive of the condor to suggest identity.
In contrast to the preceding list of char-
acteristic traits must be set others atypical
of the condor. Such discrepancies in our
data have been noted wherever recognized.
Some, no doubt, represent errors introduced
unconsciously into the flow of Blackfoot
traditions. Others appear to be traits trans-
ferred by native observers from the golden
eagle to the omaxsapitau. Nidification in the
eastern foothills of the Rockies, undoubt-
edly, represents one such case. The pred-
atorial habit assigned in the Blood legend
to a scavenger species is another. It may be
recalled that the Indians classified the
omaxsapttau, both taxonomically and _ ter-
minologically, with the golden eagle. Only
one informant, Jim White Calf, seemed
aware of the former’s genetic relationship
to the turkey vulture. The confusion evi-
dent in the minds of native ornithologists
may have been the result of the condor’s
infrequent appearances in this area, in
modern if not in earlier times. Few Black-
foot during the last century have ever seen
the species at close hand or over a period
of time. In view of this unfamiliarity, it is
surprising that greater errors have not been
introduced in native descriptions. Such,
then, represents the traditional evidence
upon which identifications of the condor
must, at the moment, rest.
Turning next to the reported occurrences
of the omaxsapitau in Blackfoot territory,
we find that they are placed by native ob-
servers, both living and dead, at irregular
intervals from the early 1900’s back to the
middle of the previous century. Of such ap-
pearances, the least credible, perhaps, is
that of 1907-08, a date posterior to the
final sight record (Rhoads) of the condor
on the north Pacific coast!? by more than a
decade. Raven’s reported observation of
the omaxsapitaw in 1897 comes within a
year of Fannin’s sight record near Calgary.
Preceding these appearances is the Phemister
occurrence of the 1870’s; those of Takes a
Gun’s parents and Brocky’s of the 1860’s;
and White Bear’s of the 1850’s. The testi-
mony of Yellow Kidney in respect to the
Indian named Big Eagle and to other topies,
seems referable to a still earlier period.
From these data, scanty and unsatisfactory
1 Gabrielson and Jewett (p. IS1) report, on the
basis of what appears to them good authority, the
presence of two or more condors in southern
Oregon in 1903 and again in 1904.
as they are, it would seem that the condor
appeared in the Montana-Alberta region
prior to the 1850’s sufficiently often to leave
a definite impress upon Blackfoot institu-
tions and thus give rise to the traditions
related by Yellow Kidney. Such seasonal
movement of the condor northward along
the Continental Divide may, perhaps, paral-
lel its observed wanderings (1805-34) up
the west coast to the lower Columbia and
the Fraser. In subsequent decades the species
was seen less frequently in Montana and
Alberta, as well as along the coast, until
its terminal appearance in both regions Just
before the close of the century.
A final point already mentioned in our
study calls for elaboration here. The histor-
ical sources indicate that the condor was
attracted to the lower Columbia and lower
Fraser Rivers by the multitude of dead,
migrant salmon, which in autumn lined the
banks of those streams. What comparable
food resource, it may be asked, served to
draw the species to the northwestern margin
of the Plains? The black-tailed deer!! im-
mediately comes to mind, the range of which
has been shown to closely overlap that of
the condor (Elliott, p. 122). However, it
seems more probable, as native traditions
suggest, that the bird’s major item of sub-
sistence in this region lay in the readily ac-
cessible remains of bison killed by the Black-
foot and their neighbors. As Ewers (p. 358)
has recently pointed out, the impounding
of bison at drive sites was largely carried
on by the Blackfoot late m fall and early
in winter, a period which found the condor
absent from the north. However, a plentiful
supply of meat in this area was assured dur-
ing the warmer months of the year. Then
the hunt was also organized on a coopera-
tive, group basis in the form of the sur-
round on horseback, or at an earlier period,
on foot. The abandonment by hunters of
bison bones and offals at this season, which
in fall supplied tallow and meat for the man-
1 One authority believes that the condor pre-
ferred deer meat to any other. He observes that
“they can make hash of a dead deer, sheep or other
small animals; yet it seems that they have not the
power to cut through the skin of a horse, cow or
other large animal until the meat is somewhat de-
composed”’ (Elliott, pp. 123-24, quoting Pem-
vou. 41, No. 6
ufacture of pemmican, afforded a source of
diet for the condor and other carnivorous
In conclusion, information gathered from
Blackfoot traditionalists suggests, in the
writer’s opinion, the condor’s former move-
ment northward, as a casual and infrequent
visitant, along the eastern slopes of the
Rockies as far as Montana and Alberta.
The evidence for this statement 1s scarcely
of a nature as to win acceptance from mod-
ern ornithologists, whose standards of proof
require something more tangible than sight
records or native traditions. The present
study, however, is designed to stimulate
further investigation of the topic. Inquiries
should be carried out among Canadian
Blackfoot and adjacent Cree, from whom
significant information, and, even more
concrete evidence of the species’ identity
and presence may still be obtained. If such
data are forthcoming, it will be possible to
add, in the words of one student, ‘“‘another
section to the jigsaw puzzle of Gymnogyps’
extra-limital wanderings.”” Until that time,
memories of the ‘‘big eagle’ will continue
to be preserved among the descendants of
those bison-hunting tribesmen, who long
ago observed its great, sweeping flights from
out of the fastnesses of the Rockies.
North American birds, ed. 4. 1931.
Bent, Artuur C. Life histories of North American
birds of prey, part 1.U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 167.
Dawson, Won. L., and Bowtks, Joun H. The birds
of Washington, 2 vols. Seattle, 1909.
Exiiorr, Cuarues (ed.). Fading trails: The story
of endangered American wildlife. New York,
Ewers, Joun C. The last bison drives of the Black-
foot Indians. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci.
39: 355-360. 1949.
Fannin, J. The California vulture in Alberta. Auk
14: 89. 1897.
Fisoer, Marcaret W. The mythology of the north-
ern and northeastern Algonkians in reference
to Algonkian mythology as a whole. In ‘Man
in Northeastern North America,’’ Frederick
Johnson (ed.). Pap. Robert S. Peabody Foun-
dation for Arch. 3: 226-262. 1946.
Birds of Oregon. Corvallis, 1940.
Harris, Harry. The annals of Gymnogyps to
1900. Condor 48: 3-55. 1941.
JUNE 1951
Macotn, JoHn and James H. Catalogue of Cana-
dian birds. Geological Survey of Canada,
Ottawa, 1909.
PEARSON, Grupert T. (ed.). Birds of America.
Garden City, 1936.
ScHAEFFER, CiLaupE E. Bird nomenclature and
principles of avian taxonomy of the Blackfeet
Indians. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 40:
37-46. 1950.
Speck, FRANK G. Bird-lore of the Northern Indians.
Public Lectures by Univ. of Pennsylvania
Faculty, 1919-20, 7: 349-380. 1921.
. Naskapi: The savage hunters of the Labrador
Peninsula. Norman, Okla., 1935.
TAVERNER, P. A. Birds of Canada. Dept. of Mines,
Nat. Mus. Canada, Bull. 72, biol. ser. 19.
Ottawa, 1934.
Wisster, Cuark. Ceremonial bundles of the Black-
foot Indians. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Anthrop.
Pap. 7 (2). 1912.
PALEONTOLOGY .—New Desmoinesian crinoids. HARRELL L. Srrmpxe, Bartles-
ville, Okla. (Communicated by Alfred R. Loeblich, Jr.)
Glaukosocrinus, n. gen., 1s here proposed
with G. parvisculus (Moore and Plummer),
n. comb. as the genotype species. Descrip-
tion of Aeszocrinus erectus, n. sp., Acrocrinus
expansus, n. sp., Lecythiocrinus optimus, n.
sp., and Schistocrinus ovalis, n. sp., 1s given.
All figured specimens are from exposures of
the Oologah limestone formation, sometimes
referred to the Altamont limestone of Kan-
sas, Des Moines series, Pennsylvanian, lo-
cated east of Tulsa, Okla.
Glaukosocrinus, n. gen.
Dorsal cup moderately low truncate, semi-
globular with deep basal invagination. Columnar
sear small, round, occupying the median portion
of a relatively large IBB circlet. Five small IBB
are restricted to basal concavity. Five moder-
ately large BB form a part of the lateral calyx
walls and flex strongly inward to form sides of
the basal concavity. Five large RR have short
articulating processes which are directed mildly
outward. Outer surfaces of RR curve in to form
adsutural slopes between articulating facets.
Anal X is large, pentagonal and does not extend
into the interbrachial region. RA is pentagonal
and rests on r. post. and post. BB. It supports
a small pentagonal RX, which extends only
slightly into the interbrachial area.
Genotype.—Malaiocrinus parvisculus
and Plummer (1940).
Known range.—Des Moines series; Pennsyl-
vanian; North America.
Discussion.—This form was referred to Mala-
tocrinus Wanner (1924) by Moore and Plummer
(1940). It has certain characteristics superficially
similar to that genus and may represent a trend
of specialization leading to the genus but certain
factors seem sufficient to warrant separation.
Malaiocrinus has anal plates of normal structure
in normal (primitive) arrangement. Anal X is
hexagonal. In Glaukosocrinus the anal plate is
pentagonal and does not extend above the normal
cup height. The radial articulating facets of
Malaiocrinus are long, directed strongly outward
and the columnar scar is very large, almost en-
tirely covering the IBB plates. Glaukosocrinus
has short radial articulating facets directed only
slightly outward and the columnar scar is small.
Glaukosocrinus parvisculus (Moore and
Plummer), n. comb.
Figs. 13-16
This species has been adequately described.
The specimen figured herein was collected by the
author in the stone quarry some 7 miles east of
Tulsa, Okla.
Genus Aesiocrinus Miller and Gurley, 1890
Aesiocrinus erectus, n. sp.
Figs. 9-12
Dorsal cup is broad, truncate bowl-shaped.
Five IBB form a large pentagonal-shaped disk
with slightly depressed median section. Five
large BB curve into the subhorizontal basal area
but also comprise a good portion of the lateral
cup walls. Five large RR have arm articulating
facets directed slightly outward and not entirely
filling the distal faces of the plates. Outer liga-
ment furrow is shallow but well defined. Liga-
ment pit furrow is shallow and ligament pit is
sharply impressed. Transverse ridges are sharply
defined, narrow lateral furrows are backed by
unusually long oblique ridges. Muscle sears are
limited in area and are deeply impressed. Inter-
muscular notches and furrows are broad and
short. The right shoulder of 1. post. B is extended
and has an extra facet for reception of an anal
tube plate. R. post. R and the anal plate are
missing in the holotype but measurements leave
no doubt as to the existence of only one anal
plate in the posterior interradius, which plate
was in broad contact with the post. B.
The entire surface of the dorsal cup is mildly
granular in appearance. Depressions occur at the
apices of RR and BB. Columnar scar is decidedly
pentagonal in outline. Maximum width of dorsal
cup is 18.5 mm, height 8.2 mm.
Remarks.—The general contour of the dorsal
cup of A. erectus is very similar to that of several
species of Plummericrinus Moore and Laudon
(1943) and is quite unlike that of any other spe-
cies of Aestocrinus. Characteristics, other than
general appearance, in common with Plummeri-
crinus are the depressions at the angles of BB and
RR and the extension of the outer surfaces of RR
into the adsutural area between the arm articu-
lating processes. However, Plummericrinus has
three anal plates in the posterior interradius and
a round stem.
Occurrence.—Stone quarry some 7 miles east
of Tulsa, Okla.
Holotype.—Collected by the author. To be
deposited in the U. S. National Museum.
Genus Acrocrinus Yandell, 1846
Acrocrinus expansus, n. sp.
Figs. 1, 17-20
Dorsal cup is of moderate height, wide at the
base and mildly constricted at the distal ex-
tremity. Two BB of equal size are confined to a
shallow basal concavity. The walls of the basal
depression are composed of two circlets of small
vou. 41, No. 6
plates. Five RR are hexagonal and are adjoining
except where interrupted by the large anal X in
the posterior interradius. Articular facets are
small, horse shoe shaped.
The BB and RR are separated by about six
circlets of plates which are designated as inter-
calaries (11). In the first circlet below the RR and
anal X series, there are 12 hexagonal ii', 14 ii?,
16 ii’, and 14 ii*. Exact placement of succeeding
series is difficult owing to slight irregularities and
the incipient nature of those nearest the BB.
Plates of the posterior interray continue un-
broken to the BB disk and also in the anterior
ray. In other rays the series are broken. Con-
sidering the large number of plates the arrange-
ment is remarkably symmetrical.
The columnar scar is very small and round.
Arms and tegmen have not been observed. Cup
plates are devoid of ornamentation. Greatest
width of dorsal cup (basal) is 11.0 mm, width at
distal extremity is 6.5 mm, height 9.0 mm.
Remarks.—Acrocrinus worthent Wachsmuth
(1882), Acrocrinus pumpkensis Strimple (1949),
A. brentwoodensis Moore and Plummer (1937),
and A. pirum Moore and Plummer (1937) have
calices similar to the present species in general
outline. They have broad basal areas and tend
toward constriction in the distal extremities of
the cup. A. pirum is elongated and has.a greater
number of plates than other species. A. wortheni
has fewer plates and a different arrangement of
intercalaries than found in A. expansus. A. pump-
kensis has a limited number of intercalaries and
the cup does not constrict so noticeably at the
Fic. 1.—Diagrammatic sketch showing arrangement of plates in the holotype of Acrocrinus expansus,
n. sp.
2-5.—Holotype of Schistocrinus ovalis, n. sp., from below, anterior, summit, and posterior,
—Holotype of Lecythiocrinus optimus, n. sp., from posterior, summit, and base,
€ gS, Fras. 9-12.—Holotype of Aestocrinus erectus, n. sp., from base, summit, anterior, and pos
< IS, Figs. 6
Fias. 13-16.—Typical representative of Glaukosocrinus parvisculus (Moore and
terior, X 1.6.
Fras. 20. Holotype
Plummer), n. comb., from anterior, posterior, summit, and base, X 1.8.
of Acrocrinus expansus, n. sp., from summit, base, anterior, and posterior, X 3
distal extremity. In A. brentwoodensis all RR are
in contact with four plates in addition to lateral
contact with adjoining RR, whereas in A. ex-
pansus only the two posterior RR have contact
with four plates and the three anterior RR are
each in contact with three plates.
The only other described Pennsylvanian spe-
cies is A. elegans Strimple (1949) which has a
slender, elongated cup.
Occurrence.—Stone quarry about 7 miles east
of Tulsa, Okla.
Holotype.—Collected by Melba Strimple. To
be deposited in the U. 8. National Museum.
Genus Lecythiocrinus White, 1880
Lecythiocrinus optimus, n. sp.
Figs. 6-8
Dorsal cup is elongated, more or less spherical
in outline. Three unequal IBB form a mildly up-
flared, broad base. The smaller IB is right pos-
terior. Five BB are long, hexagonal plates with
proximal portions curved to join IBB plates.
Five RR are small pentagonal plates with promi-
nent, wide arm articulating facets. There is a
pronounced reduction in width of RR as the
upper edge of the cup is approached. An oval
shaped opening is in the upper extremity of post.
B and lower lateral portions of |. post. and r.
post. RR. When the cup is viewed from above or
below there is a mildly pentagonal outline due to
slightly raised median areas in the proximal por-
tions of BB.
Columnar scar is small, round. Arms and teg-
men are unknown. The greatest width of dorsal
cup is 10.4 mm, height 10.6 mm.
Remarks.—L. optimus differs from other de-
scribed species in having broad, rather distended
articulating processes. The outline of the cup is
somewhat comparable to those of L. adamsi
Worthen (1883) and L. olliculaeformis White
Occurrence.—Road cut on eastward extension
of thirty-first Street, southeast of Tulsa, Okla.
Holotype.—Collected by Frank Crane. To be
deposited in the U. 8. National Museum.
Genus Schistocrinus Moore and Plummer, 1940
Schistocrinus ovalis, n. sp.
Figs. 2-5
Dorsal cup is shallow, bowl-shaped. In the
median portion of a broad, shallow basal con-
vou. 41, No. 6
cavity there is a sharply impressed, small, round
columnar sear. Five IBB form a cog shaped disk
surrounding the impressed area. Five small BB
are more or less triangular shaped plates with
the exception of post. B which is rather elongate
and is truncated for reception of anal X. Five
large RR are in solid contact with the IBB plates
and prevent lateral contact between BB. Three
anal plates are in normal (primitive) arrange-
ment. RA is a narrow, elongate plate supporting
the narrow proximal face of RX above and is in
contact with anal X to the left. RX expands
noticeably as it enters the interbrachial region.
Anal X is a large, long plate.
All cup plates are unornamented. Arms and
tegmen are unknown. The dorsal cup has a width
of 16.6 mm, height of 3.5 mm.
Remarks.—S. ovalis is more comparable with
S. torquatus Moore and Plummer (1940), the
genotype species, than with other described
forms. S. torquatus has more prominent IBB
plates, the impressed basal area is entirely oc-
cupied by the columnar scar, BB have more
angular proximal facets and the plates of the
posterior interradius are more advanced in ar-
Occurrence.—Stone quarry about 7 miles east
of Tulsa, Okla.
Holotype.—Collected by the author. To be
deposited in the U. S. National Museum.
Miurter, S. A., and;Gururny, W. F. E. Journ
Cincinnati Soe Nat. Hist. 13: 14. 1890.
Moors, R. C., and Laupon, L. R. Geol. Soe.
Amer. Spec. Pap. 46: 56, 58. 1943.
——— and Priummenr, F. B. Bull. Denison Univ.,
Journ. Sci. Labs., 32: 218-244, pl. 12, figs. 1-3.
———.. Univ. Texas Publ. 3945: 98-101, pl. 14,
fig. 6; pp. 217-222, pl. 2, fig. 6. 1940.
Srrimeie, H. L. Amer. Journ. Sci. 247: 900-904,
pl. 1, figs. 1-6, 1949.
WacusmutH, C. Illinois State Mus. Nat. Hist.
Bull. 1: 41. 1882.
WANNER, J. Perm. Krin. Timor, 2° Nederl. Ex-
ped.: 177-188. 1924.
Wurst, C. A. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 2: 256, pl. 1,
figs. 4-5. 1880.
WorrtueEn, A. H. Illinois State Mus. Bull. 1: 37.
YANDELL, L. P. Amer. Journ. Sci., ser. 2, 20:
135-1387. 1846.
JUNE 1951
PALEONTOLOGY .—Brachiopod homonyms. G. ArrHuR Cooprrr, U.S. National
Museum, and Heten M. Murr-Woop, British Museum (Natural History).
While preparing a list of the brachiopod
genera for the forthcoming ‘Treatise on
Paleontology,” the authors found a number
of homonyms, which are adjusted below. In
addition to these, three names previously
thought to be homonyms proved to have
been incorrectly replaced. Substitutions for
these erroneously displaced names are also
included herein.
Argentiproductus nom. nov. for Thomasella
Paul, 1942, Zentralbl. Min. Geol. Paliaont., Abt.
B, 6: 191 (non Fredericks, 1928, Bull. Com. Géol.
Leningrad 46 (7): 778, 789, Brachiopoda).
Type species: Producta margaritacea Phillips,
Callispirina nom. nov. for Mansuyella Reed,
1944, Palaeont. Indica (n. s.) 23, mem. 2: 505
(non Endo, 1937, Bull. Manchurian Sci. Mus. 1:
353, Trilobita).
Type species: Spiriferina ornata Waagen, 1887.
Capillirostra nom. nov. for Rhynchonellopsis
Bose, 1894, Palaeontogr. 41: 57, 77, 78, footnote
(non Vincent, 1893, Ann. Soc. Malac. Belge 28,
mém.: 51, Brachiopoda).
Type species: Rhynchonellina?
Bose, 1894.
Elinoria nom. nov. for Elina Fredericks, 1924,
Bull. Com. Géol. Petrograd 38 (3): 320, 321
(non Blanchard, 1852, in Gray, Hist. Chile 7:
28, Lepidoptera; or Ferrari, 1878, Ann. Mus.
Stor. Nat. Genova 12: 84, Hemiptera; or Houl-
bert, 1918, in Oberthuer, Etude Lép. 15: 325,
Type species: Spirifer rectangulus Kutorga,
Equirostra nom. nov. for Isorhynchus King,
1850, Mon. Permian Foss., Palaeont. Soc.: 81,
112 (non Schoenherr, 1833, Gen. et Sp. Cure. 1
(1): 22; 1836, 3 (2): 631, Coleoptera).
Type species: Terebratulites aequirostris Schlo-
theim, as represented by DeVerneuil in Geologie
de la Russie d’Europe 2, pl. 3, fig. 1. 1845.
Hirsutella nom. nov. for Hirsutina Kirchner,
1934, Neues Jahrb. Geol. Paliont. 71, Abt. B
(1): 106 (non Tutt, 1909, Brit. Butterfl. 3: 154,
Type species: Spirifer hirsutus Alberti, 1864.
Labriproductus nom. nov. for Worthenella
Girty, 1938, Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 28
(10): 442 (non Walcott, 1911, Smithsonian Misc.
Coll. 57 (5): 125, Vermes).
Type species: Productus wortheni Hall, 1858.
Marionites nom. nov. for Marionella Bancroft,
1928, Mem. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc. 72: 181
(non Cobb, 1922, Journ. Washington Acad. Sci.
11: 504, Vermes).
Type species: Marionella typa Bancroft, 1928.
Nudirostra nom. nov. for Letiorhynchus Hall,
1860, Ann. Rep. New York State Cab. Nat. Hist.
13: 75 (non Liorhynchus Rudolphi, 1801, Archiv
Zool. [Wiedemann] 2 (1): 49, Vermes).
Type species: Orthis quadricostata Vanuxem,
Phymatothyris nom. nov. for Pallasiella Renz,
1932, Abh. Schweiz. Paliont. Ges. 52: 40, 41
(non Sars, 1895, Crustacea Norway 1: 505, Crus-
tacea; or Kirby, 1910, Synon. Cat. Orthopt. 3:
168, Orthoptera).
Type species: Pallasiella kerkyraea Renz, 1932
Pirgulia nom. nov. for Pirgula DeGregorio,
1930, Ann. Géol. Paléont. Palermo 52: 30 (non
Tessmann, 1921, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin 10:
215, Lepidoptera).
Type species (by monotypy): Lyttonia ? (Pir-
gula) pedicula DeGregorio, 1930.
Plectorhynchella nom. nov. for Monticola Naliv-
kin, 19380. Mem. Com. Géol. Leningrad 180: 86,
188 (non Boie, 1822, Isis [Oken] 1822: 552, Aves).
Type species: Athyris collinensis Frech, 1902.
Sphaerirhynchia nom. nov. for Wilsonella Niki-
forova, 1937, Palaeont. U.S. 8. R. Mon., Lenin-
grad, 35: 33 (non Carter, 1885, Ann. Mag. Nat.
Hist. (5) 15: 320, Spongiae).
Type species: Terebratula wilsont J. Sowerby,
Struspirifer nom. nov. for Schuchertia Fred-
ericks, 1926, Bull. Acad. Sei. U. R.S. 8. 20 (5-6):
406 (non Gregory, 1899, Geol. Mag. (n. s.) dee.
4, 6: 351, Echinodermata).
Type species: Delthyris niagarensis Conrad,
Sulcirostra nom. noy. for Rhynchonellopsis De-
Gregorio, 1980, Ann. Géol. Paléont. Palermo 55:
6 (non Vincent, 1898, Ann. Soe. Malac. Belge
28, mém.: 51, Brachiopoda).
Type species: Rhynchonellina seguenzae Gem-
mellaro, 1871.
Tunarites nom. nov. for Tunaria Hoek, 1912,
Neues Jahrb. Min. Geol. Stuttgart, Beil. Bd. 34:
247 (non Link, 1807, Beschr. Nat. Samml. Univ.
Rostock 3: 165, Coelenterata).
Type species. Tunaria cochambina Hoek, 1912.
Aetheia Thomson, 1915, Geol. Mag. 2: 389
(non Aethia Merrem, 1788, Vers. Grundr. Gesch.
Vogel I, Tent. Nat. Syst. Av.: 7, 13, 20, Aves;
and Huebner, 1825, Verz. bekannt. Schmett.:
340, Lepidoptera.). Substitute Thomsonica Coss-
mann, 1920, Rev. Crit. Paléozool. 24: 137.
vou. 41, No. 6
Type species: Terebratula gualteri Morris,
Megerlia King, 1850, Mon. Permian Foss.,
Palaeont. Soc.: 81, 145, not preoccupied by
Megerlea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830, Mem. Prés
Acad. Roy. Sci. Inst. France 2: 266, Diptera.
Miihlfeldtia Bayle, 1880, Journ. Conch. 28: 240,
proposed for Megerlia King, 1850, is a synonym.
Type species: Anomia truncata Gmelin, 1767.
Yakovlevia Fredericks, 1925, Rec. Geol. Com.
Russian Far East 40: 7 (non Jakowleffia Puton,
1875, Petites Nouvelles Ent. 1 (128): 512, He-
miptera). Substitute Mwirwoodia Licharew, 1947,
C. R. Acad. Sci. Moscow (n. s.) 57 (2): 187.
Type species: Productus mammatus Keyser-
ling, 1846.
PALEONTOLOGY—Substitution for the preoccupied brachiopod name Hystricina.
Merrity A. SraInBrook, Brandon, Iowa. (Communicated by G. A. Cooper.)
Dr. G. Arthur Cooper has recently in-
formed me that Dr. Helen Muir-Wood and
he have discovered that the name Hystricina,
proposed by me in 1945 for a genus of atry-
poid brachiopods, is preoccupied by Hystrz-
cina Malloch, 1932 (Rec. Canterbury [N. Z.]
Mus. 3: 433). To replace it Iam suggesting
Spinatrypa (Hystricina Stainbrook, not Hys-
tricina Malloch, 1932). The type species is
Atrypa hystrix var. occidentalis Hall.
BOTANY .—A contribution to the lichen flora of Alaska. Grorar A. LLANo, Arctic,
Desert, Tropic Information Center, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. (Com-
municated by John A. Stevenson.)
The following new species, varieties,
forms, new names, and distributions have
been taken from a manuscript prepared as
a report! of field work carried out in Alaska
by the author in the summer of 1949 and by
P. F. Scholander in 1948. The final report
will contain a record of all macrolichens col-
lected in Alaska including the Aleutians.
All Stereocaula and Cladoniaceae were deter-
mined, respectively, by Dr. I. M. Lamb and
Dr. A. W. Evans.
1. Stereocaulon glareosum (Sav.) H. Magen.
in G6teborgs Kgl. Vet. och Vitterh.-
Saml. Handl. 30: 60. 1926.
var. brachyphylloides M. Lamb, var.
A specie typica differt phyllocladiis subper-
sistenter graniformibus aut subdigitato-con-
crescentibus, passim tantum papillae-formiter
excrescentibus; cephalodia magna, conspicua,
ut in forma typica.
Forming caespitose-pulvinate, low clumps with
uneven surfaces. Podetia firmly attached to the
soil, short and stout, up to 1.5 em long and 1-2
mm thick, congested, irregularly branched, +
upright or various intricated, not dorsiventral;
+ terete, clothed down to the base with a thin,
smooth, adpressed, pale rosy-subochraceous to-
mentum; rigid but not markedly ligneous.
Phyllocladia lateral on podetia, scanty in lower
parts, congested and numerous in upper parts,
cinereous-whitish, matt, unicolorous, mostly
concrescent grainlike or concrescent-subdigitate,
1 Studies on the lichen flora of Alaska. The
North Slope of the Brooks Range, with Appendix.
The work on which this report is based was sup-
ported by the Arctic Institute of North America
with funds provided by the Office of Naval Re-
search and was conducted under the auspices of
the Smithsonian Institution.
JUNE 1951
small (0.1-0.2 mm jdiam.), only rarely and in
a few places becoming + distinctly elongate-
papillate. Cephalodia abundant, conspicuous,
laterally sessile on podetia, smoothly subglo-
bose, well constricted at base, 0.4-1.5(—3.0)
mm diam., pale roseate-brownish (+ flesh
colored), matt, the surface smoothly continuous
or often rhagadiose-fissured; the larger ones
(8 em diam.) becoming irregularly pulvinate
and dividing into several irregular convex por-
tions. Reactions: phyllocladia KHO + green-
ish-yellow, Pd + (slowly) sulphur-yellow.
Anaska: 151-152°W., 68°20’N., Anaktuvuk
Pass, 1,000 m.s.m. on naked soil, coll. G. A.
Llano & Neil Weber 527 (no. 1161, Lamb,
Tyee), sterile.
2. St. paschale (L.) Hoffm. Deutsch. Fl. 130.
var. erectum (Frey) M. Lamb, comb. nov.
Podetia developing in a compact or loose
manner, erect to suberect, about 4 cm high,
somewhat branched.
Anaktuvuk Pass, Llano 4026, in a dry aggraded
stream floor, among mosses and _ Peltigera.
3. Peltigera venosa (L.) Baumg. Fl. Lipsiens.
581. 1790.
f. tartarea Llano, forma nov.
Superficies superior sordida, pruina pulver-
ulenta vel squamosa tecta, inferior tomentosa,
alba usque pallide bruneola, venis carentibus
vel inconspicuis; sporae aciculares, 2-3 septatae,
hyalinae, 36-40 X 4-6.6u. A typo differt dis-
crepatione superficierum durarum.
Upper surface dull, covered with a powdery
to scaly white pruina; lower surface tomentose,
white to pale brownish without veins, or veins
Lake Schraeder, 145°W., 69°20'N., on soil,
P. F. Scholander, 1948.
4. Parmelia birulae Hlenk. in Ann.
Berlin 4(1): 36. 1906.
var. grumosa Llano, var. nov.
Thallus imbricatissimus, acervis valde arcuatis
compositus, lobis latis e lobulis minoribus
fimbriatus; cortex superior ceraceo-furfuraceus.
Thallus strongly imbricated in strongly arched
heaps, lobes broad with sharp to rounded sinuses
and fringed with smaller lobelets, upper cortex
2 Wdith K. Cash, Plant Industry Stat ion, Belts-
ville, Md., kindly provided all Latin descriptions
except for Sterocaulon.
Anaktuvuk Pass, at the summits of lower
mountains in protected depressions over mosses
or other lichens Llano 236, 485d.
5. Cetraria scholanderii Llano, sp. nov.
Thallus foliaceus, 10-15 cm in diam., lobato-
crenatus, 4-6 mm latus, rugulosus, lobis valde
imbricatis, ascendentibus, inflexis vel canalic-
ulatis praeditus; cortex superior isidiis dense
congregatis, simplicibus vel bifurcatis, albis
obscurisve, verruciformibus vel vermiformibus
ad apices obscuras tectus, pallide griseolus vel
pallide griseo-vinaceus, interdum atro-strigosus
vel marginibus olivaceis vel viridi-nigris, nitens;
cortex inferior atro-piceus, deinde atro-brunneus
vel interdum pallide brunneus in apicibus lo-
borum, subnitidus, Jeniter venato-bullatus rugo-
susque, areis rhizinarum tenuium fibrosarum vel
velrucis conspersis praeditus; cortex superior
K 4, intense viride-flavus, medulla K—, K(C) —,
Apothecia raria, lateralia vel subterminalia,
subpedicellata, 5-6 mm. lata; discus planus usque
subconvexus, carneo-pallidus, glaber usque sub-
rugulosus, margine albe, isidiis numerosis brevi-
bus atro-apiculatis ornatus vel albo-crenulatus;
ascl saccato-clavati, 42.9 > 22y, ad apices
incrassati, octospori; paraphyses plus minusve
distineti, septati, simplices, 1.43 XX 38y; sporae
eloboso-ellipsoideae, incolores, 9.9-11 (—13) x
3.3—5.7 (—6.6) «; spermogonia non visa.
Thallus foliaceous, 10-15 em in diam., lobate-
crenate, 4-6 mm wide, rugulose, with strongly
imbricated, ascending, inflexed or canaliculate
lobes, upper cortex obscured by densely growing
simple or bifureate, white to dark, verruciform
to vermiform isidia with darka pices, color light
grayish, or light grayish-vinaceous with oc-
casional streaks of black, with olive-green
margins, or dull greenish black, shiny; lower
cortex pitch-black becoming dark brown to pale
shiny brown on occasional lobe tips, subshiny,
weakly veined-bullate and wrinkled, with scat-
tered patches of thin, stringy rhizinae, or warts;
upper cortex K+ bright green-yellow, medulla
Kk—, K(C)—, J (subsection Glauscentes).
Apothecia rare, terminal or marginal, sub-
pedicellate, 5-6 mm wide, disk plane to sub-
convex, flesh-colored, smooth to slightly ridged,
thalline margin white, with numerous
black-tipped isidia or white crenulate;
42.9 xX 22u, with thick hyaline apices, para-
physes more or less distinct, septate, simple,
1.43 X 38x, spores 8 in ascus, globose to ellipsoid,
with distinct wall, 9.9-11 (-138) x 3.3-5.7 (6.6) pn.
This species differs from C. chrysantha by its
erayish coloring and densely isidiate upper
surface; it differs from C. norvegica in cclor as
well as in the type of isidia. C. norvegica is
described with isidia cylindrical to coralloidea-
ramose developing from furrows or lobe margins;
these are relatively fine, brown-tipped isidia.
The isidia of C. scholanderia are coarse, robust,
tipped with black, simple to bluntly bifurcate,
densely growing over the thallus, not from
furrows and less so on the margins of lobes.
Named after Dr. Peter F. Scholander, who first
brought it to my attention, in appreciation of his
many collections from the Brooks Range. A
ubiquitous species along the Brooks Range,
around Anaktuvuk Pass growing on rocks, over
mosses and other lichens, along talus slopes up
to 3,000 feet (154, 323, 330, 341, 390, 406).
Type, Lake Schrader, July 20, 1948, P. F.
Scholander and W. Flagg.
6. Alectoria irvingii Llano, sp. nov.
Thallus subcaespitosus, depressus, subrigidus;
rami 8 (—10) em longi, dichotome divisi, axilibus
late-angularibus, ad apices attenuati, subfibrillosi,
fibrillis ad axes rectos vel recurvos rectangulariter
dispositis, ad bases robusti, 1-2 mm lati, torti,
cortice interdum rimoso et aperto, in hemi-
cychis volventes, intertexti, sulcati, interdum
foveolati, demum cylindricales vel angulares,
subcompressi vel ad locum ramorum plani,
deinde cylindricales, nitidi, olivaceo-brunnei vel
in partibus umbratis pallidiores, vel atro-brunnei,
ramis vetustioribus et basibus subnigrescentibus;
apothecia, spermogonia, soredia, et pseudo-
cyphellae carentes.
Thallus subcaespitose, depressed, subrigid,
branches 8(10) cm long, dichotomously branched,
with wide-angling axils, apically attenuate, sub-
fibrillose, with fibrils at right angles to main
straight or recurved axis, at base robust, 1-2
mm wide, twisted with cortex occasionally split
and gaping, winding in half-circle loops, inter-
tangled, furrowed, with occasional depressions,
becoming cylindrical or angular, subcompressed
or plane at point of branching, and then cylindri-
eal, shining, olive-brown (or pale brown in
shaded portions), dark brown, older branches
and base somewhat blackened; apothecia and
spermogonia absent, subsection Sulcatae.
Anaktuvuk Pass, over exposed gravel and thin
soil with P. birulae, C. scholanderti, S. globosus,
P. omphalodes, growing in mats 15-20 em wide,
VOL. 41, No. 6
on upper slopes (4,000 feet) of quartzite moun-
tain. This species looks somewhat like A. niti-
dula but more robust. Named after Dr. Lawrence
Irving, first director of Arctic Research Labor-
atories, Point Barrow, Alaska, through whose
encouragement Alaskan lichen studies were made
7. Usnea scholanderii Llano, sp. nov.
Thallus rectus aut subpendulus, ca. 4-6 em
altus aut flocci-formis (1-38 em) et flaccidus,
stramineo- vel pallide viridis, ad basim leniter
pallide fuscescens, subconstrictus, dense et ir-
regulariter, dein subsympodialiter ramosus; rami
primarii usque ad 0.5-1 (—2) mm crassi, teretes,.
creberrimi, sat attenuatim subfibrillosi, cortice
non rimoso, plerumque ad _ basim_papillati,
papillis minutissimis, ad ramos tenuiores rariori-
bus, ad apices subpapillati vel glabri, valde
sorediati; soredia primum parva, fariosa, mani-
ciformiter unita, dein soraia magna (1-2 mm.
lata) numerosa, globosa alba vel albo-flava.
fibrillulis multis radiantibus praedita efforman-
tia; apothecia et spermogonia non visa; medulla.
K—, cortex K-—, soralia K + ferrugineo-
Thallus erect to somewhat pendulous, 4-6 em
long, somewhat flaccid, tuft-like (1-8 em high),
straw- to yellowish-green, base somewhat stained
rusty-brown, somewhat constricted, densely
irregularly branched, cylindrical, becoming sub-
sympodial, apically attenuate, subfibrillose,
cortex usually papillate at base, subpapillate to
smooth apically, not cracked, strongly sorediate,
at first small, farmose, uniting to maniciform
type, then forming numerous, large (1-2 mm
wide), globose soralia, white- to white-yellow,
with many radiating fibrils; apothecia and sper-
mogonia not seen; medulla K—, cortex K—,
soralia K + rusty-brown.
On rocks, with P. sulcata, common, Lake
Peters (ca. Lake Schrader) leg. P. F. Scholander,
July 1948. Not to be confused with U. soredifera,
U. glabatra, U. vainioi, or others listed by Motyka
under stirps U. sorediiferae. Usneaceae are ap-
parently scarce on the North Slope.
In accordance with the Rules of Inter-
national Nomenclature, the following new
names are proposed:
1. Cetraria magnussonii Llano, nom. nov.
Cetraria arctica H. Magn., in Svensk Tidskr.
30: 251. 1936, is a later homonym of Cetraria
arctica (Hook.) Tuck. Magnusson’s species is
JUNE 1951
described from material collected in the Yenisei
region of Siberia and is quite distinct from the
Tuckerman species which is now referred to the
genus Dactylina Nyl.
2. Evernia perfragilis Llano, nom. nov.
Alectoria arctica Elenk. & Sav. Acta Horti
Petrop. 32: 73. pl. 1, fig. 1-3. 1912.
Evernia arctica (Klenk. & Sav.) Lynge in Lich.
Nov. Zemlya 209. 1928.
The type material and subsequent collections
from Novaya Zemlya, as well as Alaska, are all
sterile. The author concurs with Lynge and Du
Rietz®? in believing that this species is, mor-
phologically, more closely allied to the genus
Evernia. However, the specific epithet is a later
homonym of Hvernia arctica (Hook.) Tuck.,
i.e., Dactylina arctica (Hook.) Tuck.
The distribution of lichen species in Fenno
Seandia, in the Arctic islands north of Europe,
and on the east and west coasts of southern
Greenland are better known than those of Siberia,
Alaska, and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
Even so, the work of Scandinavians on occasional
collections from the Canadian Archipelago and
similarly of the Russians from rare Siberian
collections has given some hints of the probable
distribution of lichen species throughout the
cireumpolar area. Northern Alaska has long
represented a vacuum in our understanding of
even the commoner species, and has contributed
little to add to continuous distributional studies
of lichens. For this reason, collections from Arctic
Alaska invariably contain new distributions,
mainly northern extensions of species. The
following anomalous distributions are of unusual
interest since they would indicate a geographical
pattern of Siberian species extending into North
Parmelia birulae Elenk., described from
material collected in Novaya Zemlya, is a
common element of the north slope of the
Brooks Range. Material described to the
author by N. Hale from his Baffinland col-
lections of 1950 would indicate that this
species extends throughout this range, and
possibly to northern Greenland. An equally
ubiquitous species is Cetraria chrysantha
Tuck. with a similar extension. Cetraria si-
birica H. Magn., first described from the
Yenisei Region,’ Siberia, was collected at
3 Du Rierz, G. E., Ark. Bot. 20(11). 1926.
Umiat, although it was not seen in the
Brooks Range proper. A close relative, C.
magnussoni, also from the Yenisei, should
be looked for in Arctic Alaska. EHvernia per-
fragilis, reported only from Novaya Zemlya,
is represented in Alaska from two collec-
tions at Anaktuvuk Pass. Ramalina alm-
quist Vain., first described from St. Law-
rence Island, later reported by Degelius from
Hulten’s Aleutian collections, is a common
species on the North Slope. This suggests
that it may be noted inland or on the Si-
berian coast.
A further example of this type of distribu-
tion and also of disrupted range is Umbili-
caria carolimiana Tuck. Originally described
from Grandfather Mountain, N. C., it is
now known to exist on Mount Mitchell and
Roan Mountain, N. C. Later, it was reported
from Japan, and then from the Amur Dis-
trict, Siberia. In a recent publication by the
author,‘ it is reported a common element of
the lichen flora on conglomerate, sandstone,
and quartzite throughout the north slope of
the Brooks Range. Its eastern North Ameri-
can terminus is recognized as a classical re-
lict plant area; its eastern Asiatic terminus
represents a weakly, if at all, glaciated area,
The Alaskan finds are from a similarly poor
ornonglaciated region from Kiana (collections
of L. J. Palmer) and the Seward Peninsula
east along the north slope of the mountain
ranges to Lake Schrader. The intervening
absence of the species from northern
Alaska to North Carolina would appear to
have been the direct result of the last exten-
sive glaciation. The absence of records from
localities in North Carolina north along the
Appalachians to about the southernmost ex-
tension of the ice sheet, about Jatitude 40°N.,
does not remove the possibility that it may
yet be found to have a more general dis-
tribution in eastern United States. It may
possibly be reported from areas between
Alaska and North Carolina but the exami-
nation of hundreds of specimens of Umbili-
cariaceae from these areas would appear to
exclude this assumption.
4A monograph of the family Umbilicartaceae tn
the Western Hemisphere, 281 pp., 30 maps, IS pl.,
and additional figures. Office of Naval Research,
Department of the Navy, October 1950. Copies
may be requested from the Department of Botany,
Smithsonian Institution, Washington 25, D.C.
Dr. Evans will report more fully upon the
Cladoniaceae. However, three new records
include Cl. metacorallijera Asahina, Cl. go-
necha (Ach.) Asahina, and Cl. pseudomaci-
lenta Asahina.
Among the Physciaceae collected, the fol-
lowing species were aJl noted from the North
Slope: P. aipolia (Ehrh.) Hampe, P. tenella
(Seop.) Bitt., P. czliata (Hoffm.) DR., and
P. teretiuscula (Ach.) Lynge.
Scholander in 1948 collected two species
of Lobaria at Bethel on the Kuskokwim
River, L. scrobiculata (Scop.) Gartner and
L. hallii (Tuck.) Zahlbr. These are new but
expected distributions on the northwest
coast of Alaska. However, he also collected
the first species at Lake Peters and the sec-
ond species at Lake Chandler about 30 miles
from Anaktuvuk Pass. The distribution of
L. halla is most interesting, for since it was
first described by Tuckerman from material
sent him by the Rev. Hall from Oregon, it
has also been recorded in rare instances
from southernmost Greenland and northern
BOTANY.—New or critical Euphorbiaceae from eastern Asia. HStan Kena, De-
partment of Botany, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, China. (Com-
municated by Egbert H. Walker.)
This paper consists of descriptions of some
new species and varieties and a new genus
from eastern Asia, as well as critical notes
and new records, reductions, and combina-
tions. The types of the forms herein de-
scribed are all preserved in the herbarium of
the National Taiwan University, Taiwan,
China. Specimens designated “FRI” belong
to the Taiwan Forestry Research Institute.
Phyllanthus Linn.
1. Phyllanthus indicus (Delz.) Muell. Arg. in
Linnaea 32: 52. 1863; Merr., Enum. Phili-
pine FI. Pl. 2: 392. 1923; Kanehira, Formos.
Trees, rev. ed., 355. f. 311. 1936.
Glochidion longipedicellatum Yamamoto in
Journ. Soc. Trop. Agr. 5: 178. 1933; S.
Suzuki in Masamune, Short Fl. Formosa
121. 1936. (New synonym.)
Taiwan: Lutung, Taipei, Yoshimude 27128
(FRI); Shinrin-chun, Kaoshiung, S. Sasaki
27137 (type of G. longipedicellatum), November
Glochidion Forster
1. Glochidion fortunei Hance var. longistylum,
var. Nov.
A typo speciei stylo longiore, 4-5 mm longo,
Leaves elliptic-ovate, the apex caudate-acute,
apiculate, the base cuneate or acute, 3-5 cm
long, 2-38 em wide. Capsules 8-10
diameter, 5-6-celled; persistent calyx about 5
mm in diameter; calyx-lobes oblong, acute;
style-column 3-4.5 mm long, thickened and
mm in
5-6-lobed at the apex; pedicels 5-6 mm long.
TatwaNn: Chisan, Kaoshiung, Yamamoto &
Mori 760, August 14, 1936.
A variety characterized by the much longer
2. Glochidion fortunei Hance var. megacarpum,
var. nov.
A typo speciei capsula majore, 12-14 mm
diametro, differt.
Leaves rounded-ovate, 2-5.5 cm long, 1.5—
2.5 cm wide, the apex rounded or obtuse, mucro-
nate, the base cuneate, acute. Capsules 12-14
mm in diameter, 5-6 mm long; persistent calyx
4—5 mm in diameter; pedicels 3-5 mm long,
rather stout.
Taiwan: Kaoshiung-wan, Kaoshiung, Kudo
& Suzuki 96. April 8, 1929.
A variety characterized by the much larger
capsules, about 5-6 mm in length and 12-14
mm in diameter.
Agyneia Linn.
1. Agyneia taiwaniana, sp. nov.
Agyneia bacciformis A. Juss. misapplied by
Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formosa 9: 95. 1920;
Suzuki in Masamune, Short Fl. Formosa
118. 1936.
Herba prostrata, glabra; rami et ramuli
compresso-angulati. Folia parva, alternata, el-
liptica vel oblongo-elliptica vel lanceolata, 1-2
em longa, 0.4-1 em lata, apice obtusa vel acuta
et mucronata, basi obtusa vel acuta; costae
secundariae subdistinctae; petioli vix 1 mm
longi. Flores # 1.5 mm _ diametro, sepalis
JUNE 1951
oblongo-ovatis 0.8-1 mm longis apice albo-mem-
branaceis cincti, glanduloso-striolati; stamina
3, filamentis omnino in columnam connatis;
pedicelli 1.5 mm longi. Flores 9 4.5-4.5 mm lati,
sepalis oblongo-lanceolatis, 2 mm longis, acu-
minatis; ovarium cylindrico-obconicum, 1-1.2
mm longum, 1 mm latum, apice latum, obscure
depressum; styli 3, liberi, divergentes, bifidi.
Capsula subglobosa vel ovoidea, 4-4.5 mm longa,
3-4 mm lata.
Taiwan, abundant on the west coast of the
south-central part of the island, near Chiayi,
Tainan, and Hengchun.
TarwaNn: Peimen-chiian, Tidi-liu, Tainan,
K. Mori 110 (type), December 26, 1940; Anpin,
Tainan, Soma 14420 (FRI); Peimen, Chi-gou,
Tainan, K. Mori 530; Chiayi, Tainan, H. Keng
1875; Hengchun, H. Keng 322.
A species formerly identified by Hayata as
A. bacciformis, which is a species widely dis-
tributed over southern China (?), Java, Ceylon,
India, and Maritius. No authentic Indian
specimens have been examined, but when com-
pared with the descriptions of A. bacciformis
by Hooker (FI. Brit. Ind. 5: 285. 1890) and Pax
and Hoffman (in Engler, Pflanzenr. 81: 213.
1922) and with the illustrations by Wight
(Ieon. Orien. pl. 1992. 1852) and Pax and
Hoffman (l.c. 213. f.18), this new species appears
to differ chiefly in the cylindrico-obconical
ovary and the smaller fruits. The ovary of A.
bacciformis is broadly ovoid and the fruit is
about 6 mm long and 5 mm wide. The sizes of
the floral parts of both sexes also do not agree
in these two species.
2. Agyneia goniocladus (Merr. & Chun), comb.
Phyllanthus goniocladus Merr. & Chun in
Sunyatsenia 2: 260. f. 51, 1935; Tanaka
& Odashima in Journ. Soc. Trop. Agr.
372.1938; Masamune, Fl. Kainan. 169. 1943.
Hainan: Tung-koo-shan, H. Fung 20418
(paratype of P. goniocladus); Masamune &
Fukuyama 4, November, 1940.
In this species the male sepals are thick, with
white margins, and the styles are small on the
excavate top of the ovary. These are critical
characters of Agyneta, rather than of Phyl-
This species can also be separated from the
Formosan A. taiwaniana in the subcylindrical
ovary and the much shorter filament columns.
The Agyneia of southern China, as cited by Pax
and Hoffman from Kwangtung and Hongkong
(I. c. 214), is very probably referable to this
Liodendron, gen. nov.
Arbores vel frutices. Folia alterna, crenulato-
serrulata vel integerrima, membranacea vel
coriacea, tenuiter pennivenia et reticulato-
venosa. Flores axillares, dioici, apetali, disco
nullo, o racemosi vel spicati, brevissime pedi-
cellati; @ longius pedicellati, solitarii. Fl. @:
calyx tenuis, 4-6-partita, segmentis inequalibus,
imbricatis; stamina 2, filamentis compressis;
antherae globoso-ellipsoideae, erectae, extrosae,
loculis distinctis, parallelis, longitudinaliter de-
hiscentibus; ovarii rudimentum O. Fl. ¢@:
calyx tenuis, 5-partita, segmentis augustis;
ovarium oblongo-ovoideum, 3-lcculare; ovula in
loculis gemina; styli longiusculi, in ramos
ubique carnosos papillosos expansi. Drupa
oblongo-ovoidea, endocarpio duro, fere osseo,
abortu 1-locularia, 1-sperma. Semina oblongo-
ovoidea; testa crustacea, albumen carnosum;
embryo rectus, cotyledonibus latis, planis.
Type species: Liodendron matsumurae (Koid-
zumi), comb. nov., infra.
This new genus is very near Putranjiva, from
which it differs in the male flowers being in
axillary racemes and in the definitely 2 stamens,
while in Putranjiva, the male flowers are solitary
or in axillary clusters, never in racemes or in
spikes, and the number of stamens is 2-4.
The arrangement of flowers in spikes or
racemes, especially in the staminate plants, is an
important character in the classification of the
Euphorbiaceae. Bentham, for instance, in his
treatment of the Australian Euphoribiaceae,
divides this family into 5 tribes, tribe 3 (Anti-
desmeae) differing from tribe 4 (Phyllantheae)
merely in the “flowers small, in catkin-like
spikes or in racemes”’ in one, and the “flowers
in axillary clusters or solitary” in the other
(cf. Bentham, Fl. Austral. 6: 42. 1875).
Again, Pax and Hoffmann, in their monograph
of the Euphoribiaceae, divide the tribe Phyl-
lantheae into 22 subtribes, the first subtribe
(Antidesminae) being distinguished from the
other 21 subtribes (Putranjiva is contained in
the second subtribe Glochidiinae) only in the
character of the inflorescence being spicate,
racemose or paniculate (cf. Pax & Hotfman in
Engler & Prantl, Pflanzenfam. Ed. 2, 19c: 31.
The systematic position of this new genus is an
interesting one, as it agrees with the Antidesminae
of Pax in the male flowers being in spikelike
racemes, yet it differs from it in the total absence
of disks or glands in flowers of both sexes.
Formerly the genus Putranjwa contained four
species and was considered as occupying a dis-
continuous area (cf. Pax & Hoffmann in 1. ec.
19c: 59. 1931). Putranjiva roxburghit Wallich
is found in India, P. zeylanica Muell. Arg. in
Ceylon, P. matsumurae Koidz. in the Liukiu
Islands, and P. integerrima Koidz. in the Bonin
Islands. In the present treatment the latter two
species are transferred to Liodendron, as L.
matsumurae (Koidz.) and L. wntegerriomum
(Koidz.), respectively. In addition there is the
Formosan species L. formosanwm. These species
show that Putranjiva and Liodendron occupy two
separate natural phytogeographic — regions,
namely, Putranjiva in India and Ceylon and
Liodendron in the Bonin and Liukiu Islands and
in Formosa. The establishment of this new genus
confirms the phytogeographical relationship be-
tween Formosa-Liukiu and the Bonin Islands.
The genus is named in honor of Dr. Hui-Lin
Li, of the National Taiwan University, in ap-
preciation of his extensive contributions to our
knowledge of the flora of eastern Asia.
1. Liodendron matsumurae (Koidzumi), comb.
Putranjiva roxburghii Wallich, misapplied by
Matsumura in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 12: 61.
1898; Hayata in Journ. Coll. Sci. Univ.
Tokyo 20(8): 25. pl. 2H. 1901.
Putranjiva matsumurae Koidzumi in Bot. Mag.
Mag. Tokyo 33: 116. 1919, not Suzuki in
Sylvia 4(3): 129. 1930, in Masamune, Short
Fl. Formosa 122. 1936.
A species known only from the Liukiu Islands.
8. Suzuki reports the presence of it in Formosa.
Two of his cited specimens were examined, one,
Taroko, Ariko-banti, Matsuda 1184, is a fruiting
specimen of Hleocarpus decipiens Hemsley;
the other, Kwasyoto, Kudo & Mori 1784, is
nothing more than a sterile specimen of Lioden-
dron formosanum.
Liuxiu Isuanps: Herb. No. 22377 (fruiting
fragment presented by the herbarium of Tokyo
Imp. Univ., collector and date unknown);
Amami-Osima, Tashiro 27737.
2. Liodendron integerrimum (Koidzumi), comb.
Putranjiva integerrima Koidzumi in Bot. Mag.
VoL. 41, No. 6
Tokyo 33: 117. 1919; Nakai in Bull. Bio-
geogr. Soc. Japan 1: 259. 1930.
A species known only from the Bonin Islands.
3. Liodendron formosanum (Kanehira & Sasaki),
comb. nov.
Putranjiva formosana Kaneh. & Sasaki in
Sasaki, Cat. Gov. Herb. Formosa 312.
1930, nomen; Simada in Trans. Nat. Hist.
Soc. Formosa 24: 83. 1934; Suzuki in
Masamune, Short Fl. Formosa 122. 1936.
Drypetes formosana (Kaneh. & Sasaki) Kane-
hira, Formos. Trees, rev. ed., 336. f. 929.
Putranjwa roxburghit Wallich, misapphed by
Hayata, 1. ce. 25. 1904, as to Formosan
Putranjiva matsumurae Koidzumi misapplied
by Suzuki in Sylvia 4(2): 129. 1933 in
Masamune, Short Fl. Formos. 122. 1936,
as to Formosan plants.
Small tree, the branches slender, terete,
glabrous, the branchlets suleate, obscurely pubes-
cent. Leaves elliptic to oblong-ovate, 5-8 cm
long, 3-5 cm wide, the apex acuminate, the base
obliquely acute, membranaceous at first, later
coriaceous, the margins entire to crenulate-serru-
late; petioles 7 mm long. Male flowers spic-
ate-racemose, axillary, 6-8 cm long, velutinous;
bracts 2-3-flowered. Female flowers in bud el-
liptical, shortly pedicellate, 1 mm long; sepals
4-6, unequal, hispid, imbricate; stamens 2; ma-
ture female flowers not seen. Drupe ovoid-ellipsoid,
10-13 mm long, 7-8 mm across, appressed
white-pubescent, 1-locular, 1-seeded.
A species known only from Formosa.
TatwaNn: Sinchashek, Sinchu, Kanehira &
Sasaki 27130 (syntype of Putranjwa formosana
Kaneh. & Sasaki); Sasaki 7292, September 21,
1927; Chukong, Sinchu, Sasaki 7291, January
1927; Komo, Sinchu, Kudo & Sasaki 140 (type
of @ inflorescence), April 9, 1929.
The following specimens are sterile, the size
of the leaves being larger than the normal forms,
and they are probably taken from the lower
branches or basal sprouts: Sizangan, Taipei,
Nonaka & Kudo 2391; Kizan, Taipei, Masa-
mune & Suzuki 2393; Hoshautau, Kudo & Mort
1784; Botel Tobago, Hosokawa 3186.
Kanehira and Sasaki first proposed this species
as Putranjiva formosana. Six years later Kanehira
transferred it into Drypetes formosana, but such
characters as the two stamens in the male
flower, the 1-celled, 1-seeded fruit, and the male
JUNE 1951
flowers being in spikelike racemes readily
separate it from Drypetes. In the latter, the
stamens are 2-4, the fruits are 2-4-celled, 2-
seeded, and the male flowers are clustered and
This species is clearly related to Liodendron
matsumurae, yet it may be readily separated by
the larger leaves and smaller fruits. The latter
species has elliptic-oblong leaves, 4-6 cm long,
2-3.5 em wide, and ovoid fruits, 1.5-2 cm long,
0.8-1.3 em wide, and is confined to the Liukiu
Drypetes Vahl.
1. Drypetes falcata (Merr.) Pax in Engler,
Pflanzenr. 81 (VI.147.XV): 250. 1922.
Cyclostemon falcatus Merr. in Phillippine
Journ. Sci. 3: 415. 1908; Enum. Philippine
FI. Pl. 2: 406. 1923.
Drypetes yamadai Kanehira & Sasaki in
Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 21: 145.
1931, nomen seminud.; Kanehira, Formos.
Trees, rev. ed., 339. f. 293. 1936; Suzuki in
Masamune, Short Fl. Formosa 119. 1936.
(New synomym.)
Taiwan; Hengchun Peninsula, in thickets and
forests along the seashore.
Tatwan: Kuraru, Yamada 14573 (syntype of
D. yamadai, FRI); Konishi 14574 (FRI);
Matuda 112; Olungbi, Hibino & Suzuki 12586,
12702; Kimiya 14575 (FRI); Kudo & Suzuki
15815; H. Keng 1394.
There is not sufficient difference between D.
yamadai and D. falcata to treat them as distinct
species. Kanehira states (in Trans. Nat. Hist.
Soc. Formosa 21: 145. 1931) that the former is
“very near Cyclostemon falcata Merr., but differs
in having glabrous fruits.’”’ However, after ex-
amining the syntype and a fruiting specimen
from the type locality, Matuda 112, I find that
the fruit is appressed-pubescent, rather than
glabrous. In Merrill’s original description, it is
stated: “Fructus axillares, solitarii, pedicellis
5-7 mm longis.” In Formosan plants the fruits
are solitary or rarely 3-4-clustered and the
fruit-stalks are usually 1 em long, sometimes up
to 1.5 cm long.
D. falcata in the Philippines is known only
from Camiguin, a small island of the Babuyan
group, situated between Taiwan and Luzon.
Daphniphyllum Blume
1. Daphniphyllum crispifolium, sp. nov.
Folia elliptica vel oblongo-elliptica, 8-10.5
em longa, 2.5-4 em lata, apice obtusa, apiculata,
basi obtusa vel acuta, spura nitida, subtus
papillosa, subglauca, margine valde crispa.
Racemi fructiferi 7-8 em longi. Fructus oblongo-
ellipsoideus, 7-8 mm longus, 5-6 mm _ latus,
rugosus, stigmatibus valde circinatis, pedicellis
gracilibus 1-1.5 cm longis.
Tatwan: Nichigetzutan, Taichung, Kudo &
Sasaki 15336a, 15336b (type), September 19,
This species is near D. oldhamii Rosenth.,
differing in the strongly cripsed leaf-margins, the
longer and more slender fruiting inflorescences
and the smaller fruits.
2. Daphniphyllum reticulatum, sp. nov.
Folia tenuiter coriacea, obovato-elliptica vel
elliptica, 8-9 cm longa, 3-3.5 cm lata, apice
cuspidato-obtusa, basi acuta, supra nitida, sub-
tus papillosa, nervis lateralibus untrinsecus
10-20, angulo circiter 60° ortis, rete venularum
subtus insigniter prominulo, nervis venisque
supra impressis vel prominulis, subtus pro-
minentibus. Racemi fructiferi 6 cm_ longi.
Fructus ellipsoideo-ovideus, circiter 8 mm longus
et 5 mm latus, basi et apice rotundatus, apice
stigmatiferus, revolutus, pubescens; pedicellis
4—5 mm longis.
Tarwan: Taroko, Hualien, S. Suzuki 9880
(type), December 30, 1931; Hengchun, Mount
Hiirasan, HE. Matuda 919; Kuskus, Kudo &
Suzuki 15947.
A species characterized by the finely reticulate
veinlets very prominent on the lower surface of
the leaves and by the very short fruiting stalks.
3. Daphniphyllum formosanum, sp. nov.
Frutex, ramulis subgracilibus. Folia coriacea,
oblonga vel oblongo-elliptica, 4-7 em longa,
2-2.5 em lata, apice acuta, apiculata, basi late
cuneata, supra nitida, subtus papillosa, costa
plana, subtus prominente elevata, nervis later-
alibus untrinsecus 12-15, margine subintegra,
revoluta vel crispa, petiolis 1.2-2 em _ longis,
supra leviter canaliculatis. Racemi fructiferi
4-5 em. longi, graciles. Fructus ovideus, 7-9
mm longus, apice rotundatus, basi acutus,
stigmatibus circinatis, persistentibus, calyce
basi adnata, 5-dentata, lobis lneari-lanceolatis,
crenatis, saepius persistentibus.
Tatwan: Hikizangan, Taipei, 7. Suzukt
4814, July 26, 1932; Gukutu, Hualien, BP.
Matuda 1155 (Type), August 5, 1918; Nai-
buntoge, Kaoshiung, Kudo & Suzuki 1615,
April 10, 1980.
This is the only known species in Formosa
with persistent calyx in the fruiting stage. All its
characters agree well with that of D. marchadii
Croizat and Metcalf Gm Lingnan Sci. Journ.
20: 117. 1942) or D. salicifolium Chien (in
Contr. Biol. Lab. Sci. Soc. China 8: 242. 1933)
of southwestern China, except the much smaller
fruits and the longer, circinate stigmas. No
authentic specimens of the latter species have
been seen. This new species may also be readily
separated from D. oldhamii by its smaller leaves
with prominent apicules at the apex and by the
persistent calyx at the base of the fruit.
Mercurialis Linn.
1. Mercurialis leiocarpa Sieb. & Suce. var.
transmorrisonensis (Hayata), comb. nov.
Mercurialis levocarpa Sieb. & Zuec., mis-
applied by Hayata in Journ. Coll. Sci.
Univ. Tokyo 25: 194. 1908. 5. Suzuki in
Sylvia 4: 148. 1933, in Masamune, Short
Fl. Formosa 122. 1936.
Mercurialis transmorrisonensis Hayata, Icon.
Pl. Formosa 5: 199. f. 75. 1915.
Taiwan; throughout the island, more common
in the central mountain regions.
Tatwan: Mount Kanin, Fukuyama 34; Mount
Taiping, S. Suzuki 383, 3839; Mount Tentana,
Simada 14992 (FRI); Mount Arisan, Sizmada
796; Mount Dabusan, Sasaki 2144, Matuda
1500; Ariko-banti, Matuda 1199; Pintung,
Hosokawa 5408; Taroko, S. Suzuki 9684; Mount
Nokosan, Fukuyama 4682.
The typical form of the species is distributed
in Indo-China, Siam, southern China (Yunnan
to Hupeh), and Japan. Hayata describes this
variety as an independent species and states that
it is “‘very near M. leiocarpa Sieb. & Zucc., but
differs from it in having less verrucose ovary with
the much spreading stigma and the less vetru-
cose or nearly smooth capsules; the distinction
of this plant from M. leiocarpa is even more
clear in the living specimen.” The actual dis-
tinctive characters of this Formosan plant are
probably in the stamens. The stamens in the
typical form are 16-20 (cf. Muell. Arg.) or
14-20 (cf. Pax), whereas in this variety there
are only about 10. Furthermore, in this variety
the filaments are usually 2-3-connate at the
base, showing the tendency to monadelphy.
Alchornea Swartz
1. Alchornea trewioides (Benth.) Muell. Arg.
var. formosae (Muell. Arg.) Pax in Engler,
VOL. 41, No. 6
Pflanzenr. 63: (IV. 147. VIII) 248. 1914.
Alchornea kelungensis Hayata, Icon. Pl. For-
mosa 9: 103. 1920; Kanehira, Formosa
Trees, rev. ed., 329. 1936; S. Suzuki in
Masamune, Short Fl. Formosa 118. 1936.
(New synonym.)
Tatwan: Taipei, Sasaki
Matuda 1144, Simada 1145.
This variety differs from the typical form of the
species from southern China chiefly in the shorter
(6-8 mm long) and usually 2-3-lobulate styles.
In the typical form, the styles are longer (8-12
mm) and entire at the apex.
14423; Keelung,
2. Alchornea trewioides (Benth.) Muell. Arg.
var. loochoensis (Hayata), comb. nov.
Alchornea loochoensis Hayata, Icon. Pl. For-
mosa 9: 103. 1920.
Alchornea trewioides Muell. Arg., misapplied
by Hayata in Journ. Coll. Sci. Univ. Tokyo
23: 47. pl. 4A. 1904.
Livuxiu Isuanps: Guo-teu, Kanestro 195;
Yu-na-guo-tau, Simada 14424 (FRI).
This variety can be distinguished from var.
formosae by the following characters in the
female flowers: the lanceolate-acuminate sepals,
the globose ovary and the much shorter styles
(8 mm long); whereas in the Formosan plants,
the sepals are triangular-acuminate, the ovary is
depressed globose, and the styles are somewhat
longer (6-8 mm long).
Acalypha Linn.
1. Acalypha (Sect. Capillipes
hontauyuensis, sp. nov.
Frutex; ramuli sericeo-tomentosi, censperse
sulcati. Folia tenuiter chartacea, longe petiolata,
cordato-orbiculata, 12-18 em longa, 12-16
cm lata, apice cordato-acuminata, basi oblique
truncato-cordata, margine crenato-serrata, 5-
nervia, utrinque subglabra et ad costam nervos-
que dense hirsuta, petiolis 8-20 em _ longis,
gracilibus, sericeo-tomentosis. Spicae fl. o@&
ignotae. Spicae fl. @ gracillimae, axillares,
solitariae, 6-10 cm longae, pedunculis 0.5-2
cm longis, hirsutis, floribus remotis spicatis,
sessilibus, lanceolatis, 3-4 mm longis, hirsutis.
Fl. 2: bractea unica minuta, triangularis, 1 mm
longa, extus densissime hirsuta; sepala 3, ovata,
1 mm longa, intus concava, subglabra, extus
hirsuta; styli 2.5-3 mm longi, graciles, glabri.
Tatwan: Hontauyu (Botel Tobago), Hoso-
kawa SO47 (type), July 4, 1935; Hosokawa
8165, July 16, 1935.
Muell. Arg.)
JUNE 1951
This species and A. swrenbiensis Yamamoto
are characterized by the sessile female flowers
with very minute and nonaccrescent bracts, while
in the other species of the genus the female
flowers when sessile are generally provided with
large and showy bracts, usually enclosing the
mature capsules.
Euphorbia Linn.
1. Euphorbia (Sect. Tithymalus Boiss.) shou-
anensis, Sp. nov.
Caules villosi, crassi, erecti. Folia sessilia,
membranacea, uninervia, lineari-oblonga vel
lineari-lanceolata, 2-5 em longa, 8-14 mm lata,
apice acuta, basi attenuata, subtus pubescentia.
Umbellaria primaria ovato-lanceolata, 2.5-5
em longa. Triplo cymae terminales. Involucrum
centrale campanulatum, stipitatum, 3.5 mm
longum, 2.5-3 mm diametro, extus glabrum,
intus hirtellum, lobis 4 (5 2), ovato-oblongis,
ciliatis, giandulis 4, transversis, reinformibus,
stipitatis. Flores #@ 12, bracteolis spathuli-
formibus, insertis, margine apicem versus densis-
sime pilosis. Flores @ pedicellis elongatis, ex-
serti; ovarium ovoideo-globosum, 2 mm longum,
trisulcatum, glandulis verrucosis compressis bre-
vibus conicis obtusissimis obsitum, stylis 3,
2 mm longis, basi brevissime connatis, apice
breviter bifidis, stigmatibus subincrassatis. In-
volucrum sterile 2 mm longum, 1.5 mm dia-
metro; ovarilum minutum.
TatwaNn: Shashan, Shouan, Chiayi, Tainan,
altitude 1,500 m, 7. Suzuki 20910 type), Novem-
ber 10, 1940.
This species is distinctly characterized by the
triplo-cymose inflorescence and the involucral
structures. In primary cymes, the umbellate
_ leaves are 5, ovate-lanceolate, 2-5 cm long, 1.5
em wide and with acute apex; the umbellate
branches are 5, the central one being much
shorter. In secondary cymes, the umbellate
leaves are 3, ovate-rounded, 1.5 em long, 1 em
wide and with very abtuse apex; the umbellate
branches are 3. In tertiary cymes, the umbellate
leaves are 3, subrounded, 8 mm long and 7 mm
wide. The central fertile involucre is single,
naked, campanulate, stalked, 3.5-4 mm long
and 2.5-3 mm in diameter. Lateral sterile in-
volucres are 3, turbinate, 2 mm Jong, 1.5 mm
in diameter and short-stalked, each concealed
in 2 clasping floral leaves (or bracts) opposite
to the tertiary umbellate leaves.
In the central fertile involucre, the lobes are
4 (5 2?) ovate-oblong, the glands are 4, trans-
versely reniform, and substalked. Male flowers
are about 12. The ovary is ovoid-globose, ex-
serted, and the styles are nearly free except at
the very base. In lateral sterile involucres, the
lobes and glands are not very distinct, the
rudimentary flowers are numerous and_ the
rudimentary ovary is included.
2. Euphorbia prostrata Ait., Hort. Kew. 2:
136. 1789; Bernard, Icon. Bogor. 4: 51.
pl. 816. 1916; Merr., Enum. Philippine
Fl. Pl. 2: 463. 1928.
Huphorbia liukiuensis Hayata, misapplied by
Sasaki, Cat. Gov. Herb. Formosa 305. 1930;
Suzuki in Sylvia 4: 155. 1933, in Masamune,
Short, Fl. Formosa 119. 1935.
Chamaesyce liukiuensis (Hayata) Hara in
Journ. Jap. Bot. 14: 356. 1938.
Taiwan, distributed nearly throughout the
whole island, pantropical.
Tatwan: Northern part, S. Suzuki 12414,
12257, Masamune & Suzuki 1742, Mori 8379,
Simada 1738, 1736, 3211, Sasaki 1741; southern
part, Simada 14678 (FRI), Mori 101, Hosokawa
1939, 1941; eastern part, S. Suzuki 1277, 1667,
10607; Pescadores, Kudo & Mori 3070, Cheng
This is a new record for the flora of Formosa.
This species is similar in general appearance to
EL. thymifolia, but it may be distinguished from
the latter by the longer stalks of the involucre,
the more prominent persistent columnella of
the cocci, the shorter stalks of the glands, and the
less hirsute cocci.
I have not seen the type of Hayata’s #.
liukiuensis, a species of Liukiu. However, the
four specimens deposited in the herbarium of the
Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, i.e., Hira-
tuka 14676, Soma 14677, Simada 14678, and
Yasukawa 14679, all from Taiwan and de-
termined by 8. Sasaki as doubtfully of this
species, agree exactly with EF. prostrata.
vou. 41, No. 6
ZOOLOGY .—New distributional records for two athecate hydroids, Ccrdylophora
lacustris and Candelabrum sp., from the west coast of North America, with revi-
sions of their nomenclature. Cappt Hann, Mills College, Oakland, and Univer-
sity of California, Berkeley, and G. F. Gwiuuiam, University of California,
Berkeley. (Communicated by F. M. Bayer.)
In August 1950 an unidentified hydroid
was found in a collection at the University
of California at Berkeley. The label bore no
collection date or collector’s name, but it
did report the locality from which the ani-
mal was taken as Antioch, Calif., which is
located on the San Joaquin River 5 miles
upstream from its Junction with the Sacra-
mento River.The hydroid was subsequently
identified as the widely distributed fresh-
and brackish-water form, Cordylophora
lacustris Allman.
On August 26, 1950, the writers found
this hydroid growing on pieces of old manila
rope suspended from a floating dock in the
San Joaquin River at Antioch. The ropes
were literally covered with colonies of vary-
ing sizes. A sample of the river water taken
at this time showed a chlorinity of 1.02 parts
per thousand (5.4 per cent of sea water).
What appears to be the first recognizable
description of this hydroid was that of All-
man (1844), who found it in the docks of
the Grand Canal, Dublin, Ireland. Roch
(1924) ina paper dealing with many aspects
of the biology of this hydroid reviewed its
distribution, listing the followimg general
localities in which Cordylophora occurred:
Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Fin-
land, Esthonia, Courland (now part of
Lithuania), Russia, France, Belgium, Eng-
land, Ireland, United States, Brazil, Egypt,
Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, China.
In North America, Leidy (1870) first de-
tected this hydroid at Newport, R. I., and
later in the vicinity of Philadelphia, Pa.
Since that time C. lacustris has been found
in several localities in North America, some
of them a considerable distance inland.
Fraser (1944, p. 35) reports the American
distribution as: ‘“Newport, R. I. (Leidy);
St. Andrews, Gaspé, Seven Islands (Staf-
ford); New England (Kingsley); Woods
Hole (Nutting); several ponds near Woods
Hole, Marthas Vineyard (Hargitt); Mira-
michi estuary, Frenier Beach, La. (Fraser);
Gatun locks, Panama canal.” In addition,
Ward and Whipple (1945) list the follow-
ing: Illinois River at Havana, Ill.; Miss-
issipp1 River at Granite City and at Hast
St. Louis, Ill.; Arkansas River at Little
Rock, Ark.; and the Red River at Shreve-
port, La.
The present report is the first record of
the existence of this organism on the west
coast of North America. This was not en-
tirely unexpected, as Fraser (1946, p. 101)
stated: ‘It has not yet been reported from
the eastern Pacific, but it has extended along
the whole length of the North American
Atlantic, and as it has entered the Panama
canal as far as the Gatun locks, it may show
up in the Pacific before long.”
Several varieties of C. lacustris have been
described. Schulze (1921) mentions the
forms albicola, transiens, and whiteleggev.
Fyfe (1929) described a new subspecies
(otagoensis) from New Zealand. Earlier
Leidy (1870) gave to what he recognized as
a small variety of C. lacustris the name
C. americana. Briggs (1931) points out that
C’. lacustris is extremely variable in growth
form and that growth form may depend
upon salinity. It appears that all the named
subspecies and forms of C. lacustris are
nothing more than variations inhabit.
The present writers have found such ex-
tensive variation in the specimens studied
that the recognition of named varieties seems
to have no taxonomic significance.
There is some doubt as to whether the
proper specific name of Cordylophora is
lacustris or caspia. Pallas (1771) described
a hydroid from the Caspian Sea as Tubularia
caspia. This is said by some to be identical
with C. lacustris Allman (Roch, 1924;
Cordero, 1941). Other writers feel that
Pallas’ description is too vague to permit an
exact diagnosis (Briggs, 1931; Bedot as
quoted by Briggs) and prefer to retain C.
The present writers have studied the
Pallas description and find it so generalized
that it might as well refer to many other
JUNE 1951
hydroids as to C. lacustris. Further, there
seem to be no valid records of this hydroid
from the Caspian Sea since the time of
Pallas. Because of this, coupled with the
fact that C. lacustris Allman has had such
wide usage, the present writers choose to
retain Allman’s name until it can be clearly
shown that Tubularia caspia Pallas is iden-
tical with Cordylophora lacustris Allman.
Another nomenclatural problem is brought
up by Finlay (1928). Finlay declares that
the family Clavidae to which Cordylophora
belongs is an invalid name due to preoc-
cupation by the gastropod genus Clava
Martyn (1784) over the hydroid genus
Clava Gmelin (1791). Finlay suggests that
the name Clavidae be replaced by the name
Cordylophoridae, Cordylophora being the
next available generic name. This solution
changes the type genus of the family, an
action for which there is no valid taxonomic
reason, and, further, Finlay fails to reassign
the species of Clava (the hydroids) to any
other genus. In considering this matter it
has been pointed out to us by Dr. H. A.
Rehder, curator of mollusks, U.S. National
Museum, that the system used by Martyn
in his “Universal Conchologist” is non-
Linnaean, and that Martyn’s names are
therefore not available and do not preoc-
cupy. The change suggested by Finlay
(op. cit.) was therefore unnecessary, and the
hydroid genus Clava Gmelin (1791) stands
as the valid type of the family Clavidae.
Material from the University of California
collection (U.S.N.M. no. 49727), the San
Pablo Reservoir, and fresh material from
Antioch (U.S.N.M. no. 49726) has been
carefully examined and compared and no
characters separating these from C. lacustris
have been found.
Family CLavipaE
Genus Cordylophora Allman, 1844
Cordylophora lacustris Allman
Colony: Growth form variable. Sometimes a
main axis with hydranths given off alternately,
sometimes more diffuse and irregular, or colony
branched, lacking a main axis. Hydrocaulus aris-
ing from creeping hydrorhizae. Perisare well de-
veloped. Longest hydrocaulus observed approxi-
mately 6 cm.
Trophosome: Hydranth clavate, pedicellate,
with up to 30 scattered, filiform tentacles. Peri-
sare at bases of pedicels often annulated, but
occasionally smooth or “corrugated” on one side
only. Perisare extending only to base of hydranth.
Tentacles quite extensile, mouth terminal. Nemat-
ocysts; desmonemes (4.0-6.0 by 3.0-4.0u) and
microbasic euryteles (7.5-11.0 by 4.0-4.5y).
Gonosome: Dioecious. Sporosacs sessile or
borne on short pedicels which may or may not
be annulated at their bases as in trophosome.
Gonophores enclosed in a thin perisarc, and
arise from hydrocauli or pedicels. In the female
the eggs are extruded from the generative tissue
into a jelly-like mass. The generative tissue re-
gresses as the eggs are extruded, finally leaving a
variable number (approximately 1-8) of recog-
nizable ova. At this site the ova develop into
planulae and are then released. In general, the
female gonophores tend to be more spherical
than the male. In life female gonophores pinkish,
male whitish.
Habitat and distribution: On sticks, ropes, float-
ing docks, ete. in fresh or brackish water. In
California, C. lacustris occurs at Antioch, and
has been reported from Lake Merced, San Fran-
cisco (Dr. R. C. Miller, California Acad. Sci.,
personal communication) and from the San Pablo
reservoir system, E] Cerrito, California (Dr. H.
Kirby, Jr., Univ. California, Berkeley, personal
communication). Also, according to Dr. T. Kin-
caid, Univ. Washington, Seattle (in litt.) this
species occurs in the Puget Sound area. It has
evidently been in California for a number of
years. The old University of California specimen
mentioned above is thought to be 20 to 40 years
On May 6, 1950, three specimens of
Candelabrum sp. (= Myriothela sp.) were
collected from a pholad hole on the under-
surface of a rock at approximately the zero
foot tide level (mean lower low water) at
Pigeon Point, San Mateo County, Calif.
The authors do not feel that this is sufficient
material to warrant specific identification,
especially since none of the polyps bear
mature gonophores. Several attempts were
made to obtain more material, but thorough
searching has failed to reveal the presence of
further specimens. It may be that it is a
stray in the intertidal zone and exists in
numbers subtidally. Some indication of this
may be gained from the fact that several
of the known species of Candelabrum are
subtidal forms. Of the generic identification,
we feel that there is no doubt.
As nearly as the authors have been able
to determine there are now nine valid species
of this genus. The first was described as
Lucernaria phrygia by Fabricius (1780).
This was later redescribed by Sars (1850),
apparently unaware of Fabricius’ descrip-
tion, as Myriothela arctica. De Blainville
(1830; reprinted, 1834) realized that Fabri-
clus’ animal was not a Lucernaria and pro-
posed the name Candelabrum for it. He in-
dicated at the same time that it was related
to the Sipunculids. Allman (1872, p. 381)
states: ‘‘De Blainville, seeing that Fabri-
cius’s animal had no relation with Lucer-
naria, constituted for it, in 1834, his genus
Candelabrum, and as this name has priority
over Myriothela, it 1s accepted by Agassiz
as the legitimate name of the genus.” All-
man goes on to explain that De Blainville
did not recognize its true affinities, while
Sars did. He chooses to retain Mvyriothela
Sars in spite of the law of priority, an action
that the present authors do not deem justi-
fied. The replacement of the name M/yriothela
by Candelabrum necessitates the renaming
of this monogeneric family, which we now
designate as the Candelabridae (= Myrio-
thelidae Allman).
In addition tc Candelabrum phrygium,
the other known species and the localities
from which they were taken are: C. mitrum
(off coast of Norway near Bergen, deep
water, Bonnevie, 1898); C. minutum (near
Troms6, Nerway, intertidal?, Bonnevie,
1898); C. verrucosum (locality not given,
Bonnevie, 1898); C. gigantewm (Greenland
Sea, deep water, Bonnevie, 1898); C. austro-
georgiae (cff Cumberland Bay, South Geor-
gia Island, deep water, Jéaderholm, 1904);
C. cocksii (Falmouth, England, intertidal,
Cocks, 1849, as a nomen nudum; Cocks,
1853, name validated); C. harrisoni (New
South Wales, Australia, intertidal, Briggs,
1928); C. australe (New South Wales,
Australia, intertidal, Briggs, 1928).
Fraser (1946, p. 168) reports that only one
species is known from North America
(C. pyrygium) and states concerning it:
“The only American location so far reported
is off Grand Manan Island, at. the mouth
of the bay of Fundy, but its range extends
VOL. 41, No. 6
eastward by way of Greenland and Iceland
to Great Britain, Norway, Nova Zembla,
and the Siberian Polar Sea.”
Family CANDELABRIDAE, nom. nov.
Genus Candelabrum de Blainville, 1830
Candelabrum, sp. ind.
U.S. N. M. no. 49725.
Hydranth: Not branched, solitary, naked and
arising from a creeping hydrorhiza or possibly a
disc. Hydrorhizae invested with perisare. Ex-
clusive of hydrorhizae, polyp divisible into two
zones; a distal tentacle-bearing zone and a proxi-
mal tentacle-free blastostylar zone. The tentacle-
bearing zone composes five-sixths or more of the
polyp length and bears approximately 500 tenta-
cles in the adult; cylindrical, approximately the
same diameter throughout. Tentacles densely
packed, short, capitate and not arranged in any
discernible pattern. Mouth terminal. Blastostylar
zone swollen, of a slightly greater diameter than
the tentacle bearing zone. Sometimes separated
from tentacle-bearing zone by a constriction; at
the proximal end tapering sharply to hydrorhiza.
Structures referred to by Allman (1875) as “clas-
pers” not present on specimens examined. Blasto-
styles giving rise to more than one gonophore.
Largest specimen (preserved) 2.5 em long by
0.15 em. in diameter (including the tentacle .)
Of the known species of Candelabrum,
the species described above most closely
resembles Candelabrum harrisoni Briggs.
In fact there are no obvious differences,
but in view of the unusual distribution which
Briggs’ species would then have, plus the
paucity of material available, it does not
seem wise to make the two conspecific at this
AuumMAN, G. J. Synopsis of the genera and species
of zoophytes inhabiting the fresh waters of Ire-
land. Ann. Nat. Hist. (1) 13: 328-333. 1844.
. A monograph of gymnoblastic or tubularvan
hydroids 2: 381-383. 1872.
. On the structure and development of Myrio-
thela. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London 165 (2):
549-572. 1875.
Buainviuie£, H. M.D. ve. Dictionnaire des sciences
naturelles 60: 284. 1830.
. Manuel d’actinologie. Paris, 1834.
BonnEvIE, K. Zur Systematik der Hydroiden. Zeit-
schr. fiir Wiss. Zool. 63: 465-493. 1898.
Briaes, EH. A. Studies in Australian athecate hy-
droids. Rec. Austral. Mus. Sydney 16: 305-
315. 1928.
JUNE 1951
. Notes on Australian athecate hydroids. Rec.
Austral. Mus. Sydney. 18: 279-282. 1931.
Cocks, W. P. Contributions to the fauna of Fal-
mouth. Ann. Rep. Roy. Cornwall Polytech. Soc.
17: 38-102. 1849.
. Contributions to the fauna of Falmouth,
1853. Ann. Rep. Roy. Cornwall Polytech Soc.
21: 28-36. 1853.
CorpErRo, E. H. Observaciones sobre algunas es-
pectes sudamericanas de género Hydra. II.
Hydra y Cordylophora en el Uruguay. Ann.
Acad. Brasil. Sci. 13: 173-184 figs. 1-26. 1941.
Fasricius, O. Fauna Groenlandica. 1780.
Fintay, H. J. Notes on New Zealand and Aus-
tralian gymnoblastic hydroids. Austral. Zool.
5: 257-261. 1928.
Fraser, C. M. Hydroids of the Atlantic coast of
North America. Toronto, 1944.
. Distribution and relationship in American
hydroids. Toronto, 1946.
Fyre, M. A new fresh water hydroid from Otago
(New Zealand). Trans. Proc. New Zealand
Inst. 59 (4): 813-823. 1929.
Gein, J. F. In Linnaeus, Systema naturae, ed.
13, 4(@)¢ silsil, Wahl.
JApernHoim, I. Mitteilungen tiber einige von der
Schwedischen Antarctic-Expedition 1901-1903
eingesammelte Hydroiden. Arch. Zool. Exp. et
Gen. Notes et Revue, ser. 4, 3 (1): i-xiv. 1904.
Letpy, J. [The Proceedings, Oct. 18, 1870.] Proc.
Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 22: 113. 1870.
Martyn, T. Universal conchologisi 1: fig. 12. 1784.
Pauuas, P. 8. Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen
des Russischen Reichs 1(5): 1-504, 24 pls. St.
Petersburg, 1771.
Rocu, F. Experimentelle Untersuchungen an
Cordylophora caspia (Pallas) etc. Zeitschr.
Morph. und Okol. Tiere. 2: 350-426; 667-670.
Sars, M. Beretning om en i Sommeren 1849 fore-
tagen Zoologisk reise 1 Lofoten og Finmarken.
Nyt. Mag. Naturvid. Christiana 6: 121-211.
Scuuuze, P. Die Hydroiden der Umgebung Berlins
mit besonderer Bervicksichtigung der Binnen-
landformen von Cordylophora. Biol. Zentralbl.
41: 211-237. 1921.
Warp, H. B., and Wutreein, G. C. Fresh water
biology. New York, 1945.
ZOOLOGY .—The diplopod family Campodesmidae (Polydesmida). RicHarp L.
HorrMan, Clifton Forge, Va. (Communicated by E. A. Chapin.)
The name Campodesmidae was proposed
in 1895 by O. F. Cook. Appearing in a key to
the tropical African families of polydesmoid
millipeds, the original description was rather
inadequate. Subsequently, in several publica-
tions cited below, additional information (of
a fragmentary nature) was given about the
family and its two genera, but later workers
have never been able to derive a very satis-
factory idea of the nature of the group. It is
a matter of some interest that campodesmids
have never been encountered by other
workers, who have managed to come across
most of the other West African genera
described by Cook.
Since the great majority of Cook’s
Liberian species have never been adequately
described and have been mostly ignored by
later workers, it appears necessary to re-
describe them. Through the unfailing co-
operation of Dr. EK. A. Chapin, I have been
able to study the Cook collection now in the
U.S. National Museum. The present paper,
the first of a planned series, is concerned
with the campodesmids and with the system-
atic position of the family.
Family CampopEsMIDAE Cook
Campodesmidae Cook, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 18:
82. 1895; Amer. Nat. 30: 414. 1896.
Diagnosis.—Male gonopods large, prominent,
protruding from a large oval sternal aperture.
Coxae subcylindrical, attached loosely to each
other, largely concealed within the aperture. Pre-
femur small, with a large unbranched laminate
prefemoral process. No distinction between femur
and tibiotarsus, the latter distally elongate, slen-
der, forming nearly a complete circle.
Gnathochilarium and mandibles typical of the
usual polydesmoid form.
Antennae of moderate heaviness, with a few
scattered hairs. Four sensory cones, concealed
within the seventh article.
Head finely granular, with a well-defined verti-
gical groove. A prominent ovoid longitudinal
swelling immediately under each antennal socket.
Clypeal area much swollen, raised above level of
frons, glabrous.
Collum rather small, not concealing the head
and much exceeded in width by the keels of the
second segment.
Keels of midbody segments well developed,
wide as body cavity but narrow and widely
Fias. 1-5.—1, Campodesmus carbonarius, dorsal view of head and first three segments; 2, same,
antenna, much enlarged; 3, ventral view of last two segments; 4, left male gonopod, mesial aspect; 5,
Tropidesmus jugosus, dorsal view of head and first three segments. Figures drawn to different scales.
JUNE 1951
separated from each other. Keels strongly de-
pressed causing tergites to be highly arched.
Repugnatorial pores small, not on special
stalks, occurring only on segments 5 and 7.
Anal segment large, not concealed by nine-
teenth, with three large tubercules on each side,
distally bent slightly downward.
Preanal scale small, trapezoid, with two elon-
gate setiferous tubercules. Anal valves nearly
plane, each with a median tubercule.
Sternites rather broad and smooth, without
special modifications.
Legs of moderate length and size, without
spines, lobes, or tarsal pads.
Pleurites without carinae or large tubercules.
Range-—Known only from Liberia.
Genera included—Two, which may be sepa-
rated as follows:
1. Tergites each with a cluster of three elongate
upright tubercules on each side of middle.
Tergites each bearing two transverse rows, each
of six short longitudinal carinae.
Genus Campodesmus Cook
Campodesmus Cook, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 18: 82.
Generotype—C. carbonartus Cook, by mono-
Diagnosis.—With the characters of the family,
particularly distinguished by the ornamentation
of the tergites. Collum with a row of 10 small
tubercules on the anterior margin; a second row
of eight larger tubercules across the middle. On
the caudal half are two still larger tubercules with
a small one laterad to each. Tergites of midbody
segments with a cluster of three tubercules on
each side of middle, these largest at midbody and
diminishing towards the ends. Each keel bears
three rounded tubercules near the outer end and
two small ones at the base.
Campodesmus carbonarius Cook
Type specimen.—U. 8. Nat. Mus., adult male,
collected at Mount Coffee, western Liberia, by
O. F. Cook.
Diagnosis.—With the characters of the genus.
Dorsal color dark brown, underparts whitish.
Length, from 28 to 38 mm.
Male gonopods of the form represented in
Fig. 4.
Genus Tropidesmus Cook
Tropidesmus Cook, Amer. Nat. 30: 414. 1896.
Generotype.—T. jugosus Cook, by monotypy.
Diagnosis.—Differing from Campodesmus
chiefly in the nature of the ornamentation and in
size and shape of the collum, as illustrated.
Also, the second segment is not as wide and is
somewhat more bent anteriorly. Collum with
six tubercules along the front margin; eight in
the second row (of which those at the ends are
rounded, the others elongate); and six tubercules
in the third row, of which the middle two are
much enlarged. Second segment with keels pro-
duced forward, partially embracing and sub-
tending the collum; dorsally with four short
middorsal carinae and smaller indistinct tuber-
cules laterad. On following segments the dorsal
carinae increase to 12, in two transverse rows
of six each. A single large swelling at the end of
each keel.
Tropidesmus jugosus Cook
Type specimen.—U. 8. Nat. Mus. (adult
male?)! collected at Mount Coffee, Liberia, by
O. F. Cook.
Diagnosis.—W ith the characters of the genus.
Size and color about the same as in Campodesmus.
The male gonopods may be expected to present
additional specific and generic characters.
The campodesmids seem not to be closely
related to any other of the African poly-
desmoid millipeds. The family clearly falls
into the group for which Brolemann in 1916
proposed the name “Leptodesmina.” This
ensemble is characterized by the fact that
the coxae of the male gonopods are only
shghtly attached together, are not attached
to the sternal aperture, and are generally con-
cealed within the body when at rest.
In Attems’ most recent key to the poly-
desmoid families (1937), Campodesmus runs
down to the family Leptodesmidae (properly
Chelodesmidae, jide Hoffman, 1950). The
1The original description mentions an adult
male. The vial of material sent to me was labeled
“Type”’ but contained only immature specimens.
Presumably the mature specimen was taken out
and is for the present misplaced in the body of the
Museum collection.
configuration of the gonopod certainly
vindicates this allocation, as the large pre-
femoral process occurs in nearly all of the
South American chelodesmid genera. In
other characters, however, no particular
relationship can be observed. Rather some
similarity is seen with the Platyrrhacidae, a
family occurring in the East Indies and in
Middle America but unrepresented in the
Ethiopian region. The chief platyrrhacid
features obtain in the broadened anal seg-
ment, subantennal swellings, and general
appearance of the sternites.
The shape of the preanal scale and the
dorsal sculpture are very reminiscent of
certain genera (notably Orodesmus) of the
Oxydesmidae, a small family occurring in
Central and West Africa.
Considering the various developments of
campodesmids which are duplicated in other
families in different parts of the world, and
the absence of any specialization such as
pronounced sexual dimorphism, modifica-
vou. 41, No. 6
tion of the legs of males, etc., I am for the
present inclined to regard the Campodes-
midae as representative of a generalized
ancestral chelodesmoid stock, a supposition
not unsupported by the present areal
distribution of the families concerned.
ArrreMs, Cart Grar. Fam. Strongylosomidae. In
Das Tierreich, Lief. 68: 1-300. 1937.
BroLeMANN, Henri W. Essai d’une classification
des Polydesmiens. Ann. Soc. Ent. France 84:
523-608. 1916.
Coox, Orator F. Hast African Diplopoda of the
suborder Polydesmoidea, collected by Mr.
William Astor Chanler. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus.
18: 1-111. 1895.
. A new diplopod fauna in Liberia. Amer.
Nat. 30: 413-420. 1896.
. Summary of new Liberian Polydesmoidea.
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia for 1896:
Horrman, Ricwarp L. The status of the milliped
Chelodesmus marxi Cook, and of the family
name Chelodesmidae. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash-
ington 63: 185-188. 1950.
Officers of the Washington Academy of Sciences
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Medical Society of the District of Columbia..........................
ColumbiayHistoricallSocietyanjsssceeeasocce oe deceiasenen GILBERT GROSVENOR
Botanicalusocietysomwashingtoneen eran nee ene: E. H. WaLKER
Washington Section, Society of American Foresters.......... Wiuuiam A. Dayton
Washington Society of Engineers........................-005- Cuirrorp A. Betts
Washington Section, American Institute of Electrical Engineers
Washington Section, American Society of Mechanical Engineers. .RicHaRp 8. D1Lu
Helminthological Society of Washington.........................- L. A. SPINDLER
Washington Branch, Society of American Bacteriologists...... Angus M. GriFriIn
Washington Post, Society of American Military Engineers.... Henry W. HEMPLE
Washington Section, Institute of Radio Engineers.......... HeErBert G. DorsEy
District of Columbia Section, American Society of Civil Engineers....
Elected Members of the Board of Managers:
pov errUataygel O52 aa ees Mees eRe oc 4-2 Dah OE ee W. F. Fosnaa, C. L. Gazin
Ito deste; OER Ae ans een ene ae eae eee C. F. W. Mussreseck*, A. T. McPHERson
Iho diem nay- 1G aise aon one cameo cine cmap Sara E. Branaam, Mitton Harris*
(Soar Of MACHOVER: 6cocsc5n00000004000055 All the above officers plus the Senior Editor
BOOnGOjmACILOTSNONG Assocvate FGUOnS. 0.0.00 sen sess ees. ode. .e [See front cover]
Executive Committee....N. R. Smiru (chairman), WALTER Rampera, H. S. Rappers,
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To January 1952.....................J. R. SWALLEN (chairman), Paut H. OEHSER
PROM MAW Arye O53 eee eu ces Sema ee eam ine, aarti R. W. Imuay, P. W. OMAN
IND) AIEWORDE TEN LOG. Us vies be IRSA Yoon ec RISI be le tee oe S. F. Buaxe, F. C. Kracex
Committee on Awards for Scientific Achievement (GrorcE P. WALTON, general chairman):
For the Biological Sciences............ G. H. Coons (chairman), J. EK. FaBerr, JR.,
Myrna F. Jonzs, F. W. Poos, J. R. SwaALLeN
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J. W. McBurney, FranK Neumann, A. H. Scorr
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G. E. Hom, C. J. Humpureys, J. H. McMILien
For Teaching of Science............ B. D. Van Evera (chairman), R. P. BARNEs,
F. E. Fox, T. Koppanyi, M. H. Martin, A. T. McPHERSON
Committee on Grants-in-aid for Research..................+.-: L. E. Yocum (chairman),
M. X. Suniivan, H. L. WHitreMoRE
Committee on Policy and Planning:
MoanuanyalLO OZ werm a cee a rie cv tt: J. I. HorrmMan (chairman), M. A. Mason
AS ORAM ayo 19 OO Rene es eee e Ee oyun aces octets tena W. A. Dayton, N. R. Smita
Rogar aryl DOA ee ea ca ertee eks. cies oanahe SER H. B. Couuns, Jr., W. W. Rupey
Committee on Encouragement of Science Talent:
Ite Uarorraiay NOE, iooconcascvooootdens M. A. Mason (chairman), A. T. McPHERSON
PRO Varn anygel OOS) suse ee cenit etca eet neiay eens sic aysucvslonae A. H. Cuarx, F. L. MouLer
ERopamurarygel D4, facies Haein cyan gs cectueudaoisversioes J. M. CaLpweE 1, W. L. Scamirr
LC DRESCTULALIVENO NN OOUNCUNOT PAGE ALE Atm IS seers etereeieierc eictaereistiteieriitcttetcl: F, M. Serzter
Committee of Auditors...... J. H. Martin (chairman), N. F. Braaren, W. J. YOUDEN
Committee of Tellers...W.G. BROMBACHER (chairman), A. R. Mmrz, Lovuiss M. RussELL
* Appointed; by Board to fill vacancy.
ErHnNoLocy.—Was the California condor known to the Blackfoot Indians?
CLAUDEVE. SCHABFFER: 0 .0o.c058 oo ae oe ee. eee
PaLEONTOLOGY.—New Desmoinesian crinoids. HarreiLu L. STRIMPLE.
PALEONTOLOGY.—Brachiopod homonyms. G. ARTHUR CooPER and
HepEn Mi. Mutr-Woob. «$52.6 f.. ea 8% clus an. does er
PALEONTOLOGY.—Substitution for the preoccupied name Hystricina.
Botany.—A contribution to the lichen flora of Alaska. GrorcGE A.
Botany.—New or critical Euphorbiaceae from eastern Asia. Hstian
ZooLocy.—New distributional records for two athecate hydroids, Cordylo-
phora lacustris and Candelabrum sp., from the west coast of North
America, with revisions of their nomenclature. CaprT HANp and
G. F. GwItLiam
Zootoey.—The diplopod family Campodesmidae (Polydesmida). Ricu-
ARD L. HorrmMan
This Journal is Indexed in the International Index to Periodicals
i. t~
r| <i AUG 8 ls 33 «/}
No. 7
Juuy 1951
J. P. EK. Morrison
J.C. EwErs
F. A. Cuace, JR. Miriam L. BomyarpD
R. K. Coox
Mount Roya & GuILFoRD AVEs.
Entered as second class matter under the Act of August 24, 1912, at Baltimore, Md.
Acceptance for mailing at a specia! rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925
Authorized February 17, 1949
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July 1951
NO. 7
PHYSICS.—Measure for measure: Some problems and paradoxes of precision.’ FRAN-
cis B. StusBexz, National Bureau of Standards.
Measurements constitute such an essential
part of science that I feel no apology is
needed for devoting this address to a rather
rambling consideration of certain aspects of
the measurement process that are sometimes
overlooked. Even Standen in his amusing
satire Sczence is a sacred cow recognizes the
importance of measurement in science by
writing, “If the idols of scientists were piled
on top of one another in the manner of a
totem pole, the topmost one would be a
grinning fetish called Measurement.”
Though my examples will be drawn for the
most part from the physical sciences, with
which I have had first hand experience, I
want to stress that my theme lies not so
much in physics as it does in behavioristic
psychology. The whole system of concepts,
units, dimensions, and standards by which
measurements are made is inherently an
artificial creation; a tool like the artifacts
about which my predecessor, Dr. Roberts,
told us a year ago, created by man in his
own image (or as it often seems to the stu-
dent, perhaps in the image of the devil)
and hence showing many of man’s peculi-
arities both his weaknesses and his virtues.
The phrase “‘in his own image”’ applies in a
literal sense to units like the foot, the cubit,
and the pace. More figuratively we see
his sense of humor reflected in the name
“barn” recently given to a unit of 10-4 sq
em and used to express the effective cross-
section of an atomic nucleus which the ex-
perimenter tries to hit with atomic “‘bullets”
from his cyclotron. Man’s hero-worship is
shown by the use of the names of great
scientists as names of units such as the ohm,
1 Address delivered February 15, 1951, as re-
tiring president of the Washington Academy of
H 1 ( b
ampere, henry, poise, stoke. His nationalistic
prejudices have not been absent from the
discussions which precede the adoption of
such nomenclature.
The value of measurement is not limited
to the obvious fields of scientific research,
engineering development, control of manu-
facturing process and the commerce of the
market place. Each individual needs a
certain amount of quantitative knowledge
as a basis for the conduct of his daily life,
for the appreciation of the world about
him, and for the appraisal of his fellow men
and their achievements. Many of our present
difficulties, I believe, arise from a lack of
quantitative realization by many persons,
of the labor equivalent of a billion dollars,
the energy equivalent of an atomic bomb,
the dimensions of the Siberian steppe or of
the Atlantic Ocean.
One definition of ‘‘measurement”’ is ‘‘the
establishment of a one-to-one relationship
between the quantity or phenomenon being
measured and a number.” The value of
measurement arises because of the very
useful properties possessed by numbers such
as identity (e.g., 3 is different from 2),
order (e.g., 3 follows 2), size (e.g., 3 is larger
than 2), obedience to the rules of arithmetic,
algebra, and so on. Here I am using ‘“‘num-
ber” in a rather general sense, for while
measurements are commonly expressed by
the sequence of real numbers, certain kinds
of quantity common in electrical engineering
require the use of complex numbers, many
quantities in physics require vectors and
some quantities require tensors. It should
never be forgotten that a numerical measure-
ment is of value only to the extent that the
a ¢
quantity measured also possesses that par-
ticular property of numbers which is to be
used. Thus if identity is the only property
of the quantity concerned, one must not
use addition. You have all heard of the sea
captain confronted with a sick seaman whose
symptoms, according to the instruction
book, called for medicine no. 11. Bottle no.
11 unfortunately happened to be empty,
so the captain made up a potion by adding
a dose from bottle no. 5 to one from bottle
no. 6. As an example in the other direction,
consider the electrical engineering student
when he first discovers that three terminals
A, B, C, may be so energized that his volt-
meter shows 110 volts between A and B,
110 volts between B and C, and also 110
volts between C and A. He should not be
discouraged at this paradox but instead
should recognize that his alternating voltages
cannot be characterized merely by their
magnitude. Account must also be taken of
their time-phase relations as well. Hence
they require not merely real numbers but
the combination of real and imaginary
components and therefore he should apply
the rules developed by the mathematicians
VoL. 41, No. 7
for such complex quantities, nowadays
called “phasors.”
Stevens (/) has systematized the classi-
fication of scales of measurement as shown
in Table 1. The third and fourth column
list the mathematical and statistical proc-
esses applicable to each type of scale, and
it is only at his ‘ratio seale” that we get
what is ordinarily thought of as a true
The ordinal scales, however, are not to
be despised. Some, such as the Moh scale
of hardness which runs from 1 for tale to 10
for diamond, and the triboelectric series,
which tries to express the relative polarities
of the electric charges produced by friction
between different substances, are relatively
vague and indefinite. Others, such as the
number scales of the wire and sheet-metal
gages, are quite definite, though usually
purely arbitrary. A partial exception is the
Brown and Sharpe (or Amer. wire gage) in
which the diameter, d,, in mils is related
to the gage number n by the rather com-
plicated formula
dn Ls 5(4/92)°™
Measurement is the assignment of numerals to objects or events according to rule. The rules and the resulting kinds of scales are
tabulated below. The basic operations needed to create a given scale are all those listed in the second column, down to and includ-
ing the operation listed opposite the scale. The third column gives the mathematical transformations that leave the scale form
invariant. Any numeral, z, on a scale can be replaced by another numeral «’ where 2’ is the function of 2 listed in column 3. The
fourth column lists, cumulatively downward, some of the statistics that show invariance under the transformations of column 3,
Scale SN | eae | eee ae Typical examples
NOMINAL Determination of | Permutation group Number of cases “Numbering”’ of football
equality a = f@) Mode players
where f(«) means any | Contingency correlation Assignment of type or model
one-to-one substi- | numbers to classes
ORDINAL | Determination of Isotonie group Median Hardness of minerals
greater or less ae! = f(a) Percentiles Quality of leather, lumber,
where f(r) meansanyin-| Order correlation (type O) wool, ete.
creasing monotonic Pleasantness of odors
INTERVAL Determination of General linear group Mean Temperature (Fahrenheit
equality of intervals | z’=axr+b Standard deviation and Centigrade)
or differences Order correlation (type I) | Energy
Product moment correla-| Calendar dates
tion “Standard scores”’ on
achievement tests (?)
RATIO Determination of Similiarity group Geometric mean Length, Weight, Density, Re-
equality of ratios a’ = ax Coefficient of variation sistance, Ete.
Decibel transformations Pitch scale (mels)
v Loudness seale (sones)
Juty 1951
Just why our ancestors chose these particu-
lar numbers remains a mystery, but the
functional relationship is quite definite and
often useful. Its persistence in competition
with still more handy alternatives such as
d, = (10)°°°-”!*° is a good example of hu-
man conservatism.
Another example of what is still primarily
an ordinal scale is the geologic time scale.
It is true that by tree rings some 2,000
years can be counted absolutely, and by
analyses for C™“ in organic materials good
approximations can be pushed to some
20,000 years. Yet this interval is so short
as to be an almost negligible part of the
probable 10° years since archeozoic times.
However, the relative order of superposition
of the various geological formations con-
stitutes the primary key for unlocking the
riddle of the rocks and is fundamental to
the whole science of geology.
The history of the various temperature
scales illustrates the transition frem an
ordinal to a ratio scale. To determine
whether one body is hotter or cooler than
another by a more certain method than
merely touching them, the basic criterion
is that heat will always tend to flow from
the hotter to the colder. This criterion auto-
matically sets up an ordinal scale. To be
more quantitative, the early workers chose
some particular property (length, volume,
or vapor pressure) of some particular ther-
mometric substance (brass, mercury, or
alcohol) as a basis for assigning numbers
to a succession of thermal states and thus
establishing a complete ordinal scale. How-
ever, even if two such scales based on dif-
ferent properties or substances are adjusted
to coincide at two points; say the freezing
and boiling points of water, it does not
follow that they will coincide at intermedi-
ate points. It is easy to compare the first
and the twelfth inches on a foot rule by
sliding an auxiliary fixed interval from one
end to the other, but there is no correspond-
ing way to compare the temperature in-
terval from 32°F to 33°F with the one from
211°F to 212°F. Warming a piece of copper
wire from 30.5°F to 31.5°F causes an in-
crease in its resistance which is almost
exactly equal to the increase caused by
warming it from 31.5°F to 32.5F. In con-
trast, the effects of warming a mass of
H,O through these two temperature inter-
vals are startlingly different. In general,
the use of a different thermometric sub-
stance, or of a different property of the same
substance will lead to a scale which will
differ somewhat in the numerical value
assigned to any particular thermal state.
However, many properties of many sub-
stances show fairly gradual changes of
property with temperature, and abrupt
changes like the melting of ice occur only
at a few temperatures with any one sub-
stance. Hence, a scale limited in its definition
to ranges in which changes of state of the
thermometric substance do not occur can
be used in practice as an interval scale.
The older Fahrenheit and Centigrade scales,
while strictly speaking merely ordinal, are
in practice used as interval scales. Until
one has a true ratio scale, however, there is
no significance in the old question, ‘“How
cold is twice as hot as 10° below zero?”
Kelvin recognized a hundred years ago
that the dependence of a temperature scale
on particular substances could be avoided
by basing the scale on Carnot’s principle.
This principle states that the efficiency of a
heat engine operating on a reversible thermo-
dynamic cycle between two heat-reservoirs,
depends solely on the temperatures of the
reservoirs and does not depend on the size
of the engine or the nature of its working
fluid. For his first type of thermodynamic
scale Kelvin (2) postulated that ‘“‘a unit of
heat in descending from a body A at tem-
perature T° of this seale, to a body B at
the temperature (T-1)° would give out the
same mechanical effect, whatever be the
number T.”’ By a suitable choice of the
amount of ‘mechanical effect’? derived per
“unit of heat’ (i.e., the eficiency) which is
to correspond to 1° on the new scale and
by making an arbitrary choice of the
thermal state to which the number 0 is
assigned, he set up a thermodynamic scale
on which the ice point and boiling point
were 0° and 100°, respectively. This first
Kelvin seale, however, has little similarity
to the ordinary Centigrade scale and did
not come into general use. Later WKelvin
introduced an alternative postulate, that
the efficiency of an ideal reversible Carnot
engine is equal to the quotient of the differ-
ence in the temperatures of the two reser-
voirs divided by the temperature of the
hotter. Kelvin chose arbitrarily to make
the temperature difference between the ice
and steam points exactly 100°. Experiments
have shown that on this scale the ice point
is close to 273.16°. It has been suggested by
Giauque (3) that it might be better to
make the arbitrary choice that of a value,
say 273.16°, for the ice pomt and in conse-
quence to let the interval between the steam
and ice points become subject to experi-
mental determination and no longer be
exactly 100°. This change is under serious
consideration, but has not yet been adopted.
This second Kelvin scale, because of the
form of its definition, is truly a ratio scale,
and there is real significance in applying
the rules of arithmetic and algebra to the
numerical values on this scale in thermo-
dynamic analyses. The first Kelvin scale,
defined by L = 738 logio T-1798, is an
interval scale.
These two thermodynamic scales offer
some interesting contrasts as shown by
Table 2 in which an assortment of tempera-
tures are listed on four different scales.
At high temperatures the first Kelvin scale
is more crowded than the usual scales and
might be useful in expressing the extreme
temperatures developed within an atomic
bomb. At the low-temperature end the first
Kelvin scale is much more expanded and
extends indefinitely toward « at the cold
extreme. When displayed along this ex-
panded scale of temperature, it seems per-
haps less unnatural to find in this range the
many strange and novel properties of mat-
ter like superconductivity and superfluidity
that recent researches have brought to light.
The principal moral to be drawn from the
existence of Kelvin’s first temperature scale
is the debunking of the concept of an ‘“‘ab-
solute zero of temperature” as a ‘‘point”’
at a finite distance from the ice point and
perhaps attainable by a finite human effort.
Instead, there appears the prospect of an
unlimited field for research containing space
for any number of new phenomena and
offering a perennial challenge to science.
VOL. 41, No. 7
While Kelvin’s second scale is ideal from
a theoretical standpoint, the experimental
difficulties in gas thermometry have set
limits to the accuracy with which the scale
can be realized in laboratory practice. Be-
cause of the need for specifying tempera-
tures within much narrower limits, still
another scale has been set up on a purely
empirical foundation. This ‘International
Temperature Seale’’, officially promulgated
in 1927 and revised in 1948 (4), is intended
to represent as closely as possible the Kelvin
thermodynamic scale, but is defined in
terms of six fixed points (melting and boil-
ing points of specified substances) and by
the use of specified formulas and measuring
instruments for the interpolation of inter-
mediate temperatures. From the boiling
point of oxygen (— 182.970°C) to the freezing
point of antimony (630.5°C) the inter-
polating instrument is the platinum resist-
ance thermometer; from the antimony
point to the melting point of gold (1063.0°C)
a platinum to platinum-rhodium thermo-
couple is used; and above the gold point
the Planck radiation law.
The 1927 wording of this scale led to the
: 7 Kelvin Kel-
Hahrenheit Centigrade (second) as)
+ -) + |+ © +
+ 5X 108), 3 X 106 3 X 108 |+3,000| atomic
+10, 337 +5, 727 6,000 + 992) sun’s sur-
| face
+ 6,098 +3,370 3,643 + 830) M.P. of
2,774 +1, 535 1,808 + 606) M.P. of
212 + 100 373.16 + 100) steam
+ 32 0 273.16 0) ice point
= ale | ikp.wy 90.19 |— 355] oxygen
— 462.11 — 268.94 4.22 —1,336) helium
— 455.62 — 270.89 2.2 —1,545) helium
— 459.58 — 273.09 0.007 —3,370| adiabat.
459.69 273216 0 -
JuLny 1951
amusing paradox that for 21 years it was
officially impossible to measure the freezing
point of aluminum on the International
Temperature Scale (5). When measured
with a standard resistance thermometer
the freezing point of aluminum is found to
be 660.01°C. Since this is above the limit
(660.°C) for which the resistance thermom=
eter was then standard, it is evident that
a standard thermocouple should have been
used. However, if a thermocouple is used,
the freezing point turns out to be 659.87°C
which is below the range over which the
thermocouple is standard, and therefore
neither value can be considered official.
- When a particular quantity is of impor-
tance, and therefore has to be measured over
a very wide range of values, it is frequently
convenient to subject the value «x of the
original quantity to the mathematical trans-
formation y = log (#/x,), where 2p is a fixed
reference level and to use the derived
quantity y, both in graphical representations
to save space and in common parlance to
save words. This transformation is useful
in cases such as the transmission of light
through a succession of filters of uniform
density but differing thickness or the trans-
mission of electrical signals along a com-
munication circuit. Here the intensity x of
the transmitted effect varies with the thick-
ness of the filter or the distance along the
line in an exponential way so that its
logarithm y varies linearly with thickness or
distance. The effect of an interposed filter
or of inserted electrical apparatus is to
reduce x by a factor and to subtract a cor-
responding amount from y. The convenience
of combining these effects additively has led
by a gradual evolutionary process which is
still incomplete to the invention of the deci-
bel, the neper and similar units for logarith-
mic scales. Until x is fixed such logarithmic
or “‘decibel’’ scales are themselves interval
seales of y derived from ratio scales of x.
Careless handling of decibels can lead to
a minor paradox. By definition a bel in y
corresponds to a change in x by a factor of
10. A decibel is one-tenth of a bel. Hence,
one might conclude that a decibel was a
change by one-tenth of 10 or 1, which is no
change at all! More seriously, real confusion
does arise because at present the word
“decibel” is used with a plurality of mean-
ings. Primarily as a pure number, one
decibel is the change in the logioa which
corresponds to a change by a factor of
10 in x (W/10 = 1.259...). Hence 10
successive steps in y each of 1 decibel will
correspond to a total change in y of 10
decibels or 1 bel and thus to a factor of 10
in x. Secondly, it is common practice to
state the power level in a communication or
sound-measuring circuit as being so many
decibels. In this phraseology, the number of
decibels really expresses logarithmically the
ratio of the actual electrical power to some
conventionally chosen reference power level,
xo, often 1 milliwatt, but sometimes by
various writers as 6, 10, 12.5 or 1000 milli-
watts, and all too frequently not stated at
all. Thirdly, the level of sound or noise is
usually expressed as a particular number of
decibels, when really this number expresses
its ratio to some unstated basic reference
sound level. The reference level is now
pretty definitely standardized at that pro-
duced by a sound pressure of 0.0002 dyne
per square centimeter at 1,000 cycles per
second. It is this somewhat perverted use
of “decibel” as a unit of sound level which
is most commonly found in the lay press.
Another reason why logarithmic scales
have been found convenient lies in the prop-
erties of the human senses (at least those of
sight and hearing). Weber found experi-
mentally that the least discernible increment
Az in stimulus is approximately proportional
to the value x of the stimulus already pres-
ent. Thus = = k. Fechner then introduced
the postulate that all ‘‘least discernible
increments” Ax in stimulus 2 corresponded
to equal steps Ay in a scale of sensation, y.
The combination of these relations gives
, Ax
AV — see ze
which by integration leads to y = KA log
x + C. Thus the decibel scale based on
the purely physical stimulus turns out to
offer possibilities as a scale for measuring
the purely psychological quantity “‘sensa-
However, Fechner’s postulate of forming
a sensation scale by adding least perceptible
increments is not the only possibility and
workers in psychophysics are actively try-
ing out experimental procedures by which
sensation scales can be built up on the
basis of judging equal ratios of sensations or
by judging equality of fairly large incre-
ments in sensation. Unfortunately these
scales do not always coincide with that
based on Fechner’s hypothesis and the
science of psychophysics has a long way to
go before it can become truly quantitative.
Even more complicated to measure than
quantities representable by vectors or ten-
sors are complex quantities having a plural-
ity of attributes that are different in nature.
A good example is the color of an illuminated
surface. Here long experimentation has
shown that in any case three independent
attributes are involved. In different schemes
for the measurement of color, these may
be chosen in different ways. In the psycho-
logical color solid all possible colors are
considered as occupying points in a 3-di-
mensional continuum. Along one axis the
attribute of lightness varies continuously
from black at the bottom, through pro-
gressively lighter grays to white at the top.
Around this “gray axis” the hues of the
spectrum can be arranged in order with a
sequence of purples bridging across from
the violet to the red. For any lightness and
hue there is a third radial graduation in
saturation from maximally saturated colors
at the extremity through less and less sat-
urated colors to gray at the axis. The three
cylindrical coordinates of a point in this
solid thus can serve to measure a color.
An alternative system is shown in Fig. 1,
which shows the ICI chromaticity diagram
for color notation and measurement. Here
the three independent variables may, very
roughly, be described as measures of ‘‘red-
ness”’ plotted as the abscissa, x; “‘greenness”’
plotted as ordinate, y; and “‘brightness”’,
which is to be thought of as plotted per-
pendicular to the z-y plane and as not affect-
ing the chromaticity. In Fig. 1 the curved
outer boundary represents the locus of
spectrum colors and the straight chord
vou. 41, No. 7
represents the purples obtainable by super-
position in various proportions of violet
and red. The diagram shown has the useful
property that the color obtained by super-
posing any two other colors lies on the
straight line which joins the two component
colors. Other diagrams can be derived by
linear transformations from the one shown
and have other useful properties.
The paradoxical feature of this diagram
lies in the fact that the standard of redness
or of greenness, 1.e., the points x = 1, y = 0
and x = 0, y = 1 he outside the spectrum
locus so that each of these convenient and
regularly used standards for color measure-
ments is quite literally a “light that never
was on sea or land.”’
Man is a very imaginative animal and
often conjures up whimsical notions that
have only the most tenuous contact with
reality. Yet, if such a notion fits into the
pattern of his thought habits, he may wish
to measure quantitatively such an entirely
imaginary concept. An example of this is
found in the transmission of electrical energy
in an alternating-current circuit. The trans-
mission of energy proper results from the
cooperation of simultaneous alternations of
the current and of the voltage in step with
one another. The resultant transfer of
energy is very real, for it is the thing which
nowadays in a very literal sense ‘“‘makes the
world go ’round.”’ The annual bill for it in
the U. S. A. is some $4-billion. However,
superposed on this phenomenon, there is,
except in very special cases, an additional
effect often described as the presence of a
spurious component of current which is
pulsating 90° out of step with the pulsations
of the voltage. A physicist describes this
situation in realistic terms by stating that
under these circumstances an additional
definite fixed amount of energy is oscillating
back and forth along the transmission line
so as to provide the necessary energy to
magnetize the motors during those times in
the cycle when they need to be magnetized
and going back to be restored to the genera-
tor for the intervals when the motors do not
need it. The actual amount of energy in-
volved is small, being usually of the order
Junty 1951
of that delivered by the main energy flow
in 1/240 second.
The electrical engineer, or, more specifi-
cally, the load dispatcher of a power com-
pany, looks at the matter from a very
different point of view. He knows that the
presence of even a small oscillating com-
ponent of energy produces additional heating
in his equipment, leads to far greater drops
in voltage between his generators and the
customers’ lamps than does an equal amount
of in-phase current, and requires either the
installation of expensive capacitor banks or
costly modifications in the design of his
generators. He feels, quite justly, that the
customer whose load is such as to require
at caar.
0.000 100
Fria. 1.—Color-mixture diagram according to the 1931 I.C.L. standard observer and coordinate system.
much of this magnetizing service should pay
in proportion both to the activity of the
oscillating energy required and to the time
during which the service is maintained.
Accordingly, he just invents a name for the
product of the out-of-phase component of
the current multiplied by the voltage. Many
years ago in the days of the ‘‘horseless
carriage” and of “‘wireless telegraphy”’ this
mathematical product was called ‘‘wattless
watts.” But this barbarism proved too
crude even for the engineers, and the more
dignified term ‘“‘reactive power’ has come
into use to distinguish it from the “active
power” which measures the true average
rate of flow of energy. The unit of reactive
power has been christened the ‘‘var.”’
Varmeters, which indicate the average
value of reactive power, and varhourmeters,
which integrate the reactive power with
respect to time over the billing period and
which are accurate to a few tenths of 1
percent, are on the market. Yet the quantity
measured by a varhourmeter is a purely
mental creation which is imagined to flow
steadily from the supply circuit into an
induction motor to keep it on the average
properly magnetized and which the operator
likes to think of as being ‘“‘generated” by
a static capacitor or an over-excited syn-
chronous generator. In fact, it was only a
year or two ago that they got around to
christening this imaginary quantity
“quadergy” and thus gave a name, if not a
local habitation, to this ‘airy nothing”’
which they had been measuring with high
accuracy for many years.
Ideal systems.—So far we have considered
units and scales for the measurement of
only single (simple or complex) quantities.
A collection of separate unrelated units, like
those of the English ‘‘system,”’ can, of
course, be used to measure a variety of
different quantities. Such primitive groups
of units tend to “grow up like Topsy” in
each new art or industry, as witness: the
denier (a size of thread such that 450
meters weigh 0.05 gram) in textiles; the
printers’ em; the hogshead, the turnip
bushel which ranges from 42 pounds in
Missouri to 50 in Tennessee and to 60 in
VOL. 41, No. 7
Kentucky; a prize example of an inco-
herent unit actually used in certain govern-
ment reports for the effectiveness of an
aircraft radiator is ‘‘the Btu dissipated per
minute, per inch of radiator thickness, per
square foot of frontal area, per mile per
hour air speed, per degree centigrade tem-
perature difference.”’. The use of a set of
such unrelated units requires the memorizing
of a large number of numerical conversion
factors. How many cubic inches in a quart?
How many square yards in an acre?
In contrast to such accidental growths,
the ideal would be a single system of units
applicable to all branches of science, in
which the magnitude of each unit was
deducible by an obvious and simple relation
from the units of simpler and more funda-
mental quantities. The metric system which
sprang full-fledged from the braims of a
group of French savants constitutes the
outstanding example of such a coherent
system of units. Here not only are the
various denominations of units on any one
scale related by simple decimal factors, but
the units for more complex quantities are
related to the more fundamental quantities
by simple defining equations.
The difficulty in achieving an ideal and
universal system of units in science arises
not because such coherent systems are hard
to construct, but because they are too easy.
As a result the world is now suffermg from
a surfeit of alternative systems of units.
The few fundamental units chosen at the
start by one author may differ in size from
those chosen by another (as between the
centimeter-gram-second systems and the
meter-kilogram-second systems). Moreover,
an equation which to one person seems to
be simple, convenient and the obvious one
to use, may seem to another much less
simple and convenient than does some
different alternative equation.
Choices as to number of fundamentals—
Even the number of ‘“‘fundamental’’ quanti-
ties chosen initially on which to build the
rest of the structure is the result of a more
or less arbitrary choice. In the field of
electromagnetism, systems based on using
3, 4, and 5 fundamental quantities have been
proposed, and many gallons of printers’ ink
have been wasted in arguments on which is
Juny 1951
As a simpler example of the possibility of
such alternative systems consider the unit
of mass in the metric system. The gram is
now defined independently and precisely as
one-thousandth the mass of a particular
lump of Pt-Ir alloy. The unit of force, the
dyne, is then derived as a force of such
magnitude that it gives to one gram an
acceleration of one centimeter per second
per second. Using this system of units, it is
then found by the famous Cavendish ex-
periment that two spherical masses M and
M’ placed a distance r center to center, will
exert a gravitational force F on each other
given by
ho GMM! /r (1)
Here G is an experimental constant which
has been found to have the value 6.6-107%
em?/gm sec’.
This procedure seems simple and con-
venient to a physicist, but consider it from
the point of view of an imaginary as-
tronomer. Why drag in a particular hunk of
a particular alloy? Why not set up a really
simple system with only two fundamentals—
length and time? Why not simplify equation
(1) by setting G = 1 and define unit mass as
such a quantity of matter that when placed
one centimeter from an equal mass and then
released the gravitational attraction will
cause a relative acceleration of one centi-
meter per second per second? The unit of
mass in this system is equal to 1.5-107
grams. From a purely logical standpoint, a
system based on two fundamental units
defined in this way is certainly simpler than
the one in current use.
This kind of process can be extended
further, and by using additional constants
of nature such for instance as the velocity of
light and the electronic charge in the same
sort of way as G was used, a system can be
set up in which none of the fundamental
units is arbitrary or conventional. As we
shall see later, the systems of units used in
electromagnetism are based on processes of
just this type using equations analogous to
equation (1), in which numerical values,
sometimes unity and sometimes other values,
such for instance as 107/47, are arbitrarily
assigned to the coefficient in the force
Choices of defining equations.—An example
of how diversity can result from differences
in the choice of defining equations when
setting up a consistent, coherent system of
units from a few chosen as fundamental, can
be seen by considering the simple step from
length to area. At first sight it seems very
obvious that if the unit of length is the inch,
the unit of area must be the square inch.
This, however, does not necessarily follow.
Euclidean geometry tells us merely that for
geometrically similar figures the areas are
proportional to the squares of the linear
dimensions; that is,
A = kP @)
We are, however, entirely free to fix the
size of the unit of area, and thus the value
of A for a given l by arbitrarily choosing
some value for k. If we regard a square as
the obvious “‘simplest”’ shape for a unit
area and set k = 1 for this shape, we can
deduce that the area A, of a rectangle of
sides a and b is A, = ab square inches and
that the area A. of a circle of diameter 1 is
U0 = * O 5
Ala = A ? square inches. This, however, is
not the only ‘‘simple’ procedure. The
ancients certainly considered the circle as
the simplest and most magically significant
shape. Why should we not choose to write
for the area of a circle of diameter /
A,=[ (3)
In these units, the area of a rectangle be-
dab. : Sgt
comes A, = —— circular inches. This is
: : 4.
equivalent to choosing k = — for a square.
Another possibility is to choose the equi-
lateral triangle as the shape of the unit area
for which k = 1. In these units if / is the
leneth of one side, k = for a square and
2 4/3 I
the area of a rectangle is 8 ab//3 triangular
inches. Still another possibility might be to
choose the hexagon as the unit shape. This
would perhaps seem simplest to a honey bee.
This makes k = > >= for a square and the
OV 2)
: tab
area of a rectangle becomes -—>= hexagonal
OV 3
inches. The triangle with three sides is
surely “simpler” than the square with four.
Both the triangle and the hexagon, like the
square can be fitted together to measure an
area by the straightforward process of filling
it with small tiles, each of unit area and
counting the number thereof.
One of these alternatives is not a mere
whimsey. In the electric cable industry, the
cross-sectional areas of wires are always
expressed in terms of the circular inch or the
circular mil, these units being defined as the
areas of circles having diameters of 1 inch
and 0.001 inch, respectively. To a workman
in a wire factory the use of square inches
seems obviously clumsy and unnatural, nor
is he at all concerned by the fact that unit
circular tiles can not be fitted together to
fill and thus measure an area even if it is
I have stressed the arbitrariness of the
choice of the square inch as opposed to the
equally possible circular inch, not so much
because of the industrial utility of the latter
as because of the close analogy of this choice
to the question of ‘rationalization’? which
has wracked the electrical art with prolonged
and sometimes violent discussion for 60
Evght electrical systems—The field of
electromagnetism has suffered perhaps more
than any other branch of science from a
plethora of “‘simple, coherent, logical”
systems of measurement, and I shall try to
outline some of the reasons for this unhappy
In the early days the simplest way to
define a unit electric charge seemed to be to
specify that when placed unit distance away
from an equal charge the force of mutual
repulsion should be unity.
In other words, it seemed simplest to let
k. = 1 in the Coulomb force equation
f= k.QQ'/?? (4)
You will see that this process is exactly
analogous to that of our imaginary as-
tronomer who set up a derived unit of mass
coherent with length and time. Starting
from the unit charge thus defined, the whole
system of centimeter-gram-second electro-
static units has been built up by a process
which welds the electrical units firmly to
VoL. 41, No. 7
those of the older mechanical system, and
which requires no introduction of any
additional new fourth unit.
It is unfortunately equally easy to write
ee minnie ne (5)
for two unit magnetic poles m and m’ and
to choose k,, = 1. This gives (Gf 7 is in
centimeters and F’ in dynes) the egs electro-
magnetic system which is a perfectly good
alternative system. Maxwell used both
systems in his famous treatise. It can be
deduced that if one sticks to either system
alone, the relation kk, = c? holds. Here ¢ is
the velocity of propagation of an electro-
magnetic disturbance in empty space. This
is experimentally found to be ¢ = 3.10!°
em/sec 1.e., the velocity of lght. Other
authors of theoretical treatises combine
these two systems using electrostatic units
for electrical quantities and electromagnetic
units for magnetic quantities. This hybrid
third system is called the ‘‘Gaussian Sys-
tem” and its use requires that the parameter
-c be inserted explicitly in Maxwell’s field
equations at the proper places.
Practical electricians, however, found it
inconvenient to use units so small that it
took 100,000,000 of them to equal the
voltage of a voltaic cell and 1,000,000,000
of them to equal the resistance of a wire of
reasonable dimensions. Under the wise
guidance of Maxwell and his colleagues on a
committee of the British Association for the
Advancement of Science there was set up a
fourth group of units called “practical”? in
which the units were exact decimal multiples
of the corresponding units of the egs electro-
magnetic system. The electrical units of
this group were given individual names—
coulomb, volt, ampere, ohm, henry, farad—
thus immortalizing the honored pioneers of
electrical science.
The experimental process by which the
electrical resistance of a wire standard is
determined in terms of length, mass and time
is exceedingly difficult and laborious. Hence,
it was only natural that our forefathers
should set up ‘‘as a system of units repre-
senting the above and sufficiently near to
them” still a fifth system in which the unit
of resistance was defined as the resistance of
a column of mercury of specified dimensions
JuLy, 1951
at a specified temperature and the unit of
current was that which would deposit silver
from a solution of silver nitrate at a specified
rate. This fifth system was christened the
“International System of Electrical Units”
and had legal status from 1894 to 1947. As
far back as 1908 it was recognized that the
“International” units differed by small but
significant amounts from the practical
multiples of the cgs electromagnetic units.
Experimental techniques for evaluating with
adequate accuracy the “‘true”’ or “‘absolute”’
values to assign to standards of resistance or
of electromotive force were gradually de-
veloped; and effective January 1, 1948, the
world shifted its basis back to the units of
the absolute practical group. The ‘“‘Inter-
national System”’ has therefore now been a
dead issue for three years. ‘“May it rest in
peace.” (6.)
The six electrical units of the absolute
practical group are simply and coherently
related to each other and to the mechanical
joule and watt, but the powers of 10 by
which they are related to the cgs electro-
magnetic system are arbitrary, so that the
system as a whole is not coherent. As a
result, an experimenter normally makes his
measurements in practical units. Then he
applies the proper factors to convert his
results to units of the self-consistent cgs
electromagnetic system. The insertion of
these values in the theoretical equations
enables him to predict future phenomena
quantitatively. A reconversion back to the
practical units then shows him what values
to expect in his later verification measure-
By a happy coincidence there is a possi-
bility of avoiding the necessity for these
repeated conversions and for memorizing
a plurality of numerical conversion factors.
This was pointed out at the turn of the
century by Giorgi (7). If one takes for the
basic mechanical units the meter, the kilo-
eram and the second, and if one assigns
arbitrarily to the coefficient /,, in equation
(5) the value 10’ instead of unity, it turns out
that the practical absolute electrical units
automatically show up as members of the
resulting self-consistent system. This sixth
system in our list is labelled the ‘‘Meter-
kilogram-second-ampere”’ or ‘“‘Giorgi’’ sys-
tem. Most writers who use this system prefer
to consider it as based on four independent
fundamental quantities rather than .on the
classical three. This is equivalent to con-
sidering that the coefficient /,, 1s not a pure
number but that it has dimensions. In
terms of length, mass, time and electric
current as fundamental quantities, the di-
mensions of k,, turn out to be [J (? M! [|
Thus in equation (5) the arbitrary assign-
ment of a numerical value to k,, fixes the
magnitude of the unit of m and hence of the
ampere and other electrical units. On the
other hand, the arbitrary choice of an
electrical quantity, for instance current, as
fundamental, fixes the dimensions of mag-
netic pole strength and by way of equation
(5) fixes the dimensions of k,,.
The assignment to k,, of dimensions and a
value other than unity has brought forcibly
into the limelight a very disgraceful situa-
tion which has existed for a long time in the
field of magnetic units. The trouble shows up
clearly in an equation, which can be found
in almost any textbook more than fifteen
years old, and which relates the magnetic
induction, B, to the resultant magnetizing
force, H, and the intensity of magnetization,
J, at any point in a bar of iron,
B=H + 4rJ (6)
This equation may profitably be considered
the definition of J. If k,, is dimensionless,
B, H, and J all have the same dimensions,
whether or not they are quantities of the
same physical nature, and, if the magnitude
of k» is unity, then numerical values are
correctly indicated by equation (6) as
written. However, if /,, has dimensions and
is equal to 107 we must write either
LOSE Ard (7)
or B= 107 @ + 47) (8)
According to the former “intensity of magne-
tization” is defined as a quantity having the
same dimensions as magnetic induction.
According to the latter “intensity of magne-
tization” has the same dimensions as
magnetizing force. There is nothing in the
equations of the earlier literature which
used k,, = 1 to indicate which concept the
writer preferred. In recent textbooks some
authors use one and some the other meaning
for the words “intensity of magnetization,”
while still others dodge the issue. The same
ambiguity exists in the related concepts of
magnetic moment and magnetic pole
strength. Because of the differences in
current usage, national and international
standardizing bodies hesitate to decide the
issue and in the meantime the volume of
ambiguous and conflicting literature grows
Still another question regarding electrical
units which had been left unanswered for
some 60 years is ‘‘to rationalize or not to
rationalize’. The word “rationalize” is here
used with a highly specialized meaning which
perhaps can be best understood by an
analogy with the case of the circular inch as
a unit of area. In passing from length to
area by choosing k = 1 in equation (2) for
the case of a circular shaped unit area the
simple equation (3) resulted for circular
areas in general, and as a consequence of
this, the factor 7 appeared in the formulas
which involved rectangular shapes.
Similarly the electric or magnetic field
around a point charge or pole has a spherical
symmetry. Hence, the setting of k. = 1 in
equation (4) or of k, = 1 in equation (5)
which relates to point charges and poles
insures that a will not appear in the re-
sulting equations for arrangements having
spherical or circular symmetry such as those
for the capacitance of a sphere of radius 7,
C= & (9)
or for the magnetizing force at a radius r
from a long straight cylindrical conductor
carrying a current J
Jel = PAY AP (10)
On the other hand, the factor 7 appears
instead in many other formulas where it
would not be expected, as in that for the
capacitance between rectangular plates of
area A and separation ¢
or for the magnetizing force inside a long
vou. 41, No. 7
solenoid of square cross section wound with
n turns per unit length
H = 4nnl (12)
Heaviside pointed out that ‘‘the unnatural
suppression of the 42 in the formulas of
central force, where it has a right to be,
drives it into the blood, there to multiply
itself, and afterward break out all over the
body of electromagnetic theory.” As a
“yadical cure for this eruption of 47’s” he
urged a shift to what he labelled a more
“rational” set of units, and himself consis-
tently used a ‘‘rationalized” system in which
k Was set equal to 1/472. This system of units,
the seventh in our list, has been used in a
number of theoretical treatises and is usually
designated the ‘‘Heaviside-Lorentz” sys-
tem. Its units differ by various powers of
the incommensurable factor ~/4z from those
of the absolute practical system and for
this reason have never come into general
A related procedure applicable to the
MKSA system and sometimes referred to as
“sub-rationalization” or “total rationaliza-
tion” involves writing equation (5) in the
i = alle é ) mn
An \4r r
where the quantity in the parentheses is the
reciprocal of what is usually called the
“permeability of space.’’ The resulting sys-
tem of units, the eighth on our list, is
designated the “‘rationalized MKSA” or the
“rationalized Giorgi’ system. The Inter-
national Electrotechnical © Commission,
which in 1935 had voted its approval of the
Giorgi system, took the further step in
July 1950 of adopting this form of rationali-
Recent developments in the radio field
have brought the practical engineer and
laboratory worker into much closer contact
with the theorist and pedagogue than ever
before, to the great benefit of both. The
rationalized MKSA system offers advantages
to both, which I believe will suffice to bring
it into very general use in the electrical
field in the not very distant future. It can
Juny 1951
easily be extended to cover all branches of
physical science. A name, ‘‘newton,’’ has
been assigned to its unit of mechanical force,
but I have seen no indication that it is
displacing the entrenched cgs units in
theoretical mechanics or those of the
mechanical engineers’ units based on the
kilogram force.
The various ways that have been or are
currently in use for defining units of measure-
ment fall naturally into a number of clas-
ses. In early work, individual or personal
standards were used such as Galileo’s pulse,
with which he timed the pendulous swings
of the chandelier in the cathedral of Pisa;
Fahrenheit’s body temperature, which fixed
the 100° point on his original temperature
seale; the pieces of iron and brass wire used
by Ohm; the foot; the pace; and, all too
often even in current publications, a milli-
meter deflection of an undefined galva-
nometer of unspecified sensitivity. Following
these, came particular artifacts such as
bronze cubits, intended to embody the
length of the king’s arm, and perhaps some
dimensions incorporated in the Egyptian
pyramids. The supreme examples of such
artifacts are the standard prototype meter
and kilogram, which now repose in the
vaults at the International Bureau of
Weights and Measures.
To secure reproducibility, however, defi-
nitions based on natural objects have
frequently been used. Examples of such are
the barley-corn, and at the other extreme,
the earth-quadrant, which was originally
used in the definition of the meter, and our
present time standard, the rotation of the
earth. In a slightly different category are
definitions based on the physical or chemical
properties of specific substances. In this
class were the definition of the International
Ohm as the resistance of a specified column
of mercury and that of the International
Ampere as the electric current which would
produce electrochemical action at a specified
rate. The fixing of the kilogram by the
density of water and the setting up of a
thermometric scale by the relative thermal
expansion of mercury and glass and by the
use of standard melting and boiling points
are other examples. The old definition of the
curie as the unit of radioactivity also comes
in this category, because it was the activity
of a specified amount (1 gram) of a specified
aggregation of substances.
A still different category is the use of the
properties of individual atoms as distinct
from the properties of matter in bulk. Thus,
the new curie and the rutherford, defined as
the activity corresponding to 3.700 * 101°
and 10° atomic disintegrations per second
respectively are philosophically distinct from
the old curie. In this atomic class are the
use of the wave lengths of cadmium radiation
or more recently of that from the mercury
198 isotope as standards of length, and the
frequency of oscillation of the ammonia
molecule in the “atomic clock”’ (8).
In all fields there have been in progress
evolutionary shifts in the choice of units.
The parallel developments of the electrical
units and that of the temperature scale
illustrate this. In both fields, the early
workers used measuring schemes based on
properties of matter such as thermal ex-
pansion of mercury in glass on the one hand,
and the electromotive force of particular
voltaic cells on the other. Theoretical
relations were then worked out and resulted
in the Kelvin thermodynamic temperature
scale and the egs electromagnetic and elec-
trostatic unit systems of Maxwell. In each
field, however, the need for higher precision
than could be obtained in the experimental
realization of the theoretical units forced the
introduction of an auxiliary system based
again on the properties of matter in bulk.
These auxiliary systems, the ‘“‘International”’
electrical units and the ‘International
Temperature Seale” formed the basis for all
precise scientific measurements as well as for
commercial operations, although the theo-
retical unit systems continued to be recog-
nized in parallel with them as being of an
even higher echelon. The electrical art has
finally reached a level where the theoretical
system can be realized experimentally with
an accuracy at least comparable with that
attainable with the auxiliary system and has
therefore sloughed off the latter. The tem-
perature scale has not yet reached this
enviable position, but perhaps will do so in
the not too distant future.
The evolution of the units of length and
mass have followed a somewhat different
pattern. At the introduction of the metric
system, the earlier arbitrary units embodied
in artifacts were displaced by the units
based theoretically on the earth-quadrant
and the density of water. As in the other
fields, the demand for ever increased ac-
curacy forced the abandonment of the
theoretical values for an auxiliary system
which in this case consisted of two simple
artifacts, the prototype standard meter bar
and the prototype kilogram mass. There is
now pending a shift of the unit of length to
an atomic basis, the wave length of radiation
from Heg!**, but it will probably be a long
time before techniques for counting indi-
vidual atoms can be developed to their
logical climax of enabling the mass of the
proton to be used as a practical standard.
The measurement of time has shown a still
different history. The habits of mankind are
so closely geared to the astronomical perio-
dicities that from earliest antiquity the unit
of time has been based on the rotation of
the earth. The recent development of
“atomic’”’ clocks, the unit of which is based
on some natural molecular frequency, such
as that of ammonia, offers the first sig-
nificant departure from this basis. However,
it seems safe to predict that no matter
how rapid and successful the evolution of a
laboratory time system based on atomic
units may be, and no matter what vagaries
it may show to exist in the motion of the
earth, there will always be, in common use,
an astronomical time system based on the
mean solar day.
I hope that I have shown that the process
of measurement is, after all, a very human
activity; that in it may be found illustrations
of the foibles as well as the wisdom of
Homo sapiens; that units are unfortunately
not fixed, immutable creations of nature, but
merely human constructs; that there is a
real progression in the evolution of systems’
of measurement; and that their present im-
perfections should be a challenge to the
scientists of the future.
(1) Stpvens, 8. 8S. Science 103: 677.
(2) THomson, W. Phil. Mag. 33: 313. 1848.
(8) GrauquE, W. F. Nature 143: 623. 1939.
(4) Stimson, H. F. Journ. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand-
ards 42: 209. 1949.
(5) WensEL, H. T. Journ. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand-
ards 22: 376. 1939.
(6) Stusper, F. B. Nat. Bur. Standards Cire.
475. 1949.
(7) Gtora1, G. Trans. Int. Elec. Congr. St. Louis
1: 136. 1904.
(8) Huntoon, R. D., and Fano, U. Nature 166:
167. 1950.
MATHEMATICS.—A problem in geometric probability. JEROME CORNFIELD and
Haroup W. CHauktry, National Cancer Institute. (Communicated by Richard
K. Cook.)
We have recently published a description
of a method for estimating volume-surface
ratios for closed 3-dimensional figures of
arbitrary shapes (/). The method involves
throwing a line of fixed length, 7, at random
im a space containing the figure. We count
the number of times either of the two end
points fall in the interior of the figure, and
denote it by h for hits, and the number of
times the line intersects the surface of the
figure and denote it by c for cuts. The
method depends upon the fact that
ido) ee
Gat) r Wey oS
where V is volume and S is surface and
FE stands for expected value.
We note that (1.1) holds for reentrant as
well as nonreentrant figures and is conse-
quently more general than the nonpara-
metric relationships of this type, such as
Crofton’s (2), that have been previously
established. This note is devoted to a proof
of (1.1).
In what follows we assume that in throw-
ing a line of length r at random (a) there is a
uniform probability that one end point, P,
will take on any position in the space and
Juny 1951
(b) there is a uniform probability that the
other end point, P!, will take any position
on the surface of a sphere with center at P
and radius r. This is an obvious generaliza-
tion of the assumptions usually made in
problems of geometric probability in two
dimensions, e.g., in Buffon’s needle problem.
We have presented evidence elsewhere (/)
which indicates that this appears to provide
a satisfactory description of the physical
process of throwing a line at random.
We shall show
(3.1) ale
J) =
where X is the volume of the space in which
the line segment falls and n is the number
of throws. Because there are difficulties in
visualizing the necessary three dimensional
figure, we shall begin with the two dimen-
sional problem.
We start with a closed figure, Ff’, of area
A in a square of side X1/?-2r (Fig. 1). The
end point of the line segment, P, will occupy
with uniform probability all positions in the
square of side X'/?. Since the angle that the
line segment makes with the X axis, 9,
varies from 0 to z, the point, P!, will occupy
all but some corner positions in the square
of side X!/2 + 2r.
If we consider fixed values of y and 6,
the probability that the point P will fall
inside the figure is f(y)/X"?, where f(y)
is the width of the figure at ordinate y.
(For values of y falling outside the figure
f(y) = 0.) Similarly, the probability that
for fixed values of y and @ the point P!
will fall inside the figure is f(y, 6)/X1?.
If we now let y vary from 0 to X12, but
hold 6 fixed, we have
Prob: (26h) = = || f(y) dy
< 0
(3.2) eas
Rolo. G2 ell) = =f f(y, @) dy.
Each integral, obviously, is an expression
for the area of the figure, A, and is conse-
quently independent of @. In n throws,
therefore, the expected number of hits by
Fie. 1
either the point P or the point P! is An/X.
Since the expected value of a sum is the
sum of the expected values, the expected
number of hits counting both end points is
The proof for three dimensions is iden-
tical except that for the point P we must
consider the probability that it is included
in F for fixed values of z, the additional
dimension, as well as y. Similarly for the
point P! we must consider the probability
that it is included in F for fixed values of
¢@, the angle with the ¢ axis, as well as 6.
We then have
il Exes Xe
Prob. (Pef) = ml i f(z, y) dy dz
XI Shp
(3.3) oak
1 Xg XG
Prob. (Per) == i | f (2, y, ¢, 0) dy dz
XS, Sy
where each integral is an expression for the
volume of the figure, V, and is consequently
independent of ¢@ and @. In that case the
expected number of hits in n throws by
either the point P or P! is Vn/X, while the
expected number of hits by both is 2 Vn X.
We may without loss of essential general-
ity consider the surface of / as composed
of m quadrilaterals of area Sy, Sy +--+ S, with
(4.1) SSP ISS
If we denote the number of cuts on the
7» quadrilateral by c;, we have
c= 2;
E(c) = DEC)
Furthermore, since a straight line and a
quadrilateral can intersect at only one
point, H(c;) is equal to the probability of
intersection times the number of throws.
Fig. 2
If we consider the 2** quadrilateral, with
surface area, S;, the probability that a
random line of length r will intersect it
is the probability that the end point P
will fall inside the parallelepiped with vol-
ume S,r cos 6 (Fig. 2). From the preceding
section this probability is
= Sir cos 6
for a fixed value of 6 and
=o r ie f (8) cos 6 dé
for 6 varying from 0 to i according to the
density function f(6) dé. We show in the
next section that the assumptions of section
2 imply
(4.4) (0) dd = — sin 6 dé.
This is the probability that a random line
will form the angle 6 with any other fixed
line in the space. In that case
vou. 41, No. 7
Prob. (P « parall.)
gor fo cos 6 sin 6 dé
= ax "i
E(e) — oh DSi
Combining (4.6) and (8.1) we obtain (1.1).
OF 0
We wish the probability that a random
line, defined as in 2, will form angle 6 with a
fixed line. We may take this fixed line as a
radius of the sphere with center at P and
radius r (Fig. 3). The probability that the
line with end points P and P! will form an
angle 6 with a radius of the sphere is the
probability that the end point P! will fall
in the circumferential belt of area
2rvV/r — y? ds
where y/r = cos 6. Hence
(5.1) Prob. (P’ € circum. belt)
2Qr JP = y? ds
Qrr® :
= f(0) do =
Fie. 3
JuLy 1951
It is easy to show, however, that
(6.2) a 2 Ese)
o.4 SS = Py? .
so that
(5.3) f(0) do = — sin 6 dé.
When y varies from 0 to r, 6 varies from
5 to 0. If we permit @ to vary in the reverse
direction, i.e., 0 to us we may delete the
minus sign.
(1) CHaLKiey, H. W., CornrieLp, J., AND PARK,
H. A method for estimating volume-sur